The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

10/25/2006 kroh: Re: [Six Bullets for Vengeance] very first thoughts
Would the "players" create the scenes as the game progresses (allowing the non-good guy bad guys in the scene to take on suplimental roles) or would they be predefined (written…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kroh, Ron Edwards.

10/24/2006 Simon C: Thinking about a Metagame mechanic.
So this isn't so much a new game idea as an idea that could be used in otherwise traditional style games, to mix up the game authorship in a way…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simon C, Troy_Costisick, crowyhead, Narf the Mouse.

10/23/2006 Nephilim: [Wiedergänger] First ideas for a game...
Hi there! I'm one of the Projekt Odyssee authors from Germany and part-time Forge-reader (though not poster). The successful cooperation at the Essen game fair made me think about posting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nephilim, Troy_Costisick, David Artman, dindenver, TroyLovesRPG.

10/20/2006 Web_Weaver: GM as Facilitator, looking for signposts in the unknown
This post falls between Actual Play and First Thoughts. I place it here because primarily I am involved in adaptation of rules, and a radically altered game is likely to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Web_Weaver, timfire, TroyLovesRPG.

10/17/2006 baron samedi: [LCoE] Strange places: ideas ?
Hello Forgeites, After building a set of game mechanics that allows a game effect bonus for using a specific landmark or building, I'm trying to find ideas about strange places…
In First Thoughts
Participants: baron samedi, crowyhead, David Artman, Narf the Mouse, Simon C, TroyLovesRPG.

10/17/2006 Ancannios: Stuck on a resolution mechanic
Hi to all, I am currently designing my homebrew simulationist  rpg set in the early middle ages, but for 5 days now I just cant get any ideas for a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ancannios, andrew_kenrick, iain, Narf the Mouse, drfelip.

10/16/2006 Brian_W: [Channeling] Temptation and Corruption
Alright first of all, i will try to give all needed information in this thread. If you want to know more, want to read through what i have, or want…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian_W, Troy_Costisick, Narf the Mouse, Xibalba.

10/13/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Yesterday's Tomorrow] Interrogation as character creation
After a hiatus of 2 years I've finally gone back to Yesterday's Tomorrow, my game of a nuclear-powered, dystopian alternate now inspired by 1984, Brave New World, Children of Men…
In First Thoughts
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Reithan, Paul Czege, James_Nostack, Narf the Mouse, TroyLovesRPG, Madheretic, Everspinner, Troy_Costisick.

10/13/2006 willo: Gaming System Framework
What would it take for you to develop your new RPG idea using a Gaming System Framework? Gaming System Framework:     A core set of rules that could be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: willo, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, jeremycoatney, TroyLovesRPG, mratomek, tj333, joepub, Danny_K, David Artman, Certified, Nathaniel B.

10/12/2006 baron samedi: [Last Chronicles of Erdor] Searching for the right adjective to name a religion
Hi, I'm in the process of translating a role-playing game from French to English, and stuck with the choice of a proper term to designate a specific religious movement. -…
In First Thoughts
Participants: baron samedi, FLEB, crowyhead, Wolfen.

10/12/2006 Caesar_X: [Close Encounters] The 90-min RPG
This idea just came out of me tonight while I was trying to muddle my way through the Polaris rulebook in a reclined position.  As my mind wandered, I started…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Caesar_X, andrew_kenrick, TroyLovesRPG, Narf the Mouse, Call Me Curly, cpeterso.

10/11/2006 Narf the Mouse: Tales from the Rusty Broadsword Inn - Combat Aptitudes
Sorry, no real-life name - I just don't feel comfortable using it on the internet. The RPG name is just a placeholder; it was chosen because of a backstory that's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, Adam Dray, Hereward The Wake, Noon.

10/11/2006 sean2099: airing out the idea for a new supers game
While I am awaiting feedback on a different game, I thought that I would put out some beginning thoughts to a new supers game I am working on (working title:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sean2099, daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, Ken, Narf the Mouse, dindenver.

