The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

8/23/2007 GreatWolf: Dirty Secrets Actual Play
This is the thread where we will post links to actual play reports of Dirty Secrets, be they on the Forge or elsewhere. Here's a thread to start: Dirty Secrets…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, jburneko, Artanis, scottdunphy.

8/23/2007 Ron Edwards: GenCon demos that I ran, 2007
Hello, This thread is about demos I ran at the booth, not counting the demos I merely played in. The latter covered quite a few titles, although not Fae Noir…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, GreatWolf.

8/23/2007 Dave Cleaver: Interwoven stories on a related topic
Last night I was struck with an idea. I want to build a game that helps the players to build stories around a common topic. I'm inspired by movies like…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dave Cleaver, nikola.

8/22/2007 jessejesse: Illustrator looking for freelance work...
I am an illustrator and graphic designer looking for freelance work in the gaming industry. I am also a long time gamer. If you would like to take a look…
In Connections
Participants: jessejesse.

8/22/2007 hix: [Bliss Stage] Kilbirnie Resistance Cell
So I got the book on Monday night, read it through, and pitched it to my Tuesday night group as a one-off game (while one of our regular members was…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Skywalker, Ben Lehman, GreatWolf.

8/22/2007 Emily Care: [Zombies at the Door]Love Boat Under Seige at GenCon
Hey there, At GenCon I got to experience some of the Finnish madness that is Zombies at the Door. Eero Tuovinen debuted this game this summer at Ropecon, where I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, Eero Tuovinen, Blankshield, wunderllama.

8/22/2007 Mandrake: DitV: Spiral Butte branch.
This was my first town, I meant to post it some time ago. Currently working on my second. Enjoy (or not) :) Spiral Butte Branch Spiral Butte is a large…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, Valamir, wreckage, Web_Weaver.

8/22/2007 GrumpyTroll: Would anyone be interested in playing via IM/IRC?
I'd really like to get a live, weekly game going via IM (AOL, MSN, take your pick) or IRC. I've been playing in PBP games, but PBP doesn't really capture…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: GrumpyTroll, Filip Luszczyk.

8/22/2007 iago: Gen-Con Indie Passport Critiques & Comments
I'm worried that the passport stuff is starting to overtake the GenCon post-mortem thread, so I'm starting this one. Perceptions appear to be in two different camps.  From where I'm…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Valamir, GreatWolf, Blankshield, inthisstyle, Matt-M-McElroy, Ron Edwards, GB Steve, RobNJ, TonyLB, KeithBVaughn, WildElf, thelostgm, Lisa Padol, Thunder_God.

8/22/2007 Ron Edwards: The Ashcan Front
Hi everyone, The Ashcan Front project debuted at GenCon 2007 to great acclaim. Now, however, the buzz will diminish and it will be time to get to work. Rather than…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, TwoCrows, Eero Tuovinen.

8/22/2007 Matt Snyder: [44] Actual play input -- ashcan buyers please read!
The Ashcan Front was a big success for Paul and me. We set goals in doing this project. While it will take a few months to see real results, those…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder.

8/22/2007 iago: GenCon: Launching a Satellite Booth
The Forge booth was definitely interesting, and I'm glad we have the post-mortem thread going for that.  That said, I think it's possible others may be considering launching their own…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Paka, abzu, TonyLB, jasonm, GreatWolf, JustinB, RobNJ, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Gregor Hutton, Paul Czege, nikola, Ben Lehman, Wolfen.

8/22/2007 contracycle: status of external properties
I would like to request some clarity/ruling on the extent to which we can discuss game ideas for a existing property held by someone else, your typical sort of movie…
In Site Discussion
Participants: contracycle, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

8/22/2007 Parthenia: Stone Baby Games Welcomes You
Welcome to Stone Baby Games' little corner of the Forge, where we discuss matters of Stone Babies and my game Steal Away Jordan. So, I'm Julia Bond Ellingboe, the ovaries,…
In Stone Baby Games
Participants: Parthenia, GreatWolf, nikola, jasonm, Emily Care, JasonWalters, GestaltBennie.

8/22/2007 twilight: [Sorcerer] Music of the Spheres
[b]Premise[/b] This is our first foray into Sorcerer - I wanted to get away from playing D&D 3.5, [i]Call of Cthulhu[/i] and [i]Savage Worlds[/i]. I like the flavor, and I…
In Actual Play
Participants: twilight, cpeterso, Ron Edwards.

8/22/2007 TomTancredi: End of the Year Conventions
What are the major conventions for the Indy games coming up this fall and winter in the New England area? I'm planning on going to PhilCon, and the Winter-version of…
In Conventions
Participants: TomTancredi, iago.

8/22/2007 Adam Biltcliffe: Bliss Stage rules questions
So there's a handful of things I couldn't make out from a couple of read-throughs of Ignition Stage: The pilot templates have "special abilities" on them that aren't mentioned anywhere…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Adam Biltcliffe, Ben Lehman.

8/22/2007 jasonm: Gen Con post-mortem
Hey, let's talk about lessons learned and what we can do to improve the experience - by all measures - next year.  Also, let's celebrate!  I think everybody had a…
In Conventions
Participants: jasonm, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, GreatWolf, Justin D. Jacobson, iago, abzu, Emily Care, Denise, Blankshield, Jasper the Mimbo, inthisstyle, Matt-M-McElroy, GregStolze, Rob Donoghue, btrc, JustinB, Valamir, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, JasonWalters, Sydsquicious, TomTancredi, segedy, RobNJ, jrs.

8/22/2007 lumpley: non-nostalgic D&D
I never played D&D. I played some AD&D 2E in college but it was hardly even a thing, it was all GM handwaving and <i>role-</i>, not roll-. But now it's…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, rafael, James_Nostack, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, Gugliandalf, TonyLB, Eliarhiman6, GreatWolf, Parthenia, greyorm, TwoCrows, GB Steve.

