The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics
In design

8/26/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Monster Killing
I have a couple of NPCs I plan to post to the NPC thread, but I'm having trouble thinking of special ways to kill them. According to the rules, each…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, iago.

8/26/2006 iago: Agon - First Among Equals
"First Among Equals" is the name I'm using for my Agon running.  I wasn't entirely expecting to, but I ran a session for two players, including character creation, end-to-end, one…
In design
Participants: iago, coffeestain, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper, Adam Dray.

8/25/2006 drnuncheon: Agon through IPR?
So, the owner of my FLGS was kind of interested in Agon - is it going to be available through IPR?
In design
Participants: drnuncheon, iago, John Harper.

8/25/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Special Items
There's that section of the character sheet taunting me, tempting me, teasing me: Special Items. What sort of thing is that box for, and if it's for special items accumulated…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, rafial, iago, Valamir, John Harper.

8/25/2006 iago: Divine Favor - Dice adders
Divine favor expenditure includes: 1 box: +1d6 to any roll 3 boxes: +1d8 to any roll My first question, one which may have been asked and answered (if so, apologies)…
In design
Participants: iago, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, Valamir, coffeestain.

8/25/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Highest Legend Benefits
According to the rules, the Hero with the highest Legend gets a +2 Orate in leadership-type contests. I like this. But, possibly inspired by Ralph's Greatest Deeds idea, I'd like…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, iago.

8/25/2006 iago: Agon: Heroic Traits Grab Bag
Okay, so, 10 Heroic Traits does not a sufficiently large grab-bag make, for me.  The ones provided on page 21 are *awesome*, but not in large enough quantities. So, I'm…
In design
Participants: iago, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, jasonm, Shreyas Sampat, rafial.

8/24/2006 coffeestain: [SPLIT] Samurai adventure with Agon
I'm honstly not sure Glory > Fate would need to be changed at all for a samurai version, John. I think Honor would be a cool thing to call your…
In design
Participants: coffeestain, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

8/24/2006 jasonm: Nahuatl Pantheon
I'm all fired up about "interculturalizing" Agon.  To that end, goign with what I sort of know, here's the Nuahuatl pantheon: Tezcatlipoca, God of Fire Symbols:  Smoking mirror Abilities:  Might,…
In design
Participants: jasonm, coffeestain, John Harper.

8/24/2006 Valamir: Island of Halavra
Ok, so I'll throw the outline of the island up in the Island thread, but I thought it would be fun to walk through the the mental process of creating…
In design
Participants: Valamir, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.

8/23/2006 John Harper: Agon: Post Your Islands Here
Post the Islands and associated Quests that you've created here. Quest-specific NPCs can also go here, though you may want to also post them in the NPC sticky thread. If…
In design
Participants: John Harper, iago, Ignus, Darcy Burgess.

8/23/2006 John Harper: Agon: Post Your NPCs Here
This is the place to share your NPC builds. Only NPC posts here, please. If you want to discuss anything in this thread, start a new thread for commentary.
In design
Participants: John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, Willow, DainXB, NathanFrund, Excellence.

8/22/2006 Valamir: Fun With Greatest Deeds
I'm liking the whole Greatest Deeds tracking thing.  Here's a thought I had that sounded kind of fun. Cut up the Greatest Deeds sheet into 8 individual "cards".  Award the…
In design
Participants: Valamir, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, iago.

8/22/2006 Valamir: More miscellaneous queries
1) NPCs have Divine Favor.  Is it possible for them to have a god and get Favored Ability bonuses as well? 2) You can buy an Advantage die for 1…
In design
Participants: Valamir, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.

8/22/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Hero v Hero
The rules for contests explicitly cover things like Hero v NPC (Name + Ability) or Hero v Obstacle (Strife), but don't say anything about Hero v Hero. In a Hero…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Shreyas Sampat, John Harper.

8/22/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Divine Favor - Multiple Attacks
When spending the 2 point Divine Favor, Take an Extra Attack, can you do this multiple times within the same exchange?
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, John Harper, LordSmerf.

8/22/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Action order - tied ability
In Battles, the rules state that cgaracters act in reverse order of Positioning, and in case of tie, in order of Ability. How do you break ties if the Ability…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

8/21/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Achievements
When doing Achievements, do you get Glory for those contests? Also, when doing achievements, can you Impair abilities to bring in other traits. My gut feeling is no in both…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

8/20/2006 Valamir: Changes to Positioning
I think the new rule for winners of Positioning getting to shift two range bands is a good one.  But I think it needs a balancing option. It would be…
In design
Participants: Valamir.

8/20/2006 Valamir: Change to Advantages?
I'm not certain what the change to Advantages on the FAQ means. In the GenCon rules, the Advantage die remains until it is canceled by an action...presumeably you roll sufficient…
In design
Participants: Valamir, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.

