The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

7/21/2006 Mcrow: Ghost Walkers: The Ninth Life
So I'm working on a new game concept. One of the things that is a big part of the game is alternate death. For example: You are driving down the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mcrow, Certified, Madheretic, coldblackwind, Ron Edwards, Paka, sean2099.

7/21/2006 Grand_Commander13: [The Company] Initial Guidance
And I return to The Forge once more, a bit older and with a project I feel more strongly about than any of my previous solo projects (I can only…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grand_Commander13, slade the sniper, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, dindenver.

7/21/2006 Smithy: [The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] Creating Cohesive Story?
I'm doing further development of my Game Chef 2006 entry (link is below). The game features GM-less storytelling, with pulp heroes sitting in the Committee's posh club room and reporting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Smithy, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Thunder_God, jasonm.

7/21/2006 algi: Heroism of the Dour-men and the Silvans
Hi! This is my first post, but please don't be gentle with my wanna-be-rpg. First of all: I try to focus on the point but I kinda used to stray,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: algi, apeiron, Smithy, billvolk, Ron Edwards, Paka, Bret Gillan.

7/21/2006 Call Me Curly: The Forer Effect and Narrativist Illusionism
The Forer Effect is a psychology term for when some gullible person believes a generic description of personality (such as a horoscope) is unique-to-them/customized/special/personal/scientific. From wikipedia: In 1948, psychologist Bertram…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Call Me Curly, Ron Edwards, baron samedi, Noon.

7/21/2006 MJGraham: [Insurrection]GM rewards.
I'm toying with the idea of having GM control of a scene purchased through a bidding system in which any player can become the GM if they are willing and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, apeiron, Sydney Freedberg, Smithy.

7/20/2006 Bill_White: [Ganakagok] The Messenger Feast
In Ganakagok, players belong to an Inuit-like culture that lives on a dark ice-world to which is about to come the dawn.  I ran a great game over the weekend…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bill_White, ubergeek2012, jasonm, thwaak, Shawn De Arment.

7/20/2006 gains: Short-term Memory as resolution system
I'm experimenting with using a test of short-term memory as a mechanic to determine simple success or failure. In execution, the GM will read a list of numbers, letters or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gains, thwaak, matthijs, TonyLB, Noon, contracycle, c, Czar Fnord, Andrew Morris, Kevin Allen Jr.

7/19/2006 Justin Berman: Onion Skinnable Rules System
Hi everyone. I have been reading heavily on the RPG Theory and GNS Theory forums. A friend and I were speaking today about the universal system he was trying to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Berman, Madheretic, matthijs, Call Me Curly, contracycle, apeiron, Czar Fnord.

7/19/2006 apeiron: RfC on a Mechanic - Inspired by Sorcerer and Verge
[i]If this is the wrong thread area for this, let me know where it belongs, please.[/i] i recently picked up Sorcerer at my local store and i'm enjoying the read…
In First Thoughts
Participants: apeiron, Justin Berman.

7/19/2006 Alex-01: Similarities of two characters (“brothers”) on two different worlds
[b]The situation:[/b] - There are two characters. They live on two different worlds (maybe with two different tech-levels). These two characters are “brothers” and “connected” together. The two brothers can…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alex-01, lumpley, matthijs, Joshua BishopRoby.

7/19/2006 Pangaea: Mechanic Suggestion!
If I may ask a question of you all of what system you would prefer out of the two. Mechanic #1 2d10 Open Ended System: Re-rolls on any 10.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Pangaea, Arturo G., Matt Wilson, apeiron, dindenver.

7/19/2006 Call Me Curly: 911rpg automatic typing design 'method'
For your consideration: I just started typing with no conscious premeditation, and this interview-format rpg-thing came out. The coin-flipping moral victory mechanic was as spontaneous as the rest. Warning:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Call Me Curly, Noon, apeiron, xoet, Mike Sugarbaker.

7/18/2006 thwaak: [Animated Heroes] Story/Episode Structure and Rules
Hello Gang, Before I begin; thanks to everyone who helped solidify the ideas presented in the previous thread. Now, the current thing I've been tinkering with is the mechanics of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, Ken, Matt Wilson, dindenver.

7/17/2006 iain: [What a Shambles!] Encouraging humorous play
Hi guys I am almost finished the first draft of 'What a shambles', a game about love, guts and guns in a zombie apocalypse, and was lookiong for some advice…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, andrew_kenrick, Thunder_God, Czar Fnord, Christophe Kelm.

7/16/2006 AsuraDemon: The Hero's Journey (Spirit-Touched)
So I've been thinking about what do I really want my game to be about, and what sort of things do I want the characters to have to deal with. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: AsuraDemon, matthijs, Call Me Curly, Graham Walmsley.

7/16/2006 Hope: Me and my friends plot draft
We're making a table-top RP called Pandora's Box. This is out basic plot idea. The basic plot is there a was war on this planet Galatica  and one side created…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hope, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2006 signoftheserpent: serious supers for serious peopl
Yes, it's time for another superhero game. Even worse, a poe-faced aberrant ripoff that doesn't even have a name yet! Seriously though, I am devising a game that's a serious…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, matthijs, dindenver, Bankuei, Certified, Dumirik, Ken.

7/13/2006 museleading: links pls
In poking around, I came across this thread ( in which part of the converstation is about "old illusionism habits". Could someone explain this, or provide a few links so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: museleading, Ron Edwards.

