The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

11/27/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Crow Fortunes & The Awesome Game
So, a while back Kamil ordered some games at Lulu. The package came delayed, though, and instead of Dirty Secrets he received this, possibly due to ordering The Princess Kingdom…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

11/26/2007 Willow: Articles for Wargame Design?
I've been pondering my next design, a hybrid wargame/rpg.  I'm pretty clear on where I want the rpg mechanics to be, but the wargame part is taking up more of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Willow, Valamir, J Tolson, Simons.

11/26/2007 BubbaBrown: [D10-0] Analysis of purpose
I've been working on this system off to the side for the past few years, trying to find out what to do with it.  I think I've found it with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BubbaBrown, J Tolson.

11/26/2007 opsneakie: Thoughts on a 'see-saw' or 'push-pull' Magic system
Okay, the rest of the ideas for my system might be in disorganized shambles right now, but I like this idea, so far. Briefly, this game is about telling sweeping,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, Vulpinoid, Grinning Moon, jmhpfan, Narf the Mouse, Xerxes, Capulet, blodwin.

11/24/2007 StrongBadMun: [Red Alert!] Sci-Fi Roleplay with a twist!
I've had an idea buzzing in my head that I want people's opinions on, it's something I think would be pretty fun and have already started scribbling out concept notes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, Vulpinoid, Darcy Burgess.

11/23/2007 Peter Nordstrand: [While We Were Fighting] Character Generation
I am designing this game. It is called While We Were Fighting. I've scheduled two playtest sessions next week with different groups. Problem is that character generation is flawed. I'll…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, hix.

11/22/2007 hix: [Soth] It's Call of Cthulu after you've gone mad (and a publishing experiment)
I'm writing an extremely short horror-comedy game, which I want to use to break through my fear of publishing (I've been writing my "big" game - Bad Family, aka The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: hix.

11/22/2007 quixoteles: Locke-Spinoza Horoscopy
I looked over a review of Polaris and was reminded of this mechanic I had once long ago. What brought it to my attention was this whole ritual mechanic. This…
In First Thoughts
Participants: quixoteles, Vulpinoid.

11/21/2007 Darcy Burgess: [Squamous] - the unspeakable horror of the thing that should not be!
[i]Squamous[/i] is my take on Lovecraftian exploration.  It's all about ashen shores, unthinkable evils, nefarious cultists, and misshapen appendages.  Its roots are a weird mash-up of the [i]Anti-Pool[/i] and [i]Lacuna[/i].…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Simon C, Noon, Vulpinoid.

11/20/2007 Galdred: skill organization grouping, and cost in a skill based game
I am having some troubles designing a skill system (the game will be skill based). I am trying to build a system in which a PC competent in a domain…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Galdred, Vulpinoid, DracoDruid, Ron Edwards.

11/19/2007 jefgodesky: [Fifth World] Power 19
I haven't finished even the general idea of the rules for The Fifth World, but answering the Power 19 still helps put a focus on what those rules need to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jefgodesky, J Tolson, ChadDubya.

11/19/2007 Justin Nichol - BFG: [Core Engine: The World Behind] A Second Thread about my Magic system
Several months ago I posted a thread about my magic system. It's for an open content game I'm creating, more specifically for the first setting I'm developing for it. It's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Nichol - BFG, J Tolson, jag, Noclue, higgins, Valrus, davidberg.

11/17/2007 WyldKarde: New Mechanic...First Draft
Arright, here's my first attempt at an RPG.  Up until this point, I've been writing descriptions, back stories, and novelizations of my buddy's campaigns.  Granted, aside from being the guy…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, Justin Nichol - BFG, Noon, preludetotheend, Phil.

11/15/2007 Tubbybottom: in dire need of help
Hello again guys and girls... My game where the uprising technofreaks(I will come up with a better name for them than that at a later point) is battling the ruling…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tubbybottom, Xerxes, StrongBadMun.

11/15/2007 J Tolson: [Twilight] Power 19
Twlight (full name: Twilight of the Gods) is a game I've been working on for several years now. Figured it was about time I actually got around to written up…
In First Thoughts
Participants: J Tolson, johntfrazer, Troy_Costisick.

11/15/2007 Xerxes: Soul mechanics & gameplay
Hi guys, I'm trying to design an rpg where the central conflicted gauge (to use Kirk's term) is that in order to become more proficient at the game's central trades…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Xerxes, monstah, contracycle, Noon, Vulpinoid.

11/14/2007 Raymond Caleatry: Mechanics for "Advanced" Social Encounters
I have been writing a system for about 2 years now, and it has gone through many incarnations.  Recently I started to explore mechanics behind advanced social encounters.  Now I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Raymond Caleatry, VoidDragon, tymotzues.

11/14/2007 jefgodesky: [Fifth World] Practical concerns about my character sheet
Sgëno! I have an idea I'm really taken with at the moment about using a compass/medicine wheel/mandala as a character sheet (Design Diary entry with full details), where skills/traits/attributes are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jefgodesky, monstah, Simon C, J Tolson, PlatonicPimp, Selene Tan, Vulpinoid.

11/13/2007 monstah: Mechanic better suited to "lone multiplayer"
I have this project for a computer "role playing experience" (rather than "role playing game"), and I'm not sure how to approach it. Key elements are: * unsettling horror thematic;…
In First Thoughts
Participants: monstah.

