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In lumpley games

7/21/2007 Snowden: [DitV] What are all these dice "worth," anyway?
I realize there may not be a simple answer to this question, but do people have a sense of the relative effectiveness of various dice combinations?  Is a 2d6 trait…
In lumpley games
Participants: Snowden, 5niper9, lumpley.

7/19/2007 JC: [DITV] Question
hi :) had a little problem during our last session I'll go into the specifics of the scene, but I think the problem's more of a general one here's what…
In lumpley games
Participants: JC, 5niper9, oliof, Eliarhiman6, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk.

7/18/2007 14thWarrior: [DitV] Finally! My first time running DitV is done! Used Orchard Plains.
Well, it took me over half a year, but I finally got a group together and we played some Dogs in the Vineyard.  The group I managed to pull together…
In lumpley games
Participants: 14thWarrior, lumpley, Sztalker.

7/17/2007 drnuncheon: Mechaton: Junkyard Wars
Presented straight from the shower, unplaytested and unrefined, it's Mechaton: Junkyard Wars (or Mechaton: Scrapyard Challenge for those of you across the Atlantic) What you need: a circular table a…
In lumpley games
Participants: drnuncheon, Uriel.

7/17/2007 TomTitTot: Characters: simply cyphers for Players?
I have a quick but important question for you old hands here at DitV. I am concerned that Dogs is designed to evoke and elicit judgements from players via characters…
In lumpley games
Participants: TomTitTot, Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

7/12/2007 sacredchao: printing the .pdf
I'm just wandering what the best way to go about printing the .pdf is. I ask as the full color cover page is not 8.5 x 11, and the actual…
In lumpley games
Participants: sacredchao, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley.

7/11/2007 XSiberia: [FitV] & NWN: The game I'm looking for.
Hello forum! I discovered DitV (and "The Forge") this morning, by way of the conversion Firefly in the Verse--which I found linked here. It looks fascinating! I've been out of…
In lumpley games
Participants: XSiberia, lumpley, The Bane, Archer5280.

7/10/2007 damiller: DitV for Silver Age Supers...
How do I do it? My input. I don't think that there is much need to change stats or anything like that, seeing as how superheroes generally are people. My…
In lumpley games
Participants: damiller, David Artman, Eliarhiman6, Archer5280, zornwil, sinanju, Filip Luszczyk.

7/7/2007 JC: Defining relationships with NPCs before play?
playing (GMing) my third game of Dogs tonight, via IRC... I'm excited :) a quick question: how does one go about defining relationships between PCs and NPCs before play? do…
In lumpley games
Participants: JC, Pyromancer, lumpley.

6/28/2007 oliof: [DitV] The Movie
Hello, Black Snake Moan sounds like Craig Brewer read DitV and then wrote the script…  Talking the jealous guy out of shooting the "dog" who had chained that guy's sexually-disordered…
In lumpley games
Participants: oliof, jmac, lumpley.

6/22/2007 MichaelCurry: [Afraid] Monster Bonds?
I'm prepping a game of Afraid for next weekend, and I've found myself stuck on choosing non-victim Bonds for the monster. The obvious choices that I come up with tend…
In lumpley games
Participants: MichaelCurry, Valvorik, lumpley.

6/21/2007 GB Steve: Wasteland
So, last night was the first game that one of our group has run for us. I don't think he had much experience of narrative gaming before he joined us…
In lumpley games
Participants: GB Steve.

6/18/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] The Pirate Game
An idea for a pirate mod came to my mind today. Dunno if I run it, but might just as well share. There are no Dogs as in "we go…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, lumpley, zornwil, Archer5280.

6/18/2007 zornwil: Relationship Reflection Dice Rules Question (simple!)
Hi - I've been thinking something worked a certain way....and realizing after all this time, maybe I'm dead wrong... "Add any two dice to your unassigned Relationship dice" - okay,…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, Filip Luszczyk.

6/16/2007 zornwil: [Afraid] Clarification needed on Afraid group NPC Answers in Conflicts
Hi, I'm not quite grokking one thing (er, at least one thing, but I THINK only one thing!) in Afraid group conflict resolution.  I searched the boards and didn't find…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, Filip Luszczyk.

6/16/2007 The Bane: Disclosure
This may be a funny question to most, but I just purchased the PDF and am dieing to run a PbP game of it. I am wondering what amount/type of…
In lumpley games
Participants: The Bane, zornwil, Filip Luszczyk.

6/15/2007 Valvorik: [DitV/Afraid] Sequence of Stakes Resolution and Fallout
The sequence in the rules is (a) last person in conflict resolves stakes; (b) everyone rolls fallout. It seems to me that the "fiction being created" would flow more smoothly…
In lumpley games
Participants: Valvorik, Eliarhiman6.

6/15/2007 zornwil: [DitV] d12s?
(First, I'd like to apologize for not properly putting the "" in front of my other posts, still getting used to this board's etiquette) I searched posts on d12s in…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, David Artman, Filip Luszczyk, lumpley, eldunce.

6/13/2007 zornwil: More on Dogs and action-adventure, but for long-running campaigns and Exp.
As mentioned in my other post of today, we are doing Dogs with action-adventure more and more. One thing that we haven't decided on is how Experience/Fall-out should work where…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, lumpley.

