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Previous Topics
In Game Development

11/24/2011 Johanus: Mythic Hero - Fantasy RPG
I'm at a late stage in the development of this game system, which I've called "Mythic Hero". There has been years of play testing done with groups that I've run,…
In Game Development
Participants: Johanus, SaintHax, davidberg, contracycle.

11/23/2011 Thriff: ASH: A Saviour's Heart
Hey all, A generic thread title to accommodate my ever-mutating abomination. Useful discussions: Forge thread 1 of 2: Forge thread 2 of 2: The Merry Wanderers is the…
In Game Development
Participants: Thriff, Rubbermancer.

11/21/2011 Bart Baplu: Roleplaying in primary schools
I'm a teacher and at our school we already do fantasy roleplaying with our oldest kids for some years now.  If you want to try it too at your school,…
In Game Development
Participants: Bart Baplu, Rafu, Michiel Rutte.

11/21/2011 Bart Baplu: Gamemasters Manual
I created a document for every gamemaster to use.  It's for new gamemasters to give you a solid base to start with and for seasoned gamemasters to give you some…
In Game Development
Participants: Bart Baplu, Some Gamer666, bosky, Porterhaus, Chris_Chinn.

11/21/2011 thiagoess: Tabula Rasa
Hi, first of all, sorry for any mistakes i make, i'm Brazilian, My name is Thiago, and i have one idea for a rpg that i'm starting do develop, and…
In Game Development
Participants: thiagoess, Paul Czege, bosky, Shimera9, Porterhaus.

11/19/2011 Morningstar: [Eidolon] Alchemy
This is a chapter from the book; it's about how and why alchemy works within the setting. Feedback, critiques, and questions are welcome.
In Game Development
Participants: Morningstar, davidberg.

11/18/2011 Porterhaus: [Caterpillar] A Space Game of Space Pirates in Space
I'm currently working on this game: Caterpillar. It is a silly game about space pirates, inspired by 3:16 and Poison'd, of course.  The tone, as I mentioned, is quite silly.…
In Game Development
Participants: Porterhaus, kvanpelt, Ron Edwards, davidberg, DPrim.

11/17/2011 ForgingLifeGame: The way I want games to be: Forging Life - an indie RPG
Hi all My childhood friend and I have been working on this game for years... Many years, just talking about the perfect game - in our mind! A couple of…
In Game Development
Participants: ForgingLifeGame, hansel.

11/13/2011 Shimera9: Looking for suggestions on "against the odds" style game
Hello, all.  I've been planning on running a really rules light game.  However, I noticed some of the top candidates like Risus has limited room to expand after the first…
In Game Development
Participants: Shimera9, happysmellyfish, davidberg, dindenver.

11/13/2011 Måns: [The Fog of War] My war game
The Fog of War is my roleplaying game about war. Its actually about American wars (from WW2 to present day) or more precise It’s about the soldiers who fight the…
In Game Development
Participants: Måns, Spectre, Double_J, stefoid, andrei.

11/13/2011 hansel: My Daughter, the Queen of France
We played MDQOF (is that how you acronymize it?) tonight. The conceit of the game is that Shakespeare's relationship with his daughter has broken down to such a point that…
In Game Development
Participants: hansel.

11/11/2011 redwing: a sub-system for my game focused on collaborative storytelling
I have been working on and off on a game for quite some time now. I’ve picked it back up recently and looking to polish it up piece by piece.…
In Game Development
Participants: redwing, Paul Czege.

11/10/2011 MJ_Alishah: Nights of the Crusades
Hey there Indie RPGers, We've spent the last few years working on Nights of the Crusades, and it's finally at the point where we can release a Beta version to…
In Game Development
Participants: MJ_Alishah, stefoid, Aisha Bennett, davidberg.

10/27/2011 gtroc: [War in the Heavens] Triggers (split)
Hey again, all, me again. I have a bit of a problem with my design. I posted it in the design blog, but I will repost the problem area here:…
In Game Development
Participants: gtroc, Ron Edwards.

