The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

7/12/2006 Eliahad: [Ar'hea] The Power 19
Hi all! My real name is Dave, of which you've had a plethora of lately, so if you'd like to call me Eli (pronounced 'Elly') I don't mind in the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eliahad, billvolk.

7/11/2006 thwaak: RPG Design as a mental exercise?
Heya Gang, I was conversing with friends about indie RPGs, and the topic of the 24hr RPG, and Game Chef came up. While we agreed that it was all very…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, Gaerik, matthijs.

7/11/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets for Vengeance] the mechanics for vengeance
I've been working through the basic mechanics for Six Bullets and wanted some input. More about the initial concept and the framework for play can be found in this thread.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Ron Edwards, Zathreyel, PhilV.

7/11/2006 Phil Q: Diceless combat
Hi everybody! As many do here, it seems, I will start my topic with an apology too: Forgive me if I misuse terms that are fluent here or if I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Phil Q, Ron Edwards, matthijs, Valamir, PhilV, stefoid, Christophe Kelm, btrc, slavemind, Nathan P., Steven Stewart.

7/10/2006 Sunlit: RPG 3.5 - Positive Energy "magic\powers"
I have created a character which bases his existential understanding on that positive energy and negative energy is the fundamental energies in the world, and that the friction between these…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sunlit, billvolk, Bankuei.

7/10/2006 Quixotica: Being a Designer or Creator of RPG.
I have been writing for at least 10 years, mostly technical philosophy and theology. Independant Press. For a while now, I have gotten away from that and have had creative…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Quixotica, Bankuei, Sydney Freedberg, Valamir.

7/10/2006 PhilV: [Echos] A proof of concept
Greetings all. This is a proof of concept idea in response to this thread by Callan. I didn't want to bog down that thread but the concept intrigued me…
In First Thoughts
Participants: PhilV, Artanis, matthijs.

7/10/2006 Dodavehu: Pantheon
-- Hello.  I was only recently exposed to this wonderful forum.  Reading through these posts has made be want to try my hand at design as well (something I haven’t…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dodavehu, sean2099, shawnhcorey, Bankuei, matthijs.

7/9/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets for Vengeance] very first thoughts
[i]"A man rides into town, a shooter at his hip. In it are six bullets, one for each of his enemies. Six bullets for vengeance."[/i] Insomnia has struck and with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Ron Edwards, Noon, Zathreyel.

7/8/2006 Byron: Three types of wounds for all weapons?
This is just a First Thought I have that I am trying to refine and wondered who else may have gone down this road. I am considering changing the numerical…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Byron, billvolk, Noon, Hereward The Wake, Ron Edwards, matthijs.

7/8/2006 Blessdevil: Morituti Characters: a good idea?
Hello, my name IRL is Michele Gelli. I started working on a game inspired by an old and obscure Marvel comic called "Strike Force Morituri". It was a really unusual…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Blessdevil, Ron Edwards, Tony Irwin, Arturo G., nikola, Mark Woodhouse, Dumirik.

7/7/2006 Ziddim: Advice?
Hi.  I'm a n00b to these boards here, but someone suggested that I might be able to cull some ideas from here So, I've got this Steampunk-Wildwest world that's been…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ziddim, ODDin, Ron Edwards.

7/7/2006 Noon: Stealing from drinking games
If I wanted to steal certain qualties from drinking games, without using drink, how would I do it? The qualities I'm looking to swipe are: That there is no resource…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Ben Lehman, PhilV.

7/7/2006 Philbo: Idea for an RPG Setting...
Here's my idea in a nutshell... A fantasy role-playing game set in a fictional land based loosely on mythic Greece.  The tone is light-hearted and adventurous, with an emphasis on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Philbo, oreso, ODDin, Caldis, Roger, billvolk, brainwipe, contracycle.

7/7/2006 Ron Edwards: Character creation concept
Hello, I had a notion for making up characters a month or two ago, and only mentioned it to a couple of people. Both of them instantly utilized it, so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards, Czar Fnord, polyesterjellyfish, Keith Senkowski, greyorm, Noon, Jixxala, Certified, Roger, joepub, timfire, Bankuei, joshua neff, Ben Lehman, matthijs, Call Me Curly, Sydney Freedberg, ChrisJaxn, stefoid.

7/6/2006 Alex-01: Parallel setting on two different worlds?
Dear role-players, I don`t know if this is he right place, but I have a problem with a background story. There are two worlds: A fantasy world and a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alex-01, Selene Tan, Ron Edwards, wheloc, Czar Fnord, Jixxala, JayDaWarlord, dindenver, jerry.

7/6/2006 Ville Takanen: [The Stray Path] Group involvment on character creation.
The Stray Path - Or Harhapolku as it was originally deciphered. I have no idea, if this would belong here - or in the actual play forum, so let the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ville Takanen, Ron Edwards.

7/5/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] Basic Conflict Resolution Mechanics
I've waited until the last possible moment to outline the general conflict mechanic for Sudden Light.  I've done so guided by the desire to see as many improv. performances as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton, matthijs.

7/5/2006 polyesterjellyfish: [Song Caverns of the Medru] and first post.
Hello. First post here. Like many people however, I've been lurking for a few months trying to soak it all in. And with my first post comes my obligatory first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: polyesterjellyfish, matthijs.

