Previous Topics 2/6/2006 Dev: Rule Suggestion: Musical Cues! Here's my rule suggestion:
Players will give the GM songs that they feel are appropriate for their character or the setting. Once per session, in a conflict, the player may… In lumpley games Participants: Dev, Vaxalon, lumpley.
2/6/2006 Gaerik: [FATE] Fate of the North... A few weeks ago I posted about a game of Fantasy Capes I played using the Forgotten Realms as the setting. One of my players really doesn't like Capes-style games… In Actual Play Participants: Gaerik.
2/6/2006 14thWarrior: Canine Bluffs - my first crack at town design. Hey all,
This is both my first post on the Forge, and my first crack at town design. So without further ado, here is Canine Bluffs for your reading pleasure… In lumpley games Participants: 14thWarrior, Levi Kornelsen.
2/6/2006 Dregg: [Pulp Era] The meaning of Legend I have been thinking about the role Legend in general in my game. Right now the current system is being scrapped and i am starting from scratch on something a… In Indie Game Design Participants: Dregg.
2/6/2006 stefoid: [Bronze] magic and 'magic items' Hi this is the first cut on magic for my fantasy bronze age system.
I am unhappy with it for several reasons:
1) its too mechanical. each type of… In Indie Game Design Participants: stefoid, Sempiternity, TonyLB, Selene Tan, Anna B, contracycle, lumpley, dindenver, Tommi Brander, greyorm, nikola, joepub, Joshua BishopRoby, Calithena, Eero Tuovinen.
2/5/2006 ffilz: [DiTV] First Session - chargen and initiation A local group has gotten together to play Dogs (yay Find Play!). Joe is GMing, Paul, Jeremy,myself, and one other fellow whose name I've already forgotten are playing.
We chatted… In Actual Play Participants: ffilz, Joe Zeutenhorst.
2/5/2006 Frank T: [Polaris] Protagonist versus Protagonist We played Polaris with six players at GroFaFo Winter Rally and it was a blast. We played almost seven hours and even made a Veteran. None of the problems I… In These Are Our Games Participants: Frank T, Ben Lehman, 1of3.
2/5/2006 mrteapot: [The End of the World] Power 19
My <a href="">24 hour zombie game</a> is complete, but needs work. Particularly reediting, playtesting and revision following the playtest. And a title that I spent more than forty five seconds… In Indie Game Design Participants: mrteapot, Sempiternity.
2/5/2006 Tancred: New to the Game System Questions Hi,
Just got Conspiracy of Shadows and the Companion and I really like it! However, there's a few rules points I'd like to clarify if possible, as I'm not sure… In Bob Goat Press Participants: Tancred, Keith Senkowski, Thor Olavsrud, Iskander, rrees.
2/5/2006 preludetotheend: Fulfilling orders. I was wondering how various people fulfill customer orders from there websites. Things like lulu, and cafe press are pretty obvious they handle it for you.
Regards, Seth In Publishing Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, Michael S. Miller, Troy_Costisick, Bryan Hansel.
2/5/2006 Darcy Burgess: [Domus] - Second Playtest & Situation Back about a month ago, we got together and ran Domus through the wringer again. After the good times of playtest #1, I was all ready for some smooth sailing.… In Playtesting Participants: Darcy Burgess, Bryan Hansel.
2/5/2006 Emily Care: game of the month Good news!
I'm honored to be able to say that Breaking the Ice has been named game of the month on the French role playing site Guide du Roliste Galactique… In Black and Green Games Participants: Emily Care, Andrew Morris, Michael S. Miller.
2/5/2006 Technocrat13: [Infected] Reinvigorating the Agendas We had a successful third playtest of Infected last night. Among other issues it occurred to me that the PCs ended up with no more relationship to each other than...… In Indie Game Design Participants: Technocrat13, dindenver, TonyLB, jasonm, knicknevin.
2/4/2006 Levi Kornelsen: Little Details of your setting The setting in Dogs gets fleshed up a little differently by each group that plays it, I think. I'm going to put down some of the things my group has… In lumpley games Participants: Levi Kornelsen, TonyLB, Supplanter, Tindalos, Vaxalon, 14thWarrior, Alex Fradera, Andrew Morris, Transit, Warren, IMAGinES.
