Previous Topics In Adept Press 2/26/2003 Ron Edwards: Thieves & Kings Hi there,
In a recent thread, our new friend, the Deranged of Nev-ness, wrote:
Anybody here read Mark Oakley's Thieves and Kings indie comic? Lots of cool Sorcery stuff in… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged.
2/26/2003 Nev the Deranged: Blood Relics I was thinking about cool Sorcerer ideas and came up with one that's pretty cliched, but still cool.
Demons are bound into ancient relics. The blood of their master is… In Adept Press Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards.
2/24/2003 Nev the Deranged: Masks of the Sorcerer Not long ago I read a good novel by... um... dammit I forget who by and I don't feel like getting the book out of my trunk right now. Anyway,… In Adept Press Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, Gordon C. Landis.
2/24/2003 Nev the Deranged: Chicagoland area Sorcerers? Hi there. I'm a recent initiate, who thinks Sorcerer probably kicks a lot of ass but would like to find out firsthand. Is anyone running or thinking about running a… In Adept Press Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards.
2/22/2003 Mordacc: WHat is it? Hey all, ive been playing THe Riddle of Steel for some time now and i saw the add for Sorcerer in the back of the manual and it got me… In Adept Press Participants: Mordacc, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.
2/19/2003 Bailywolf: Sorcerer for driven, tortured, conflicted super heroes OK, don't have much time but wanted to throw this topic out while it was figural. I've been on a supers kick of late. Green Ronin's excelent point-build supers game… In Adept Press Participants: Bailywolf, Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged.
2/19/2003 James V. West: stinking elfs! Got my copy of Elfs! Just wanted to say my wife and I had some real out-loud laughs just reading it. I had planned on playing Trollbabe first, but now… In Adept Press Participants: James V. West, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, jburneko, Rod Anderson, greyorm, Mike Holmes.
2/13/2003 jburneko: Revisiting Relationship Between Humanity and Premise I was just rereading Christopher's description of Biliomania and a very weird thought occured to me. Doesn't defining Humanity simultaneously define the Premise AND Answer it? Obviously, the answer is… In Adept Press Participants: jburneko, Christopher Kubasik, Jared A. Sorensen, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Alan, Michael S. Miller, Le Joueur, clehrich, szilard, Mike Holmes, Gordon C. Landis, Ian Charvill.
2/12/2003 greyorm: Revelations: an Immortal-inspired adaptation of Sorcerer Heya,
Something I've mentioned on and off for the past two years has finally recieved my full attention: an adaptation of the game Immortal utilizing the rules and style for… In Adept Press Participants: greyorm, xiombarg, Spooky Fanboy.
2/12/2003 Rob MacDougall: Sorcerer: Incorporated I’m splitting this off from the thread Executive-Class Sorcerer, which points to some if not all of the threads that inspired this idea I had for a Sorcerer game.
Sorcerer:… In Adept Press Participants: Rob MacDougall, Clinton R. Nixon, Bryant, szilard, Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged.
2/11/2003 greyorm: Leading the Way [quote="Ron Edwards"]No, you're fine. This is just nifty. Remember, someone has to lead, and as long as you're willing to get out of the way when the solos/jamming begin, then… In Adept Press Participants: greyorm, Ron Edwards, Fabrice G., Christopher Kubasik.
2/8/2003 Rob MacDougall: Executive-Class Sorceror Hello, all.
Somewhere at some time in this forum I am sure I read a discussion of playing Sorceror set in the world of big business and high finance with… In Adept Press Participants: Rob MacDougall, Jared A. Sorensen, Bob McNamee, clehrich, Ron Edwards, Bryant.
2/7/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: Mongrel in actual play Last night, Dan Root, Matt Wilson, and I were (I think) the first people in the world to play Mongrel. Here's my extensive notes on play.
The Adventure
The adventure's… In Adept Press Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards.
