Previous Topics 9/16/2009 AXUM: Seems olde D & D just got "Sorcered" Hi:
Hmmm... Interesting new sword & sorcery supplement for 1974's Dungeons & Dragons.
Some of the ideas are superb, IMHO - ripe for the taking!
Sorry if… In Adept Press Participants: AXUM, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn.
9/16/2009 henebry: Dominion and Dependency: a game mechanic for an ugly society I’ve been working lately on a system for modeling a social mechanism familiar from pirate stories, prison stories and real-world junior high school experience: a tough guy (or gal) establishes… In First Thoughts Participants: henebry, Adam Dray, contracycle, Sebastian.
9/16/2009 HeTeleports: Lover's Dilemma - an idea about spies, trust, and getting away with it I'm on the trail of another new game idea. I've refined things (relatively), and there are some procedural things that I'm sure I'm missing. Again, we're on first draft.
I've… In First Thoughts Participants: HeTeleports, Adam Dray.
9/15/2009 davidberg: [Super Action Now!] turn-based confusion (monkey god, future midget, wuxia star) 10 days ago I sat down with Dan and Merlin to play SAN! It was the first time any of us had played.
Character creation
We started with character creation. … In Playtesting Participants: davidberg, Marshall Burns, JoyWriter, whiteknife.
9/15/2009 Paolo D.: [Agon] Some rules questions Hi, I'm Paolo, it's the first time I post here before some lurking ;-)
Me and some other italian players of Agon (yes, we exist! O__O ;-) put together some… In design Participants: Paolo D., John Harper.
9/14/2009 TallMax: Need feedback/ideas for this Native American spiritual RPG idea I have ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This does not refer or come from a single tribe's beliefs or practices, but it is rather an amalgamation of popular ideas and different sources from many different tribes. … In First Thoughts Participants: TallMax, JoyWriter, chance.thirteen.
9/14/2009 Emily Care: Downloads and corrections The World and Character sheets are available for online for Sign in Stranger, as well as errata for the first print run.
Page 23 of the PDF version… In Black and Green Games Participants: Emily Care.
9/14/2009 dindenver: [Steampunk Crescendo] How do you play? All,
Here is the basic mechanics for setting the scene. The reason I have it set up like this is that I want players to be able to call… In First Thoughts Participants: dindenver, Adam Dray.
9/14/2009 reveal: [ENnies] Announcing the ENnie Awards Fan Survey Hello and welcome from the ENnie Awards!
As you know, our main goal at the ENnie Awards is to allow the fans direct access to the publishers and their products.… In Conventions Participants: reveal.
9/14/2009 Simon_Pettersson: [Standing Up] Unify, Divide I'm not sure what kind of response I'm looking for in this thread, but the forum description said to write about your playtesting experiences, so I did!
So I was… In Playtesting Participants: Simon_Pettersson.
9/14/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Races This is what I've got typed up so far. I will be posting it sort of piecemeal. Feel free to comment at any stage.
Planet is inhabited by many… In First Thoughts Participants: khyron1144.
9/14/2009 Jaakko Koivula: [UtB] First trial: Adventures of Pena Hiyeah.
Got to test UtB and it was a blast. Unfortunately only got 2 people with me, but the game worked pretty nicely still. Not sure if we got all… In Actual Play Participants: Jaakko Koivula.
9/14/2009 dmkdesigns: Of Legends and Legacies Here's a revised game description that's more than describing the system. What do you think?
During the great Cataclysm the Denizens cried out for salvation and mercy to a place… In First Thoughts Participants: dmkdesigns, Simon C, Mike Sugarbaker.
9/13/2009 Sebastian: [Cops & Robbers] The Grand Caper Story I was on Story Games and there was chatter about Cop & Robbers: It sparked an idea, which I posted about, but I didn't get any feedback. Maybe the… In First Thoughts Participants: Sebastian.
9/13/2009 Simon C: [The Heartbreaker War] Not quite as done as I thought I guess there's always this vague hope in the back of my mind that I'll sit down to playtest a game, and everything will run great, everyone will say "Well… In Playtesting Participants: Simon C, Ron Edwards, hix.
9/13/2009 orklord: Seeking editor for Game Chef entry I'm looking for an editor who can take my text and make the language soar and also help me find holes in my logic. At current draft, my game is… In Connections Participants: orklord, Paul Czege, henebry.
9/13/2009 chronoplasm: Tactical Combat based on 'Marching Order' There are elements of 4E I like and elements of OD&D I like. For a while, I've been trying to come up with a set of houserules that would merge… In First Thoughts Participants: chronoplasm, Noon.
9/12/2009 GameFind: RPG Game Find is now worldwide I am proud to annouce that RPG Game Find is now worldwide. If you need playtesters for your games, go ahead and throw up your ad.
If you are seeking… In Connections Participants: GameFind.
9/12/2009 Seamus: printing in Color and Black and White We are putting out a fantasy setting and have some color maps we'd like to use in the first few pages. But most printers I have talked to told me… In Publishing Participants: Seamus, pigames, MatrixGamer.
9/12/2009 preludetotheend: Ransom/Pamphlet model So I have the rough draft of "Story System: A novel game" and while I connect the dots of it all I want to start gearing up for how… In Publishing Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, chance.thirteen, Noon.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 9/16/2009 Klaus_Welten: "Ordinary" weapons in non-combat battles? I'm creating an island for the next session and one quest's primary objective is "Restraining the Brass Tiger" (Apollon wants the cat incapacitated but alive). Now, I can imagine the… In design Participants: Klaus_Welten.
