The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

9/11/2010 il mietitore: il mietitore's Game Thread
Yay, even if i am in the old continent i'll try this one. I just hope i'll be able to write something understandable. Ingredients: City, Desert, Skin Premise: The game…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: il mietitore, masqueradeball, baxil, Jason Pitre.

9/11/2010 Frank Tarcikowski: Frank‘s Game Thread: And then Columbus arrived at the Edge of the World
Damn. I‘ve got an exam coming up on 5 October, a tough one at that. And so I thought, next year. And then I thought, edge, edge. What if you…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Jason Pitre, PeterBB, Kevin Allen Jr.

9/11/2010 hansel: Hans's game thread
City-Desert-Skin. I want to make a game about uninhabited, left-behind, broken parts of a city. Like Detroit. Also it's 1-player and involves city-management (like, the city is your character, not…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: hansel, baxil, Jason Pitre.

9/11/2010 Saint Erebus: Brendan C.'s Game Thread
I am entirely inexperienced in the realm of game design, but what the hell, I have hubris enough to believe I have a shot at making some horrible, mottled monstrosity…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Saint Erebus, masqueradeball, Jason Pitre.

9/11/2010 masqueradeball: Nolan's Game Thread
[b]Journey [/b] You are trying to get from here to there. There's a pool of dice in the middle of the table called “How Far Have we Come.” The goal…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: masqueradeball, Saint Erebus, Jason Pitre, Vulpinoid, Bullbar, davidberg, dindenver, Tomas HVM, JeffR.

9/11/2010 Vulpinoid: Vulpinoid's Game Thread
Awesome list. I'm really tempted to do something along the lines of Dark Sun, but a lot of people have already suggested this as a possible inspiration. Mechanically, since hacks…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Vulpinoid, masqueradeball, Saint Erebus, Jason Pitre, Gryffudd, davidberg, dindenver, baxil.

9/11/2010 Jay Loomis: One Way Ticket
You've got a one way ticket to the city. Will you find what you're looking for there, or will the journey be what changes your life?
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Jay Loomis, masqueradeball, Jonathan Walton, Jason Pitre.

9/11/2010 Ben Lehman: Ben's Game Thread
What if we had a game which was focused on socialization, but gamist in the way that Moldvay D&D was gamist (half martialling your system resources, half creativity. Classes: Dancer…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Ben Lehman, masqueradeball, Saint Erebus, Jason Pitre, davidberg.

9/11/2010 Jason Pitre: Jason Pitre's Thread: A Sojourn in Alexandria
I am currently in the process of trying to write up something for GameChef 2010.  I will be using the ingredients of  City, Desert and Edge.  The basic concept:  This…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Jason Pitre, masqueradeball.

9/11/2010 Captain Thark: Thark's Game project thread.
Hello there everyone. As you can see, I'm kinda new on this particular forum, and I hope that I don't immediately seem to far out of step with the general…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Captain Thark, masqueradeball, Ben Lehman, Jason Pitre.

9/10/2010 Aio: Tournament!
First, i would like to say that i hope im posting this in the right place. if not, my apologies. I'm holding a tournament on maptools next Saturday 9/18/2010 at…
In Endeavor
Participants: Aio.

9/10/2010 lumpley: Welcome!
See the official site for the rules: Welcome! -Vincent
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: lumpley, Kevin Allen Jr, jasonm, R00kie, Jonathan Walton, Vulpinoid, devlin1, Revontuli, Mike Holmes, solarom, baxil, hardcoremoose, mreuther.

9/9/2010 Blind Venetian: [Spellbreakers] Beginning Thoughts & Ideas
This idea just hit me yesterday and I've been mulling it over since. I've never attempted to make an Indie RPG or even tried writing up anything conceptual before. I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Blind Venetian, Adam Dray, Mike Sugarbaker.

9/9/2010 AdriannaDD: [Chrysalis] Roll Penalties
<a href=""> Initial Thoughts</a> Things happen in games that may affect the players ability to take an action or it's effectiveness and my question is how to apply this to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: AdriannaDD, Adam Dray, Locke.

9/9/2010 Vortigern: S&S One sheet
Alright.  Yeah.  So.  Books+Me = Actually trying to sit down and do a game. I'm currently the player recruiting phase for my play by post: While that is going…
In Adept Press
Participants: Vortigern, John Stephens, Ron Edwards, Paiku.

9/9/2010 vellu82: A little question about Bonus/Malus Dice
I have a little question about bonus and malus dice. Let's talk about an example: I make a check with 1 malus die. (+) ( ) ( ) (-) so…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: vellu82, Eero Tuovinen, Paolo D..

9/9/2010 Ron Edwards: [Annalise] In which there is neither Annalise nor a vampire
Hello, So, once a week, Nathan Paoletta and Tim Koppang come over to my place, we have dinner and partake of wine & other bar-based badness, we gossip something awful…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Adam Dray, Gregor Hutton, Tim C Koppang, Nathan P..

8/15/2010 Tveir: We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)
Speaking of pokemon, this was a pretty interesting read and made sense of the tv series no less
In Adept Press
Participants: Tveir, droog, Ron Edwards, lumpley.

9/8/2010 Eric Schwenke: [QADST (Shitty working title)] Ideas for Persona definition and Conflict/Damage
Hello, I'm trying to develop a Purist for System type game to fit many different sorts of settings, with the intent of the rules being designed to be highly customizable. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Schwenke, Anekanta, Ar Kayon.

