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3/24/2005 taalyn: [Crux] conflict system - need some help, please
hey all, I've been working diligently on Crux, and have finalized (well, nearly so) the conflict system. It's based on extended combat in HeroQuest (thanks Mike!), with a couple of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn.

3/5/2005 taalyn: [Crux] It's Undead! Now, weapons?
hey all, Some of you may remember Crux, my color-mechanicked game from a year or so ago. Well, it's not dead, and is looking to rouse itself from the coma.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, Jasper, Spooky Fanboy.

2/15/2005 taalyn: webhosting by a Forgite?
I seem to remember that someone affiliated with / present on the Forge offered webhosting, with message boards and all the goodies, for $50 / year. Now, I'm ready to…
In Connections
Participants: taalyn, Trevis Martin, Nathan.

5/25/2004 taalyn: What to do?
I've got a problem, and I have no idea how to handle it. I'm hoping you all could help. I've been playtesting Crux for a while now. My group is…
In Actual Play
Participants: taalyn, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, quozl, Eric J., Noon, Alan, Low-level thug, MarktheAnimator, DannyK, Mike Holmes.

4/7/2004 taalyn: [Crux] conflict/task resolution method
Having been inspired by Lumpley ramblings here, I've got half of a conflict/task resolution method figured out. I have the system, but could use help with the method. The idea:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, coxcomb, cruciel.

3/30/2004 taalyn: How to determine difficulties
I can't figure them out. They're beingtransparent. I have a huge excel file with all the odds and probabilities for my system, but have no idea how to decide what…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, Steve Samson, Jeph, Jasper, orbsmatt, Mike Holmes, Shreyas Sampat.

3/26/2004 taalyn: Narrativism and Fortune mechanics
Generally, games specifically for Narr playing see to have these few specific characteristics: - no GM, i.e. collaborative - resource management for conflict resolution - conflict resolution is usually between…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: taalyn, xiombarg, Michael S. Miller.

3/25/2004 taalyn: Ability Scope problems in Crux
I am having problems figuring something out, so I'm hoping you all can help. First, a basic run through of relevant details (mechanics only, as I've done setting numerous times):…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, Shreyas Sampat, jphannil, Mike Holmes.

3/14/2004 taalyn: Myth of Opposed Rolls in action
This may be more appropriate for the design forum, since I'm talking about a specific manifestation, but I am open to discussing the relevance in other systems as well. So,…
In RPG Theory
Participants: taalyn, talysman, Halzebier, Mike Holmes.

3/13/2004 taalyn: ISBN co-op?
Does anyone know if it's possible (and legal) to group together to buy an ISBN block? Anyone interested in doing so? I just can't afford a block of 10 (or…
In Publishing
Participants: taalyn, Valamir, Paul Czege, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, xiombarg, Lxndr, madelf, talysman, age_of_dissent, Matt.

3/10/2004 taalyn: Systematic challenge, or "How the party met an untimely
One of the things that really impressed me with Dunjon was the method for gauging how many or what level to make NPCs so that they would be a consistent…
In RPG Theory
Participants: taalyn, M. J. Young.

3/9/2004 taalyn: Cruxness in revision
Some of you may remember Crux, an urban fantasy rpg using colored tokens instead of dice. Well, development went on hiatus for about 6 months, but I'm gearing up to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, cruciel, Shreyas Sampat, Darcy Burgess, Strams.

1/16/2004 taalyn: Crux needs you!
Any and all interested in helping me finish Crux are hereby invited to join the team. Mostly, I need a multitude of writers, as my cowriter has gone missing and…
In Connections
Participants: taalyn.

10/5/2003 taalyn: Milehicon
Anyone here going? Um..I dunno what else to say. That's what I want to know. Aidan
In Conventions
Participants: taalyn, Ron Edwards, abzu, jcfiala.

9/29/2003 taalyn: PDF publishing
[quote="Back in April of 2002, Ron"]As the pioneer and arguably the expert on selling PDF versions of a role-playing game, I can tell you that this tactic is not valid.…
In Publishing
Participants: taalyn, Matt Snyder, gameskald, Brand_Robins, quozl, Valamir, samdowning, HinterWelt, Michael Hopcroft, Scott_Lynch, Gold Rush Games.

9/21/2003 taalyn: Crux - cover image?
Hey everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!) Crux is progressing along nicely, but I do have one thing that I just can't get through, and Im not having any luck with my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn.

9/5/2003 taalyn: Crux is seeking: artists, editor, webdesigner
Crux is progressing on schedule, for a May release. While we still have plenty of time, we'd like to get people involved asap to allow for plenty of time to…
In Connections
Participants: taalyn.

7/20/2003 taalyn: Crux in playtest
Hey all, I've been playtesting Crux for about a month now, and introduced some new players last night. Here's what's been going on, and some thoughts sparked as a result:…
In Actual Play
Participants: taalyn.

7/18/2003 taalyn: multiple combatants
I just can't figure this out - how does stance and initiative work if you have several people involved? For example, if Bob hits Carl, and Doug hits Bob, and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: taalyn, Jake Norwood.

7/16/2003 taalyn: Magic in Crux
Hey folks! So, here are a bunch of our thoughts on magic. We're worried that it's too complex, and still uncertain of how to handle some of the mechanics. These…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, MathiasJack, Eric Kimball, Shreyas Sampat.

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