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In First Thoughts

12/20/2006 contracycle: [The Duellists]
The Duellists This is intended to be an RPG microgame, an RPG which executes exactly one scene, and then ends.  In this case, the scene is a duel between a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: contracycle, IntentionallyWrong, Valamir, Hereward The Wake.

12/20/2006 contracycle: Card games: hand sizes
I'm as wondering if there was anyone out there with encough familiarity with the CCG and similar line of things to help me with the following. I want to know…
In First Thoughts
Participants: contracycle, IntentionallyWrong.

12/19/2006 Bailywolf: [As inspred by The Shab-Al-Hiri Roach & the novel Starfish] Under Pressure
It's dark down here.  Dark and cold, except where the continents are eating each other, and there it's fucking boiling.  Black smokers vomit into the ocean, and around it swarm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, Valamir, jasonm, Jillianaire, Greymorn.

12/19/2006 AdAstraGames: [Worlds of Honor] Power 19
[b]Worlds of Honor[/b] is the working title for an RPG based off of the Honor Harrington universe.! The Power 19 [b]1. What is your game about?[/b] The game is about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: AdAstraGames.

12/18/2006 Bailywolf: A Crazy Dream, Ron Edwards, and a Different take on character advancement
So, I dreamed last night that Ron Edwards was writing a new game, and I was pumped about the promo and sample material he was putting out for it.  It…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, Eero Tuovinen, GregStolze, jasonm, Filip Luszczyk, GB Steve, Andy Kitkowski, Asa.

12/18/2006 Eric Schwenke: [Synergis] Power 19
Hey, I'm new.  I've had this idea for a "Purity-of-System" rules-set for many years that is born from my own frustrations with how many games treat character creation and advancement,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Schwenke, Adam Dray, Valamir.

12/17/2006 Bailywolf: [Of Men and Monsters] A mechanical extrapolation upon Zak Arston's 'Deplorable'
This design riff is inspired by Zak Arston's lost gem Deplorable... in fact, 'inspired' isn't really a strong enough word.  This is more an extrapolation on what Zak was going…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf.

12/15/2006 Icel: Battle Pool
Since one is not supposed to resurrect threads that are past page one,  is it okay for me to repost my ideas? I'll just quete my previous posted on the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Icel, Noon, Hereward The Wake, tyrinian.

12/14/2006 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] Liar's Dice as Core Mechanic
I've been putting some work into a noir/detective game that I'm calling Dirty Secrets.  My specific sources of inspiration are the Philip Marlowe novels by Raymond Chandler (particularly The Long…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GreatWolf, Valamir, nystul.

12/13/2006 Greymorn: Drifting toward Narrativism
This is my first post, so I'll start with hello all and a big, big thank you to the creators, moderators and posters of this forum. In particular many thanks…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greymorn, anders_larsen, Eero Tuovinen, Adam Dray.

12/12/2006 CleverUserName: Core mechanic: need critique
I need some help on the limitations/pitfalls of this core mechanic.  Also, please point out "this is exactly like X".  Any tweaks or improvements, obvious flaws, etc. would be helpful.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CleverUserName, Roger, Bailywolf, anders_larsen, Simon C, TroyLovesRPG, contracycle.

12/11/2006 sean2099: [heroes and villains] character sheets and mechanics
[url][/url] is the thread I am coming from at this point. On the character sheet itself, I am going with the method suggested by Ken.  In a sense, it is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sean2099, Troy_Costisick, dindenver.

12/10/2006 Malcolm: [Everlasting Empire] Power 19
For quite some time now, I've had an idea for a game called Everlasting Empire. A game of quintessentially British heroes and heroines in a future where the Empire still…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Malcolm, Troy_Costisick, anders_larsen, davidberg, jasonm.

12/9/2006 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] How to properly use metaphor.
Hello everyone, I'm working on my game after some research. Previous threads are located here and here. I'm using a metaphor, or some other literary term, in my game. The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Valamir, dindenver, Ben Lehman, TroyLovesRPG, Simon C, contracycle, Tim M Ralphs.