2/7/2003 Andrew Martin: Sabriel, Lirael & Abhorsen by Garth Nix With reference to Sabriel and Lirael by Garth Nix in this thread by Ron: the sequel Abhorsen is arriving (in New Zealand) next month, and all three books are… In Adept Press Participants: Andrew Martin, Paganini, Ron Edwards.
2/6/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: Ah, this explains Sorcerer [quote="In another thread Ron Edwards"]Let's say, for sake of discussion, that you and I agree that "demons" in the common superstition/religion sense of the word do not exist in real… In Adept Press Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Tar Markvar, ejh, Le Joueur, Nev the Deranged.
2/5/2003 Bankuei: Pandora's Thoughts I'm starting up a PBP game of Sorcerer, called Pandora's Thoughts, with a couple of my friends, I thought I'd share this after checking out the Not Here thread.
Basic… In Adept Press Participants: Bankuei, Bob McNamee, Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged.
2/5/2003 Tar Markvar: Where is "Not-Here"? A question arises: What defines Not-Here as mentioned above? One situation occurred that I was wondering about.
A demon is Contacted, Summoned, and Bound. Its Master dies, so it's still… In Adept Press Participants: Tar Markvar, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, jburneko, Le Joueur, Bailywolf.
2/3/2003 xiombarg: Mongrel Okay, I know Mongrel is only supposed to be an example, but I have a few questions.
1. Character creation made my head hurt. You had me up until the… In Adept Press Participants: xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Spooky Fanboy, Clinton R. Nixon, Rod Anderson.
2/3/2003 Ron Edwards: New review available - Euro-help requested Hello,
Lorenzo Trenti has begun a series of Sorcerer reviews at Kaos Online. If anyone reads Italian, I'd sure like a translation ...
Ron In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, clehrich, Clinton R. Nixon, zib, Blake Hutchins, Ace.
1/28/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind I recently caught this flick and it just struck me that it was a Sorcerer story even though there were no supernatural elements at all. Anyone else think this? In Adept Press Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Spooky Fanboy, Ron Edwards.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Adept Press 2/27/2003 greyorm: Organization & Layout Over in Blood Relics, Nev said:
and partly that it's not as well organized (sorry Ron) as some of the more codified games
Nev, I'm sure Ron might be interested… In Adept Press Participants: greyorm, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Blake Hutchins, Nev the Deranged.
2/28/2003 Nev the Deranged: Character ideas Alright, since I don't know when I'll get to play, my brain has been brewing up character ideas on its own. I know that when I finally do play I… In Adept Press Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, clehrich, Bankuei.
2/28/2003 jburneko: Not-Here, Not Here-And-Now Plus Demons, and NaN. First Ron talks about some funky place called Not-Here which is pretty much defined as The Place You Can't Define. And now down in the Character Ideas thread he's talking… In Adept Press Participants: jburneko, Bankuei, Drew Stevens, clehrich, Ron Edwards, Uncle Dark, random.
3/1/2003 John Harper: Coil: I'm writing a Sorcerer novel, and I didn't know it So, I finally got around to buying and reading Sorcerer today. I know, I know... I have no excuse. I guess I put it off for so long because I… In Adept Press Participants: John Harper, Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, DaR.
3/1/2003 Nev the Deranged: Demonic Voices I was thinking about demonic voices.
Would demons speak in the ur-tongue that anyone can understand? Or do they have their own infernal language?
I think it would be cool… In Adept Press Participants: Nev the Deranged, greyorm, John Harper, Ron Edwards.
3/1/2003 Nev the Deranged: Asian Cult Cinema Sorcery I regularly read a magazine called Asian Cult Cinema, and sometimes pick up other similar magazines. Unfortunately I have yet to scrounge enough cash to order any of the DVDs… In Adept Press Participants: Nev the Deranged, John Harper, hardcoremoose.
3/7/2003 Tor Erickson: But is it REALLY conflict resolution? Hi Y'all,
Don't the rules for combat in Sorcerer favor task over conflict resolution? I mean, for everything else in the game you make just a couple of rolls to… In Adept Press Participants: Tor Erickson, Ron Edwards, greyorm.