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Subsequent Topics
In design

8/26/2006 John Harper: Darren's Hydra with Minions for Heads
This is so cool. Darren has designed a Hydra that has a bunch of extra heads treated as minions in the game system. This is so brilliant, I just wanted…
In design
Participants: John Harper, iago, demiurgeastaroth.

8/27/2006 John Harper: Agon: Actual Play Index
Post links to Actual Play here. I'll start with a few. The Bronze Chimera (Shreyas Sampat) First Among Equals Session Zero (Fred Hicks)
In design
Participants: John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, Emily Care, hix, MikeSands, Mel_White.

8/29/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Yes, Yes, YES!!!! (and: NPC Heroic Abilities)
We played again last night, and during an epic battle one of the players reached Fate 12 and a Name of d10. On the way home afterwards, I realised I…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

8/29/2006 John Harper: [Agon] Under Consideration: Helping dice that really help
Here's a rule that I'm seriously considering for a Semi-Official Rules Change. Advantage, Helping, & Creative Ability Dice When you use an Advantage die, a Helping die, or a…
In design
Participants: John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, iago, Valamir, GreatWolf, Shreyas Sampat.

8/31/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Character Sheet Request
Hey, John... Would it be possible to get a new version of the character sheet with the armour box as a standard trait box (one of those with the four…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Shreyas Sampat, John Harper.

9/2/2006 iago: Agon on OgreCave
Round about the 53rd minute of the latest OgreCave Audio Report, Mike Sugarbaker (I think) calls Agon "Game of Show".
In design
Participants: iago, John Harper.

9/2/2006 demiurgeastaroth: NPC Cost error?
[b]1. NPC Point Costs[/b] Is there a mistake in the costs of the three sample NPCs in the book? By my calculation, they should all be 1 point higher. I…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth.

9/2/2006 Valamir: The quest for punchier combat
Ok.  Based on our latest actual play I've been thinking about a way to perk up Agon combat. Currently Agon combat is a fairly long, attrition based, D&D-esque whittling down…
In design
Participants: Valamir, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

9/5/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Terrain in combat
A funny bit of synchronicity. Over in this post, Ralph asked if anyone had any ideas for using Terrain in combat. At the start of our first battle in tonight's…
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, iago, Bankuei, Banesfinger, NathanFrund, John Harper.

9/6/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Missing Thread
Where's the thread on terrain gone? I was about to respond to that.
In design
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, John Harper, Valamir, Bankuei, philaros.

9/8/2006 rafial: One Shot Scoring
Here's my suggestion for scoring Agon sessions that are deliberate one shots: It's designed to put a little bit more tension onto the urge to blow through your Fate.
In design
Participants: rafial.

9/8/2006 rafial: Buffing armor penetration
I've been considering experimenting with a house rule to say that each success spent on armor penetration gives -2 to the armor die roll, instead of -1.  My gut feeling…
In design
Participants: rafial, Valamir, demiurgeastaroth.

9/12/2006 Alan: A few rules questions
Hi John, Some quick questions on Agon second printing: 1) Under invoking hubris, it says losers suffer wounds. But under battle it says the winner gets advantage die. I suspect…
In design
Participants: Alan, rafial, John Harper.

9/23/2006 John Harper: House Rule: Another way to read the dice
Here's something I'm toying with. The result of a roll is the highest die in the pool. Add one for each extra die showing 4-7. Add two for each extra…
In design
Participants: John Harper, Alan, demiurgeastaroth, iago, Skywalker, Camtha.

9/30/2006 Willow: Magic in Agon?
From what I can recall from the Iliad and the Oddessy, oh, who am I kidding? Hercules and Xena, sorcerers are all over ancient Greece. Evil sorcerers are easy to…
In design
Participants: Willow, John Harper, Shreyas Sampat.

10/1/2006 Willow: Some Rules Questions about NPCs
1)  The text mentions recurring NPCs, which I think is totally awesome.  Do they ever get to heal impairment or wounds? 2)  Can I spend extra strife for them to…
In design
Participants: Willow, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.

10/1/2006 Skywalker: Agon: Successful First Run and question
I ran Agon for the first time in the week in preparation for a Con next weekend. It worked wonderfully. Quick question: I really enjoyed using the minion rules for…
In design
Participants: Skywalker, demiurgeastaroth.

10/2/2006 Willow: Island of Serifos
I'll post this over to the Island Thread once I've run it and have some more data to plop down (NPC traits, etc.)  A secondary reason for me posting it…
In design
Participants: Willow, John Harper.

10/6/2006 Shreyas Sampat: [not exactly actual play] Battles Are Crazy
Tonight I ran another island. It was way fun. As one of the challenges, the heroes had to "defend the corpse of the Golden Goar of Ion from the hounds…
In design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, demiurgeastaroth.

10/19/2006 jasonm: Five players?
Hey everybody, My weekly group wants to go nuts with Agon, but I'm concerned that five players is too many - I've played with three and that seemed perfect.  Any…
In design
Participants: jasonm, demiurgeastaroth, LeSingeSavant, John Harper.

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