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In First Thoughts

12/14/2007 Miskatonic: **unsolicited!!** - a game of spam and human desperation
[tt]YOU LOVER NOT SATISFIED IN BED? NEW ALL NATURAL CURE FOR MALE PROBLEMS! BETTER THAN VIAGRA![/tt] Where to begin? You know spam, that thing every single person who uses the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Miskatonic, earwig, TomTitTot, Elizabeth, matthijs.

12/13/2007 JCunkle: Good Story + Good Game: Possible?
So I was lurking around Vincent Baker's "I would knife fight a man" a few days ago and read a discussion there about whether it was possible to write an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JCunkle, Filip Luszczyk, Noon, Greymorn, TonyLB.

12/11/2007 signoftheserpent: Shadowmen system II (split)
A new day and a fresh look at one of my old ideas (playing the matrix online has reinvigorated my interest). In the game characters will experience a rollercoaster ride…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, kouato_terra, Ron Edwards, Ken.

12/11/2007 Meguey: Further thoughts on Intertwined
To recap: It's a game for two players, with a overt goal being to arouse and be aroused, sensually. There's lots of touching hands, but players otherwise don't really touch,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Meguey, Eero Tuovinen, Elizabeth, David Artman.

12/11/2007 Llogres: [From Zero To Hero] Power 19
[b]1.) What is your game about? [/b] "From Zero To Hero" (working title, maybe i will keep it) is about a dark fantasy world, called Mael'Saresh, where different factions fight…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Llogres, Valamir, Troy_Costisick.

12/11/2007 Options: Dungeons and Discourse
Hello! I registered at these forums a while ago with the intent of posting here and hopefully getting some feedback on an RPG that's been in the works for about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Options, Noon, sirelfinjedi, ninja88penguin, was_fired, Mike Sugarbaker, Age of Fable, chronoplasm, Rich F.

12/11/2007 Eldrad: PUNKS:RPG
Sorry I am slightly dyslexic please ignore the previous post. Back in the 90s I wrote with some help of some friends a game called PUNKS. It was a game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eldrad, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Ken, earwig, Ron Edwards.

12/10/2007 Llogres: [Mael'Saresh] Power 19
First of all i want to say that i got no experience in RPG Design at all, but i want to develop a system (including setting) for private use in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Llogres, J Tolson, Troy_Costisick.

12/10/2007 TomTitTot: Dystopian Game - help me find my balance?
I posted about my project "The Hammer Falls: A Game of Dystopia" some time ago, but have hit a snag that is doing my head in. Any suggestions or comments…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TomTitTot, ADGBoss, matthijs.

12/9/2007 kouato_terra: Task resoulution idea
Hey everyone,  It has been quite some time since I last posted here at the forge, but I have been lurking around for a while now and I have to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kouato_terra.

12/9/2007 earwig: Couple of questions on a rules-lite system
Hi all! Quick question that I hope isn't too broad.  I am working on my first rpg, and I am developing the system.  What I'm looking for is a very…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, opsneakie, Narf the Mouse.

12/8/2007 WyldKarde: Step-Die Mechanics
Hey Forge, Working on a generic RPG system and I've quickly learned that my ambition is asking a lot of me.  To quickly recap from an old post, my previous…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, JCunkle, Darcy Burgess, Capulet, J Tolson, Xerxes.

12/7/2007 masqueradeball: CONTENDER
I want to make a game based on all the movies out there that turn boxing into a metaphor... Rocky, Cinderella Man, Raging Bull, etc... I'm not very interested in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, joepub.

12/5/2007 northerain: Planet Terror
So I watched Planet Terror a few weeks ago and bought the dvd today(Birthday present to myself). I then decide to make an rpg based not on the movie, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, earwig.

12/5/2007 opsneakie: [Name in Progress] Power 19!
1.) What is your game about? This game is a fantasy adventure game, set in a world hanging the the balance of opposing forces: Fire and Water, Earth and Air,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, Troy_Costisick.

12/4/2007 SaintandSinner: Design Goals For Alternative Take on Amber RPG
I'm looking to rift off of the basic ADRPG which I've had years and years of fun playing and running. Althought the game is good there are times when it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SaintandSinner.

12/4/2007 SilasMalkav: Reputation instead of Experience
I'm working on a fantasy city based rpg featuring several competing factions. While developing the game, I came up with the idea of having players gain reputation instead of experience…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SilasMalkav, xenopulse, Xerxes, David Artman, dindenver, Capulet, Devin P. Owens.

12/4/2007 shays: Basic Mechanic building from the ground up
I've been bouncing from idea to idea trying to nail down a mechanic that will work well for a super-heroic RPGs.  My challenge is to...Well develope a scale for challenges. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: shays, Ken, Capulet, Noon, Darcy Burgess, hermes, jag.

12/3/2007 MTLloyd: A couple of questions on my first thoughts...
Okay, so the idea wandered into my head unbidden and now refuses to go away, so I figure I may as well roll with it. First of all, some questions:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MTLloyd, Ron Edwards, J Tolson.

12/2/2007 earwig: Starting on a Wiki?
Hey all.  I'm putting together my first RPG, and I wanted to design the whole thing as a Wiki first.  The pages would be locked at first, until I hash…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, Capulet, Meadslosh, David Artman, dindenver, davidberg, northerain.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

12/15/2007 Friar Zero: Zombie Apocalypse Ruleset
Hello everybody!  I'm new here and I have been working on a set of custom mechanics for a Zombie Apocalypse setting.  I was hoping that I could get some feedback…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Friar Zero, northerain, Peter Nordstrand, blodwin.

