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In These Are Our Games

4/4/2008 Willem: [Polaris] Thou Art But A Warrior, Indie Hurricane!
A week has passed since my AMAZING game of "Thou Art But A Warrior..." at the Portland, OR Indie Hurricane Event, set in Anna Kreider's setting hack for Polaris. As…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Willem, Ogremarco, wunderllama.

4/1/2008 CrimsonKing: Where can I buy the PDF?
hi, I've just searched at IPR and on your HP and didn't find a PDF-Version, can you help me please? Thank you very much
In These Are Our Games
Participants: CrimsonKing, Eliarhiman6, Ben Lehman, JC.

3/27/2008 Skywalker: [Bliis Stage] Interim Phase
I see the pdf of the Interim Phase has been released. I have sent an email to Ben, but does anyone know what the differences are?
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Skywalker, Ben Lehman.

12/12/2007 JC: [Polaris] One session data point
hey all :) just a data point, for those wondering if you can play Polaris in one single session: that's exactly what I did last Saturday in 11 hours: -…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: JC, Filip Luszczyk, GreatWolf, Ben Lehman, Frank Tarcikowski.

11/16/2007 hix: [1000 Kings] Some questions after reading the playtest draft
Hi Ben, I have a few questions about the playtest draft of Land of a Thousand Kings. 1.  When creating characters, does each player come up the memory of 'another…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: hix, Ben Lehman.

10/25/2007 cdr: [Bliss] ANIMa console for easier handling
An idea others may find useful: at the bottom of the character sheets I made for Bliss Stage I put a row of nine 20mm boxes with the leftmost three…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: cdr, GreatWolf.

10/23/2007 cdr: [Bliss Stage] Endgame Report: One Kiss Kills
Let me start by saying I adore Bliss Stage and hope to run it a lot, probably mostly at conventions or game stores for people who have never played before…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: cdr.

10/18/2007 cdr: [Bliss Stage] Edible Adults?
So the adults that fall into Bliss don't need food or water, but can you eat them?  At least before the remote drones carry them all away to be neatly…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: cdr, Ben Lehman.

10/8/2007 JC: [Polaris] Three is a breeze
heya :) just thought I should let y'all know that I played Polaris for the first time, through IRC, and that it went very very well, even though there were…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: JC, cydmab, Ben Lehman.

10/3/2007 Dryraisin: Bliss Stage Play by E-mail
    I just got my copy of Bliss stage and after reading through it I really can't wait to try it out with my friends. Problem is we really…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Dryraisin, Ben Lehman, JC, Garvey.

9/24/2007 JC: [Polaris] First game!
hey :) I'm playing Polaris this weekend, and I'm excited! all of us are new to the game, so we have a few hesitations here are my first questions: when…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: JC, Ben Lehman, Garvey.

9/19/2007 JC: [Polaris] Soundtrack
how about a thread of recommended background music for Polaris? let me start with Black One, by Sunn O))) who's next?
In These Are Our Games
Participants: JC, 5niper9, Ben Lehman, Raquel, Mark Woodhouse, Artanis, Nev the Deranged, cydmab, shadowpriest, AXUM.

9/8/2007 JC: [Bliss Stage] Teenagers?
hi :) I haven't bought the game yet, so maybe this is a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway... how important to the game is it that characters be teenagers?…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: JC, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Nev the Deranged.

9/7/2007 TomTitTot: [Bliss Stage] Final Act - Actual Play impressions
Last evening my friends and I played in a game of Bliss Stage, using the default Final Act scenario included with the ignition Stage book. We were very lucky to…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: TomTitTot, Ben Lehman, pfischer.

9/7/2007 Ben Lehman: Thousand Kings Rules Changes
I have changed the rules of the game. If you have the O.II.O version, change it accordingly. This changes three things: Memories, the post-session adjustments and spirits. Memories: You may…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Dryraisin.

9/6/2007 TomTitTot: [Bliss Stage] Stress and Relationship Responses
Hey everyone, We just played through the Final Act scenario, and let me tell you, it was a blast. However, we have one question that has niggled since I read…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: TomTitTot, Ben Lehman, Temple, Eero Tuovinen, Nev the Deranged, Neil the Wimp.

9/2/2007 Graham Walmsley: [Polaris] Question about Moon statement
Ben, apologies if you've answered this before. In our Polaris PBP game, a Moon has made a statement that I, as the Heart, naturally want to respond to by saying…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Ben Lehman, Garvey, Web_Weaver, yellowparis, Tanda.

8/29/2007 Andy Kitkowski: [Bliss Stage] Character Sheet?
Hey, I was putting together a pack (to ship the copies to my buddies in Japan) and to give them some related material (RPG info webpage, character sheet links, etc).…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ben Lehman.

8/28/2007 GreatWolf: [Bliss Stage] Sharing missions?
Does it make any sense to anyone to compile a list of "off-the-shelf" missions somewhere?  It seems to me that this might be a helpful tool for Bliss Stage GMs.
In These Are Our Games
Participants: GreatWolf.

8/25/2007 Nev the Deranged: [Bliss Stage] - "Real World" question
I read through Ignition Stage, and it looks like it'll take some actually trying it to get a more comprehensive handle on how things work beyond the stuff covered by…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Eero Tuovinen, Skywalker, Mark Woodhouse, Ben Lehman.