6/13/2007 zornwil: Dogs mechanics, action-adventure, and lethality
Warning - long post. First, we are really digging Dogs a lot.  So much so, that we are expanding it into "traditional" action-adventure realms, as it well-complements the kinds of…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

7/24/2007 14thWarrior: [DitV] Need advice on a town - Stygian Gulch
As I posted earlier, I finally managed to run a most excellent pair of sessions of DitV, and the group is raring for more.  The players have provided some nice…
In lumpley games
Participants: 14thWarrior, Gaerik, 5niper9, Valamir.

7/24/2007 drnuncheon: [Mechaton] Unintentional Rules Drift/Damage variant
So I introduced some unintentional rules drift into the Mechaton games at the con this weekend - specifically, that white dice could be lost whenever the defender wanted (instead of…
In lumpley games
Participants: drnuncheon.

7/25/2007 JC: [DITV] Looking for a player for this Sunday
hey :) I'm playing Dogs via IRC this Sunday with a friend, and we'd like an extra player we'll be playing from 14:30 to 20:30 GMT if you're interested, give…
In lumpley games
Participants: JC, damiller.

7/27/2007 lumpley: Dogs fans: wanna see something cool?
[url=]Fair Game: Designing for Dogs[/url] -Vincent
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, JC, David Artman, The Bane, Andrew Morris, Meguey, Ben Lehman.

7/31/2007 WillH: [DitV] Town: Providence Mountain/Gunpowder Pass
First a little background on how I came to create this town.  I was curious about what sort of situations would develop if large groups of faithful and unfaithful came…
In lumpley games
Participants: WillH, JC, 14thWarrior.

8/5/2007 JC: [DITV] Question about follow-up conflicts
hi folks :) had a most excellent time yesterday playing DITV over IRC! but here's my question: I've played about half a dozen DITV sessions so far (both player and…
In lumpley games
Participants: JC, 5niper9, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk.

8/21/2007 wunderllama: [Poison'd] Question about ship combat escalation
I had some questions after the demo of Poison’d that I played at GenCon about the ship-to-ship combat. When we played the demo and started out at pursuit, we seemed…
In lumpley games
Participants: wunderllama, lumpley, rafial.

8/21/2007 BTRC_Minion: [Poison'd] Book of first-hand account of a pirate's activities.
I mentioned this book at GenCon, but I couldn't properly remember the title, nor properly pronounce the (probably Dutch) author's name.  For those interested, it's "THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA" by…
In lumpley games
Participants: BTRC_Minion.

8/21/2007 KingOfFarPoint: [DitV] Rationing screen time. Handling unexpected changes in cast.
After a long period struggling to find players who will try an indie game I now have players for a DitV series. But there are a couple of problems 1)…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk, JC.

8/21/2007 KingOfFarPoint: Invoking others traits?
During character creation I was trying to explain how traits might get invoked in play and in passing said something along the lines of "of course, if you take a…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, 5niper9, Ice Cream Emperor, Filip Luszczyk.

8/22/2007 Mandrake: DitV: Spiral Butte branch.
This was my first town, I meant to post it some time ago. Currently working on my second. Enjoy (or not) :) Spiral Butte Branch Spiral Butte is a large…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, Valamir, wreckage, Web_Weaver.

8/23/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Go!
Bunny ninja princesses will punish you in the name of the Moon! Trained in the Blessed Burrow they travel the land, sent by the Bunny Empress to protect her subjects…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

8/23/2007 Nyarly: [Poison'd] Questions
Do I cipher properly that, having completed a pursuit & evasion fight, there's a gap in which the PCs can attempt success checks, with the obvious available fight the next…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nyarly, lumpley, Piers Brown.

8/24/2007 lumpley: Poison'd errata and Q&A
I've just posted a cruel fortune change and some GM techniques on my blog, here, check it out. I welcome questions either here in the lumpley games forum or there…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, rafial, markus_cz, Temple, Willow, coffeestain, Ignotus, phargle.

8/24/2007 hix: [Mechaton] Have you seen this asoblock stuff?
I just saw this article about this building block set that's purpose designed for mechs. A quick google didn't reveal any mention of it in relation to Mechaton. Now I…
In lumpley games
Participants: hix, Eero Tuovinen, Nev the Deranged, Uriel, brew55.

8/25/2007 Mandrake: Evolution of a Dog.
We've been playing Dogs for a while now. It started as a one off, but as a group we've hugely enjoyed it and have played several towns, with three narrators…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, Web_Weaver.

8/25/2007 Mandrake: [DitV] - Town help wanted (Jamie, spoilers herein)
Ok, so I'm working on my next town. This one started with the question - What would the Dogs do if the sorcerer was 12? I then added to this…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, JC.

8/27/2007 Nev the Deranged: [Mechaton] - First Sortie Questions
So, I tricked my friend Karin into playing Mechaton with me, by just dumping a bucket of Legos out in front of her and not telling her it was going…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nev the Deranged, lumpley, Uriel, Mantisking.

8/27/2007 coffeestain: [Poison'd] Various Things
So, Saturday, there were two groups playing Poison'd.  The group that was not mine posed some concerns.  I'm pasting my responses here to see if they make sense to you,…
In lumpley games
Participants: coffeestain, lumpley, John Harper.

8/27/2007 kallisti_dk: What's the latest news on Afraid
I recently started thinking about Afraid again and became all giddy with anticipation. Ís there a tentative release date? Is playtesting coming along nicely? Anything new to add?
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, lumpley.

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