Previous Topics In lumpley games 12/16/2006 IMAGinES: [DitV] Trying Again Hi, everyone,
From the looks of things, another long-term break in my gaming will be coming to a close at the beginning of the New Year. Although I’ve been going… In lumpley games Participants: IMAGinES, JamesDJIII.
12/14/2006 memolith: Re: Alternate setting: Troubleshooters in Alpha Complex? This thread is ancient, and I'm bumping it. So sue me.
Allow me to think out loud for a moment.
I play The Computer, it's peripherals, opposing Secret Societies, and… In lumpley games Participants: memolith, Gaerik, lumpley.
12/14/2006 FlamingMoose: [DitV] partial sides in a conflict I stumbled on this way to swing conflicts in my Dogs game last night, and thought it was cool enough to share. I'm pretty sure it wasn't brought up in… In lumpley games Participants: FlamingMoose, ffilz, oliof, Web_Weaver, Brian Newman.
12/13/2006 JamesDJIII: [DiTV] Is it ok to insert PC family members during town creation? Or is this something to be negotiated with the players, like, "Pete, you have a brother here, does that sound ok?"
Or do you wait until the players want to… In lumpley games Participants: JamesDJIII, demiurgeastaroth, greyorm, ffilz, Warren, David Artman.
12/13/2006 Alan: [DiTV] Recommend a Town for a oneshot? Hi all,
I'm looking to prepare a one session introduction to Dogs, which would conclude character creation and play in 4 hours.
Two requests directed at experienced GMs of Dogs:… In lumpley games Participants: Alan, oliof, Warren, ffilz, cdr.
12/7/2006 Ludanto: [Afraid] +d4 Supernatural I know that supernatural bonds get +d4, but I've seen some people do that for the monster's supernatural Traits as well. Is that as intended? In lumpley games Participants: Ludanto, Tim M Ralphs, lumpley.
11/29/2006 Ludanto: [Afraid] Joining a conflict in progress I believe that I understand that escalating is an opportunity to bring in others to the conflict, and I understand that they use stat dice that match the new arena. … In lumpley games Participants: Ludanto, lumpley.
11/27/2006 Tim M Ralphs: [Afraid] Sister Piety's Victim, Mortimer Elroy Play logs (ETG 6 days) will go here:
Monster is here:
Mortimer is a nine year old boy. He has a much bigger sister who moved out about… In lumpley games Participants: Tim M Ralphs.
11/24/2006 Ludanto: [Afriad] Research Conflicts Tim M Ralphs made a very clever comparison of a Research conflict to a DitV "getting hit in the head with an axe while you sleep" conflict, and I liked… In lumpley games Participants: Ludanto, lumpley, Tim M Ralphs, FlamingMoose.
11/24/2006 Web_Weaver: [DitV] Narrating Giving + Fallout. Was this valid? Last night I ran my first town, and we began to get to grips with how DitV actually plays.
I chose to run the Whitechurch Branch straight out of the… In lumpley games Participants: Web_Weaver, Tim M Ralphs, womble.
11/23/2006 Tim M Ralphs: [Afraid] - Sister Nancy Piety Play logs, and commentary that the Players can see will go over here on my mental scrapbook:
Hope Springs was a branch we played through as Dogs. 180 years… In lumpley games Participants: Tim M Ralphs, Ludanto, lumpley.
11/22/2006 Ludanto: [DitV] Giving, Taking it and Multiple Opponents Here's a question that's come up for me.
Let's say that Player 2 hooks my ankle and throws me over into my brother, Zeke. Maybe I take it and he… In lumpley games Participants: Ludanto, Glendower, Brand_Robins, Tim M Ralphs.
11/22/2006 Gugliandalf: [DitV] Star Trek: spaceship conflicts Stardate 200611.22
We just started a new campaign based on Star Trek, and it arose some intriguing topics about character agendas, but more on this later.
What is worrying us… In lumpley games Participants: Gugliandalf, Thomas Lawrence, Vaxalon.
