The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

8/9/2010 Jason Pitre: Scribus? (split)
Has anyone been watching Scribus since the last post?  I aspire to produce my game with the program but would much prefer to go for the best version or branch…
In Publishing
Participants: Jason Pitre, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Graham Walmsley, Clay, arithine, Moganhio.

8/10/2010 Paiku: Elric, Demon Lords and Sorcery. Modeling it all.
I'm currently preparing to GM a game of Sorcerer based explicitly in Melniboné and the Young Kingdoms (the Elric Saga), and I'm toying how best to model the interactions and…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paiku, Ron Edwards.

8/9/2010 SaintandSinner: Gencon - Games on Demand
I want to thanks everyone for all their hard work to make this happen each year. Each time we learn something new. Several people have offered to help with this…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

8/9/2010 Garbados: [All Dragons Must Die] In-Game Character Creation
Yo! I've been working on this game recently, All Dragons Must Die (ADMD), based on my first endeavor, A Dragon Appears (ADA). Like its predecessor, it is obsessed with stories…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Garbados, Vulpinoid.

8/9/2010 Bret Gillan: [WGP] Questions
Hi! I've played a few sessions of With Great Power and I have some quick questions. Is the beginning of a Conflict Scene the only time you discard your hand…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Bret Gillan, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack.

8/9/2010 Necromantis: My rule book layout. an interesting new concept.
I have been thinking about how to layout my rule book. I have an interesting concept where the book is basically split into two parts. (not including spells/etc) I am…
In Publishing
Participants: Necromantis, Jason Pitre, Ron Edwards.

8/8/2010 Paolo D.: [SS/TWoN] Mind control
Ok, here's my question of the day :-) How do we should handle mind control in stakes? ...for example, in TWoN the Three-Corner magic has the Enthrallment ability to "force…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Paolo D., Eero Tuovinen.

8/8/2010 johnthedm7000: Balancing Magical Shapechanging
First off, I wanted to thank everyone for their warm and helpful welcome to the forge community-you guys have been great. Secondly I wanted to request your assistance on something…
In First Thoughts
Participants: johnthedm7000, Necromantis, ShallowThoughts, Noon, EBKPrim, masqueradeball.

8/7/2010 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] PRE-ORDERS
I'm taking pre-orders for the Rustbelt first edition starting now. Hit up my crude store here for details and the PayPal button. It costs $24 plus $2.77 shipping. It's 164…
In Beyond the Wire Productions
Participants: Marshall Burns, Nocker, Darla Shockley, Courage75, Ron Edwards, pfischer, Tim C Koppang.

8/7/2010 Paiku: Sorcerer Dice Mechanic, Examined
Let's say you're Binding an enormous demon.  You have 7 dice for the Binding roll, and the hulking fiend has 15.  We're using d10s.  What would you say is the…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paiku, jburneko, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2010 Amar Woods: I swinging for the fences!
Hello all I'm new here at the Forge, but damn does this site/forum/community rock. I should have found something like this earlier, but my crew is very insular in that…
In Publishing
Participants: Amar Woods, Eero Tuovinen, Airafice.

8/6/2010 TuringAI: RPG based on Inception movie.
I have been wondering, have any of you seen the movie Inception? I am willing to create an entire roleplaying system based on it but I would like some help.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TuringAI, Skofflox.

8/6/2010 Paiku: demon ability "Protection"
Hi all, I just read something that makes me think I misunderstand how the demon ability "Protection" works - or maybe that it has been "errata'ed" since the core rulebook…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paiku, greyorm, jburneko, Ron Edwards.

8/5/2010 urbandruid: Seeking playtesters, outside opinions, advice.
Greetings, As my post count suggests, I am new around here.  Recently I have put together a book for a homegrown system/setting that has been in the works, just as…
In Connections
Participants: urbandruid.

8/5/2010 Pivo: Historical Role Playing Game Idea
My first post.  I figure I'll just jump right in.  For the past five months I've been reading, making notes, creating maps, writing, dabbling in artwork, and surfing the net…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Pivo, Airafice, contracycle, Moganhio.

8/4/2010 KevinH: [MLwM] Hungarian Hi-jinks
Hi guys, Baron Istvan Attila Von Badass is a young Hungarian nobleman, interested in ancient hunnish shamanism. He wants to impress the professors at his old university and is using…
In Actual Play
Participants: KevinH, Artanis.

8/4/2010 Anders Gabrielsson: [Monster Hunter] My First Finished Rules Set, And I Did It In Less Than 24 Hours
Thanks to the 24-hour RPG Geek RPG Design Contest. I'm very happy with it... but that's before playtesting. We shall see if it holds up. This is a very long…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Anders Gabrielsson, a flight of stairs, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2010 The Dude: Creation of combat
My friend and I are developing a game that revolves around the harmonic balance of mind, body, and spirit. This is represented by mental, physical, and social attributes respectively. Also,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: The Dude, Ar Kayon, dugfromthearth, Airafice, Necromantis.

8/3/2010 Motipha: [Shock] Review on the Jankcast
Hey, the Jankcast podcast reviewed Shock as part of review episode 4.  here:s the link:
In glyphpress
Participants: Motipha.

