The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics
In Adept Press

10/13/2006 ShaneJackson: [Sorcerer] confused by example
I'm trying to learn the game, but some errata is confusing me, specifically the correction to page 92 where it says: Page 92: A rolls 10 10 8 7 7…
In Adept Press
Participants: ShaneJackson, jrs, Ron Edwards, gorckat, James_Nostack, JamesDJIII.

10/12/2006 gorckat: [Sorc] Contact and Summon Rituals
I was wondering if the following might be a doable method to resolve Contacts and Summons, or if I've misread the rules somehow negating these thoughts: When a Player attempts…
In Adept Press
Participants: gorckat, Ron Edwards.

10/11/2006 James_Nostack: [Sorc] the vigilante's sacrifice
Here's something I never noticed about Sorcerer before: according to the official errata, if you sacrifice a real scumbag during a summoning ceremony you might actually gain Humanity.  "Hey, demons! …
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

10/10/2006 Frank T: Sorcerer from the crypt - best introduction evar!
On German "Blutschwerter" RPG forum, the first forum channel dedicated solely to Sorcerer just opened. The introductional thread is the best I ever read. Here's a lousy Google translation. Kapuzenmantel…
In Adept Press
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards.

10/6/2006 Doyce: [Sorcerer] Revisiting the Conflict Resolution Mechanic
Okay. First of all, this is a scary thing to post.  Ron knows I've put a lot of hours into understanding and more importantly documenting others' understanding of the Sorcerer…
In Adept Press
Participants: Doyce, Eero Tuovinen, The_Tim, James_Nostack.

10/3/2006 GreatWolf: [Trollbabe] A simple rules question about injury
Back in June, my wife (Crystal) and I played Trollbabe for the first time.  In fact, it was part of our anniversary festivities.  We bought special Trollbabe dice with different…
In Adept Press
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

9/29/2006 Lamorak33: Oh no, a new Vampyr iteration of Sorcerer
Hi I have been asked to run a World of Darkness Vampire game. Clearly I don't want to use the WoD system as others have said, it 'does not do…
In Adept Press
Participants: Lamorak33, The_Tim, James_Nostack, Trevis Martin, Blake Hutchins, charles ferguson, Anthony Herring.

9/24/2006 hix: [& Sword] How would you do a mass combat?
I borrowed Sorceror & Sword off a friend earlier this week, and I'm reading my way through the literature suggestions at the moment. Bloodstone was excellent - Kane is very…
In Adept Press
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards, Frank T, Sydney Freedberg, James_Nostack, jrs.

9/17/2006 StefanS: [Sorcerer] Using Warp as weather-control device?
Hello, I'm prepping a Sorcerer campaign which I'll GM. Actually, I'm writing up the NPC demons, and in the case of one of these demons, I'd find it appropriate if…
In Adept Press
Participants: StefanS, Ron Edwards.

9/17/2006 Frank T: [&Sword] Brief praise and some questions
I finally got to use The Elder Isle for a game of Sorcerer & Sword yesterday with my girlfriend and an internet friend of hers who visited us over the…
In Adept Press
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards.

9/12/2006 iago: Small/Tiny
I have an Inconspicuous demon that I'm thinking is fist-sized.  In the 'Big' ability, there's this note: "Without this ability, Passing or Inconspicuous demons may be dwarf-sized to largish-human-sized."  But…
In Adept Press
Participants: iago, Ron Edwards, Doyce.

9/5/2006 Hegar: Poison Damage
What options have people explored for a poison damage catagory? A few ideas I've come up with off the top of my head: Lethal Poison Use the damage chart appropriate…
In Adept Press
Participants: Hegar, Ron Edwards.

9/3/2006 Christopher Kubasik: [Sorcerer] Creativeville: a Sorcrere One Sheet
[b]Inspirations[/b] The movies The Matrix, Brazil, Naked Lunch, Soylant Green, Wild at Heart and Blue Velvet; the books Brave New World, We. Also, current theocratic Christians in the United States,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, pfischer, charlesperez, jburneko.

