Previous Topics 6/23/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Looking at yet another combat system bastard I was thinking a little on how to make a combat resolution system which would translate down to a AHQ style boardgame without much trouble and still incorporate things like… In RPG Theory Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.
6/23/2002 Eric J.: Am I just a freak? {warning selfish thread} I'm sorry for starting such a selfish thread but I figure that it might create a good discussion and I probably carry enough prestigue around here to have people tolerate… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Eric J., Victor Gijsbers, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Laurel, Clinton R. Nixon, Scratchware, Fabrice G..
6/23/2002 Ben Morgan: Elfs! Just had me my first session of Elfs tonight. I went in with absolutely zero preparation.
It went swimmingly.
I had four players, none of whom had read the rules… In Actual Play Participants: Ben Morgan, Ron Edwards.
6/23/2002 bluekabuto: Rules for Cookie Fu posted here. Feedback strongly desired! Hello Everyone -
Bryan Kowalski from Blue Kabuto here. After receiving a somewhat lukewarm playtesting response (Beuler? Beuler?) for our new game Cookie Fu, I thought I'd post the basic… In Indie Game Design Participants: bluekabuto, Laurel, Bailywolf, RobMuadib, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Matt Gwinn.
6/22/2002 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Judging for the CAH Contest Entries for the CAH contest so far have been plentiful and, well, extremely cool. You guys have very strong imaginations! :)
Anyway, I wanted to give you more details on… In Cartoon Action Hour Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Evan Waters, Eddy Fate.
6/22/2002 hive: Blurring The Lines Let me first state that i'm not the voice of freelance illustrators. I don't intend to be and i certainly don't incline myself to be.
Freelancing artwork is hard. Very… In Publishing Participants: hive, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, greyorm, JSDiamond, Eugene Zee.
6/22/2002 Bankuei: Hitpoints as morale Since hitpoints are considered to be fighting spirit as opposed to actual damage ratings, more questions have popped up:
•Is it reasonable to say that hp can be raised/lowered by… In Scattershot Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur.
6/22/2002 Bankuei: Experience Dice question... Yep, that's right Fang, you're going to get quite a few questions from me :P
So here goes the barrage of xp dice questions:
•How many/how often do you recommend… In Scattershot Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur.
6/21/2002 Paganini: New take on directoral mechanics Okay, everyone knows where this is coming from right? So, skip the intro, on to the nuts & bolts! :)
Play Conventions
The mechanics are used to resolve conflicts that… In Indie Game Design Participants: Paganini, Buddha Nature, Paul Czege, Ben Morgan, Bankuei.
6/21/2002 Ace: What happened to Sorcerer and Space? Just curious, wasn't this supposed to be a PDF download at one time. It sounded pretty facinating and I as wondering if it would become available In Adept Press Participants: Ace, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Bailywolf, hardcoremoose.
6/21/2002 Foltor: Sneaking Around My crew is starting to get some pretty low Sneak SRs, so combined with a high AG, that means, in game terms at least, that one guy is freakin' invisible.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Foltor, Valamir, Ace, Brian Leybourne, Jaif, Ben, Lyrax, Jake Norwood.
6/21/2002 rafael: The book and the PDF So I'm still not sure how long Dread will be when published, or how, exactly, it will be bound. However, I have made up my mind about one thing. Kinda.… In Publishing Participants: rafael, Jared A. Sorensen, Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, Eugene Zee, Clay, Valamir, pigames.
6/21/2002 Bankuei: RMIB question So if I understand it correctly, someone resisting an action, may roll a negative MIB, thereby adding to the RMIB, correct? That is, Goliath attacks and rolls MIB +3, and… In Scattershot Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes.
6/21/2002 Jason L Blair: Little Fears Game Tools: SPOOKY STORIES This thread is where people post story hooks/adventures they've created/used in their Little Fears games. If you post, please the three basic parts of the story:
The Bait (the setup/premise… In Key 20 Publishing Participants: Jason L Blair, mahoux, ynnen, Grave Boy 13, Ron Edwards, saint ash, Dios-Flakk.