11/22/2006 Neil the Wimp: Stony Creek Branch (MK-RPG people, I'm intending to run this at the club, so think twice before reading it.)
This is my first attempt at a Dogs town. I'm intending it to be… In lumpley games Participants: Neil the Wimp, Tim M Ralphs.
11/21/2006 Gaerik: Dogs on RPOL Just for general consumption, I'm running a 3 player Dogs game over on RPOL. RPOL is a bulletin board system developed to expedite Play by Post. If you'd like to… In lumpley games Participants: Gaerik, womble, claes.
11/19/2006 Ludanto: Fallout Types I just realized that I had a question regarding fallout die sizes.
Let's say an NPC shoots another NPC that I care about in the face, and I'm too stupid… In lumpley games Participants: Ludanto, lumpley.
11/17/2006 JamesDJIII: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Entering a conflict after it's started While playing our first game of Dogs last night, a player wanted to know if he could enter a conflict after it's begun.
As an example:
Dog 1 starts a… In lumpley games Participants: JamesDJIII, Vaxalon, lumpley, Ludanto, Neil the Wimp.
11/16/2006 Steven Stewart: [DITV] Some questions from an old dog trying to learn new tricks Dogs in the Vineyard Questions Part I
I just got through reading the GenCon ’05 edition of Dogs in the Vineyard rulebook in preparation of maybe running it with my… In lumpley games Participants: Steven Stewart, oliof, Warren, lumpley, ffilz, Web_Weaver, Thomas Lawrence, Ludanto, Copperhead, cydmab.
11/15/2006 Yokiboy: [DitV] Swedish Translation and Actual Play Hello,
I've posted a Swedish Actual Play report and translation of the most commonly used terms in DitV. Along with the AP, I have created a character gallery, where you… In lumpley games Participants: Yokiboy.
11/15/2006 epweissengruber: DitV -- applicable quote from Georges Bataille These quotes come from the "Chance" section of the French post-surrealist's book Guilty:
" If Good didn't question itself it would be the judge's power of
Take Good… In lumpley games Participants: epweissengruber.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In lumpley games 1/2/2007 Tim M Ralphs: [ Afraid ] Nicholas Tsian, help me with victimisation So, over the holidays the Sunday dinner and game is on hiatus. However, I’ve got another Afraid game coming in the New Year with Helen, (previous experience of Dogs and… In lumpley games Participants: Tim M Ralphs.
1/3/2007 Pelgrane: Player control of character behaviour As a result of a session we tried last week, the following question arises. Can the stakes of a conflict involve changing the mind of a PC against the wishes… In lumpley games Participants: Pelgrane, lumpley, Tim M Ralphs, cydmab, GB Steve.
1/4/2007 Hans: [Afraid] A few questions on conflict and scene framing First, let me say that I have never played Dogs in the Vineyard, or read the rules for that game. It could be that persons who have played Dogs are… In lumpley games Participants: Hans, lumpley, Ludanto, Tim M Ralphs.
1/6/2007 BWA: [Mechaton] twofers I just saw that the Mechaton book is available. Woot!
One question: Is there any way to get one of those deals where you buy the print version and get… In lumpley games Participants: BWA, lumpley, Zeek.
1/8/2007 Hans: Playtest of In a Wicked Age Over at
for those with an interest. In lumpley games Participants: Hans.
1/11/2007 Tim M Ralphs: [Afraid] - Escalation question Something came up last night that made me question how I was handling things concerning escalation as a free block.
My current interpretation is that someone can block a challenge… In lumpley games Participants: Tim M Ralphs, Ludanto, lumpley, Web_Weaver.
1/13/2007 Web_Weaver: [DitV] Escalation, Group Conflicts, and Timing. Help! HI all,
The - Escalation question thread has left me confused when it comes to group conflicts.
Staying focused on DitV for now, because that's what I am playing,… In lumpley games Participants: Web_Weaver, lumpley.