8/3/2010 SaintandSinner: Gencon and Games on Demand
[quote author=SirValence link=topic=29226.msg278231#msg278231 date=1280848310] [quote author=SaintandSinner link=topic=29226.msg273825#msg273825 date=1267239090] Show up.  Although letting us know your coming would be nice.  GM's only have to be there find some players and pick…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

8/10/2010 Necromantis: monsters and NPCs - a grand GM tool idea... maybe
Of late I feel like Indiana Jones in raiders of the lost arc all should know this reference .. if not.. get to it man!! by this I mean that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromantis, masqueradeball, Garbados.

8/10/2010 Necromantis: My rule book layout. an interesting new concept...maybe
originally I posted this in the publishing Forum -- but I think that may have been the wrong place. I figured that I would try it here. Seeing that it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromantis, masqueradeball.

8/10/2010 frictorious: [Sorcerer] Rules Question: Boost
I have a question about the side effect of Boost, and had no luck finding the answer elsewhere. Per the text (p 52), "receiving two Boosts of any kind in…
In Adept Press
Participants: frictorious, Ron Edwards.

8/10/2010 Shoo: Mechanic questions
Recently I had a chance to play DitV as a player (I also GMed once before, so this is my second time). The game was good, but there were a…
In lumpley games
Participants: Shoo, Motipha, Binny-UK.

8/11/2010 masqueradeball: Forces of Good: Hey! That's cheating!
Forces of Good is a superhero RPG in which characters are measured by 20 Forces that cover very broad aspects that are common to comic book superheroes (some example Forces…
In Playtesting
Participants: masqueradeball, Garbados, Gryffudd, Eero Tuovinen, Noon.

8/11/2010 Stregheria Games: Answers and Information For Those That Have Been Asking About My Game.
Sregoneria is a game that's been created to fulfill two criteria: one is to be the game that i would most like to play and two, to hopefully provide me…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton.

8/11/2010 Aio: Theory
Gamesmiths, I come to the forge because I hear you are the best there is. Judging from what i have read on other forum topics I believe I have heard…
In Connections
Participants: Aio, Locke, Ar Kayon, mreuther, Ron Edwards.

8/11/2010 wburdick: Story framework in a collaborative rpg
I've been posting on story games and praxis about this game I'm working on and I thought I'd post on the forge too.  Hopefully I won't get cognitive overload :). …
In Playtesting
Participants: wburdick.

8/12/2010 modernmyths: Fiasco at GenCon
Hi, all- Just wondering how other Fiasco games went at the show. Steve was cool enough to loan me a bonus kit so I was able to facilitate two games…
In Bully Pulpit Games
Participants: modernmyths, segedy.

8/12/2010 masqueradeball: You don't have too
I'm working on a game design I hope to play test this Sunday that incorporates an idea I've wanted to try for a long time. In this approach there are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Anders Gabrielsson, Gryffudd, Paul Czege.

8/13/2010 Luke Martinez: Collaborative Design - Group and Bangs
Hello, my name is Luke and I am working on a role-playing game. While I am still pulling it all together, I had a question about the experiences others have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luke Martinez, Artanis, dugfromthearth, Vulpinoid, Moganhio, masqueradeball.

8/13/2010 Sebastian: [HfL] Heir to the Spy Throne
"What about family of royal spies?" That was the question that got me buzzing at the tabletop. I wanted to put this up a few weeks ago, to be all…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sebastian.

8/13/2010 Paiku: [Sorcerer] Modern Necromancy (Ron's game)
Hi Ron, the links to the handouts and R-map and such are busted in your threads My current Sorcerer game - modern necromancy and The necromancy game continued.  I'd very…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paiku, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

8/13/2010 pfischer: [S/Lay w/Me] The priestesses of the Igai death cult.
Yesterday Peter and decided to play S/Lay, more or less based on reading Elizabeth’s post on Story Games about her Gencon play with Ron. We’ve both had the book since…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

8/13/2010 lachek: HammerCon - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - November 6th 2010
We’re super-excited to announce <a href="">HammerCon II</a>, Southern Ontario’s largest game convention by gamers for gamers, on November 6, 2010 at the <a href="">Plaza Hamilton</a>. HammerCon is an all-day convention…
In Conventions
Participants: lachek, epweissengruber.

8/13/2010 Paco Garcia: New Online Magazine to promote gaming
Hello Everyone, Have started a few days ago a new online magazine with the aim of promoting Board Games, RPGs, Wargames and, when I manage to find writers!, CCGs too.…
In Connections
Participants: Paco Garcia.

8/14/2010 masqueradeball: Formalize Conflict Initiation
I need help coming up with a way in which conflicts (when the rules are used) formally begin and end. I'm just generally unhappy with leaving it purely up to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, dugfromthearth, Vulpinoid.

8/14/2010 masqueradeball: Descriptive Text for Character Sheet
The game I'm designing uses 10 characteristics to define characters, all of which could be seen as moral virtues. They're rated from 1 to 6, 1 being the worst and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Moganhio, Necromantis, slashandz.

8/15/2010 RLittles: Freelance Writer Looking For Work
I'm looking for freelance writing assignments from companies or individuals. I'm willing to learn new rule systems as specified by the contracting party to write mechanics, fiction, and settings. My…
In Connections
Participants: RLittles.

8/15/2010 Rui!: Brainstorm the mechanics of secrets - need help!
I'm posting this across several forums, in order to get more replies. This is a mini-game that mixes Cthulhu, time-travelling bandits and Secrets. The premise is simple: in the near…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Rui!, masqueradeball, Moganhio.

more subsequent topics >>