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From Day One

Previous Topics

10/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [The Great Rat Raid] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Seth Ben-Ezra's The Great Rat Raid has a lot in common with Ratpack, in terms of rats roaming about and having adventures. Play seems like an interesting cross between…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, tygertyger.

10/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [All Growed Up] Ronnies feedback
ALL GROWED UP, STEVE HICKEY Hello, Steve Hickey's All Growed Up is probably the strongest hate/alienation game regarding the suburbs among the entries. It reminds me of the films To…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, hix, GreatWolf.

10/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [Space Rat] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Yaaaayy! This was another of the very few games which, upon reading, I sat right up and said "Winner, winner!" It was also the only Ronnies entry which had…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, tygertyger, Dantai, Miskatonic, Graham Walmsley, Rusty.

10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [I Think My Girlfriend Hates Me] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Look, it's Nicotine Girls II, evil version! Which is to say, Sean Musgrave's I Think My Girlfriend Hates Me. It reminds me a lot of the movie Hexed, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, sirogit.

10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Attack of the Giant Rats] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Moving right along! Here are my comments on Attack of the Giant Rats by Manu Saxena, again, pretty much just my notes. This is Planet of the Rats, Simulationist-style,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards.

10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Sloat & Larkin] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Nick Moffitt's Sloat and Larkin was one of the few entries that make me go, "Hey, that's a really neat and unexpected use of the terms." It starts with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, tygertyger.

10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Darling Grove] Ronnies feedback
Hello, John Laviolette's Darling Grove was a very strong candidate, one of the best examples of using the stated key terms. It also offers the only positive version of this…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, talysman.

10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [One Can Have Her] Ronnies feedback
Hello, I've always wanted to see a role-playing game wrapped around a pure example of the Prisoner's Dilemma. Jonas Karlsson's One Can Have Her nails it, specifically the iterated version,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, Jonas Karlsson.

10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [Get Out Get Away Get Wise Get Back Get Even] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Unfortunately, both "suburb" and "hatred" are the weakest elements of Graham Walmsley's Get Out Get Away Get Wise Get Back Get Even - otherwise, it'd be a winner. Fixing…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, Sydney Freedberg.

10/2/2005 Ron Edwards: [The End of the World] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Wow - Nick Wedig's The End of the World is a fantastic blend of Dead Meat, Otherkind, and The Mountain Witch - neat! It speaks directly to a lot…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, mrteapot, majcher, Jason Petrasko.

9/30/2005 Ron Edwards: [Cutthroat] Ronnies feedback
As I read through Cutthroat and kept taking notes, I kept saying to myself, "Another problem here, another here, oh look, another here," and assuming the game was going into…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, Gregor Hutton, lumpley, tygertyger.

9/29/2005 Ron Edwards: [Rats in the Walls] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Time for some feedback for a winner! As games rolled in, Rats in the Walls was the first entry to make me sit up and say "Wins," without any…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Sydney Freedberg.

9/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Guilt & Frustration[/url][/b] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Considering that Peter Nordstrand has already started a good thread about Guilt and Frustration in , I figured I'd support that practice and write its feedback up…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Peter Nordstrand.

9/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Want] Ronnies feedback
Hello, I'm writing up the games more or less in order of submission, but it might strike me to do otherwise along the way. For instance, sooner or later I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

9/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Ratpack] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Finally! The first round of the Ronnies had to end during the most frantic two weeks of my year so far. I have tons of notes on every game,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Bob Goat, tygertyger, Gregor Hutton, Miskatonic.

9/26/2005 Ron Edwards: [Ronnies] The winners for September
Hello, This thread announces the winners and presents general categories and thoughts about all the entries. Specific threads on all the games (except one, see below) will be coming…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Peter Nordstrand, Ben Lehman, Frank T, J. Tuomas Harviainen, Troy_Costisick, GreatWolf, PrzeSzkoda, Graham Walmsley, talysman, sirogit, tygertyger, Paul Czege, rrr, Arturo G..

9/21/2005 Ron Edwards: Trip to Berlin
Hello, I'm planning to visit Berlin for two weeks, the first half of December. This is part of my project Spione: Story Now in Cold War Berlin, which is not…
In Connections
Participants: Ron Edwards.

9/14/2005 Ron Edwards: Logo design needed
Hello, The first round of Ronnies will be over on September 24th. Some time after that, I'll announce the winners. I have promised them a neat "Ronny" logo they can…
In Connections
Participants: Ron Edwards, Peter Nordstrand, natman.

9/13/2005 Ron Edwards: Using this forum
Hello, The Connections forum is for offering and asking for services. Exception: if you have a game in design and seek playtesting, then post in First Thoughts with substantive discussion…
In Connections
Participants: Ron Edwards, heironymous, Paul Czege, Thunder_God, shays, phasmaphobic, Gaerik, amul, M. J. Young, apeiron, Roose.

9/9/2005 Ron Edwards: Frustrating artist website
Hello, This is a very specific question. I found an awesome picture on an artist's website gallery. Not only would I like to use this picture for an Adept Press…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, jasonm, Jack Aidley, Joshua BishopRoby, greyorm, Paul Czege, Certified, madelf, Adam.

