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In First Thoughts

9/19/2008 danielsan: new Supers game-- Classic Marvel + Wushu mash-up
Hi all. Long-time lurker, long-time fan. With all the great storytelling game experience here, I'd love to get people's feedback on to my own pet project, a homebrew mash-up of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: danielsan.

9/19/2008 Klaus Graziade: Beneath the Veil - A Game of Negative Utopia (I NEED QUIRKS!!!)
Dear Forge, So I've been working long and hard on several game avenues and am near ready to test the game that has eventually become Beneath the Veil.  Anywho, long…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Klaus Graziade, Vulpinoid, imago.

9/17/2008 jefgodesky: [Fifth World] Revised Power 19
[url=http://""]Looking for playtesters[/url] now that it's gotten close enough to do such things, I realized that [i]The Fifth World[/i] had evolved a bit as I'd worked on it, and the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jefgodesky.

9/17/2008 Madheretic: Running Fire Emblem On Top of D&D 4e
I'm working on a game borrowing theme and setting ideas from the strategy video game franchise Fire Emblem. Particularly I would like to emulate the peppy pace, endearing characters and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Madheretic, whiteknife.

9/16/2008 chronoplasm: Townsfolk- Different player races? I'm two minds on this.
In Townsfolk, you play as a tradesman protecting your town against monsters by weaponizing your tools and perfecting your skills into a unique fighting style. You choose your profession and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, EdEdEd, dindenver.

9/16/2008 John Blaz: Your thoughts on my game mechanics
Hey everybody! Long time lurker, first time poster. I've been tossing an idea for an RPG around for some time, a modern day tactical survival horror game. One of my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, maov, Selene Tan, Vulpinoid, vgunn.

9/14/2008 electricpaladin: The Strangest Dream
[b][center]The Strangest Dream[/center][/b] [b]The Three Questions[/b] [u]What is your game about? [/u] At first, I thought this game was about dreams. But really, The Strangest Dream is about magic. Not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: electricpaladin, chronoplasm.

9/11/2008 Certified: [Fractured Kingdom] Mysticism and Martial Arts Dark Adventure
Attached are initial setting notes followed by the Power 19. Setting Notes: Fractured Kingdom <Working Title> The world has grown colder over the last decades; huge multinationals rising in power…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Certified.

9/10/2008 slade: Chapter Layout idea
for a generic d20 system, what do you think of this nonstandard approach for laying out my campaign setting book. The point, is of course, to show off the setting...…
In First Thoughts
Participants: slade, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, StrongBadMun.

9/9/2008 chronoplasm: [Townsfolk] Resolution: How can I use Wisdom and Youth points?
OK, so heres my idea for resolution in my game Townsfolk. Players start out each day with a certain number of cards in hand. Depending on what 'milestones' your character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, dindenver.

9/9/2008 opsneakie: [Night and Day] Experience and a few last bits
Okay, so I'm almost ready to move into playtesting Night and Day, now that alignment is worked out. The last thing I need to figure out is experience. Does there…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, chronoplasm, Vulpinoid.

9/8/2008 TheDarkVice: Simple Open-ended D6 System
Hello, I am here to explain my very simple open-ended d6 system. It's still unnamed, but it is intended for all forms of role-playing games, from hardcore to casual. The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TheDarkVice.

9/8/2008 ApostlicDescendation: Dice Mechanics in new Game
Im stuck, I need some sage advice....... I grew up on a d20 system, and I tend to think in it.  I play it because thats all there is that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ApostlicDescendation, TonyLB, whiteknife, First Oni, maov.

9/5/2008 Baron Morgan: The Maiden Saga RPG
Hi all, I'm a writer by profession but a relative newcomer to RPG design and would appreciate advice and comments on the game I'm developing to go with my fantasy…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Baron Morgan, Dementia Games.

9/5/2008 slade: Freeform Magic (like WW) in a d20 system
I want to implement a free form, role playing Magic System (like in Mage from White Wolf). Is it possible in d20? To have, the power of spells to increase,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: slade, Khuxan, maov, hoefer, Finarvyn, Pirate King.

9/4/2008 slade: Book layout concept (rules at the back)
What do you think about the idea of putting all rules and stats at the back, in a sort of appendix? So I'd put my little bestiary somewhere near the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: slade, Eero Tuovinen, Paul Czege, oliof, Will, Finarvyn.

9/2/2008 chronoplasm: [Townsfolk] Thoughts on Chargen
OK, so I had this idea for using a kind of lifepath system in my game, Townsfolk. Basically, your character sheet will have a list of 'milestones' representing events in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, dindenver, davidberg.

9/2/2008 opsneakie: [Night and Day] Some thoughts about alignment and changing the world.
So, I've been working on Night and Day on and off when I get the chance, and I think I have most of the mechanics ironed out. Things are resolved…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, whiteknife, Vulpinoid, Abkajud.

9/2/2008 Psiweapon: First thoughts, First post, F3!
*waves* :D Hello there, first post. This is the Power 19 (thanks troy!) of a game I've been developing (alone at first, then with some friends) for two and a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Psiweapon, whiteknife, chronoplasm.

8/29/2008 Guy Srinivasan: Investigation subsystem for Burning Wheel using Zendo
The following is a story about how I began thinking about an investigation subsystem for Burning Wheel. My goal is to create something that my group would enjoy, so lack…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Guy Srinivasan, Susan Calvin, Vulpinoid.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

9/21/2008 Axe4Eye: Should OMNI use D6 or D10?
Hello all!  Yes, Theater Of ThE Mind. got renamed.  I started out YEARS ago very complicated and now have made it more and more simple.  Now I am having a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Axe4Eye, Eero Tuovinen, Will, Vulpinoid.