6/21/2002 Victor Gijsbers: Is Narrativism rightly restricted to Premise? The concensus on the Forge seems to be that a Narrativist game (insert all possible disclaimers about using GNS when talking about games instead of decisions) must focus on a… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Ron Edwards, Mark D. Eddy, Laurel, Thededine.
6/21/2002 Jason L Blair: Little Fears Game Tools: NEW QUALITIES This thread is where people post Qualities they've created/used in their Little Fears games. If you post, please just post the name and description of the Quality and any special… In Key 20 Publishing Participants: Jason L Blair, peteramthor, ynnen, TSL, Comte, Dios-Flakk, JimmyB, neverrob.
6/21/2002 Wolfen: Riddle of Steel Actual Play: Week 2. Okay, I ran my second session of TRoS this week.. I can't say it went particularly well.
The problems:
First off, the player of Gailen couldn't make it, due to… In Actual Play Participants: Wolfen, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Jaif, Christopher Kubasik, hardcoremoose, Walt Freitag, Bob McNamee, contracycle, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.
6/21/2002 Jason L Blair: Little Fears Game Tools: NEW MONSTERS This thread is where people post monsters they've created/used in their Little Fears games. If you post, please just post the description of the monster, its history, and any special… In Key 20 Publishing Participants: Jason L Blair, peteramthor, Mike Holmes, Grave Boy 13, JimmyB, neverrob, Comte.
6/21/2002 Christoffer Lernö: A simple skill resolution and a twist I'm trying to think of some simple skill resolution for Ygg, and came up with this:
Prerequisites: Stats (or skills) have a number ranging from maybe 1-7 or something like… In RPG Theory Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Victor Gijsbers, Ferry Bazelmans, efindel, Ron Edwards, Andrew Martin, Bob McNamee, Mike Holmes.
6/20/2002 Le Joueur: Roughly, But It Should Be Magic Bankuei asked for information for using the Scattershot mechanix for Dungeons & Dragons type play. I dug up my ancient notes. Okay, this is in super rough-draft form, many things… In Scattershot Participants: Le Joueur.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 6/23/2002 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Iconia Update Well, Iconia is all but in the bag, not including editing and formatting. And it's going to be a bit bigger than I originally thought. In the beginning, we were… In Cartoon Action Hour Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Norbert.
6/23/2002 Nick Pagnucco: hi Hello all
I used to be active in this forum a few months back, and then I disappeared (life kicked my ass) Anyway, I'm back *shrug*
Two things though:
1)… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Jake Norwood, Rattlehead, Atomic Requiem.
6/23/2002 Ben Morgan: Odd note about the term Munchkin In the interest of not derailing the Player Apathy thread, I'm posting something Mike Holmes said here:
Interestingly there is a derogatory term that you may or may not have… In Actual Play Participants: Ben Morgan, Ring Kichard, Mike Holmes, Seth L. Blumberg, Clay, Bob McNamee, Eric J., hardcoremoose.
6/23/2002 Eric J.: Remarkable player apathy (part 2) I've had another session. This is it. My patience is up. I cannot stand my gaming group.We/They are dissfunctional to the very last letter of the meaning of the word.… In Actual Play Participants: Eric J., hyphz, Victor Gijsbers, rabidchyld, damion, Clinton R. Nixon, Jack Spencer Jr, Ring Kichard, Mike Holmes.
6/23/2002 Jack Spencer Jr: Freebie version creation From another thread, My question do you show a partial system? Don't alot of system mechanics relate and rely upon each other? How do you preview half o'… In Publishing Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Clinton R. Nixon, Bankuei, xiombarg, Bailey, hive, Tim C Koppang.
6/23/2002 Paganini: Money and Power - The next step to Directoral Enlightenment Woohoo! I think this might even be playable! :) And it no longer looks quite so much like the Pool.
Central to the game are the twin concepts of Mammon… In Indie Game Design Participants: Paganini, Victor Gijsbers, Laurel, Bob McNamee, damion, Mike Holmes.
6/23/2002 Jake Norwood: Calling for submissions! We need art and text for Of Beasts and Men. Email your entries in the format used in other threads here to Please include your real name with any… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Mokkurkalfe, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, Riddlemaster.