8/30/2006 jburneko: [Sorcerer] Orthogonal & Oppositional Conflicts.
So, I've been following the conversation about the problem with Stakes setting over on Story Games and I noticed the little side bars about Orthogonal vs. Oppositional Conflicts.  A little…
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Frank T, Christopher Kubasik.

8/29/2006 Hegar: Questions and a one sheet from a recent purchasee
So I just bought the Sorcerer book, having spent much time pawing over the apprentice pdf and these forums. Wonderful purchase, and very reasonably priced. I was a bit surprised…
In Adept Press
Participants: Hegar, Ron Edwards, Randulf.

8/28/2006 Paka: Dictionary of Mu Available @ Indie Press Revolution
[url="]Four years since the first post where the idea was spawned[/url], the Dictionary of Mu, a setting supplement for Sorcerer, is now available at [url="]Indie Press Revolution[/url]. Inspired by Howard's…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, cpeterso, Yokiboy, Ron Edwards, iago.

8/26/2006 Andy Kitkowski: Looking again at Stat Descriptors
Hey, Something I've forgotten to get around to asking about for a few years(?) now. I've heard here and there that it was important to understand that the descriptors for…
In Adept Press
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Gaerik.

8/25/2006 DAudy: [Sorceror] Currency, Combat, and Confusion
Recently I started rereading Sorcerer in preparation for running a game.  However this time through when I hit the combat section of the rules I got all confused because they…
In Adept Press
Participants: DAudy, jburneko, Valamir, greyorm, Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2006 DaveyJJ: Sorcerer retail in southern Ontario? Also newbie thoughts ...
I should quickly start off by mentioning the great community around here and wonderful sense that Ron has created something quite special and ground-breaking with Sorcerer as a RPG. I'm…
In Adept Press
Participants: DaveyJJ, Ron Edwards, epweissengruber.

8/18/2006 Randulf: Boost Stamina question
I've searched on Boost Stamina and I still don't think I get it.  When does the damage from over-boosting take effect? If it's immediate, then the penalties from the damage…
In Adept Press
Participants: Randulf, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Adept Press

10/27/2006 James_Nostack: Tomoe Goezen: wow.
There was a thread about a year ago on David Mason's The Sorcerer's Skull, so I hope this thread isn't inappropriate. I just finished it, and the sequels I ordered…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

11/1/2006 MacTele: [Trollbabe] novice questions, pls help
Hello I role-play for over 15 years but what i discovered at the Forge few days ago it is a revolution. More on that later. So i bought Trollbabe and…
In Adept Press
Participants: MacTele, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Arturo G., Alan.

11/2/2006 Christopher Kubasik: Aiming?
Hey Ron, This may have been covered elsewhere. Now, I think I've finally gotten my head wrapped around the broad concepts of Sorecerer Conflict Resolution. And then I go check…
In Adept Press
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack.

11/6/2006 MacTele: Trollbabe and sex, how to do it ?
Trollbabe is a sexy thing and this is obvious. But my players run away from it, both male and female. And i have to say it, i want to bring…
In Adept Press
Participants: MacTele, Ron Edwards, rycanada, lev_lafayette.

11/8/2006 MacTele: Sorcerer ?
I am sure it is covered and written many times in many places, i checked, sorcerers sites links and many others and still do not know what to think…
In Adept Press
Participants: MacTele, James_Nostack, Frank T, DAudy.

11/11/2006 MacTele: [Trolbabe] making it cyberpunk setting ?
As i wrote here i was looking for good cyberpunk system when i found The Forge. I still think about running good cyberpunk game but i feel there is no…
In Adept Press
Participants: MacTele, James_Nostack, WDFlores, Ron Edwards, Danny_K.