10/10/2006 vgunn: Can you fill in the missing pieces? -- system design questions
Hello All, Its my first post here. I have really just started to look at the forge in detail and I am hoping you could help me out. I've been…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, joepub, Gasten, Hans.

10/10/2006 daMoose_Neo: [BasiCCG] Writing up an open lisence Card Game
I'm always doing this aren't I? New CCG stuff, always ^_^ My earlier discussions with Lee Valentine (Veritas) have led to some revisions of my POD card concept. I'm ordering…
In First Thoughts
Participants: daMoose_Neo, TroyLovesRPG, jeremycoatney, JustinB, David Artman.

10/10/2006 MJGraham: [Insurrection] Motives and Virtues as Attributes
Before I ask my question I feel that I should explain a little about my game. My roleplaying game uses two sets of attributes: virtue attributes (e.g. courage and honesty)…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, r_donato, GreatWolf, AmbroseCollector, stefoid, Narf the Mouse, TroyLovesRPG.

10/10/2006 trukulo: RyF , a very easy and fast game
Hello, first i have to apologise for my poor english. I want to show you a game that we made. It was made in spanish and this is a translation.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: trukulo.

10/9/2006 Bill_White: [Crypt of Chthonos] Sailing to Sarnath: A Kind of Horror Heartbreaker
I've followed with interests threads that talk about Lovecraftian games, because I've always enjoyed the idea of Call of Cthulhu even though I'd never played it.  The consensus that emerges…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bill_White, Wood, anders_larsen, Narf the Mouse, Mel_White, andrew_kenrick.

10/7/2006 CaffinatedAngst: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?
As stated from the general top of the board there is no title as of yet... Being that I love Tolkien and DnD, I originally wanted to do a RPG…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CaffinatedAngst, joepub, jasonm, dindenver, Xibalba, TroyLovesRPG, Call Me Curly, JustinB, Primordia, Castlin.

10/7/2006 Xibalba: Need help with a core mechanic
I have two ideas for the core mechanic for a fairly traditional swashbuckling rpg of high adventure, and I cannot decide between the two.  Please give me some advice and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Xibalba, CommonDialog, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, TroyLovesRPG, Noon, Falc.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

10/27/2006 Narf the Mouse: Tales: Thoughts on meta-game rewards - Themes
As stated previously, I'm writing an epic-journey, low-magic fantasy game. On thing I've been thinking about a long time, that I want in there is what I call Themes. Themes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, Troy_Costisick, TroyLovesRPG.

10/27/2006 gooderguy: Flashcards
Having read lots of the RPG theory and come to a novice understanding of Social Contracts and GNS, I've been wanting to play a diceless system for ages now, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gooderguy, jasonm, Justice Platt.

10/30/2006 c: [The Grey Man Wants You Dead] Initial thoughts
So the research for Silence Keeps Me a Victim is going a bit slower than I anticipated as it's taking me longer to get through suggested reading and resource materials…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, jasonm, Valamir, timfire, TroyLovesRPG.

10/30/2006 Ancannios: [Alchemiae] Brainstorm
Hi to all here at the Forge. First of all, this isn't completely a topic with precisely defined requests, so I hope the Forge will not decapitate me for spamming…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ancannios, Troy_Costisick, nikola, TroyLovesRPG.

10/31/2006 Simons: Balance in a flexible gaming system
I have always had an interest in games where the players have complete (or near complete) control over what happens to their characters when they level up (perhaps the best…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simons, Filip Luszczyk, TroyLovesRPG, bilros02, Simon C, Noon, cottc cid, David Artman.

10/31/2006 Primordia: Do you know something like this?
Hey Everybody. I have a while ago started on making a roleplaying world + system. This world is a primordial soup, and the characters play amorphous blobs. I have created…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Primordia, Ron Edwards, nikola.