9/8/2010 Bret Gillan: [S/lay w/Me] Say it yourself
So I know that coming up with your own Who is by the book. Can you also 'say it yourself' to the Where, or Ron do you encourage people to…
In Adept Press
Participants: Bret Gillan, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

9/11/2010 Codexier: Battle's Game Thread
The Oasis Club Alternate reality 40’s club like Casablanca (Belize).  Explorers, adventurers, etc all come through this club.  Maybe this is something like part story-game, part time management game. People…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Codexier, masqueradeball, enderbean, Jason Pitre, Darla Shockley.

9/11/2010 R00kie: Declan's Gamne Thread - Memoir
Hi guys, I've been fiddling with the Ingredients most of the day - I've got 6 pages of hand written notes and I'm now fairly sure of the shape my…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: R00kie, Jason Pitre, Frank Tarcikowski.

9/11/2010 Darla Shockley: Darla & David's Game Thread
AKA D&D's Game Thread. Anyway. My partner and I are working on a distributed game, where each session is played by two players.  Every player has a Traveller character, and…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Darla Shockley, enderbean, Ben Lehman, Jason Pitre, dmckenna, hardcoremoose, PeterBB, dindenver.

9/11/2010 jdfristrom: Jamie's game thread: road trip movie game
Cities and deserts and journeys make me think: *The Sure Thing*, *LIttle Miss Sunshine*, *Easy Rider*, *Thelma & Louise*, *Priscilla: Queen of the Desert*, *Fanboys*, maybe, sorta, *The Wizard of…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: jdfristrom, Darla Shockley, Jonathan Walton, Jason Pitre.

9/11/2010 ShaneM: Not One Step Backwards
Hi folks, I'm new here, and new to practical game design (though I have had an observers interest in game design for ages and have had an adventure published ages…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: ShaneM, Jonathan Walton, jasonm, Saint Erebus, Jason Pitre, Gregor Hutton.

9/11/2010 Dan Maruschak: Dan's Game Thread
I don't have a strong idea yet, but last year I found the process of articulating my thoughts in words helped me develop them further, so I'm going to post…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Dan Maruschak, Darla Shockley, Jason Pitre, masqueradeball.

9/11/2010 two_fishes: A question about impairment in simple contests.
I have what seems like a simple question about impairment, but I can't find a clear answer to it. Here is a simple Athletics contest: The heroes are challenged to…
In design
Participants: two_fishes, Paolo D..

9/11/2010 baxil: Baxil's Game Thread
Hi, everyone!  Another newbie to The Forge ... I'm a gamer and writer (aren't we all?), maintaining a shared urban-fantasy setting for myself and other authors.  Long story short, there's…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: baxil, masqueradeball, Jonathan Walton, Jason Pitre, Darla Shockley, devlin1.

9/11/2010 droog: We're also playing Pokemon Sorcerer
Totally ripping off – I mean RIFFing off – Vincent's game, I punted the idea of a pokemon game to my 9-year-old daughter. Jemima, I'm guessing, is less well-versed in…
In Adept Press
Participants: droog, stingray20166.

9/11/2010 Sebastian: Sebastian's Game Thread
One idea is to use “skin” (as in a tanned hide) to chronicle a war, in which the main character is the war itself, shaped by the recorded actions of…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Sebastian, Jason Pitre, masqueradeball.

9/12/2010 redivider: redivider's game thread: 'the city is a battlesuit for surviving the future'
I might make a game inspired by this >> which was the slogan of an urbanomancer char I played in a short unknown armies campaign. here taken literally: a…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: redivider, Vulpinoid, Jason Pitre, jasonm.

9/12/2010 Gorgoo: Gorgoo's Game Thread
Hi. I'm new here, but I figured I'd post since I'm going to be trying to write something for Game Chef this year for the first time. I'm thinking that…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Gorgoo, Vulpinoid.

9/12/2010 hardcoremoose: The Siege of Maddenhafen
So Mr. and Mrs. Czege were over for dinner and movies last night (pot roast good, Machine Girl not so much), and they reminded me that Game Chef still existed! …
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: hardcoremoose, masqueradeball, enderbean, Vulpinoid, baxil.

9/12/2010 dmckenna: In Between - Another GF2010 Thread
I spent a good portion of time today brainstorming ideas. I thought about working with Skin, maybe doing a game revolving around shape changers and politics. Then I started thinking…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: dmckenna, enderbean.

9/12/2010 Gryffudd: Gryffudd's Game Thread
Well, looks like lots of interest this year. Lots of neat ideas I see. Figured I should put up one of my own while I have a moment before sleep.…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Gryffudd, Vulpinoid.

9/12/2010 lumpley: Vincent's game thread
Membrane urban horror You haven't been married long, and now she hasn't come home. Can you go to her? Can she come back to you?
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: lumpley.

9/12/2010 Shreyas Sampat: The Perfect Tool Inspirations: - DRYH - That crappy Aeon Flux movie - Burn Notice - Mission: Impossible
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Jonathan Walton, Bryan Hansel, baxil, dindenver.

9/12/2010 B4GD: Society: The Advising
Hello, Thought I would throw this out there for the contest as I needed some different ways to think for a few days. For this contest, I chose: • City…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: B4GD, davidberg.

9/12/2010 jasonm: Jason's Game Thread
My game's coming along. Here's the introduction: A rag-tag group of would-be heroes are thrown together on a harrowing journey of survival - and self-discovery! Danger Mountain! is a game…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: jasonm, Bryan Hansel, Kevin Allen Jr.

9/12/2010 aleric: [Gurps 4E] Lorekeepers
Background: Gurps 4th Edition High Fantasy with Steampunk elements (loosely based on Wheel of Time, and elements from Game of Thrones and survival horror). Setting: We're a group of thirty…
In Actual Play
Participants: aleric, Clay, Caldis.

more subsequent topics >>