9/22/2008 Lethe: Looking for feedback on trio of very rough games
I posted a request for some feedback on, but I figured I'd post here as well since more people who are interested in game design tend to congregate at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lethe.

9/23/2008 vini_lessa: [Mountain Witch] Where to buy?
Hi there. I dont know if this is the right section for posting this kind of message. I would like to buy Mountain Witch. If somebody there has a copy…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vini_lessa, Ron Edwards.

9/24/2008 rycanada: What are the parameters of online design (skype + board)?
I have Skype for voice plus a shared tabletop app (Maptool being my favorite).  I was challenged some time ago to design a game specifically for this environment, and while…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, VoidDragon.

9/25/2008 robotsunshine: Two vital concepts missing!
So I've got this World War 2 game a-brewin' where the players play a band of werewolves dropped behind enemy lines for a special mission.  I've done something different for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: robotsunshine, Vulpinoid, chronoplasm.

9/26/2008 Axe4Eye: Interpenetrating astral planes anybody?
I am trying to complete a cosmology for the OMNI universe.  OMNI has 11 levels of "awareness", consciousness, enlightenment or whatever with 10 being "Hell" and 0 Being omnipresent, omniscient,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Axe4Eye, whiteknife, Vulpinoid.

9/26/2008 walruz: Making gunfights play as actual gunfights
I'm developing a semi-hard sci-fi setting+system (inspired by a combination of Dune, Transhuman Space, Firefly, Fading Suns and Kingdom of Heaven), and I want to try and consolidate the gimmick-type…
In First Thoughts
Participants: walruz, Vulpinoid, Precious Villain, Axe4Eye, pfischer, dindenver, Roadkill, chance.thirteen, hatheg-kla, Capulet, JoyWriter.

9/28/2008 John Blaz: yet another core mechanic I'm toying with
Hey everyone, I've been trying to come up with a system for a fantasy and modern day survival horror RPG for a while now. I have a decent idea of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Vulpinoid, hoefer, soundmasterj, David C.

9/28/2008 Roadkill: New combat system, does this make sense?
I don't want to necro my old power19 from 3 months ago.... I've been developing some rules for a rpg/wargame for some time. The game focuses on character development, questing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Roadkill, Dementia Games, opsneakie, Hereward The Wake.

9/29/2008 maov: Why defend in combat
I have been working a lot on a combat focused rpg system and it is getting closer and closer to realization (i´ve had 3 small-medium play sessions with it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: maov, John Blaz, Roadkill, hoefer, Vulpinoid, TonyLB, David Artman, Capulet, Hereward The Wake, soundmasterj, Nath, Rauðbjørn, big dummy, bspvirgo, ShallowThoughts.

10/1/2008 John Blaz: A different kind of eXPerience system
Had an idea for an XP system similar in ways to the Elder Scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion) but not as detailed. There are four categories of XP. Combat, Exploration, Technology…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Vulpinoid, walruz, Menigal, Wolfen, David Artman, Darcy Burgess, Dementia Games.

10/2/2008 Axe4Eye: OMNI: Help with "Changing the World"
Mayfair's game "Underground" has an interesting aspect I was considering using for OMNI.  Each country, City, State, etc. has a set of parameters such as "Take home pay", "Safety", "Goverment…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Axe4Eye, VoidDragon, Vulpinoid.

10/3/2008 Tark: WuShu Renegades: Considering a different way to run games.
I posted this on hoping to generate some possible discussion and maybe refine this idea into something workable.  I haven't really gotten it much farther then this currently.  I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tark.

10/5/2008 John Blaz: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?
Note: Nothing is set in stone, just tossing around the idea. Let me know what you think! Wounds are based on a severity level, which shows exactly how deep and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Axe4Eye, hoefer, Darcy Burgess.

10/6/2008 T. Ettinger: [Halberd System] A very different approach to a lot of mechanics.
Hello,     I have been working on one system in various guises for almost 4 years now, and now I am getting ready to actually write a book using…
In First Thoughts
Participants: T. Ettinger, dindenver, hoefer.

10/6/2008 Dementia Games: Starting with the basics: attributes and traits
I am working on a horror RPG which has suffered many different incarnations due to my inability to settle on a given method of...well...anything.  From the basics of the dice…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dementia Games, Eero Tuovinen.

10/7/2008 visioNationstudios: [Hardened Heroes & Fiendish Foes] Power 19
I've been following these forums for quite awhile, but have recently turned the attention of some in my company to these pages and articles, and have begun walking them through…
In First Thoughts
Participants: visioNationstudios, hoefer, Vulpinoid.

10/7/2008 etheruk: Cold War Spy Game
Having brought the Ultimate James Bond collection I had an urge to write up a spy game set during the 1960s. I want to capture the tone of the early…
In First Thoughts
Participants: etheruk, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, Noon.

10/12/2008 opsneakie: [Night & Day] Rulebook!
Hey everyone, I know that to those of you following this game, there's been nothing on the Night and Day front for a while. I've got an early version of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, Vulpinoid.

10/13/2008 Ninetongues: Arch Inverted Showoff [8mb teaser]
Hey. Here's a teaser for Arch Inverted RPG, a sciece-fantasy game I've been working on for some time. It's still in early-alpha stage of development, but we decided to stitch…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ninetongues, Eero Tuovinen, LionDog, David C.

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