11/7/2011 Morningstar: Eidolon: the Dreamscape Opera
I did some groundwork on this a while ago in this forum. Here's the front cover for the game, brought to you by the same artist that did Nobilis. Eidolon…
In Game Development
Participants: Morningstar, Ron Edwards, davidberg.

11/6/2011 Dithmer: Everyone is Nicolas Cage
Alright, so this whole idea has been brewing in my mind for some time, and it's actually reached the point where it may be playtested. I plan on doing this…
In Game Development
Participants: Dithmer, SaintHax, Alphabet_Master.

11/4/2011 Marshall Burns: reducing handling time without sacrificing (much) detail: a demonstration
<b>Business Up Front</b> The topic at hand isn't something that I need help with. It's a problem that I've solved in the context of a particular game, and I thought…
In Game Development
Participants: Marshall Burns, kvanpelt, Noon.

11/4/2011 SadSatyr: How to start play testing?
Hello Everyone! If you don't want to read the wall of text, here is the TL;DR version When and how do I start play testing? This is my first post,…
In Game Development
Participants: SadSatyr, Artanis, kvanpelt, davidberg, dindenver, Aisha Bennett.

11/2/2011 bosky: Tremors the Board Game?
Oh man so I was watching everyone's favorite 1990s B-movie Tremors when I realized I should really make a simple, quick, totally encapsulated board game. Here's my brainstorm so far:…
In Game Development
Participants: bosky, kvanpelt.

10/27/2011 vastencn: Turning English Words into Symbols and Glyphs
Hi Everyone. I posted about a year back about Dscript, but have added quite few updates and additions. Dscript can be thought of as a "form of English cursive writing".…
In Game Development
Participants: vastencn, Thriff, kvanpelt, Ron Edwards, Aisha Bennett.

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Subsequent Topics
In Game Development

12/4/2011 SamSlayde: Looking for feedback on my new game - Low Fantasy Detectives
[url=http://""]Dungeon City Blues[/url] Low Fantasy Detective Procedural is the new game I've designed. It took a few months to get the ideas down and now I'd like some feedback on…
In Game Development
Participants: SamSlayde, Paul Czege, davidberg, Dan Maruschak, dindenver.

12/6/2011 kraftwurx: A New Avenue for 3D Developers
Hey everyone, I'm with, a 3D printing company. The goal of Kraftwurx is to give developers, inventors, and consumers the chance to create, buy, and sell models online to…
In Game Development
Participants: kraftwurx.

12/6/2011 Aubis2: New Dev
I am a new Indie Dev, and I am wondering what language I should use for making a game. I would like it to work for Mac/Linux/PC and I need…
In Game Development
Participants: Aubis2, Ron Edwards.

12/9/2011 redivider: thawing out heads of state with a game R&R set in bermuda
Since I'm trying to fund a kickstarter for Heads of State, my collection of 9 short games about tyrants, I'm doing more playtesting on a few of the games that…
In Game Development
Participants: redivider.

12/11/2011 Eidolon: Readers/playtesters wanted for new sci-fi RPG
Greetings everyone, I am almost finished the manuscript for a sci-fi RPG I’ve been working on. I’m looking to see if anyone would be interested in giving it a look…
In Game Development
Participants: Eidolon, DPrim, Ron Edwards.

12/18/2011 Evenglare: Serious Zelda RPG designed influenced from Savage worlds and L5R
Greetings all ! I just stumbled upon this site and it looks fantastic ! So anyway down to business. I love Zelda, its just a huge part of my life…
In Game Development
Participants: Evenglare, Porterhaus.

12/20/2011 Illetizgerg: [Flats] Players play a murder mystery blind, in the style of Twin Peaks
Flats it the tentative title of a rules light-ish mystery RPG that I'm relatively close to playtesting. The system is supposed to make Play-By-Post games easier, which is how I…
In Game Development
Participants: Illetizgerg.

12/20/2011 tehstu: New Virtual World Platform "Bit Whirl" Looking For Test Drivers
Currently, the platform is best suited for 2D games - single or multiplayer. RPGs like Diablo and Zelda work best with the implemented features, but much more is possible. Bit…
In Game Development
Participants: tehstu.