3/8/2003 jburneko: Question About Sex & Sorcerery Content Overview Hey Ron, your ad copy for Adept Press products is getting better. I just saw the Sex & Sorcerery content overview and I got very excited. It sounds like a… In Adept Press Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards, James V. West.
3/7/2003 Nev the Deranged: FiTM?? I'm unfamiliar with this phrase, and therefore likely ignorant of the underlying concept it represents. Please enlighten?
<chuckles at Ron for mentioning Grendels in the other thread... heh heh... Legacy… In Adept Press Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.
3/8/2003 Paganini: Elfs and Stance I'm prepping for an Elfs game on Monday, and going over the rules something struck me. Ron talks about Elfs being an experiment in Director Stance.
Don't the mechanics… In Adept Press Participants: Paganini, Ron Edwards.
3/8/2003 Paganini: More Elfs Questions Couple of things that aren't clear to me from the game text:
Page 21 is a little unclear about armor. It says "a single success has no effect… In Adept Press Participants: Paganini, Ron Edwards, greyorm.
3/8/2003 greyorm: Eureka Moment: Combat & Bonus Dice for Description I had the chance to play The Questing Beast two Sundays ago with Mr. James West himself, and it was a blast. The reason I'm bringing it up here is… In Adept Press Participants: greyorm, Ron Edwards, James V. West.
3/9/2003 Bailywolf: Upcoming Sorcerer movie- Willard The upcoming remake of the 1971 film Willard (staring freakin Crispen Glover!!!) strikes me as a very good literal Sorcerer film... what with the evil intelligent rat Ben who causes… In Adept Press Participants: Bailywolf, John Harper, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, urbwar, Maurice Forrester, szilard, Spooky Fanboy.
3/10/2003 lumpley: Trollbabe Comic, probs? Yes, it's only 9:30 Monday morning, and yes, I could wait and check back later in the day to see if it's all fine, and yes, I expect Ron you… In Adept Press Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Andrew Martin, Paul Czege, Gordon C. Landis, talysman, ejh, Valamir.
3/10/2003 Wulf: Getting the Sorcery urge I've finally decided what sort of Sorcerer game I want to play, and I want to use this opportunity to think the idea out loud and get some responses and… In Adept Press Participants: Wulf, Mike Holmes, jburneko, szilard, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, greyorm, clehrich, dunlaing, Valamir.
3/11/2003 Ron Edwards: Back to The Ring Hi there,
This is a follow-up to the ... when you see the RING thread, as I've finally seen the movie. I haven't seen the original version or anything else… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, rmansperger.
3/12/2003 Ron Edwards: You'd tell the retailer ... Hi there,
I'm looking for constructive suggestions for what you think a game-store retailer ought to know about Sorcerer.
Blurbs are best - one or two lines.
Remember, these guys… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, dunlaing, GreatWolf, Sidhain, Gordon C. Landis, jburneko, Paul Czege, szilard, Le Joueur, Bankuei, M. J. Young, Wulf, Spooky Fanboy, Christopher Kubasik.
3/12/2003 jburneko: Birthroot Ending Okay, so I've finally seen the Birthroot ending. In a word: "GAH!" What is that; somekind of freaky Trollbabe-Sorcerer cross-over ending? That was definitely the best story and most certainly… In Adept Press Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.
3/13/2003 Paganini: Charnel Gods - Fell Weapons Charnel Gods has been bubbling away in the back of my mind for a while, and I got it out again today to have another look.
There's one thing I'm… In Adept Press Participants: Paganini, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, hardcoremoose, Ben Morgan.
3/14/2003 Paganini: Realizing Charnel Gods [i]Ack! I had a whole bunch typed up, and my computer crashed. Time for the short short version.[/i]
The myths are all reall. Evidence: the Carion Fields and the Fell… In Adept Press Participants: Paganini, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Gordon C. Landis, b_bankhead, hardcoremoose.
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