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In lumpley games

10/27/2008 Caesar_X: [DitV] Questions from a first-time GM
I ran Dogs for the first time this weekend, and had a fun time. But ended up with some questions about confusing issues or where I thought I might have…
In lumpley games
Participants: Caesar_X, Noclue, Warren, lumpley.

10/21/2008 Graham Walmsley: [Poison'd] An assisting rule
Poison'd went well on Saturday night, and I have stories about that, but there was grumbling about the lack of an "assist" rule. If you're fighting the Captain, and I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, lumpley.

10/21/2008 Graham Walmsley: [Poison'd] I don't use NPC Brinkmanship
The only thing NPC Brinkmanship does is decide whether the GM can escalate, right? The rules, as written, are: 1. Roll two dice. Take the higher for Brinkmanship. 2. If…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, lumpley, Arturo G., Eero Tuovinen, watergoesred.

10/20/2008 bvierthaler: Fallout consequences
I have a question to the short-term list. It says: Subtract 1 from one of your charcter´s Stats for your next conflict. What does that mean? Subtract on die? Or…
In lumpley games
Participants: bvierthaler, lumpley.

10/19/2008 daftnewt: Finally started a Dogs game!
After having Dogs for about a year and fiddling with it on and off, I finally got a group together to play the game as written. And it turned out…
In lumpley games
Participants: daftnewt, lumpley, bvierthaler, Eliarhiman6.

10/17/2008 GreatWolf: [IaWA] Mostly hypothetical question
We're gearing up to get back to our game of In a Wicked Age, which I'm really looking forward to continuing. I did find myself with a slightly bizarre question,…
In lumpley games
Participants: GreatWolf, Yokiboy, lumpley.

10/17/2008 Yokiboy: [IaWA] Some Questions following Actual Play
I completed my first chapter of In a Wicked Age with three of my best friends last night. It was a fantastic session, but did raise a few questions, and…
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy, lumpley.

10/12/2008 Ward: [DitV] Judging a town
Hey, We finally got to play a third session of DitV and I got to run a second town. Overall we had alot of fun, but we ran into some…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ward, Eliarhiman6.

10/9/2008 lumpley: Storming the Wizard's Tower playtest rules
I've put the playtest rules for Storming the Wizard's Tower online. They're here: If you haven't heard of Storming the Wizard's Tower, it's my own personal take on D&D.…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley.

10/4/2008 Paul T: [IaWA] Challenger names Answerers, Answerers Call Back Later
This is another design question, and a very minor one. I'm just trying to wrap my head around how this game works. In the rules, it says that when you…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, lumpley, Rafu, Thomas Lawrence.

10/3/2008 Paul T: [IaWA] Two quick questions
Hello! I played IaWA for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and only afterwards read through the book. I have two questions: 1. When do you go on…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, lumpley.

10/3/2008 David Artman: [IAWA] Six-Player Con Session
Yep, I may have fucked up a bit--I set the player numbers for my session at MACE to 3-6... and I got 5 already (in two days of Pre-Reg). I…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, lumpley.

9/28/2008 oreso: [Mechaton AP] Noble Japan vs. Cowardly Germany! (With Pics!)
1300 hours, in Canada... The President's limo is disabled! Oh no! Stranded, just outside 'Canada's Smallest City'; Greenwood, at the edge of the wood that shares the town's…
In lumpley games
Participants: oreso, David Artman, lumpley, Mantisking.

9/10/2008 Paladin3970: new here, waiting for my copy of DitV
Hello all, I ran across a reference to DitV on It has been over 20 years since I last played an RPG - D&D Basic/Expert, a little Gamma World…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paladin3970, Graham Walmsley, Rustin.

9/4/2008 David Artman: [IAWA] Everway Cards as Oracles
Just wondering if anyone's tried to use Everway cards as Oracles and how it worked out. I haven't looked at mine in a coon's age, but I'd imagine some might…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, rycanada.

9/2/2008 ZenDog: [IaWA] Oracle of the Rising Sun
Hey, I made an Oracle. Give it a spin if you like the look of it. Oracle of the Rising Sun Diamonds A  - A Sorcerer, a Kappa, a Bakemono,…
In lumpley games
Participants: ZenDog, David Artman, rycanada.

9/1/2008 lumpley: New Poison'd PDFs
Hey Poison'd people, the first edition PDFs are now online. Go back and download them afresh. There's also a nice Poison'd character sheet here that you can use. -Vincent
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Yokiboy, higgins.

9/1/2008 Khuxan: IAWA Oracles as Campaign Settings
It occured to me that an IAWA game could create a campaign setting by having each player contribute a suite for an oracle. As long as basic rules (genre, tone,…
In lumpley games
Participants: Khuxan, lumpley, David Artman, rycanada.

8/31/2008 jmhpfan: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower
I will be running a hack on Dogs at MACE con set in the universe of Stephen Kings Dark Tower series.  It is mostly a strait setting hack with the…
In lumpley games
Participants: jmhpfan, rycanada, lumpley.