6/24/2002 Jake Norwood: Cover for Sorcery and the Fey now up The first draft of the cover for Driftwood Publishing's February Release, Sorcery and the Fey, is now up at
Check it out.
Jake In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Rattlehead, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan, contracycle, Brian Leybourne.
6/24/2002 Jake Norwood: Blowing the crap out of stuff Okay, now I'm into "realistic" games. Sim or whatever, I want m disbelief to be suspended. That's easier on me for some things than for others. TROS, for example, put… In Actual Play Participants: Jake Norwood, hardcoremoose, Paganini, Buddha Nature, Bankuei, Zak Arntson, Clay, Jared A. Sorensen, Knight, Demonspahn, Mike Holmes, Valamir, wyrdlyng, TSL.
6/24/2002 Atomic Requiem: OT: Buying Weapons Heya... This is a little off topic, but I figure it's not completely out of line to ask here...
So I'm interested in buying a replica medieval weapon, and I've… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Atomic Requiem, Valamir, Lyrax, Paul Czege, Bob Richter, Ben, Jake Norwood, Ace, Wolfen, Durgil, Bankuei, contracycle.
6/24/2002 Ollog Herder: new generic system, major components to begin, we have character creation.
depending on the GM's preference, either stat determination or concept creation can go first.
if concept creation goes first, the players are briefed on… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ollog Herder, Laurel.
6/24/2002 Mokkurkalfe: About improving profencies.... It's those defaults that are messing up my head again.
If I take sword-and-shield(SAS) 8, then I get mass-weapon-and-shield(MWAS) at 7. If I then improve MWAS by one I get… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Mokkurkalfe, Wolfen.
6/24/2002 Bailywolf: InScoobies I spent nearly the whole weekend curled up in front of the TV- Buffy The Vampire Slayer (the Complete Second Season) on DVD. With only a brief break for some… In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: Bailywolf.
6/24/2002 Petter Sandelin: rules-thoughts My sorcerer game is doing brilliant, five sessions played and a sixth probably finishing this storyarc soon. At this point I have two rules questions(sort of) and after we’re done… In Adept Press Participants: Petter Sandelin, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins.
6/25/2002 Laurel: Ygg CharGen & Tests On a roll today, here's a third and final attempt to make a character based exclusively on someone's game design notes. I picked Ygg. Let me know what I do… In Indie Game Design Participants: Laurel, Christoffer Lernö.
6/25/2002 Jaif: Bows vs. Shields We played again on saturday, and definately had a blast. I like the flexibility of the skill system, in regards to the part where you pick the appropriate attribute. I… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaif, Jake Norwood, Mokkurkalfe, Brian Leybourne, Furious D, Ben, Blake Hutchins, Valamir.
6/25/2002 Eric J.: Consistancy:Resolution mechanic This mechanic is a way of simulating consistancy in dicepool systems. I developed it for my RPG (see associated threads). Basically, it works like this: You have a crossbow, and… In RPG Theory Participants: Eric J., Ron Edwards.
6/25/2002 Ace: A question about proficiences A quick rules question
My combat monster character has Ag7 Wit5 This gives him a base combat pool of six.
Does this mean I have effectivly no defualts? According to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Jaif, Bankuei, Jake Norwood.
6/25/2002 Gordon C. Landis: Back in the day So I'm going to go way back to the mid-late 70's - long enough ago that I'm not sure how much to trust my memories, but not so long as… In Actual Play Participants: Gordon C. Landis, Demonspahn, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, Clay, hyphz, Walt Freitag, Ragnar Deerslayer, Le Joueur, Victor Gijsbers, contracycle, Laurel, Eric J., Zak Arntson, Uncle Dark, Ian O'Rourke, quozl.
6/25/2002 Demonspahn: Star Wars and railroading Hi all,
Since there seem to be a number of Star Wars threads popping up, I just wanted to get some outside thoughts on the seemingly inherent railroading of the… In Actual Play Participants: Demonspahn, Ron Edwards, Clay, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, damion, Buddha Nature, Eric.Brennan, Eric J., Michael S. Miller, Blake Hutchins, Paul Czege.
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