The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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5/21/2002 Jake Norwood: Characters falling into corruption, and player choice
Well, getting to Forge-style discussion and the whole d6 starwars thing, I think what really set the game apart was the Dark-side mechanics. I OFTEN had players who wanted to…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Jake Norwood, Henry Fitch, Eric J., Walt Freitag, Andrew Martin, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Bankuei, simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes, erithromycin, Wolfen, damion.

5/28/2002 Evan Waters: Character classes II
[quote] I pronounce this thread closed. [/quote] Seriously? Cause I was gonna say somethin' and all... Here goes anyway. Classes, to my mind, work in settings/games where different characters will…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Evan Waters, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, Clinton R. Nixon, rafael, Jake Norwood, contracycle, Mike Holmes, damion, Eric J., Blake Hutchins.

5/28/2002 Jaif: Skill System Comments
I ran the game a few times last week, and it was a blast. I have a few negative observations that I wish to address, but please don't take that…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jaif, Jake Norwood, Atomic Requiem, Ron Edwards, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Rattlehead, Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon, contracycle, Lyrax, Henry Fitch, 655321.

5/28/2002 Evan Waters: Licensed names/products
But suppose such a game were freeware, say on the web- technically that's still not legal, but I feel such a thing is ethically defensible, and it doesn't seem like…
In Publishing
Participants: Evan Waters, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Paganini, Valamir, Buddha Nature.

5/28/2002 wyrdlyng: D20 and Levels and Sunday's Game of Evil
This touches upon the previous thread regarding D20 (Star Wars and D&D) characters being fairly ineffectual. My wife is running a portion of our larger group through some small adventures…
In Actual Play
Participants: wyrdlyng, Balbinus, Ron Edwards, Valamir, WhistlinFiend, DeadGirl.

5/28/2002 Bailey: idoru
Got a chance to play this little gem yesterday with my normal group. First questions anybody had were how many GMs does it need and how many are we going…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bailey, Paganini, Jared A. Sorensen, erithromycin, GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, joshua neff.

5/28/2002 stillaplaya: Avitars(The Pic you use to play with)
My name is Dave and I will be opening a website dedicated to AV art and designing of talented people like you. A type of forum for designers can show…
In RPG Theory
Participants: stillaplaya, Balbinus, Ron Edwards, Henry Fitch.

5/28/2002 RobMuadib: Gaming Resurection - Post Mortem
Hi All As I mentioned I recently made some effort to get a gaming group together again, which was suprisingly easy, I managed to round up and start gaming with…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobMuadib, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, Dave Versace, DeadGirl.

5/28/2002 Christopher Kubasik: Exploration of "Genre"
Hi Everybody, I normally don't jump into the theory threads -- cause a) my academic lingo just doesn't exist and b) I usually have nothing more interesting to add than…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Le Joueur, Gordon C. Landis, joshua neff, contracycle.

5/28/2002 Judas: Is this a game?
I have a simple "add-on system" for abstract space combat which could be used for any RPG in which vehicle combat does not play a large role and/or rules do…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Judas, Jared A. Sorensen, Fabrice G., Joe Murphy (Broin), Walt Freitag, Eric J..

5/27/2002 Jake Norwood: Revisions for August
I thought that I'd post a few of the meaningful revisions for the August edition. Remember, again, that the changes for August reflect: (1) copy editing and (2) some modifications…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Rattlehead, Brian Leybourne, Jaif, Mokkurkalfe, Bankuei.

5/27/2002 Jake Norwood: Memento RPG
The Rashamon thread got me thinking about this. It's not a game I'm planning on developing, but rather a way of presenting scenes to players that intrigued me (so I…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Matt, Jared A. Sorensen, Bailey, Tim Denee, Walt Freitag, Buddha Nature, Mike Holmes.

5/27/2002 Jake Norwood: TROS First Printing SOLD OUT!
Just thought I'd give a big, warm, public thanks to all you guys on account of this nifty occasion. A call from a distributor in London took up the last…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Bankuei, ReverendCuster187, Jaif, Brian Leybourne, ScarletJester, Lyrax, contracycle.

