The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

11/1/2007 JohnUghrin: A Design Curiousity
I was thinking about Capes today, and a question for the playtesters/designer occurred to me: What is the reason for "cross out three"? I mean is there a mechanical reason…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: JohnUghrin, TheCzech, oreso, TonyLB.

10/31/2007 indigonegative: Game Chef practice: Frankenstein, Gettysburg, Fish and King
I found some random words the other day to challenge myself to design a game. I've been reading the popular indie games recently: DRYH, SotC, Dogs, Mountain Witch, etc. I'd…
In First Thoughts
Participants: indigonegative.

10/31/2007 Gregor Hutton: [Mob Justice] So long, Milo Blue
OK, here is the AP of Mob Justice from GaelCon 2007. I got 4 players who had signed up and they were all interested in playing and having a good…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton.

10/30/2007 Emily Care: Dreamation 2008
Hi there, Is there going to be an Indie Games Explosion track at Dreamation this year? I'd like to help, if needed. best, Emily
In Conventions
Participants: Emily Care, RobNJ.

10/30/2007 MikeLT: RPG Idea
Hi, name is Michael I have been working on an rpg for a short while, but it has been put on hold thanks to an idea I had. Im not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeLT, Ken, Vulpinoid, phatonin, xenopulse, masqueradeball.

10/30/2007 alexandre santos: Need advice to simplify mechanics and increase randomization obtained from a D20
Hello, I am currently designing a game inspired by the Claymore universe, and I need a rule system that implements the type of stories that I want this game to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: alexandre santos, VoidDragon, Simon C.

10/30/2007 Darcy Burgess: [Lacuna] Learning to re-love Task Res
Two saturdays ago, I got to play my first game of Lacuna at HoundCon, a birthday party for a long-time friend. I'll lead by saying that the setup was not…
In Actual Play
Participants: Darcy Burgess, M Jason Parent, Danny_K.

10/30/2007 Ken: Basic rules as multiple book sets
Hi- I've been play-testing TEN CENT HEROES now for a few months and have been giving thought to the layout of the game. The game will weigh in at about…
In Publishing
Participants: Ken, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, iago, abzu, MatrixGamer, Paul Czege.

10/29/2007 jwol2113: Really need suggestion/help
Okay, so I recently discovered the game Ghoulash and really liked the concept and simplicity, yet how tactically sound that that type of game can prove to be and was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jwol2113, Ken, Creatures of Destiny.

10/29/2007 Hans: [Galactic] GM tactics; some thoughts
I have been running a game of Galactic, and after some thought, some number crunching with Excel, and making lots of mistakes in actual play, and some helpful suggestions from…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Hans, Matt Wilson.

10/29/2007 tonyd: I Draw Maps
I draw maps. I did the map and page corner illustrations for Luke Crane's Blossom are Falling and did some maps and diagrams for Ron Edwards' Spione (if you guys…
In Connections
Participants: tonyd.

10/28/2007 preludetotheend: Steal this pdf! (possible business model)
    So the free but not worthless thread gave me an idea, what if you promoted a free ad supported pdf via file share sites and such. The pdf…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, GregStolze, rekyl, guildofblades, David Artman, Simon C.

10/28/2007 masqueradeball: So, you Want to Be a Super Hero (Or, Playtesters Please)
I've designed a super hero game, that for now I'm calling Forces, that I hope approaches the genre from a new lite. Its very narrativistic and structured, but focuses less…
In Connections
Participants: masqueradeball, sirelfinjedi.

10/28/2007 FruitSmack!: Grey Ranks gets some love!
My best friend Travis Farber (some of you might know Travis from Camp Nerdly and\or past Gen Cons) was interviewed on the 2d6 in a random direction podcast.  Most of…
In Bully Pulpit Games
Participants: FruitSmack!, segedy.

10/28/2007 iain: [Mob Justice] Brothers in Arma (Furnace PM)
[b]Boss:[/b] Iain McAllister [b]Players:[/b] Neil Gow, Steven, Gareth [b]Playing:[/b] Keneth, Isaac and Roy respectfully I ran two Mob Justice games at Furnace, one on the Saturday morning for Matt Machell…
In Actual Play
Participants: iain.

10/28/2007 anders_larsen: [TSoY] Mass combat
Normally when I run games I try to keep away from mass combat - no matter what system I use - because I have a hard time handle them well,…
In CRN Games
Participants: anders_larsen, Eero Tuovinen, James_Nostack, shadowcourt.

10/28/2007 Simons: [Escape from Illeria] Interior art wanted...
Right now I'm making a wargame/RPG, which I hope to publish in a few months.  I am planning to add a number of small drawings to the rulebook, and looking…
In Connections
Participants: Simons.

10/28/2007 tomg: Feedback Requested on new game
I'm working on my first design.  It's a DRYH hack called Don't Take A Nap.  It was started for The Sight and Sound Design Challenge. The full text can be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: tomg, Ken.

10/27/2007 MikeSands: [The Infected] The worst school trip ever.
Last night I ran another game, this time at a one-night horror con. I used the same setup as in the "anger management" game, but this time the players decided…
In Playtesting
Participants: MikeSands, Malcolm, hix, Technocrat13.

