The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

8/9/2007 Justin Nichol - BFG: I want some opinions on initiative
I know plain old initiative isn't exactly a super exciting topic on the cutting edge, but I wanted some of your opinions on the way I'm thinking of doing initiative…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Nichol - BFG, VoidDragon, ODDin, Vulpinoid.

8/8/2007 Henge Keeper: Just A Few General Questions
I have been tossing around the idea of creating my own table top role playing system for a little while now, and I have decided that there were some questions…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Henge Keeper, ODDin, Eliarhiman6, Valamir, Justin Nichol - BFG, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards, Simons, cognis.

8/8/2007 ODDin: [Ur] Some actual stuff
About a year ago I posted about an RPG I was working on, which revolved around a sophisticated tree of abilities and skills. I can't say that I was extremely…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ODDin.

8/7/2007 Narmical: Naratavist Game Compatable with D&D settings
So i posted my idea just before and i dont think i got my point across. (previous post quoted below) I had an idea. Write a game from a naratavist…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narmical, Grinning Moon, Justin Nichol - BFG, Vulpinoid, GB Steve, Ron Edwards, baron samedi, Millsy, Alan.

8/6/2007 Narmical: Naratavist Version of D&D
The other day a new idea struck my mind. Here is what happened. 1) I found out that a D&D 4th ed was announced/in the works 2) I was listening…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narmical, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2007 Grinning Moon: The Seven Days of Annihilation - An Apocalypse-Centric RPG
This concept's been bouncing around my head for a while now, and a few ideas are just snagging here and there that I think just need to be aired out…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grinning Moon, contracycle, TomTancredi, hix.

8/4/2007 Kobayashi: [47] Ronin rpg in the spirit of Zatoichi/Sanjuro/Sword of doom
Hi to all, I've posted here some time ago and got invaluable feedback. So here I come again... This time it's a game inspired by the 47 Ronins : Player…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kobayashi, Chris_Chinn, VoidDragon.

8/4/2007 Ghola: Plots within plots
Hi folks, After taking a break from roleplaying and getting my hands dirty with some gold old-fashioned win/lose fun, I became rather inspired to write an rpg. I suppose the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ghola, Adam Dray, Starblade, Noon.

8/4/2007 RipSteakface: [Article 8]
- too broad - do I need the arcane/alien in there or would it be better to cut that out and work on the historical/present day - system/mechanic - influences:
In First Thoughts
Participants: RipSteakface, ODDin, Vulpinoid, Trevis Martin.

8/4/2007 Narf the Mouse: Where, exactly, am I going with this?
Which is a question that I should be asking myself. And I am. The entire purpose of the game (I was going to shorten it to 'Tales', but somebody seems…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, Chris_Chinn, Primordia, Vulpinoid, cognis.

8/3/2007 thegreatigster: Newbie to RPG Design, Looking for some advice regarding a system
Hello Forge, my Name is Nicholas Graziade and I'm working on an RPG system I call the 3/10s system (because in the dice pools used - d10s- only 30% of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thegreatigster, Chris_Chinn, VoidDragon.

8/3/2007 Vulpinoid: Tales [Power 19]
Hi Everyone, I now realize that a game simply stuck on a page without any real comment on it isn’t very appealing as a topic for discussion. Since reading through…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, anders_larsen.

7/31/2007 Biomech: GM-less games
I'm new to The Forge and am looking for systems for GM-less rpg's. I was wondering if anyone who is more familiar with the many indie games available have a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Biomech, rhat, Eero Tuovinen, Adam Dray, fractayle.

7/31/2007 zoom: Xp, Reawards and skill points
Hello I posted on here several weeks ago about a new diceless game I am designing....It was all going very well when I suddenly hit a bit of a snag.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: zoom, forlorn, anders_larsen, Primordia, Filip Luszczyk, vikingmage, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards.

7/31/2007 rycanada: Rules light magic that doesn't get wacky?
I've had a hard time with really rules-light magic.  My instincts say "say yes" but then things get out of hand quite quickly; the players veer away from the style…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, Chris_Chinn, Hans, Eero Tuovinen, Age of Fable, Valamir, vikingmage, Christoffer Lernö.

7/30/2007 playgame: a top quality powerlevel website
Introduce a top quality powerlevel website to you ,and present the gold .
In First Thoughts
Participants: playgame, Justin Nichol - BFG, Ron Edwards.

7/29/2007 Durandir: Greetings... and some question regarding my rpg project.
  Since this is my first post here, let me start by sending a warm greeting to everyone in The Forge.   For some time, seems like ages to me,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Durandir, Chris_Chinn, Eliarhiman6.

7/29/2007 Dicef: New idea for a D6 based system, simple & universal. How can i procede?
Hello, My name is Fabio... I played every kind of rpg and now i m elaborating my game system. It is a system based on D6 rolling and nothing more…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dicef, Chris_Chinn.

7/29/2007 Ganesha Games: Oblivion- a rpg with no character generation
Hi everybody, my name's Andrea and I am an Italian screenwriter, artist, game designer and illustrator. Those who are curious about my activities can use as a starting point,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ganesha Games, Vulpinoid, asdfff, Andy Kitkowski, joepub, Narmical, greyorm, Eero Tuovinen, vikingmage.

7/28/2007 Bullbar: A system where characters are defined by their flaws?
I was working on some ideas for a system in which the characters are defined primarily or entirely by their Flaws and problems. I eventually came up with this. A…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bullbar, asdfff, Justin Nichol - BFG, Narmical, ynnen.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

8/9/2007 alejandro: unWritten [Power 19]
This is the power 19, a set of 19 questions designed to help one develop and understand what they are trying to create... 1) What is your game about? <ol>…
In First Thoughts
Participants: alejandro.