8/27/2008 anonynos: [DITV] Negative traits and how to use them
So after looking at this game  for awhile, I picked up a copy at this last Origins and last night got a couple of friends together and tried out char…
In lumpley games
Participants: anonynos, David Artman, dindenver, lumpley, LordAsteroth, Axhead, Paul T.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

10/30/2008 14thWarrior: [DitV] Crusaders of Tarscolis - a fantasy adaptation.
Let me first provide a brief introduction to the ideas that spawned this adaptation. I recently decided to use an idea from a thread at about "the city build…
In lumpley games
Participants: 14thWarrior, ShallowThoughts, Pelgrane.

10/31/2008 Paul T: [IaWA] Negotiating consequences based on circumstances
This is a rule application question that arose for me during a game of IaWA. My character had a Best Interest to convince an illegal surgeon to stop from carrying…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, Brand_Robins, lumpley.

11/6/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Shooting UFOs and escalations
In our last game we had the following situation: The conflict was about the community's trust in the Sorcerer. We've already "opened" Just Talking and Physical arenas, it was still…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Warren, lumpley, David Artman, Paul T.

11/6/2008 deinol: Can't Find Dogs in Store
I was going to put in an order for Dogs in the Vineyard today at the IPR site, but I can't find it listed anymore. Is there no way to…
In lumpley games
Participants: deinol, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Ante, Axhead, Dionysus, Eliarhiman6.

11/11/2008 Graham Walmsley: [Poison'd] More simple questions
1. What do I do when a player says: "I want to talk to the crew and incite a mutiny"? What he really wants is to be Captain without a…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, lumpley.

11/12/2008 Melinglor: [IAWA] Exclusivity of Forms?
Hi! I'm playing In a Wicked Age tonight (first time GMing) and I had a question: how exclusive are the Forms supposed to be, in terms of narrowing down narrative…
In lumpley games
Participants: Melinglor, David Artman, lumpley, Valamir, Eliarhiman6, GreatWolf.

11/14/2008 Yokiboy: [IaWA]
Hey, I have a couple of questions for experienced In a Wicked Age... players. 1) How long does the Oracle part and creation of characters take you on average? That…
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy, Brand_Robins, lumpley, GreatWolf, jburneko, Valamir.

11/17/2008 Paul T: [IaWA] Rules question: forces of nature as NPCs?
I have feeling this might have been covered before, but I can't seem to find it: Does/would it make sense to represent some powerful abstract force in the setting as…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, Brand_Robins, lumpley.

11/18/2008 gardenphilosoph: [DitV]Play-by-Post
So as a first time Dogs in the Vineyard GM, I am going to try and run a play-by-post game on these forums. I've, to be perfectly honest, never ran…
In lumpley games
Participants: gardenphilosoph.

11/21/2008 cra2: Using Poker Cards vs Dice
I saw this post about using Poker Cards instead of dice. Has anyone else experimented with that?
In lumpley games
Participants: cra2, Paul T, Wordman.

11/22/2008 gardenphilosoph: Accomplishments
So for working out accomplishments, instead of actually rolling the NPC's dice, you instead roll 4d6+4d10?
In lumpley games
Participants: gardenphilosoph, lumpley.

11/22/2008 deinol: Dogs in the Vineyard Review
If anyone is interested, I wrote a review of Dogs in the Vineyard:
In lumpley games
Participants: deinol.

11/24/2008 Dionysus: [IaWA] using different dice?
Howdy. Just wondering if anyone has given thougt to changing the dice? I have a metric ton of d6 and d10, but no d12, d8 or d4 dice. Has anyone…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, lumpley, Paul T, Brand_Robins, rycanada, Valvorik, way.

11/26/2008 spooked: [DitV] Question from a new-ish GM.
Perhaps this is the intention of the rule and not a flaw, but... I'm find that with four players that while I can force them into SEEing all my raises,…
In lumpley games
Participants: spooked, Eliarhiman6.

12/5/2008 Paka: The Last Watchdog Over the Faithful
A solo campaign in a wild west that never was and has moved on, starting off in a ghost-town called Bridal Falls, winding through what is left of the Desert…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paka, agony, Brand_Robins, Graham Walmsley, jefgodesky.

12/8/2008 TomTitTot: [Mechaton] Line of Sight?
A short, stupid question, but... Am I right in thinking that a mech has to at least be visible to their attacker slightly, otherwise they can't attack? Because the text…
In lumpley games
Participants: TomTitTot, rafial, lumpley.

12/8/2008 otspiii: Inspiration vs. Theft
I've been working on a system meant to emulate shounen-action style manga in my spare time. I've always been fond of the genre's neurotic method of storytelling, which is typified…
In lumpley games
Participants: otspiii, lumpley.

12/8/2008 Dionysus: [DitV] How many dice?
Howdy.. guess i'm going to succumb and get myself some d4 and d8s (d6 ad d10 i've got plenty of) about how many would i need to play this game?…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, lumpley.

12/9/2008 Axhead: [DitV] My first town: Gerdenshaw
I would love to get some feed back positive or other wise, so lemme know what you think.  I have some ideas that I will post after the posting the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Axhead, lumpley, Noclue.

12/10/2008 Dionysus: [DitV][IaWA] combinations?
Howdy. This seemed to be the perfect place to ask - as bot these games are by the same great author :) I adore the see/raise mechanics and flow in…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, David Artman, Filip Luszczyk.

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