The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

2/9/2008 Hituro: [Solipsist] Superman and John Constantine get on a plane...
(crossposted from Gregor Hutton's post on collective endeavour, I hope that is okay for the rules of this site) Anyway, tonight I was over at John Wilson's and we had…
In Playtesting
Participants: Hituro.

2/8/2008 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2008] First thread! The basics
Hi everyone, Here's the GenCon stuff for this year. A lot is staying the same, and a couple of things are changing. First, for people who don't know, this is…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson, iago, SirValence.

2/8/2008 Marshall Burns: [Fantastical Adventure] The Purple Pearl of Pinoche!
We a played a bit of one of my new games, Fantastical Adventure, last night.  It's, um, well, I still haven't figured out how to explain it properly.  The setting…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, jag.

2/8/2008 dindenver: [SoY] More noobie questions
Hi!   OK, here they come, please be gentle: 1) Where does bonus dice fall in IIEE? My guess is in the second "I" 2) I have a misunderstanding, when…
In CRN Games
Participants: dindenver, shadowcourt, oliof, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/8/2008 Galadrin: [16 Bit] Fundamental Questions
Hi all, this is my first post here but I've been watching these forums on and off for a while.  I have, in my opinion, a great set of rules…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Galadrin, rycanada, Noon, VoidDragon, OnnoTasler, chronoplasm, Jillianaire, Paul T, Catalyst N, oriondarkwood, rvmiole.

2/8/2008 program: New RPG idea.
Hello, I have a idea for a new RPG experiment and new RPG game, to this end, I have a blog over at If you would like to know…
In First Thoughts
Participants: program, mwhite, Peter Nordstrand, greyorm.

2/8/2008 MikeSands: [Monster of the week] Brainstorming help request
So, I have the basic shape of a game sorted out, which is inspired by the TV show Supernatural and Hellboy and other stuff in that vein. The basic system…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeSands, Adrian F., hix, David Artman, StrongBadMun, Rich F.

2/8/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [LoA] Various rules questions
After our last Sunday's session, I have a number of questions: 1). How does an exchange resolve when both sides succeed and their temporary Attributes are equal? 2). Is it…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, M. J. Young, GreatWolf.

2/7/2008 rycanada: What do I do with these parameters?
I'm trying to make a game that is fun for people who are stuck at work with nothing to do. The game has to have a few parameters: 1)  Asynchronous…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, Bastoche, HDTVDinner, Guy Srinivasan, Mike Sugarbaker.

2/7/2008 Arkhaden: Semantics versus legal issues
Hi everyone!  My ranks in english literacy are  very  low    so  I  hope you understand what I’m trying to say.  I’m writing an RPG with dice an skills etc.…
In Publishing
Participants: Arkhaden, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/7/2008 greyorm: New Publishing Frontiers
We all know the market for intellectual property is changing on a fundamental level thanks to the internet and the ease of copying and distribution of data -- cheap, free,…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, David Artman, guildofblades, pells.

2/7/2008 Darcy Burgess: [CanGames 2008 - Ottawa, Ontario] IGE needs GMs!
The thread title more or less says it all. CanGames, Ottawa's annual gaming con is going to have an Indie Games Explosion this year. I'm not 100% sure what form…
In Conventions
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

2/6/2008 JC: [DRYH] Seeking advice for short game
hey :) I'm GMing a short game of DRYH this Saturday for two friends, and I'm looking for advice I'm thinking: - use higher Pain ratings - after the intro…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: JC, iago.

2/6/2008 Eero Tuovinen: Near-Definite Setting Compendium
I was skiing yesterday, and a publishing project came to me. For those who don't know, I'm much more accomplished as an indie publisher than as an indie game designer;…
In CRN Games
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Clinton R. Nixon, shadowcourt, Troels, sabbatregent, Frank Tarcikowski, oliof.

2/6/2008 David Artman: RFP: "Roguelike Digsiversalis Hack"
Hi, folks; cranking on my first "Story Game" concept (I think--it's pretty gamist, actually). <a href="">Roguelike Dogsiversalis Hack</a> (working, tongue-in-cheek title) My requests: 1) PLEASE playtest; full name (or handle),…
In Playtesting
Participants: David Artman.

2/6/2008 lumpley: Persuasion rules
Here's an old friend of mine. He's speaking of In a Wicked Age but it's a great general topic across my games: So there's no mechanic…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Troels, PorterO, Valvorik, Aman the Rejected, David Artman.

2/6/2008 Necromagvs: [SGS ] A Role playing game turn into a Card Game
As part of the extended rules on my new game system there is a plan to create a Card game that can be played by using the characters from your…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromagvs.

2/6/2008 Ahrimanius: FATE 3.0 in Print?
Will Fate 3.0 see print after the Dresden Files RPG is released.or will it only be available Online as a free document.
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ahrimanius, iago, casquilho.

2/6/2008 Jake Richmond: GameStorm 2008 Portland OR Free Booth Space
Hi. GameStorm is coming up soon, and as part of my plans for the show I'll be setting up an Indie Games booth with Travis Brown, Christian Griffen and a…
In Conventions
Participants: Jake Richmond.

2/6/2008 Frank Tarcikowski: [Das Schwarze Auge] Making the best of a pointless character death
This was originally posted over at the knife fight in a thread about character death, but I think it might be worth its own Forge thread, so here goes. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Noon, LandonSuffered, Marshall Burns.