10/31/2006 WyldKarde: Tabletop Miniatures / Card Game Idea
Hello all, I'm trying to develop a game that combines the strategy and planning of a  tabletop miniature game with the randomness of a collectible card game.  Nothing innovative or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, Valamir, Hereward The Wake, komradebob, stefoid, sean2099, TroyLovesRPG.

10/31/2006 iain: [Peer Pressure] Time and Trouble
Hi guys, I have started talking about this idea over at <a href="">RPG lab</a> and I would like to engage the services of you good fellows. 'Peer Pressure' is a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, TroyLovesRPG, Noon, Primordia.

11/1/2006 anders_larsen: [Distant Horizons] Explorations Map - some new thoughts
Distant Horizons is a game about exploring and adventuring. It is about people that leave their home to travel the world, and about how this will change them. The exploration…
In First Thoughts
Participants: anders_larsen, Simon C, Troy_Costisick, Primordia, TroyLovesRPG.

11/2/2006 thelostgm: [Giants] Rewards question
After much procrastination and discussion with myself over what exactly I wanted to say, I have finally come up with a post.  So here it is: the first post about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thelostgm, Ben Lehman, Paka, RobNJ, Caesar_X, contracycle, Manicrack, CommonDialog, Primordia.

11/3/2006 timfire: [IaLC] Conflict & Resolution Structure
As some of you might remember from old threads, I'm working on a game tentative titled "In a Land Called". I'm getting close to a playable alpha, but I'm still…
In First Thoughts
Participants: timfire, Steven Stewart, Filip Luszczyk, TroyLovesRPG, Web_Weaver, c, masqueradeball, Simon C, Kami-no-Mark.

11/6/2006 Primordia: [primordia] The world is shrinking, what to do.
Hey guys. in my primordia project, im thinking about having characters play in a game world, that diminishes constantly, much like michael ende the neverending story. The gods of primordia,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Primordia, King Turnip, Geoff Hall.

11/7/2006 iain: [Reel Adventures] Roll Film
Hi guys, Alongside 'Peer Pressure', I have also been working on a game called 'Reel Adventures'. This one has been boiling at the back of my brain for a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, Caesar_X.

11/8/2006 Primordia: [Primordia] Group of character traits
Hey guys. In my game primordia im going to run with a few character mechanics, which is measured in Trust, Trustworthiness and Connections. Trust is an aquired stat, which changes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Primordia, Wood, Troy_Costisick.

11/8/2006 Primordia: a correct time to playtest?
Hey everybody. Not sure this is the right forum to ask, but here goes. When is the right time to playtest your invention??? Is there a hard no leniency rule,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Primordia, timfire, Eero Tuovinen.

11/10/2006 Geoff Hall: [Anarchy] First thoughts (Long!)
Okay, I should probably preface this with the fact that this is not only my first post to these forums (well, discounting a mention of Burning Empires to Primordia a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Geoff Hall, andrew_kenrick.

11/10/2006 King Turnip: [Politico] Ripped from today's attack ads!
I'm kicking around a game of political corruption.  My inspiration is the state of Washington, D.C. and the seemingly pervasive corruption there.  For you outside of Cali, know that we've…
In First Thoughts
Participants: King Turnip, Caesar_X, Ramidel, TroyLovesRPG.

11/14/2006 juandsix: [The Call] - Further Thoughts on Reality Gaming
I did some work on a game concept called "The Call" here a Good While Back, then got pulled off by, well, Real Life. The Out There place. Le Monde.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: juandsix, Simon C.

11/14/2006 Geoff Hall: [Anarchy] Dice pools and conflict resolution
Right, having not garnered much of a response in my first thread about Anarchy ( because, I assume, it was rather too long and lacking in focus I thought that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Geoff Hall, Troy_Costisick, andrew_kenrick, Ron Edwards.

11/15/2006 JasonPalenske: Short Stories
Has anyone found them to be good setting material? I'm looking to spread some short stories through my Frontier settings to help give a feel and some flavor for them.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JasonPalenske, TroyLovesRPG, Simon C, Ben Lehman, GreatWolf, demiurgeastaroth, pells.

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