5/27/2002 Le Joueur: Okay, Dramatism Again...
You've brought up three points (I think) that I want to address separately, no offense intended. With respect, you have fallen into the same trap that others have fallen…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Le Joueur, Ron Edwards.

5/27/2002 Jaif: Armor encumberance & shields
A couple of things seem a bit "off" to me about armor and shields. Note that I have limited experience here; I have worn a chain shirt, and I have…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jaif, Jake Norwood.

5/27/2002 Ron Edwards: The Club Dumas (reprise)
Hello, A while ago, Thor began a thread called The Ninth Gate and The Club Dumas, which I couldn't contribute to very much as I hadn't read the novel. However,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Gordon C. Landis, Fabrice G., Clinton R. Nixon, jrs.

5/27/2002 Seth L. Blumberg: Game designing is infectious
You people are like a disease, you know that? I never wanted to be a game designer, and now here I am designing games in my sleep. Literally. Last night…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Seth L. Blumberg, Zak Arntson, Valamir, Paganini, J B Bell, Tim Gray.

5/27/2002 RobMuadib: Gaming generation gap & other experience issues?
Hi all As I mentioned in my earlier posting about forming a new group again and doing some gaming, I met with the people today. I am already acquinted with…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobMuadib, Henry Fitch, Paganini, Ron Edwards, wyrdlyng, Valamir, AndyGuest, rabidchyld, DeadGirl.

5/26/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Rashomon
No idea where to put this, so it goes here. Thinking about (hypothetically) running a game where once the game is done (like, a single 4-hour session or so), the…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Jack Spencer Jr, Kenway, Bankuei, Matt, Paul Czege.

5/14/2002 Nick Pagnucco: Latest Profiling
Just stumbled on this, so... Most recent: Fading Suns (If a PBEM counts), Exalted, Changeling, Dark Sun setting for D&D2E Most enjoyed: ...This one is difficult. I'll say Fading Suns,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Scratchware, Zoetrope10, RobMuadib, Henry Fitch, WhistlinFiend, Jack Spencer Jr, johnmarron, Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood, Bob McNamee, Jared A. Sorensen, rabidchyld, Clinton R. Nixon, Zak Arntson, joshua neff, Jürgen Mayer, Ferry Bazelmans, Petter Sandelin, DeadGirl, xiombarg, Philippe Tromeur, Eric J..

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Subsequent Topics

5/28/2002 Paul Czege: a one-sheet for The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Some of you are aware that I've been ramping up to run The World, the Flesh, and the Devil, and that the greatest initial obstacle for me has been…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Henry Fitch, hardcoremoose, lumpley, Jared A. Sorensen.

5/28/2002 Mokkurkalfe: Questions on spiritual attributes
1) I have some problems coming up with different situations and examples where the SA can come into play(e.g. conscience bonus if knocking down instead of killing). Any suggestions? 2)…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mokkurkalfe, Jaif, Casey Goddard, Bob Richter, Wolfen, Valamir, Lyrax.

5/28/2002 joshua neff: Adventure! It's pulp-tastic!
The diabolical Sean Demory ran White Wolf's Adventure! for my group & me last night. It was wicked, killer fun. We enjoyed it so much, Sean & I decided to…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Joe Murphy (Broin), rabidchyld, sdemory.

5/28/2002 Ace: A new spell
here is a nasty Spell of Three I just cooked up Thundering Throw Spell of 3 CTN 6 if formalized (60 seconds) T)1 R)1 V)1 D)0 Vagaries: Movement3 Summon 3,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ace.

5/29/2002 Evan Waters: Split from "long and brutal"
I might be misreading the model entirely when I say this, but one game that seems "Simulationist" to me that hasn't been described as such (in this thread at least)…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Evan Waters, AndyGuest, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, xiombarg.

5/29/2002 AndyGuest: Um ? Herowars 101 pt 2
Um ? Are we still doing this ? I'm not sure if Ron's waiting for us or if we're supposed to be waiting for him, I know I'm waiting for…
In HeroQuest
Participants: AndyGuest, Ron Edwards, epweissengruber, Ayrizale.