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Subsequent Topics

2/9/2008 rgrassi: A Unified Model for Role-Playing
I release this "Exposure Draft for Comments". It's the first part of a unified model for role-playing. Your comments/critique/hints and any other feedback is deeply appreciated. Thanks in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rgrassi, Alfryd, casquilho, dindenver, brainwipe.

2/9/2008 JC: [UTB] Can the toys lose?
hey :) in Under the Bed, can the toys lose? meaning: when a toy has 4 Favoritism Tokens, and is chosen for a final conflict, and loses, do the toys…
In glyphpress
Participants: JC, nikola.

2/10/2008 davidberg: level of detail of RPG "instruction manual"
In this thread, Ron said: . . . write a new document from scratch. This new document would be much like an instruction manual for…
In Publishing
Participants: davidberg, David Artman, casquilho, Jake Richmond.

2/10/2008 GreatWolf: A Flower for Mara Actual Play
This is the thread where we will collect actual play of A Flower for Mara. To begin, here are the two playtests that I've done so far: A Flower for…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf.

2/10/2008 ScrapRPG: ScrapRPG art/rules help
Hi all im new to the forum and I heard that this was the place to go for help with my RPG Scrap. I have not done much so far…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ScrapRPG, contracycle, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/10/2008 program: RPG Experiment, Five stories done.
Hi again, for anyone who has been following my blog at: I would like to let you know that there are five stories for download and vote.  These are…
In Endeavor
Participants: program, Ron Edwards.

2/10/2008 Artanis: [DS] Questions on the violence sequence
Hi Seth and Co.! A few technical questions: on page 55 it says that the Authority gains a bonus investigation sequence if he or she inflicts 3 Violence on the…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Artanis, GreatWolf.

2/10/2008 angelfromanotherpin: [Dictionary of Mu] No-prep play
So, I'd been trying to get a Saturday night game going for some weeks.  The first attempt fizzled, as I recruited a few people from a local gaming forum, we…
In Actual Play
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Paka, DainXB, Ron Edwards.

2/10/2008 Akira: Release: Schreiber System beta 1
Hi I'm kinda new to The Forge and I hope I got this in the right Forum. I have spend some time write my own rpg rule system. Today I…
In Connections
Participants: Akira.

2/10/2008 btrc: [GenCon 2008] Lodging
As Ron mentioned in the other thread, rooms through the Housing Bureau are sometimes problematic if you aren't registered as an attendee. I suggest as people get or find decent…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, Nev the Deranged.

2/10/2008 Matt: [Covenant] Warpcon : Sons of Joshua
Warpcon is a reasonably sized convention in Cork, Ireland, which I attended in January. I ran Covenant just after lunch on the Saturday. I ended up with three players. All…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt, Ron Edwards.

2/11/2008 David Coulter: Playing with kids?
So our nine-year-old has decided she'd like to try playing an RPG, and I immediately thought of PTA, as it's nice and rules-light. Has anyone out there tried playing it…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: David Coulter, Danny_K, Matt Wilson.

2/11/2008 Vulpinoid: [8th Sea] Character Generation and a Preliminary Playtest
[size=24pt][color=blue]The Eighth Sea: Preliminary Playtest[/color][/size] Those who have been watching other parts of the forum may be aware that I've been working on a game called the Eighth Sea, a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Vulpinoid.

2/11/2008 Yokiboy: Trollbabe on Lulu?
Hello Ron, I would love a book of Trollbabe. Unfortunately, living in Sweden, it's not as simple as taking my PDF down to the local Kinkos and having it printed…
In Adept Press
Participants: Yokiboy, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf.

2/11/2008 Necromagvs: [SGS] looking for artists, writters, banner exchange..
Hello everyone, We are releasing a new update on our new game system. Our efforts are now on creating some graphics and some background stories for the settings. We have…
In Connections
Participants: Necromagvs, Jonley17.

2/11/2008 chronoplasm: Wave Inspired System
OK, so in most systems, character stats will usually grow with time right? They don't really get weaker with time unless they are negatively affected by some kind of enemy.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, VoidDragon, masqueradeball.

2/11/2008 dindenver: [TSoY] Life Path System, whadya think?
Hi!   What do you guys think?   Some of the verbage is still sloppy, but the keys, secrets and abilities are near final...
In CRN Games
Participants: dindenver, oliof, Rich F.

2/11/2008 Ben Robbins: [Agon] Minor Foes -- finding the combat sweet spot
I think Agon needs a middle range of adversaries, something between minions and full NPCs. Minions can go down very quickly (as they should) but with six wound boxes a…
In design
Participants: Ben Robbins, John Harper, Mel_White, Sonja.

2/11/2008 lumpley: [GenCon Indy 08] kicked out of the Forge Booth nest?
Don't panic. You can still be in a booth in the exhibitors' hall at GenCon if you want to. You have a couple of choices. Choice 1: make your own…
In Conventions
Participants: lumpley, iago, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

2/12/2008 program: To story, or not to story.
Well I have been writing story after story for my RPG rule book, but none of them have gone down well, so before I take any action I would just…
In Endeavor
Participants: program, casquilho, Peter Nordstrand, Kevin Smit.

more subsequent topics >>