11/10/2007 ODDin: A Small Scene Resolution Mechanic
Some time ago I decided to run a fairly standard high-fantasy campaign, but I wanted to go extremely light on rules. At first, I wanted to do it absolutely free-form.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ODDin, monstah, Noon, BigElvis, Simon C.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

11/27/2007 DracoDruid: I need help on Ability choice for my system
Hi everybody. I recently got her from a friend of mine and I really hope I will get the inspiration I need at the moment. Ok off we go: For…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DracoDruid, Lobo, Darcy Burgess, opsneakie, Conteur, Marshall Burns, Narf the Mouse, Llogres.

11/27/2007 jmhpfan: Dogs in the Tower (a Stephen King hack)
    I am a big fan of Dogs in the Vineyard and of Stephen King's Dark Tower series.  I keep thinking that these two were made for each other. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: jmhpfan, J Tolson, northerain.

11/29/2007 Noon: In the pursuit of shiny objects
I have an idea for keeping play in a certain type of flux, but it needs just a bit more push. Basically I'm imagining a grided map, with an objective…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, jag, contracycle, Simon C, dindenver.

11/29/2007 earwig: System with changing skills
Okay, I'm going to try to be as short with this as possible, since I have a habit of rambling. I am working on an RPG where the players play…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, opsneakie, Simon C, Marshall Burns.

11/29/2007 StrongBadMun: Ember and Magic or "AUGH IT BURNS!!!"
Ok so in my game Ember the laws of magic are stripped away, making it difficult to predict and even more difficult to control.  I don't want the "mages" to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, Simon C, Simons, Noon, crackrat, OnnoTasler, Capulet, chronoplasm.

11/30/2007 Marshall Burns: American Wizards, detailed character, loose resolution
I'm currently working on a game called American Wizards and would like to get thoughts on certain aspects of its design.  BUT I want to presage this with a touch…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, Troy_Costisick, Miskatonic, c.

12/1/2007 Narf the Mouse: One of my projects has born fruit - Realms
One of the ways I refine my RPGs is to write character sheets. So, one day, I had this idea hanging around my head - So I started writing a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, Raymond Caleatry, anders_larsen.

12/1/2007 Marshall Burns: scattershot pitches
Ok, I've been trying to hold back from doing this all day, but I think I might explode if I don't. The following are abstracts of game concepts that I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, earwig, StrongBadMun, Ken, Castlin.

12/2/2007 Meadslosh: "Knowledges" as primary statistics?
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my first post on the Forge. I'm glad to be here. I have been ruminating upon the desire to write an RPG for quite some…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Meadslosh, WyldKarde, Hans.

12/2/2007 earwig: Starting on a Wiki?
Hey all.  I'm putting together my first RPG, and I wanted to design the whole thing as a Wiki first.  The pages would be locked at first, until I hash…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, Capulet, Meadslosh, David Artman, dindenver, davidberg, northerain.

12/3/2007 MTLloyd: A couple of questions on my first thoughts...
Okay, so the idea wandered into my head unbidden and now refuses to go away, so I figure I may as well roll with it. First of all, some questions:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MTLloyd, Ron Edwards, J Tolson.

12/4/2007 shays: Basic Mechanic building from the ground up
I've been bouncing from idea to idea trying to nail down a mechanic that will work well for a super-heroic RPGs.  My challenge is to...Well develope a scale for challenges. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: shays, Ken, Capulet, Noon, Darcy Burgess, hermes, jag.

12/4/2007 SilasMalkav: Reputation instead of Experience
I'm working on a fantasy city based rpg featuring several competing factions. While developing the game, I came up with the idea of having players gain reputation instead of experience…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SilasMalkav, xenopulse, Xerxes, David Artman, dindenver, Capulet, Devin P. Owens.

12/4/2007 SaintandSinner: Design Goals For Alternative Take on Amber RPG
I'm looking to rift off of the basic ADRPG which I've had years and years of fun playing and running. Althought the game is good there are times when it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SaintandSinner.

12/5/2007 opsneakie: [Name in Progress] Power 19!
1.) What is your game about? This game is a fantasy adventure game, set in a world hanging the the balance of opposing forces: Fire and Water, Earth and Air,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, Troy_Costisick.

12/5/2007 northerain: Planet Terror
So I watched Planet Terror a few weeks ago and bought the dvd today(Birthday present to myself). I then decide to make an rpg based not on the movie, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, earwig.

12/7/2007 masqueradeball: CONTENDER
I want to make a game based on all the movies out there that turn boxing into a metaphor... Rocky, Cinderella Man, Raging Bull, etc... I'm not very interested in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, joepub.

12/8/2007 WyldKarde: Step-Die Mechanics
Hey Forge, Working on a generic RPG system and I've quickly learned that my ambition is asking a lot of me.  To quickly recap from an old post, my previous…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, JCunkle, Darcy Burgess, Capulet, J Tolson, Xerxes.

12/9/2007 earwig: Couple of questions on a rules-lite system
Hi all! Quick question that I hope isn't too broad.  I am working on my first rpg, and I am developing the system.  What I'm looking for is a very…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, opsneakie, Narf the Mouse.

12/9/2007 kouato_terra: Task resoulution idea
Hey everyone,  It has been quite some time since I last posted here at the forge, but I have been lurking around for a while now and I have to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kouato_terra.

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