7/5/2006 Krystalex: Introduction and general questions about RPG mechanics
Hi!  I'm new to RPGing for the most part (played a touch in the 1990s, but not enough to really remember much), and I've been forum lurking for a bit…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Krystalex, Paul Czege, TonyLB, jasonm, Thunder_God, Caldis, nikola, Czar Fnord.

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In First Thoughts

7/12/2006 oreso: [Witch!] How to implement?
a la "Ginger Snaps" and "The Craft", the players are powerful outcasts who conflict with one another. Why do they fight each other? a Dark Fate a la Mountain Witch.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: oreso, Ron Edwards, Roger, Sydney Freedberg, Mcrow, Thunder_God, c.

7/12/2006 Dumirik: [KIN] No water, just blood
Right, so I know its taken me ages, but I finally sat down and wrote down the bones of the game. The previous thread for the game can be found…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dumirik, Matt Wilson, Roger, Joshua BishopRoby.

7/12/2006 Krystalex: Enneagrams as character personality models
While browsing for other ideas, I came across the idea of Enneagrams on Wikipedia.  I've thought this might make an interesting basis for helping people flesh out character creation. I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Krystalex, Matt Wilson.

7/12/2006 Krystalex: [Promethean Sun] Power 19
Well, I've managed to get some stuff written down for my new game, and the Power 19 template was a big help.  To save space here, I'll just paste to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Krystalex, matthijs.

7/12/2006 sean2099: [Divinity] experience tied to point bid.
Sorry for bombing this forum here, I just came up with a quick idea.  In my own personal experience, I have not seen this idea but perhaps some of you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sean2099, matthijs, stefoid.

7/13/2006 J. Blasdel: Searching for Submission Takers
This is my first post, and I'm not sure as to exactly where it should have gone.  I'm searching for a website that will accept a submission for the White…
In First Thoughts
Participants: J. Blasdel, Ron Edwards.

7/13/2006 AsuraDemon: Spirit-Touched: The Iron World and game mechanics
So I'm creating a new RPG, and so far have just over 170 pages written for it.  The gist of it is that the characters are beings that are basically…
In First Thoughts
Participants: AsuraDemon, Eliahad, Filip Luszczyk, greyorm, Quixotica, Noon.

7/13/2006 thwaak: [Animated Heroes] First Pass
Hello Gang, As you might remember from this thread ( ), I had worked on a background chargen system to determine the number of points players have to develop…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, Ken, dindenver, billvolk, sean2099, stefoid.

7/13/2006 MJGraham: Insurrection
Hello, I'm a fledgling game designer in the early to middle stages of creating an independent roleplaying game. The game's working title is Insurrection and it is based around characters…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

7/13/2006 Ron Edwards: Regarding copyright and intellectual property
If you have questions about these topics, please take them to the Publishing forum. This forum is about role-playing design ideas. However, before posting, also please take some time to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards.

7/13/2006 museleading: links pls
In poking around, I came across this thread ( in which part of the converstation is about "old illusionism habits". Could someone explain this, or provide a few links so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: museleading, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2006 signoftheserpent: serious supers for serious peopl
Yes, it's time for another superhero game. Even worse, a poe-faced aberrant ripoff that doesn't even have a name yet! Seriously though, I am devising a game that's a serious…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, matthijs, dindenver, Bankuei, Certified, Dumirik, Ken.

7/16/2006 Hope: Me and my friends plot draft
We're making a table-top RP called Pandora's Box. This is out basic plot idea. The basic plot is there a was war on this planet Galatica  and one side created…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hope, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2006 AsuraDemon: The Hero's Journey (Spirit-Touched)
So I've been thinking about what do I really want my game to be about, and what sort of things do I want the characters to have to deal with. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: AsuraDemon, matthijs, Call Me Curly, Graham Walmsley.

7/17/2006 iain: [What a Shambles!] Encouraging humorous play
Hi guys I am almost finished the first draft of 'What a shambles', a game about love, guts and guns in a zombie apocalypse, and was lookiong for some advice…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, andrew_kenrick, Thunder_God, Czar Fnord, Christophe Kelm.

7/18/2006 thwaak: [Animated Heroes] Story/Episode Structure and Rules
Hello Gang, Before I begin; thanks to everyone who helped solidify the ideas presented in the previous thread. Now, the current thing I've been tinkering with is the mechanics of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, Ken, Matt Wilson, dindenver.

7/19/2006 Call Me Curly: 911rpg automatic typing design 'method'
For your consideration: I just started typing with no conscious premeditation, and this interview-format rpg-thing came out. The coin-flipping moral victory mechanic was as spontaneous as the rest. Warning:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Call Me Curly, Noon, apeiron, xoet, Mike Sugarbaker.

7/19/2006 Pangaea: Mechanic Suggestion!
If I may ask a question of you all of what system you would prefer out of the two. Mechanic #1 2d10 Open Ended System: Re-rolls on any 10.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Pangaea, Arturo G., Matt Wilson, apeiron, dindenver.

7/19/2006 Alex-01: Similarities of two characters (“brothers”) on two different worlds
[b]The situation:[/b] - There are two characters. They live on two different worlds (maybe with two different tech-levels). These two characters are “brothers” and “connected” together. The two brothers can…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alex-01, lumpley, matthijs, Joshua BishopRoby.

7/19/2006 apeiron: RfC on a Mechanic - Inspired by Sorcerer and Verge
[i]If this is the wrong thread area for this, let me know where it belongs, please.[/i] i recently picked up Sorcerer at my local store and i'm enjoying the read…
In First Thoughts
Participants: apeiron, Justin Berman.

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