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In These Are Our Games

6/8/2008 Aysez: [Bliss Stage] Hardcopy?
Hey, I've been looking at getting Bliss Stage, but IPR only has it in PDF. Is there a hardcopy available currently or will there be one?
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Aysez, Ben Lehman, cdr.

6/22/2008 demiurgeastaroth: [Polaris] Thou Art But A Hurricane: Event Meter?
In this thread about a game at Indie Hurricane, an interesting technique was mentioned: She also added a little event meter, where every time someone (anyone!)…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Eliarhiman6, Arturo G., AXUM.

7/21/2008 Ben Lehman: Ascent Stage Feedback
I'm taking feedback for a new version of Bliss Stage on<a href=""> my livejournal</a>. I figured that a pointer here would be appropriate.
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Zamiel, Filip Luszczyk.

7/22/2008 BlissAuthority: Running a Bliss Stage play-by-wiki game. Want to play and/or watch?
Hello again, it's been a long time. So...  I'm trying to start a Play By Wiki Bliss Stage game at the Toothycat Wiki.  Unfortunatley, due to 3 of the interested…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: BlissAuthority, Zamiel.

7/27/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [Bliss Stage] Timing Anchor Abilities
The player places a minus both in Safety and Mission. He calls for a flashback. After the flashback, the anchor uses her ability to re-roll a die in Safety, potentially…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Ben Lehman.

8/9/2008 Filip Luszczyk: Polish translation of key phrases
The following translation is neither literal nor especially accurate. We wanted the phrases to sound somewhat pretentious and just a bit archaic, but our main priority was that they fit…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Ben Lehman.

8/30/2008 BlissAuthority: Generational Bliss Stage?
"Today is the 15th anniversary of our first victory.  Today is the day my mother died protecting us.  The day that Keenan died with "If I don't make it, know…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: BlissAuthority, Ben Lehman.

9/2/2008 fjj: Polaris at a convention
I'm setting up Polaris at Viking Con, Copenhagen, October 11. The time slot is 4-6 hours, and I expect to need time for introducing people to the game before start…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: fjj, Ben Lehman.

9/7/2008 BlissAuthority: (Un)Official Bliss Stage Soundtrack
[URL=]I've started up a Project Playlist account with my unofficial Bliss Stage soundtrack.[/URL]  If you don't know, Project Playlist at is a free music-sharing social networking site, and I…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: BlissAuthority, hix, Ben Lehman, Skywalker.

10/1/2008 AXUM: Waiting for the Bliss
Hello! What's the deal with the Bliss hardcopy (not PDF)?  I can't seem to find it anywhere, any Stage... HEEELP! Waiting to be blissed Ax
In These Are Our Games
Participants: AXUM, Ben Lehman.

10/14/2008 BlissAuthority: Bliss Stage TCG playtests. No, really.
I will be holding playtests of a Bliss Stage trading card game at Endgame in Oakland, Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. ...yes, Ben Lehman is aware of the project, and…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: BlissAuthority.

11/26/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [Polaris] Amber hack?
In every group I've played with so far there was at most a single other player who knew Zelazny's books (and one would think he's a popular author). So far…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Ben Lehman, demiurgeastaroth.

12/5/2008 Neil the Wimp: [Bliss Stage] Single-pilot missions are better for the story
So, we're a few sessions into our Bliss Stage game, and we've noticed something about how missions are structured.  As there are four players and four pilots, we started building…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Ben Lehman.

12/10/2008 Neil the Wimp: [Bliss Stage] Hot pilot-on-pilot action
Something that came up in our game last night: how do pilots oppose the mission actions of other pilots? The situation was that Jessica, a pilot (played by Robin (a…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Ben Lehman.

12/19/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [Bliss Stage] Automatic minus and Anchor abilities
Does the automatic minus in a category (resulting from not having enough dice to assign) count as a die that can be rerolled?
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Ben Lehman.

2/2/2009 Filip Luszczyk: [Bliss Stage] Anchor's Safety
Interim Stage, p. 107: If the pilot has a broken relationship with his anchor (...) add a new category for dice in the climax: Anchor's Safety. What exactly constitutes "a…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Ben Lehman.

HELLO! I was wondering how in heck do you keep awake for seven years? I saw a documentary once on a guy who could'nt sleep (had a sleep disorder -…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: AXUM, Eliarhiman6, Ben Lehman.

Hello! I've searched thru the manual but can't find when  Themes refresh.  Is it at the end of a session; during experience, or somewhen else? Thanks Ax
In These Are Our Games
Participants: AXUM, Ben Lehman, Falc.

4/9/2009 AXUM: POLARIS translations in español
Hello! Here are some translations of Polaris stuff (mainly the phrases) as well as a rules compendium (mainly the conflict dice roll) in Spanish. hope you Íberos enjoy! Ax ------…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: AXUM.

5/18/2009 Eliarhiman6: [TABAW] pdf edition?
Hi! Somebody has any news about the promised pdf edition of "Thou Art But A Warrior"? I waited instead of buying the printed edition to save the shipping costs to…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

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