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Subsequent Topics

10/4/2005 Ron Edwards: [Ronnies] October contest begins!
Hello, All right! The October Ronnies are among us. Here are the new-ish rules, or rather, the current version. I've discovered that running this things is a lot like a…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Dantai, Paka, Ben Lehman, jasonm, Jared A. Sorensen, Eero Tuovinen, Graham Walmsley, Troy_Costisick, Mark Johnson, Andrew Morris, Matt Wilson, BlU_sKrEEm, majcher, greyorm, Blankshield, Rossum.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [Munch-Mausen Tales] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Joe J. Prince's Munch-Mausen Tales makes a nice trilogy with The Rat-God's Girlfriend and Me & the Rat. It'd be a neat thing if all of them became products…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Dantai.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [The Rat-God's Girlfriend] Ronnies feedback
THE RAT-GOD'S GIRLFRIEND, KIRK MITCHELL Kirk Mitchell's The Rat-God's Girlfriend makes a nice trilogy with Munch-Mausen Tales and Me & the Rat . It'd be a neat thing if all…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, Joshua BishopRoby, tygertyger, Dumirik.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [Me & the Rat] Ronnies feedback
ME & THE RAT, JASPER MCCHESNEY Jasper McChesney's Me & the Rat makes a nice trilogy with Munch-Mausen Tales and The Rat-God's Girlfriend. It'd be a neat thing if all…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jasper, Dumirik, Dantai.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [Alien Angels] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Why look, more objectified female bimboids ... I think it's another Ronnies winner!! Michael Walton's Alien Angels is your basic sexy alien RPG, but with actual sex! Funny how…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, tygertyger, Frank T, IMAGinES.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [Best Friends] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Gregor Hutton's Best Friends makes a nice partner with SleepOver, so I'm posting their results as twin threads. Here are the comments that apply to both. These games…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, tygertyger, Malcolm.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [SleepOver] Ronnies feedback
Brandon Parigo's SleepOver makes a nice partner with Best Friends, so I'm posting their results as twin threads. Here are the comments that apply to both. These games feature great…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, inoir.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [January's Frost] Ronnies feedback
Jason Petrasko's January's Frost ranks among the best entries regarding treating sexual-partners women as human beings and protagonists, along with Darling Grove and The Suburban Crucible. Ha! Thought I was…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, tygertyger, Jason Petrasko, Graham Walmsley.

10/5/2005 Ron Edwards: [Black Widows] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Clinton Nixon's Black Widows is a lot like Best Friends, in that it starts with a burst of inspiration, then sputters, and stops. It has great basics: the Bond…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Adam Dray, Gregor Hutton.

10/6/2005 Ron Edwards: [King Rat] Ronnies feedback
Hello, King Rat has a tremendously strong starting point, and I think it's one of the few primarily resource-driven, primarily narration-resolved entries that could really shine. My first recommendation is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, PrzeSzkoda, Malcolm.

10/6/2005 Ron Edwards: [Secrets in Suburbia] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Warren Merrifield's Secrets in Surburbia makes such a strong pair with Fink, that I had to read the games side by side in order not to get mixed up…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Warren.

10/6/2005 Ron Edwards: [The Suburban Crucible] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Thomas E.Robertson's The Suburban Crucible wins a Ronny, and it's the only game to do so that treats women protagonists as human beings, without satire (good, just different) or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Ben Lehman, tygertyger.

10/6/2005 Ron Edwards: [She's ...] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Nathan Paoletta's She's ... is the most complex and specifically structured entry. My big issue collectively for many of the entries, including Black Widows, I Think My Girlfriend Hates…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nathan P..

10/7/2005 Ron Edwards: [Vendetta] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Drew Hart-Shea's Vendetta has one strike against it that Drew doesn't know about - I think John Campbell's "Hero" ideas are at best childish, and at worst abysmally stupid.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, rrr, Hans.

10/7/2005 Ron Edwards: [My Girlfriend is a Slut] Ronnies feedback
Hello, At first, I was delighted to think that Frank Tarcikowski's My Girlfriend's a Slut / My Boyfriend's a Dick had paralleled my long-standing desire to see two different rules-sets…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Frank T.

10/7/2005 Ron Edwards: [The World Class Rats Handbook] Ronnies feedback
THE WORLD CLASS RATS HANDBOOK, ERIC BAHR Hello, Eric Bahr's The World Class Rats Handbook is very, very ambitious - perhaps too big a chunk to start with. One of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eric J..

10/7/2005 Ron Edwards: [Fink] Ronnies feedback
Hello, J. Tuomas Harviainen's Fink is a strong partner for Secrets in Suburbia, and as I mention in that thread, I had to read the two games side by side,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, J. Tuomas Harviainen.

10/7/2005 Ron Edwards: [Regis Furor] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Jacob X's Regis Furor almost got disqualified. For one thing, both "rat" and "hate" are quite weak, little more than labels for game mechanics like "powers." There's room for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards.

10/18/2005 Ron Edwards: [Ronnies] October winners
Hello everybody, Yup, the second round's judging of Ronnies is now concluded. The third round will come in November, because I'm really jazzed about the terms combination that's scheduled next,…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, Eero Tuovinen, Jared A. Sorensen, hix, Arturo G., CSBone, Dantai, greyorm, Ben Lehman, talysman, mrteapot, majcher, Dumirik.

10/23/2005 Ron Edwards: [Left Coast] Ronnies feedback
Hello, Well, as announced, this game has won a $25 Ronny for October. From my notes: Oh god, talk about the 70s!! I'm getting Synanon flashbacks. The subject matter works…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, hix, talysman, Graham Walmsley.

more subsequent topics >>