1/16/2007 deadlytoque: Dogs games in Calgary, Alberta? Is there anybody out there running Dogs in the Vinyard in or near Calgary, Alberta, Canada? I'm really keen on giving this game a go, and my group is getting… In lumpley games Participants: deadlytoque, Blankshield.
1/22/2007 Minx: Mechaton just as pdf? Hey, after reading all the kick-ass campaign descriptions/preperations and general coolness about Mechaton on anyway and Story-Games, I'm itching to get my hands on it. (It also looks like it… In lumpley games Participants: Minx, lumpley.
1/29/2007 Hans: [In a Wicked Age] Multiplayer conflicts, Character ownership A group of us here in Toronto are going to try In a Wicked Age long term. First session went very well, but with 6 (yes 6) players, multiple participant… In lumpley games Participants: Hans, lumpley.
1/30/2007 phargle: [DitV] Does taking the blow mean you concede to that raise, and other questions. This game has me excited about gaming in a way that I haven't been for ages. Thank you for writing it, Vincent.
I have a few questions.
1. If someone… In lumpley games Participants: phargle, Ludanto, Tim M Ralphs, Valamir, lumpley, IMAGinES.
1/31/2007 14thWarrior: First Dogs game happening soon - Would this town work? I've finally got some people interested in trying out Dogs with me. It's my first time running or playing the game.
I'm considering using Orchard Plains Branch, which is a… In lumpley games Participants: 14thWarrior, lumpley, Glendower, Brand_Robins, Tim M Ralphs, Valamir, oliof, Warren, Falc.
2/2/2007 Mandrake: [DitV]My coat is looking a little worn... Our group has played 3 towns now and my coat is getting a little tired..
Current description is:
Big bloodstained firesinged powdermarked preachin' coat.
Breaking that down:
Big - obvious… In lumpley games Participants: Mandrake, Web_Weaver.
2/5/2007 Artanis: [In a Wicked Age] Conflict questions Hi Vincent!
Here are my remaining questions that arose from the two sessions I played with my group and which were not answered in Hans' thread
I'm not sure… In lumpley games Participants: Artanis, lumpley.
2/8/2007 James_Nostack: Would this [DITV] mod work? (seeking advice) Hi Vincent & crew, I am tempted to run a science-fiction verison of Dogs. I've never run or played Dogs before, though, and I want to make sure I don't… In lumpley games Participants: James_Nostack, lumpley, Ben Lehman, Falc.
2/9/2007 Mandrake: [Ditv} My first town - coherent or confused ? Our group has played 3 towns now, all run by one GM. Part of the reason for playing Dogs is as a learning experience and as such, the idea is… In lumpley games Participants: Mandrake, Glendower.
2/12/2007 Ice Cream Emperor: [DitV] Dogs at a con -- pregens?
I'm going to be running some Dogs at an upcoming con, and since the slots are 4 hours I am naturally a bit concerned about time management. I ran the… In lumpley games Participants: Ice Cream Emperor, Warren, chriscrouch, David Artman, Valamir, Paka, cdr.
2/15/2007 Pelgrane: [DitV] Help with a new setting - King's Marshalls Steve - don't read this!
I ran a game called King's Marshalls using 1st Ed D&D rules. It was intended as the first in a series of "system matters" experiments.… In lumpley games Participants: Pelgrane, Eliarhiman6, Valamir, David Artman, GB Steve.
2/16/2007 David Artman: Alternate Settings for DitV & Product Concepts I probably should search--I suspect I am not the first to think of this--but I can't for the life of me think of good terms to get appropriate hits. So… In lumpley games Participants: David Artman, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk, zornwil.
2/18/2007 Mr Teufel: Bene Gesserit - DitV for Dune? Just throwing an idea in the pool. I haven't seen a Dune variant, and wondered if the Bene Gesserit would work? In lumpley games Participants: Mr Teufel, James_Nostack, xdiox, Minx, Transit, Web_Weaver.
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