9/16/2009 Simon C: Service Temporarily Unavailable The site's been barely usable for me for the last couple of weeks, with extremely slow load times and frequent innaccessibility. I get this error a lot:
Service Temporarily Unavailable… In Site Discussion Participants: Simon C, HeTeleports, greyorm, Paka, lumpley, Jasper Flick.
9/17/2009 Dominic Claveau: [Capes] Need help to prepare a con game Hi,
I've played Capes only a few times even though it's definitely in my top 3 of best RPGs ever. Now, I want people in my area to discover that… In Muse of Fire Games Participants: Dominic Claveau.
9/17/2009 Paka: Sorcerer 2289: Technological Demons in the Science Fiction Solar System [url=]I posted this thread a while back. [/url]
But nothing has come of it for a long while and I just [url=;topicseen]saw this thread [/url]and listened to [url=]Rob and Joshua… In Adept Press Participants: Paka, weaselheart.
9/17/2009 jburneko: Trollbabe: Question and Comment So last night I finished reading the new version of Trollbabe. I can't help but wonder what the me of 10 years ago would have thought of it. I did… In Adept Press Participants: jburneko, Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards, John Stephens.
9/17/2009 Parthenia: JiffyCon is looking for a few good GM's url=]JiffyCon returns to Greenfield, and we're looking for folks to run games! This season it will be November 14th at Greenfield All Souls Church at 399 Main Street, right downtown.… In Conventions Participants: Parthenia.
9/18/2009 MacLeod: [Crepusculum] User Created & Free Form Powers I've had some real duds here on the Forge lately, so this is me hoping for a strong collection of replies this time. I've pretty much arrived in a rut… In First Thoughts Participants: MacLeod, HeTeleports, Sebastian, Ken.
9/18/2009 hix: [Left Coast] Inaugural playtest. Talking dog. Assumptions challenged. Back in 2005, I wrote a game called Left Coast, where you play science-fiction authors in 1970s California who are all struggling to write novels and hide your growing insanities… In Playtesting Participants: hix, Malcolm, Simon C, JoyWriter.
9/18/2009 Artanis: Preparing an indie booth for Nancy, France Hi there
On November 7th and 8th, a couple of friends and I are going to the game festival Les Joutes du Téméraire, in Nancy (that's a city, please), France.… In Conventions Participants: Artanis, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P..
9/19/2009 Paka: Wanting to Game with My Dad My dad introduced me to science fiction, fantasy and comic books. Growing up, I cannot remember a time when he didn't have a science fiction novel on his night table… In Actual Play Participants: Paka, nikola, Noon.
9/19/2009 Nathan P.: [Annalise] Help me help you (and the Italians) Hey there,
So the fine folks over at Narrattiva are translating Annalise into Italian. Which is an honor, and I can't wait to see what they do with it.
I've… In ndp design Participants: Nathan P., Tazio Bettin.
9/19/2009 dmkdesigns: What Is Roleplaying? text open license I would like to know if there is an open license or free text that explains about roleplaying games, GMs, Players, etc. so that people don't have to reinvent the… In First Thoughts Participants: dmkdesigns, Eero Tuovinen, Sanglorian.
9/20/2009 Willow: Slay With Me: 1st Game So, Tim and I sat down tonight to play a game of Slay With Me.
Let me preface this by saying I don't think I'm the target audience for this… In Actual Play Participants: Willow, TJ, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen.
9/20/2009 MacLeod: [Crepusculum] CharGen & Mechanics Alright, this topic is to be used for the discussion of my unnamed ruleslite super hero RPG.
Discussion about its semi-free form Powers creation system can be found here.
I… In First Thoughts Participants: MacLeod, Sebastian, HeTeleports, Ken, Zebediah.
9/20/2009 Eero Tuovinen: [People's Hero] A first stab at saving USSR from itself I haven't been playing much of anything lately, but luckily the gaming train runs on schedule around here nowadays, whisking me with it even without much initiative on my part.… In Playtesting Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Ron Edwards.
9/20/2009 Age of Fable: Pirate Squad Can anyone tell me if it's available on the internet, and if so where? In Bully Pulpit Games Participants: Age of Fable, jasonm.
9/21/2009 Aapov: New Game Idea: Kill Team The name Kill Team is the name I will use for now because that is how it is associated in my head.
The idea is an RPG that is entirely… In First Thoughts Participants: Aapov, David C, Sebastian, jasonm, Warrior Monk, otspiii, Creatures of Destiny.
9/21/2009 Gregor Hutton: [3:16] Ape Beasts on Planet Durer So, the Edinburgh University gaming club has started up again for another year and they were needing GMs for Day One of term. So, I volunteered and took along 3:16.… In Actual Play Participants: Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards, Noon, blodwin.
9/22/2009 Andur: What are the most archetypic elements of generic Fantasy? Hi. I want to create an D&D-inspired game system. "D&D-inspired" means: Class-based, level-based. otherwise, it's my own and has very little to do with D&D. It is meant to cover… In First Thoughts Participants: Andur, chronoplasm, Mulrah, Guy Srinivasan, 7VII7, Zebediah.
9/22/2009 Jaakko Koivula: [UtB] Under the Bed with Adolescents, pt. 2 [i]Old thread about RPing with adolescents and some thoughts about the first session at [url=][/url]. Wanted to start a new more game-reportey thread for this.[/i]
Second session of UtB with… In Actual Play Participants: Jaakko Koivula, nikola, JoyWriter.
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