12/15/2007 Nev the Deranged: [the pickup game] - descriptor tables
I recently posted over in AP about "the pickup game",, and I am doing further thinking about it. So, I have been fiddling around with a chart to facilitate…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

12/17/2007 SethCarmikle: Passages: a new "Christian" RPG
Alright guys. My parents are the types that don't like table-top rpgs becouse of all the "satanic" influences in them, so i've come up with a solution. I am working…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SethCarmikle, Meguey, Miskatonic, Eero Tuovinen, Filip Luszczyk, Vanoj, Noon, earwig, preludetotheend, StrongBadMun, matthijs, Creatures of Destiny, sirelfinjedi, dindenver, Ken.

12/20/2007 preludetotheend: Gears and Cogs (GaC)
  So I am working on a jury rigged version of the splendid Alternity meshed with the wonder that was Old World of Darkness (back when it was not crap).…
In First Thoughts
Participants: preludetotheend, matthijs.

12/20/2007 Marshall Burns: Super Action Now! (and the Way of the Disco Samurai)
So I was thinking about a comment Sam "wreckage" made about an old, old game I had designed in this thread.  He said:  Dwogres? Robots? Flesh eating owls? Grotesque character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, Noon.

12/21/2007 Elizabeth: Audeamus: a cinematic, non-fantasy romp in ancient Rome
So my friend Charlotte and I are designing a game about ancient Rome, entitled Audeamus. It's going to be more cinematic than slavishly historically accurate-- think Ben Hur and Gladiator.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Elizabeth, Paul T, Phil, Stryck, Narf the Mouse.

12/21/2007 darthfodder: Game about going from a mortal to a God
Okay so my idea is a game about going from a mortal to a god and once godhood is achieved, keeping a faith and influencing the world in the way…
In First Thoughts
Participants: darthfodder, jag, preludetotheend, Spooky Fanboy, Xerxes, Ron Edwards.

12/22/2007 IoValde: Vagrant Stories
[center][size=20pt]VAGRANT STORIES[/size] [size=15pt]The Pie in the Gutter And other Amazing Tales[/size][/center] This is a game about bums. Not your run-of-the-mill, hard-up, dime-a-dozen schmucks, but the senile sods who’ve lived on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: IoValde, masqueradeball.

12/23/2007 arthurtuxedo: Can talking people's heads off be as fun as slicing them off?
On a brief and semi-recent MUDding kick, I tried out the new Iron Forge MUD, Lusternia. It's pretty similar to their previous games, but one addition struck me. There was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: arthurtuxedo, masqueradeball, Noclue, Noon, dindenver, GregStolze, jag, contracycle.

12/23/2007 sirelfinjedi: Newby Needs Help
Hey, I'm new to the Forge and I feel a little lost. I've recently (over the past 6 months) gotten very excited about game design. I've been fired up by…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sirelfinjedi, Ron Edwards, brainwipe, FLEB.

12/24/2007 Xenoheart: A game based on... ASTROLOGY?
Well, hi there, Forge community. Meet Leo: Israely, fourteen, RPG(And generally a)geek, and without any conception of proper english spelling/grammer. Seem's you have just met me. Well, for a big…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Xenoheart, dindenver, LandonSuffered.

12/26/2007 ODDin: [Demon Desire] First Ideas
About a week ago I picked up the album "The Shadow Cabinet" by Wuthering Heights. A few listens to the opening track, "Demon Desire", gave birth to an RPG. Mysterious…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ODDin, sirelfinjedi.

12/27/2007 LandonSuffered: The Golden Compass!
All right…just saw the Golden Compass and I’m thinking when are they going to come out with an RPG for this?  What an awesome setting!  Aeronaut cowboys, armored ice bears,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: LandonSuffered, Noon, Xerxes, David C, pfischer.

12/29/2007 Igtenio: D20 Lite Variant
First off, I apologize, since I know there're a million D20 derivatives out there, but I figured I'd post about one I've been thinking over. Without a doubt, others have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Igtenio, Noon, jag, Bastoche, sirelfinjedi, Dormammu, dindenver, Ron Edwards, Eldrad.

12/29/2007 agoodall: Alternate history/fantasy medieval setting - what do characters do?
Long-time lurker, first-time poster... I have an idea for an alternative history game set in the 13th century. Along with alternative history, there are fantasy elements. I have a good…
In First Thoughts
Participants: agoodall, ODDin, Noclue.

12/31/2007 earwig: A Conspiracy of Clippings (with Apologies to William S. Burroughs)
   I was reading something about William S. Burroughs the other day, and it was talking about how he would sometime just cut up stips of paper containing words or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, GregStolze.

1/2/2008 darthfodder: Mortal to God game
Okay, so I found out that there's already a game out there where the characters go from mortal to god from my last post on this same idea,but that's okay;…
In First Thoughts
Participants: darthfodder.

1/2/2008 Marshall Burns: OBLITERATI: the Unspeakable Horror of the Literary Life
[b]Exposition[/b] All the players take on the roles of made-up famous novelists.  Let’s assume that all these novelists have been well-acquainted for about 10 years, and also that, when it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, Murrquan, brainwipe, jasonm.

1/4/2008 David C: A bit fuzzy on the math (statistics)
Ok, for character creation in my game, I came up with a mechanic where you take 8 d6 and roll them. You then group like numbers and count each dice…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, Vanoj, Eero Tuovinen, VoidDragon.

1/4/2008 Willow: [The Hunger] Zombies, Vampires, Ghouls- Help My Idea Work
So, with Awesome Adventures finishing up and being ready soon, I'm setting my sights on my next project: The Hunger. The Hunger is a story-game about vampires.  The player characters…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Willow, c, lumpley, GregStolze, masqueradeball, apeiron, Bret Gillan, Grinning Moon.

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