8/22/2007 hix: Co-ordinating editing suggestions for Bliss Stage
Hi Ben, We played Bliss Stage for about an hour last night - got through a mission, a resolution action and an interlude action. Much fun was had, and many…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: hix, Ben Lehman, Neil the Wimp, cdr.

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Subsequent Topics

8/23/2007 Nyarly: [Poison'd] Questions
Do I cipher properly that, having completed a pursuit & evasion fight, there's a gap in which the PCs can attempt success checks, with the obvious available fight the next…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nyarly, lumpley, Piers Brown.

8/23/2007 Sovem: Pondering called shots
A lot of games have rules for combatants to make "called shots" on their opponent. They sacrifice a bit of their chance for success in return for the possibility of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sovem, David Artman, Eliarhiman6, xenopulse, Filip Luszczyk, VoidDragon, Noon, contracycle, Age of Fable, TomTancredi, Justin Nichol - BFG, migo, Hereward The Wake, Elizabeth P., dindenver, Morte.

8/23/2007 Anubisgrrl: Hi! I am an editor looking for freelance work
Hello, I am posting as a result of several conversations at GenCon Indy. A number of people said that they were looking for a good content editor and other editorial…
In Connections
Participants: Anubisgrrl.

8/23/2007 Hans: [GenCon] Dust Devils, SotC and Grey Ranks; my scheduled GM'ing sessions
I wanted to post a quick summary of all five scheduled sessions I ran at GenCon this year, in case someone may benefit from them.  But before I do, some…
In Actual Play
Participants: Hans, jasonm, segedy, jaw6, Myrmidon.

8/23/2007 Iskander: [Gen Con] Ganakagok AP
I ran Ganakagok for Vincent, Ralph, Thor, Tim and Pete. It was fun, but late, but suitably and delightfully mythic. I had to share my new favourite AP:
In Actual Play
Participants: Iskander, Valamir, Emily Care, Bill_White, Frank Tarcikowski, lumpley, Michael S. Miller.

8/23/2007 Hans: Dust Devils at GenCon
[url=]See here for my report on my sessions of Dust Devils at GenCon.[/url]
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Hans, Matt Snyder, 00nothing.

8/23/2007 Hans: SotC at GenCon
[url=]See here for my sessions of SotC at Gencon.[/url]
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Hans, iago.

8/23/2007 rylen dreskin: Lee Short's Newsreel mechanic
I recently read a little about the Newsreel mechanic Lee Short has as part of his game "The Star, The Moon, The Cross."    Perhaps my search-fu is weak, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rylen dreskin, SpinachBaron.

8/23/2007 Paul Czege: canned heat
At Gen Con The Ashcan Front moved 265 ashcans for feedback and playtesting, across 11 different games. A daily break-down: Thursday: 86 Friday: 40 Saturday: 50 Sunday: 89 Friday was…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, Gregor Hutton.

8/23/2007 TomTancredi: I want to buy your games and GM them
I'm fairly new to the Indie Community - being closely attached to the Green Fairy Games' "Fae Noir" - and I am amazed by the amount of great games out…
In Connections
Participants: TomTancredi, xenopulse, David Artman.

8/24/2007 preludetotheend: Throw Down!
So I was watching the food channel throw down show on a whim and thought how cool would that be with games. I think it would be real cool to…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Filip Luszczyk, Sinistraphobia.

8/24/2007 lumpley: Poison'd errata and Q&A
I've just posted a cruel fortune change and some GM techniques on my blog, here, check it out. I welcome questions either here in the lumpley games forum or there…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, rafial, markus_cz, Temple, Willow, coffeestain, Ignotus, phargle.

8/24/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Go! Gambate, bunny ninja princesses!
Wednesday, we created the characters and played out initiations for my anthropomorphic ninja magical girls DitV mod, Ninja Princess Usagi-chan. The players were Kamil “What part of bunnyninjaprincess you don't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Meguey, Noon, Redone.

8/24/2007 Paul Czege: how to buy the Acts of Evil ashcan
I have some left and just put up a page where you can order one if you'd like: Thanks, Paul
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege.

8/24/2007 Marhault: Lighting a Black Fire
Ron, I’m putting together a game of Black Fire, ‘cause it looks awesome.  Most of the questions I had after reading the text were asked and answered in prior threads. …
In Adept Press
Participants: Marhault, Ron Edwards.

8/24/2007 Parthenia: Actual Play Reports
This is actually a demo report, but thank you Clyde for posting it. Bittersweet.
In Stone Baby Games
Participants: Parthenia, hansel.

8/24/2007 Squish: Artist / Illistrator for hire
Hello. You can see my work at I work in various mediums, from ink, acrylic to digital. I've worked on a few RPG books, and am versatile. The images…
In Connections
Participants: Squish.

8/24/2007 hix: [Mechaton] Have you seen this asoblock stuff?
I just saw this article about this building block set that's purpose designed for mechs. A quick google didn't reveal any mention of it in relation to Mechaton. Now I…
In lumpley games
Participants: hix, Eero Tuovinen, Nev the Deranged, Uriel, brew55.

8/25/2007 Mandrake: Evolution of a Dog.
We've been playing Dogs for a while now. It started as a one off, but as a group we've hugely enjoyed it and have played several towns, with three narrators…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, Web_Weaver.

8/25/2007 wunderllama: [GenCon] Mortal Coil at Games on Demand
At GenCon, I was fortunate enough to get in on a game of Mortal Coil run by Brennan Taylor. I had heard vague things about it previously, but didn’t even…
In Actual Play
Participants: wunderllama, travisfarber, inthisstyle.

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