2/4/2006 Anna B: [PTA] long scences, fan mail, and learning to set stakes So we ran the second episode of <url=> And a Place to Fly Her</url> last night. We where all kind of tried so the game wasn't as high energy as… In Actual Play Participants: Anna B, Supplanter, REkz, Matt Wilson.
2/4/2006 Kevin A. Ranson: [Kindling Moon] Answering the Power 19 1.) What is your game about? Fantasy characters are displaced into an alternate reality. To survive, they must either take up the mantle of their alternate counterpart, find a way… In Indie Game Design Participants: Kevin A. Ranson, Graham Walmsley, TonyLB, Troy_Costisick.
2/4/2006 Technocrat13: [Infected] Silent Hill meets The Wall meets The Ring. One step closer to groovy We gathered at Andy K's place again last night for the third playtest of my monster-movie game, Infected. The gathered players included myself, Lisa, Andy K, Remi, and Ullyses. Lisa… In Playtesting Participants: Technocrat13, knicknevin.
2/4/2006 matthijs: HeroQuesting during hypnosis In order to emphasize the otherworldly experience of a HeroQuest, has anyone tried using hypnosis on players during such a quest? I recently tried out a hypnotic experiment in shared… In HeroQuest Participants: matthijs, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, Lxndr, Adam Dray, newsalor.
2/4/2006 sl8rdawapper: Starting Off Hi, i am completly new at game design and i was wondering if anyone can help. Do you know of any good websites i can look at that can introduce… In Indie Game Design Participants: sl8rdawapper, Eero Tuovinen.
2/4/2006 Ben Lehman: [Drifter's Escape] Wants Playtesting I ain't got no home.
I'm just a wandering 'round.
I'm just a wandering working man;
I go from town to town,
and the police make it hard
wherever I… In Connections Participants: Ben Lehman.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 2/6/2006 signoftheserpent: (REQUEST) egyptian magic Apologies if this is the wrong place, but I am looking for websites with detailed nformationon egyptian magic and mysticism. Thanks. In Indie Game Design Participants: signoftheserpent, Eero Tuovinen, preludetotheend.
2/6/2006 TonyLB: [PTA: Bountiful] All you need is Stakes So Eric (TheCzech) got Sydney, Jennifer and I together to run a season of PTA. Excellent! And we made this mutant cross-breed of Firefly (Sydney), Neverwhere (Jen) and Cowboy Bebop… In Actual Play Participants: TonyLB, Glendower, Sydney Freedberg, Rob Donoghue, Paka.
2/6/2006 Lisa Padol: Bang Musings I think I have stumbled on a truth about bangs, or about a type of not-bang.
Last session, I confirmed that Dave's character, Andreas, once again spent his evening having… In Adept Press Participants: Lisa Padol, Eero Tuovinen, Peter Nordstrand, Paka.
2/6/2006 Vaxalon: The Dogs totally blow it - then what? What happens when the Demons get their way? When "What the demons want" is what actually happens?
Do you hold onto that town, on the offchance that the Dogs decide… In lumpley games Participants: Vaxalon, Eero Tuovinen, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, Levi Kornelsen, lumpley, Frank T, wunderllama, nikola, The_Tim, 14thWarrior, dunlaing, TonyLB.
2/6/2006 jburneko: Do Dogs Ever Get Fired? So, yesterday, I finally finished reading Dogs all the way through. Now, the question I'm about to ask is going to earn me a long stay in hell but I… In lumpley games Participants: jburneko, Vaxalon, Brand_Robins, 14thWarrior, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Paka, Transit, coffeestain.
2/6/2006 Dantai: Online rpgs and pesky monkeys at Cybercon Well the Cybercon IV online rpg convention took place last weekend.
It was an interesting experience for me, since I've not dabbled in online rpg tools before.
I played a… In Actual Play Participants: Dantai, Joe Zeutenhorst, dindenver.