8/10/2007 wild_card2007: Log scales and resolution mechanics
Hello The Forge, I'm working on my Fantasy Heartbreaker (is that TM Ron? ;) and while I'm happy plugging away on all the color and fluff and such on my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: wild_card2007, VoidDragon.

8/11/2007 paulie: a game about small group dynamics
HI all , I am Paul Wilson  a long time lurker finally dipping my toe into  game design, So I have an idea for a game that I want to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: paulie, hix, Ron Edwards, Bret Gillan.

8/11/2007 Primordia: Challenge players to making their own challenge?
Hey everybody. spurred on by a previous topic on tactics to avoid, ive come to think of this. a way for player or character to create their own challenges. understood…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Primordia, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards.

8/11/2007 cognis: Making sure things stay twisted....?
Hi there! I've been away from roleplaying for a while, but just got back (enthusiastic friends willing to force-feed you sugar beverages and strap you to a pen and character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cognis, preludetotheend, Ron Edwards, hix.

8/12/2007 MrNarrator: I think this will work
I started out wanting to make an universal system until I realized that there was no such thing. All systems imply something about the setting and games that they govern.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MrNarrator, Ron Edwards, Justin Nichol - BFG, simon_hibbs, ODDin, anders_larsen, Grinning Moon, Noon.

8/13/2007 preludetotheend: D100 (if you can't please every one let them please themselves)
So the other day my girl friend was complaining that games have to many rules that don't get used by the group, nearly a quarter sometimes. I took this into…
In First Thoughts
Participants: preludetotheend, Ron Edwards, simon_hibbs, ODDin, Noon.

8/13/2007 signoftheserpent: Shadowmen system ideas
(This has been posted, somewhat, elsewhere as well). Shadowmen is a pulp setting (think Nevermen, Matrix, The Shadow, wierd pulpnoirness) to which I am trying to marry a cool…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, Ron Edwards.

8/13/2007 simon_hibbs: Spacefall (a gamist HeroQuest?)
I've been working on a new game system for a while now, and just recently decided to write it up. I've created a Wiki with the skeleton of a character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: simon_hibbs, Vulpinoid, contracycle.

8/13/2007 Aman the Rejected: [Tear Themselves Apart] Missions Gone Horribly Awry
Here's an idea I've been mulling around in my head. Some organization (a Company in the Shadowrun universe, the Government in Dark*Matter or Delta Green, the King(dom) in D&D) gathers…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aman the Rejected, jasonm.

8/13/2007 ODDin: [Ur] Thoughts on Initiative
Ok, as my last post was pretty much ignored, I'll narrow it down to just one issue. I've been working on my combat system, mainly on the subject of Initiative,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ODDin, VoidDragon, David C, Capulet.

8/13/2007 DannyM: Hello, New to this forum. Question about game play statistics
Hello There,     I stumbled across your site recently and had a few questions about RPG gaming mechanics. I used to play D&D years ago and recently I started…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DannyM, VoidDragon, Justin Nichol - BFG, Capulet, Nev the Deranged, Simon C.

8/14/2007 Lucca: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus
Hi all, I have been a avid paper rpg player for nearly 18 years. I would like to introduce a new D20 system titled Iapetus Fantasy RPG to everyone. It…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lucca, Justin Nichol - BFG, David C.

8/15/2007 Nybbles: Comments for My New Game System
Hello fellow Forgeries. I have been snooping around on this forum for a while now, but this will officially be my very first post on these boards. So anyway, I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nybbles, xenopulse, wild_card2007, Capulet.

8/16/2007 anders_larsen: [Cyberbarians] Story Pacing
In the resent "system in a can" contest, I made this game Cyberbarians, which I ended up being rather satisfied with. I had hoped that I would be able to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: anders_larsen, Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk.

8/16/2007 VoidDragon: [ERA d6] Mutaiji - Dark Neolithic Demon Hunting (Long Post)
Okay, I've truncated the name of my system, which I've been calling AVERA, to just "ERA d6."  I say d6 because I've been working on other mechanics, and a second…
In First Thoughts
Participants: VoidDragon, Justin Nichol - BFG, Vulpinoid, Abkajud, Ron Edwards.

8/16/2007 Sovem: Damage: Nobilis + numbers = what?
I've been thinking about damage systems a lot lately, and how to do them differently than the standard HP model. I like damage to still be damage; that is, if…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sovem, Vulpinoid.

8/16/2007 rycanada: Something I always wanted to do but couldn't find the system for
I always wanted to run a campaign - not just a one-shot - where the players and I could take the roles of deity-like beings and build a campaign world. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, Vulpinoid, Justin Nichol - BFG, Eliarhiman6, Primordia, David Artman.

8/17/2007 SpinachBaron: Romance, love, friendship - emotional stuff
This would be my first post on Forge then, which is why I am still a bit unsure about whether this is the right place to post this. Anyway, my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SpinachBaron, anders_larsen, KeithBVaughn, VoidDragon, Eliarhiman6, preludetotheend, Capulet, Noon, Justin Nichol - BFG, Meguey, TonyLB.

8/17/2007 gmscotch: Mutants and Masterminds 52 Pick-up
    Greetings....       So I am brand new here (don't beat me up too much) and I am brand new to GM'ing a Mutants and Masterminds group.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gmscotch, phatonin, Noon.

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