7/13/2006 Ron Edwards: Regarding copyright and intellectual property
If you have questions about these topics, please take them to the Publishing forum. This forum is about role-playing design ideas. However, before posting, also please take some time to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

7/22/2006 Gasten: [The butler did it!]
Hi! I've been writing (and thinking) of a role playing game in the same spirit as Agatha Christy's novells (I.e detective novells) in a couple of days now (with a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gasten, oreso, matthijs, Troy_Costisick.

7/22/2006 c: [MFUC]The risk of hurting players (adult language)
So my game Outside is getting a name change to reflect my new understanding of what I've been subconsciously wanting to accomplish. More about those particulars here. So ... "My…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Ron Edwards, nikola, Noon.

7/23/2006 signoftheserpent: Designging the City of Tomorrow
Hi, I am soliciting advice and suggestions for the landmarks and makeup of a Metropolis style city; a 'city of tomorrow' in the pulp vein. Not somewhere set in the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, andrew_kenrick, TonyLB, Ken, dindenver, Latigo.

7/25/2006 Mr. Sluagh: Making it Big: the Band Roleplaying Game
This is a game idea I've been tossing around for a while, although I only started figuring out the specifics earlier tonight.  The default premise has the PCs as members…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mr. Sluagh, Glendower, billvolk, slade the sniper, Tim M Ralphs, Nathan P., Arturo G., Call Me Curly, iago.

7/26/2006 coldblackwind: Of Gods and Men Role-Playing Gods at the Dawn of Civilization
Hello Again, I went back to the drawing board and wanted to throw my idea for a RPG again. I do not have all the rules down, but a good…
In First Thoughts
Participants: coldblackwind, c, Thunder_God, Czar Fnord.

7/26/2006 c: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)
So I've been thinking about how I would like My Fucked Up Childhood to be played. I would like it to be good for one-shot's or short campaigns. This seems…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, coldblackwind, Ron Edwards, slavemind.

7/26/2006 c: [MFUC] Mechanical ideas.
So I've got a thread about the initial ideas for setting and situation for My Fucked Up Childhood right here. Here's the few mechanical ideas I have so far. I'd…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Ron Edwards.

7/26/2006 Jon Scott Miller: [The Long Dark] Sins and Motivations
Hello. I am working on a game focused on the perils of sin. The rules are based on BRP (modified beyond recognition) with two important additions: Sins and Motivations. Every…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jon Scott Miller, anders_larsen, sean2099, Joshua BishopRoby, TonyLB.

7/27/2006 WNightBlade: The Weird
Howdy all. This is my first time here (a friend referred me when I started thinking about doing a game). Anyway... I'd appreciate any feedback on my system/world idea. I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WNightBlade, Ron Edwards, slavemind, Joshua BishopRoby, apeiron, Mcrow.

7/27/2006 museleading: [Paranoia] GNS and short attention spans
I came across this the other day. - My Eyes Glaze Over: Roleplaying theory for short attention spans by Allen Varney This bit struck me -------------------- The Fruits of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: museleading, Ron Edwards, oliof.

7/28/2006 Darcy Burgess: [Walk With Dragons] RPG/Boardgame query
I'm in the early stages of a tragic-yet-satyrical project called Walk With Dragons.  It's shaping up to be a weird mixture of Fellowship of the Ring and 1930's Germany.  That's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Darcy Burgess, slavemind, stuartr, Wolfen, Lxndr, joepub, coldblackwind.

7/28/2006 Don Johnson: HEIST
HEIST What you need: Three or more players. One player is the Ringleader. The rest of the players are the Crew. The Hire: (IC RP) The Ringleader presents the heist…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Don Johnson, TonyLB, jasonm, Kevin Allen Jr, Zathreyel, Ron Edwards.

7/31/2006 Thomas D: Group Character Creation
I’ve got an idea for a game with a character pool where during the course of play any player can choose characters that are on the table as the main…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thomas D, Ben Lehman, Adam Kleizer, Bill_White, jasonm, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, Arturo G., Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards, aaronil.

7/31/2006 museleading: Happily ever after - design thoughts
I'm designing a game and I'd like to get some input on it.  I have a set of characters with a strong backstory and set of relationships.  I have a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: museleading, TonyLB, Matt Wilson, dindenver, Selene Tan.

7/31/2006 xoet: 3d/4 person chess game >>into rpg
heya, these are the two games I am working on and or designing 1    the 3d 4 person chess set up This is the idea I just got about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: xoet.

7/31/2006 Marhault: [Afterworld] Resolution problems
The world as it once was has come to an end.  All that is left is a few scattered pockets of survivors trying to rebuild.  The Player Characters are members…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marhault, Matt Wilson, Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, Bill_White.

7/31/2006 Joe Dizzy: [Retro Runner] First draft. - General feedback requested
Hello all. This is my first foray into designing a game, as opposed to house-ruling an existing one into oblivion. This is very much modeled on my first exposure to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Joe Dizzy, leapin lizard, Bill_White, Sydney Freedberg, Ron Edwards, Noon.

8/1/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: The Relationship Map is the NPC Sheet
So I have a niggling of an idea where GM Prep consists of drawing up an R-map of the situation.  The relationships on the R-map and maybe one or two…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, jburneko, Bill_White, Arturo G..

8/1/2006 Byron: [Codex] Moving from Fortune to Karma within a system
I first thought of this while considering weapon damage and so will use that as the example.  I think it could be adapted to be used for the rest of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Byron, oreso, Arturo G., Selene Tan, jbrandl.

8/1/2006 Luke Fleeman: Guidelines and Suggestions
Greetings! I am a first time poster, so I hope I do not go to far away from the intended use of this area; it just seems the most appropriate…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luke Fleeman, Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards, oreso, Darcy Burgess.

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