2/6/2006 pells: [Avalanche] How design influences many aspects... and some questions I'm currently working on a rpg project, based on content (i.e. setting/plot) and I intend to produce soon (well, this means weeks, at least) a teaser, that will be available,… In Indie Game Design Participants: pells, contracycle, Czar Fnord.
2/6/2006 John Kim: [Buffy] A Little Role Reversal The Friday before last, we played another episode of our Buffy the Vampire Slayer campaign, "Silicon Valley Slayage". It was notable for the technique of role reversal which we used. … In Actual Play Participants: John Kim, Matt-M-McElroy, TonyLB, whump, ScottM.
2/6/2006 JMendes: [Project Senate] First playtest in the Scottish Highlands Hey, :)
So, we had the first playtest of Project Senate last Saturday night, and it was quite interesting. We used version 3 of the game design document (which isn't… In Playtesting Participants: JMendes, Troy_Costisick.
2/6/2006 Troy_Costisick: [Hierarchy]1st Playtest- PvP Heya,
My friend John and I got to test out some of the mechanics in Hierarchy the other night. It was a good opportunity. We drew up some sample characters… In First Thoughts Participants: Troy_Costisick, Arturo G..
2/6/2006 knicknevin: [F.U.] Help With Munchkin-Proofing Currently I'm working on a simple, short game about barbarians, wizards, thieves and bards studying for their heroship degrees at college, a place called Fantasy University. It's turn based, with… In Indie Game Design Participants: knicknevin, Troy_Costisick, Walt Freitag.
2/7/2006 ChrisJaxn: New, Call of Cthulu-esque, with a few questions. Hey. I'll start with the premise of the game, and a bit about how I envision it working, and then I'll ask my questions.
Players will take the role… In Indie Game Design Participants: ChrisJaxn, timopod, Sempiternity, TonyLB, Noon, Arpie.
2/7/2006 cdr: [DitV] Tower Creek #4 My favorite intro scenario for DitV is "Tower Creek", which I ran Sunday for two people I found using the marvelous <A HREF="">Findplay</A>. Major thanks to Jason Morningstar for his… In Actual Play Participants: cdr.
2/7/2006 cdr: [DunDraCon] Indie Gaming wiki - San Ramon, CA 2/17-20 <A HREF="">DunDraCon</A> is a gaming convention at the San Ramon Marriott in northern California, February 17-20 this year. I'm running TMW Saturday 8am and in the hopes of running DitV… In Conventions Participants: cdr, talysman.
2/7/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Inn at the Edge of Forever] Basic Mechanics Hey all - I've lurked here for a long time but am finally getting around to actually making posts. The Inn at the Edge of Forever will be my second… In Indie Game Design Participants: andrew_kenrick, Jack Aidley, Matt, lumpley, ks13.
2/7/2006 Eero Tuovinen: Competitive roleplaying experiences? My Alma Mater rpg club in Helsinki is interested in arranging more actual roleplaying activity lately. I listed some ideas for people there and there's interest for a "roleplaying tournament"… In Conventions Participants: Eero Tuovinen, TheTris, jasonm, James_Nostack, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf.
2/7/2006 Bailywolf: [THRESHOLD] Developments on the Gamer Formerly Known as ‘Fade’
This is a game that’s been simmering on my back burner for a goodly long while now, and one I’ve discussed earlier on the Forge in this thread and in… In Indie Game Design Participants: Bailywolf, Dreez, Doug Ruff.
2/7/2006 Sempiternity: [The Fool & The World] a novice game design So, i had a creative streak and wrote this little game yesterday. Yep, it is my first game i've ever written.
I'm not sure if it works or not, or… In Indie Game Design Participants: Sempiternity, Adam Dray.
2/7/2006 mratomek: Equipment vs. Powers Just wanted to get some feedback on a concept for a game.
The game allows you to build your own powers--essentially what you want your character to be able to… In Indie Game Design Participants: mratomek, Andrew Morris, dindenver, Ron Edwards.
2/7/2006 mratomek: Playtest a new approach to RPGing Monster RulesTM is a new approach to RPGing. It allows players to create their own characters and scenarios using a simple point-based system, and then play games in a head-to-head… In Connections Participants: mratomek, nikola, Ben Lehman.
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