12/21/2011 stefoid: [Ingenero] OK, let me have it
Hi. Im attaemtping to convey the essence of my game in as little pages as possible, as an intro in the text.  Ive got it down to 5 pages including…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, Porterhaus, Illetizgerg, Noon, JoyWriter, thiagoess, kvanpelt.

12/22/2011 Somnibus: [Storied] Constructive Criticism Wanted
Hello, The game I'm working on is tentatively called "Storied: A Narrative Format for Campaign Roleplaying". The guiding principle behind the game is an "extreme optimization of player immersion".  This…
In Game Development
Participants: Somnibus, stefoid, JoyWriter.

12/31/2011 thiagoess: Dwarf Dressed as a Clown Kills 8 in Croatia!
Hi people, this weird subject name is in fact the name of a game i'm developing, its a game inspired in "the extraordinary adventures of baron munchausen" and it's about…
In Game Development
Participants: thiagoess.

1/3/2012 barruktp: [The Elder Scrolls d100 RPG] With Some Cruncy concepts
This project came about because it seemed like The Elder Scrolls video games (Skyrim being the most recent example) were naturally suited for d100 tabletop play.  So I looked around,…
In Game Development
Participants: barruktp, JoyWriter, Somnibus.

1/3/2012 trevorhock: In Dark Trees
hey all. i've been developing a pen & paper game for a few months now under Ron's guidance. i'm doing the game as my senior project for graphic design and…
In Game Development
Participants: trevorhock, Thunder_God, thiagoess, JoyWriter, Noon.

1/5/2012 MercenaryX: How Do I Know When I'm Ready For Playtesting?
I've been working on a tactical pen and paper RPG and I have some basic guidelines for creating a character, the character sheet, making use of the armory, and some…
In Game Development
Participants: MercenaryX, KalastRaven, davidberg, dindenver, Velexia.

1/5/2012 Justin Halliday: [Heroes Against Darkness] New system rules for feedback and playtesting
I posted several months ago with a link to the early version of Heroes Against Darkness, a d20-based fantasy role-playing game.  Since then the game has seen a huge amount…
In Game Development
Participants: Justin Halliday, KalastRaven.

1/6/2012 kvanpelt: [Aggravated Beer Damage]
The link to my newest project: It's missing a few things, so it's incomplete as presented, but the core mechanics are there. I wrote it in a quick sort…
In Game Development
Participants: kvanpelt, thiagoess, Porterhaus, stefoid, tzirtzi, sliberty.

1/7/2012 FM: Lunar Reckoning 69: Speed is life. [Mecha RPG]
In the world of mechs, Battletech/Mechwarrior reigns supreme on the big, lumbering, tank-like side. There also exist many systems which simulate 'super robot'-style antics fairly competently. However, the high-speed, jet-fighter…
In Game Development
Participants: FM.

1/11/2012 sliberty: Playtesters Needed for Game Chef Winner Forsooth
I am looking for a few good playtesters for 2011 Game Chef Winner "Forsooth!" It's a Shapeseare-inspired RPG where the players (sans GM) improvise a shakespare play, controlling multiple characters.…
In Game Development
Participants: sliberty.

1/12/2012 Marshall Burns: [MADcorp / world gone weird] how to make a monster
Latest MADcorp documentation: (the "traschan edition" ones are the newer ones.) Ok, so, one of the last things I'm not happy with in MADcorp is the monster rules. You…
In Game Development
Participants: Marshall Burns, stefoid, DWeird, davidberg, Noon, JoyWriter.

1/15/2012 andrei: Worried that the gamesystem I'm writing is too niche
I'm in the middle of writing a gamesystem called 'Morality', which focuses on the characters' moral conflicts and spiritual development. It's meant to be applicable to any setting, so that…
In Game Development
Participants: andrei, Chris_Chinn, stefoid, JoyWriter, dugfromthearth, tymotzues.

more subsequent topics >>