10/27/2007 Earthling: [MLwM] Questions about game mechanics
We finally got around to playing a three-player My Life with Master session yesterday, and while it went pretty well, the rules mechanics aroused several questions. First of all (I…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Earthling, Eero Tuovinen, Paul Czege.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

11/2/2007 guildofblades: POD Card Printing, Maybe
Hi Everyone, I know there was some discussion on this topic in the past so I thought I would follow up with a post regarding some possibilities. The Guild of…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, iago, Peter Nordstrand, Vulpinoid, Jake Richmond, mindwanders, Raymond Caleatry.

11/2/2007 Elizabeth: Does this game need to split into two games?
I've been working on a game tentatively titled Addict, which is about obsession, dependency and recovery. It runs off of a modified version of the twelve-step program, but it does…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Elizabeth, Filip Luszczyk, Paul Czege.

11/2/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Trait Shop
I've been considering possible ways of combining "shopping list" method of character creation with free-form traits. Here's my current concept. Each player has a number of points/dice/slots/whatever. He or she…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Paul Czege, MartiniPhilosopher.

11/2/2007 rycanada: A question before I buy: Vicarious unpleasantness?
I've picked up Mu because I heard it was excellent and relevant to my current project, and it is. I've never played Sorcerer, or even seen a copy, but the…
In Adept Press
Participants: rycanada, jburneko, James_Nostack, sirogit, Miskatonic.

11/2/2007 Rustin: [iaWA]questions
[url=]authority[/url] I've been feeling slightly guilty for exercising content authority in this game, as a player. How would conflict between players or between player and GM on back-story elements proceed?…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, Troels, lumpley, John Harper.

11/2/2007 droog: Trollbabe and leaving the adventure
It's my understanding that the rule is that trollbabes are not allowed to leave a given adventure until the Stakes are resolved. I can't find this rule in the book,…
In Adept Press
Participants: droog, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

11/3/2007 Nathan P.: I'll be at JiffyCon
Hey, east-coasters! I'm going to be at JiffyCon on November 17th. It's in western Mass, and there'll be a whole bunch of cool folks and games. I'm planning to run…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P., Emily Care.

11/3/2007 Eric J. Boyd: The Committee - Actual Play
Let's use this thread for links to actual play posted elsewhere. If you've got a game of The Committee you want to post about, please use the Forge's Actual Play…
In Eric J. Boyd Designs
Participants: Eric J. Boyd.

11/3/2007 Eric J. Boyd: New Printing (and Cover) on the Way
I can happily announce that the first print run of The Committee is now officially sold out. I'm in awe at the speed at which this happened, and I'm thankful…
In Eric J. Boyd Designs
Participants: Eric J. Boyd, pedyo.

11/3/2007 Uruush: [TSoY] Discern Truth
Is this a Reason or Instinct Ability? In my copy, it's listed as an Instinct Ability in the Ability section, but the example goblin character has "Discern Truth (R)".
In CRN Games
Participants: Uruush, Eero Tuovinen, oliof.

11/4/2007 ChadDubya: [ENOCH] Belated Power 19
Hi Gang, Here is my much belated Power 19 (although had I done it earlier, I would have been talking about a less complete, less interesting game). FYI, ENOCH can…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ChadDubya, Conteur, Everspinner, Rafu.

11/4/2007 StrongBadMun: Shaman and the use of spirit favors
I'm working out ideas for how to adapt my system to my game Shaman, and I'm trying to figure out how I want the spirit's abilities to work.  I don't…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, Filip Luszczyk, monstah, David Artman.

11/4/2007 Nev the Deranged: EnWorld Game Day at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect
Nov 10th, EnWorld is hosting another Game Day at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, Illinois. It's always a good time, and there are lots of games going down, including some…
In Conventions
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

11/4/2007 thirdkingdom: Looking for comments (and artists)
Hi everyone,     I'm about 260 pages into the Player's Handbook for the frpg I am designing, The Third Kingdom.  It is a classless rpg driven by a point-based…
In Connections
Participants: thirdkingdom, masqueradeball.

11/4/2007 Neil the Wimp: [Capes] On being overdrawn
Can I just check that I understand what happens when a character is overdrawn? If a character is overdrawn, they have to roll down dice.  Once per overdrawn drive, the…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, TheCzech.

11/4/2007 Malcolm: [Umlaut] Playtest In Wellington
This report has also be cross-posted to a thread at The Collective Endeavour. It was a Friday night in Wellington when we sat down with a quantity of beers and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Malcolm.

11/5/2007 Daztur: Existing rules for emotional/internal conflict?
A friend and I are working on an RPG that started out as a Fate mod but is slowly drifting into "well, it uses FUDGE dice" territory. I recently read…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Daztur, Simon C, Everspinner.

11/5/2007 Limejello: Operator setting
Hi this is a quick rundown of the setting I wrote now this is very poorley written and very rough (in fact I think this is closer to being notes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Limejello.

11/5/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Creating Backgrounds
In the discussion about using Dogs for action-adventure games a question of how the dice were assigned to Backgrounds in DitV and Afraid emerged. I find it interesting - what…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, JC, lumpley, Ben Lehman, zornwil, Marhault.

11/5/2007 Miskatonic: Shock: squares
J, Would it be too much trouble to produce versions of the three character sheet dealies with crop marks printed on the page? The design loses a lot of its…
In glyphpress
Participants: Miskatonic, nikola.

more subsequent topics >>