12/7/2006 Hereward The Wake: Swashbuckler aditonal combat skills
Has anyone done any work on developing extra combat styles for Swashbuckler? Using the original game, it is set up for using just the sword. I want to add appropriate…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hereward The Wake, rafial.

12/7/2006 CleverUserName: Struggling to fit Concept into Traditional mechanics
I'm trying to find a mechanic for this concept.  It's a pretty simple concept, and I suck at coming up with mechanics. Characters start at a competency level of the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CleverUserName, dindenver, masqueradeball.

12/7/2006 scimon: Narrative Based game idea
More than anything else this is a post to try to understand the etiquette of these boards. Malcolm, of the a and the state,  recommended as a good place to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: scimon, David Artman.

12/7/2006 Chef Smallfry: Different type of battle system
Okay... A couple of friends and myself are making a video game with a battle system similar to a lot of tabletop RPG's. The battle is pretty standard so far,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Chef Smallfry, rafial.

12/6/2006 CommonDialog: Someone Had to Have Had This Idea
I had an idea for a game, but I am like 90% sure that it's already been done and I wanted to know if anyone has seen the game discussed…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CommonDialog, nystul, Filip Luszczyk, Graham Walmsley, David Artman, Paul T, daMoose_Neo, nicolasfueyo, JustinB, davidberg.

12/6/2006 GregStolze: No such thing as a suck-ass roll
This is a core mechanic in search of a purpose.  In the spirit of "having specific questions" -- for what would you use the following? This grew out of an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GregStolze, jasonm, Bailywolf, Adam Dray, King Turnip, Graham Walmsley, Spooky Fanboy, Altharis.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

12/29/2006 Doc Faustus: Seeking proper mechanics to express a setting
I'm new here, but I've been a refining a setting for both a comic and a roleplaying game. I've hit a few snags in mechanical development, as in, I'm having…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Doc Faustus, c, Eero Tuovinen, TroyLovesRPG, David C, dindenver, anders_larsen, NYCPulpWriter.

12/30/2006 AsuraDemon: Re: The Pantheonverse (a rough RPG idea)
So I've been for a long time wanted to create an RPG where the characters where hybrids of mortal and spirit, but have gone through many different ideas for settings. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: AsuraDemon, Artanis, Glendower.

1/1/2007 Thayne: Look, Ma, I'm a Newbie
Hello all, I don’t see a place for first posts, so I’m just going to grab a spot right here. I’m a site owner of and I was drifting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thayne, Ron Edwards.

1/1/2007 kouato_terra: [Undying Earth] Tell me what you think
Introduction to Undying Earth What is Undying Earth? It is a Role-Playing game set in an alternate earth.  That is to say, the world shares the similar geography, it is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kouato_terra, anders_larsen.

1/1/2007 Curved: Looking for an RPG Universe
Heya, I am an independent computer game developer and I was wondering if anyone knows of any existing and established game-oriented universes that are community created or public domain. If…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Curved, Eero Tuovinen, baron samedi, David C, Ben Lehman, Jeb.

1/3/2007 Hawk: [Maelstrom] Rough idea, what do you think?
While reading a book (of the same name as this rpg), an idea came to me. Before you press the "back" button of your browser, let me attempt to explain…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hawk.

1/4/2007 mholmes52: [Secrets Island] A Lost experiment
The Premise: Characters are survivors of a plane crash on a mysterious island. Each of them has a Secret, and in the surviving luggage is a piece of evidence of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mholmes52, TonyLB, Falc.

1/5/2007 Aaron Blain: QUINCY: Emergent Game/Sim
Synopsis: I want to approach gamish sim through with a nar-ish sim procedure, using a very simple ruleset that utilizes the players’ conception of “tactics” instead of attempting an exhaustive…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aaron Blain, Simon C, Paul T, Troy_Costisick, joepub, YeGoblynQueenne, Myrmidon.