11/13/2006 xaosgod: Sorcerer & Sword mini supplements
I have recently ordered Sorcerer and Sorcerer & Sword, because of my recent disillusionment with main-stream rpgs and their ability to immitate the sword & sorcery fiction that I love,…
In Adept Press
Participants: xaosgod, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

11/15/2006 GreatWolf: [Trollbabe] Two-player GMful play?
On another forum, a discussion has broken out, recommending two-player GMless games.  Along the way, someone mentioned Trollbabe. This sparked a thought for me.  Honestly, it seems like the Trollbabes…
In Adept Press
Participants: GreatWolf, demiurgeastaroth.

11/19/2006 James_Nostack: [Sorc] Fancy-Pants Ritual Technicalities
A thread for listing all kinds of crazy exploits of the rituals.  From page 69 of Sorcerer: the GM might…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack.

11/20/2006 hix: [& Sword] The Heart of Africa - Prep for Session 1
I need your help with Bangs and prep! I had the brainstorming / character generation session for a long-awaited game of Sorceror and Sword yesterday. I'm GMing. The players are…
In Adept Press
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards.

11/20/2006 WDFlores: [Sorcerer] Sensing Humanity?
Hello, My friends and I are setting up a game of Sorcerer (about Greek myth & tragedy) and while mulling over ourĀ  proto-definition of Humanity we found ourselves anticipitating loss…
In Adept Press
Participants: WDFlores, Ron Edwards.

11/21/2006 Ronaldo: Trollbabe Rules Question
I recently picked up Tollbabe and there is one part that I can't figure out despite reading several times. If there are several Trollbabes on the same side (not against…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ronaldo, Ron Edwards.

11/22/2006 WDFlores: [Sorcerer] Big Fat Greek Tragedy
Hello, My friends and I have been working together to get a Sorcerer game running. This is going to be our second time playing Sorcerer. Our first was Ghoulish Pyrates,…
In Adept Press
Participants: WDFlores, Ron Edwards.

11/30/2006 Copperhead: Re: Sorcerer Doesn't Scare Me. What's Wrong with Me?
I know it's not terribly in keeping with the exact discussion of this thread.... But you just wrote the best ad for Sorcerer you could if you were targeting me!…
In Adept Press
Participants: Copperhead, Ron Edwards.

12/5/2006 J B Bell: [Sorcerer] Boost Stamina on an injured PC
Hi folks, I ran a Sorcerer session a couple weeks ago and we hit a bit of a snag at one point. A PC in a fight had had his…
In Adept Press
Participants: J B Bell, Ron Edwards.

12/17/2006 Christopher Kubasik: Combinging Demonic Ability to Greater Effect
Hey all, So, I'm ramping up to a Sorcerer game, and right now my one big weakness is the Demonic Abilities. Here's the breakdown: 1) For some reason I've always…
In Adept Press
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, WDFlores, Eero Tuovinen, angelfromanotherpin, jburneko, James_Nostack, Rampage, Valamir.

12/22/2006 James_Nostack: Cooperative Rituals: how often does demon roll?
Let's say three coven members are attempting to contact a demon.  Each coven member rolls Lore + modifiers.  Does the demon roll against each sorcerer?  Or only once? 
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Fabrice G., Ron Edwards.

12/26/2006 Rampage: Newbie "where are my skills" questions
I got my Sorcerer books and, guess what? I have questions! :) I'm posting 'em grouped by themes. First is about cover/skills (not task/conflict resolution) 1. Say a PC has…
In Adept Press
Participants: Rampage, Ron Edwards.

12/26/2006 Rampage: Newbie sorcery related questions
I guess a couple of these may be answered by "you decide!".. anyway: 1a. Can you summon a specific demon, for example one that rebelled from you earlier and that…
In Adept Press
Participants: Rampage, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack.

12/26/2006 Rampage: Newbie demon ability related questions
1a. Warp uses kilograms as units. Is volume omitted on purpose? (gasses don't weight too much) 1b. How far in distance does warp go? 2. How is Hint used? Can…
In Adept Press
Participants: Rampage, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack.

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