5/29/2002 unheilig: Wyrd?
pardon ther pun, but what is the fate of wyrd? what's going on? unheilig.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: unheilig, hardcoremoose.

5/29/2002 unheilig: Paging Matt Snyder
umm, hello? does Matt Snyder still exist? has he been abducted by the hounds of tindalos? has he descended into shadow to do battle with the balrog? does he still…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: unheilig, Ron Edwards.

5/29/2002 contracycle: Split (again) from old discussion
[quote] No, we think that Simulationism is a form of retreat, denial, and defense against the responsibilities of either Gamism or Narrativism. [/quote] I disagree in the most violent possible…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: contracycle, Ron Edwards.

5/29/2002 xiombarg: Third split, and last
[quote="Ron Edwards"]The real issue is whether this is a valid generalization. That's a very important concept: a VALID GENERALIZATION. Such a thing accounts for most of the variation we see…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, AndyGuest.

5/29/2002 Blake Hutchins: Split from the split-split
Heh. Nothing to do with the old posts. However, Evan brought up a point regarding computer games that I think warrants a comment. He mentioned that MMORPG's like Everquest and…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Blake Hutchins, Walt Freitag, Evan Waters, Valamir, Seth L. Blumberg, xiombarg.

5/29/2002 J B Bell: Announcing Self System semi-generic Narrativist RPG
Mike Holmes and J B Bell are pleased to announce the first release version of Self System, our role-playing game of personal struggle and conflict with the inner and outer…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: J B Bell, xiombarg, Paganini, Blake Hutchins, Seth L. Blumberg, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, C. Edwards.

5/29/2002 xiombarg: Narrativist Diplomacy -- Second Draft (long)
Okay, in an attempt to leave my abject stupidity in the GNS forum behind me, I'm going to take some of people's advice from the last thread on this and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Zak Arntson, Mike Holmes.

5/29/2002 jburneko: Choice of Characters -- Mainly Sidekicks?
Down in the Sorcerer Forum Ron wrote... Many role-players, I think, have not learned to read well (or view movies well) - they can see that a protagonist thinks…
In RPG Theory
Participants: jburneko, Valamir, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, xiombarg, Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, joshua neff, Walt Freitag, lehrbuch, Le Joueur, Julian Kelsey, damion, contracycle.

5/29/2002 mahoux: Where are the new toys?
Jason- I have been looking over the site to find out what new stuff will be out for Little Fears. So far I don't see anything new. What about Behind…
In Key 20 Publishing
Participants: mahoux, Jason L Blair, peteramthor, Fabrice G., Tim Denee, Jürgen Mayer.

5/29/2002 mearls: Self-Serving Eunuchs Go Hiking
I've been bouncing around an idea for a game and I thought I'd post it here to see if y'all can poke some holes in it. Here are the basics:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: mearls, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, hardcoremoose, Clinton R. Nixon, joshua neff, Buddha Nature, Evan Waters, RobMuadib, Balbinus, contracycle, Mike Holmes, Knight, Mytholder, Walt Freitag, Henry Fitch.

5/29/2002 Paganini: Splits?
Just for my own peace of mind, could someone explain what's going on over in the GNS forum? I have become greatly confused. :) The moderators seem to be wielding…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Paganini, Clinton R. Nixon, Christopher Kubasik.

5/29/2002 Henry Fitch: Questions Stemming From Reviews
Just a couple. Keep in mind that I still don't have the book (can't stand to buy something when I know a new edition is coming out) so they're probably…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Henry Fitch, Brian Leybourne, Jaif.

5/29/2002 Bob Richter: All right, I'm a believer.
At first I didn't think I was going to like tRoS. The biggest issue was that it uses d10s. Now, normally, I hate d10s and the feeling is mutual, but…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Bob Richter, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Bankuei, Atomic Requiem, Valamir, Jaif, Lyrax, Rattlehead, contracycle, Shadow, Mokkurkalfe.

5/29/2002 Brian Leybourne: Quick favor
Hi all. I don't have a rulebook at the moment (stolen, as some of you know), can someone give me a quick heads up on a couple of things I…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Jaif, Mokkurkalfe, Shadow.

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