1/5/2007 YeGoblynQueenne: Gender Identity as a Role Playing Game
Hi all. New here. I 'm making this game; its'    working    title is "Transsexuals: The Transition" and it's just what it sounds like. Kinda tongue in cheek,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: YeGoblynQueenne, c, Simon C, hardcoremoose, Emily Care, Sane.

1/5/2007 Dan Maruschak: [Free Will] Exploring the concept of free will in a computer RPG
I’m trying to design a single-player computer RPG.  I’ve never seriously played tabletop RPGs, but I do enjoy reading RPG rules, and have read a few Forge-style games, and think…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dan Maruschak, Noon, Madheretic, Sane, Hans.

1/6/2007 Jon Scott Miller: [Dungeon Opera (Was: Dungeon Noir)] Scenario Design
Hello. This is a follow-up to a previous post on my narrativist (?) dungeon game. Before I was calling it "Dungeon Noir," now it's "Dungeon Opera" (you know--like "Space Opera").…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jon Scott Miller, Jillianaire, talysman, Noon, Clinton R. Nixon, stefoid, sean2099, Simon C.

1/9/2007 angelfromanotherpin: [Do or Die]
Okay, I was recently inspired by a friend to try some design.  The envisioned setting is inspired chiefly by the Warhammer Fantasy novels, and the Myth games.  Grim and gritty…
In First Thoughts
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Valamir.

1/10/2007 Bailywolf: [Design Riff inspired by Zak Arnston's Deplorable] Dark Nar/Game Supers
This design riff is inspired by Zak Arston's lost gem Deplorable... in fact, 'inspired' isn't really a strong enough word.  This is more an extrapolation on what Zak was going…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, anders_larsen.

1/12/2007 names_are_useless: The Fullmetal Alchemist d6 RPG
Hello there, I would like to say hello to everyone on the Forge forums :) I am a rookie RPG maker that is looking for help and support for my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: names_are_useless, Noon, Filip Luszczyk, David C, jeremycoatney, Sane, Eric J..

1/13/2007 YeGoblynQueenne: The Game Development Kit (a game design tool)
Hi all. Since my last post was rather huge and interested readers will have to wait 'till their weekend to sit down with a hot cuppa and a bikkit to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: YeGoblynQueenne, Noon, joepub, anders_larsen, Simon C, contracycle, c, Sane, johnwedd, Mike Sugarbaker.

1/14/2007 TheLHF: [Lost in the Dream]
Lost in the Dream. The characters are trapped or stuck in their dream. They are all sharing a dream and they can’t get out until they unravel the dream and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TheLHF, Darcy Burgess, Bailywolf, Sane.

1/14/2007 ghashsnaga: Far From Home (Power 19) - working title
1. What is your game about? It's about what are adventuers willing to do (or give up) in order to kill the dragon, steal the booty, and maybe rescue a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ghashsnaga, anders_larsen, Troy_Costisick.

1/16/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Immediate vs delayed rewards
I have a fanmail equivalent mechanic in the system I'm working on. Currently, whenever a specific unit of play is closed, everyone can give one "fanmail" award to some other…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Simon C, Ron Edwards.

1/17/2007 Geodragon: Need some help with ideas for Fantasy/Cyberpunk RPG.
This is not my first time making a tabletop RPG and making my own rules to it and GM'ing it for my Roleplaying club. But this will be the first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Geodragon, talysman, anders_larsen, dindenver, Qi Chin, johnwedd, TonyLB, Lostscotsman.

1/17/2007 Sara Adyms: [Sanctum: The Fallout]
There's been a few concerns in general that I have with Sanctum: The Fallout.  Some of them I'm dreading the answer to while it's just too soon to say for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sara Adyms, Sane, anders_larsen, WhiteRat, YeGoblynQueenne.

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