The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

12/5/2010 one_monkey: Shadow Cities RPG release
In anticipation of those of you who may read our news feed at and are thinking that it is still December 5th we would answer that in the land…
In Publishing
Participants: one_monkey.

12/5/2010 ChristianAndersson: Music for productive Game Developers!
Hello guys! I hope your game development creativity is on fire, and that you are ready to accomplish some new miracles during the coming Christmas vacation, but don't forget to…
In Connections
Participants: ChristianAndersson.

12/5/2010 James_Nostack: [Trollbabe] Goal questions
More questions from some actual play of Trollbabe's Print Edition. (1) Can either side say, at the outset of a Conflict, "Hell, dude, there's no Conflict here!  I give you…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

12/4/2010 James_Nostack: [Trollbabe] Harm questions
Questions from actual play with the Print Edition of the rules.  (1) If a Trollbabe gets injured in a social conflict, and then, without a recovery scene, gets into a…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

12/4/2010 flossy: Challenge Ratings
I've been playing with the idea of a formalised system for rating challenges for characters. Obviously in my past I have come across very basic ones for D&D but they…
In First Thoughts
Participants: flossy, Chris_Chinn, chronoplasm.

12/4/2010 chronoplasm: Running Away to Embark on an Adventure
Brainstorming: I can't finish any of my game design projects. I end up losing interest when I realize that I don't feel emotionally invested enough in what I'm doing to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Chris_Chinn.

12/3/2010 Motipha: [Freemarket] The Simple Pleasures School of Everything
Here's the link to the ap: This has some link back to Ron's post of the one-off at Chicagoland Games, as Todd, Megan and myself (Johnny Katana, Maggie Parker…
In Actual Play
Participants: Motipha, meganjank, Jared A. Sorensen, davidberg.

12/3/2010 matthijs: Publishing model: iPad subscription
Here's just an idea: With the iPad, it's very easy to publish your game as a living document, with a subscription. Some cool things: - Low entry fee makes it…
In Publishing
Participants: matthijs, ShallowThoughts, Peter Nordstrand.

12/2/2010 James_Nostack: [Trollbabe] Harmed relationships - pg 61
Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but page 61 of the print edition of Trollbabe says, in effect, IF (Goal fails) AND (Trollbabe ends at inconvenienced) THEN (any relationships invoked the…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, John Stephens, Eliarhiman6, Gregor Hutton, jburneko, Ron Edwards.

12/2/2010 BinaryCat: Insight Attribute Too Powerful
Hey! I'm new to the forums, as I've only recently stumbled into The Forge (while very prematurely looking up information on game publishing)...but my system, which is well into its…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BinaryCat, ShallowThoughts, Chris_Chinn, Bill_White, NN, Ar Kayon.

12/2/2010 Ron Edwards: [The Pool] Update: essay available
Hi, Here's a follow-up to Ghosts, guns, and bodies. I finally completed the essay I mentioned in that thread, which is intended to restore recognition and interest in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Frank Tarcikowski, Adam Dray, Chris_Chinn, Roger, enderbean, Paolo D., scramble.

12/1/2010 Eliarhiman6: GM-full Trollbabe
Hi! Recently, my gaming group played Trollbabe again. I wanted to play a trollbabe this time and another player wanted to try play in the GM's role. But to avoid…
In Adept Press
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

11/30/2010 vellu82: [SS] - About Secondary Characters
Hi, Eero. The method you propose for the short creation is not a fixed rule, right? So can I create a short NPC like this? NPC 1 Pool: Vigor 3,…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: vellu82, Courage75, Eero Tuovinen.

11/30/2010 John Powell: @Matt Wilson, re: Project Vanguard Playtest
I've enjoyed reading the playtest rules a couple of times, but haven't yet played. I noticed that between the rules and the character sheet Battle training becomes Warfare. I also…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: John Powell.

11/30/2010 drkrash: Taxes
Usual disclaimers: You're not an expert, consult a real lawyer, etc., etc.  I know.  Just looking for advice. I'm an American and Divine Madness Press did pretty OK this year. …
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, guildofblades.

11/30/2010 Aetius: [Trollbabe] A New Map
Hi to all. I'm going to play some Trollbabe at a con near Milan. I would like to draw a new map of the world for my games... just because…
In Adept Press
Participants: Aetius, Ron Edwards, Markus.

11/30/2010 New Fire: Stat Advancement at Character Creation vs During Gameplay
I've been working on a game for quite awhile now called New Fire. It's an Aztec-themed fantasy RPG using a d10 system and done in a very heroic and dramatic…
In Game Development
Participants: New Fire, Doug Law, Holywar, Certified, Finarvyn, johnthedm7000, Ron Edwards, DJ Ghost.

11/29/2010 buzz: The future of Forge Midwest
Just curious... now that the Forge is winding down, what's going to happen to Forge Midwest? Will it continue to be an annual thing? Or disappear?
In Conventions
Participants: buzz, Ron Edwards.

11/29/2010 Jonathan Walton: [Call for Papers & Games] "Magic Missile" for GoPlayNW 2011
And now for an announcement... <a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="magicmissile3" width="380" height="263" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1689" /></a> The Basics 
 Ryan Macklin and Jonathan Walton are organizing a short anthology on…
In Endeavor
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

11/29/2010 Andy Kitkowski: Looking for recommendations for Virtual Storefront software/services
I'm looking to create a storefront to sell at most 2-3 products through Paypal (something a little classier than just the "Paypal Link") from my site (basically, I want to…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards, RPGCI.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

12/6/2010 Abkajud: [Apocalypse World] Daycare in New Kiev
I played the playtest AW once; we didn't really explore Hx very much, and all MC characters in the scenario were adversaries or mooks rather than anyone the MC tried…
In Actual Play
Participants: Abkajud, Ron Edwards.

11/28/2010 DaveSlam: I swinging for the fences! II (split)
I suppose it's time I stopped lurking in the e-shadows and posted... A friend and I are at a similar point in developing our first game as Amar is with…
In Publishing
Participants: DaveSlam, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards.

12/7/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Game Development forum - please read here first
This forum is devoted to notions about your own RPG design. By posting here, you should be at least 10% personally serious about developing an actual RPG. Your posts should…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards.

12/7/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Independent Publishing forum - please read here first
This forum is for a wide variety of discussions about publishing role-playing games. The topics can be how-to, or what-you-have-done, or how-does-it-work, or what-about-this, or just about anything. The only…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

12/7/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Actual Play forum - please read here first
This is the primary discussion forum at the Forge. There are a few operative principles governing posting here, and within their bounds, you are wildly and nakedly free to post…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards.

12/7/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Site Discussion forum and to the Forge
Welcome to the Forge! This sticky is more-or-less a mission statement, written as a netiquette guide for the site. Goals "Role-playing game" is a legacy term without a good definition.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

12/7/2010 Ron Edwards: IMPORTANT FOR START-UP
Hi everyone, I would like to import current threads from First Thoughts into this new forum. However! Threads here now have to include a link to some useable game document…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, epweissengruber, dmkdesigns.

12/7/2010 lumpley: Deactivated Publisher Forums
Hey, publishers! I've deactivated a million publisher forums. If you'd like yours reactivated, let me know. -Vincent
In Site Discussion
Participants: lumpley, Troy_Costisick, Paul Czege, Emily Care, Tim C Koppang.

12/7/2010 Troy_Costisick: [Three Roses] Vision Statement
Heya, Back a few years ago I wrote a game for Game Chef.  It was called Hunter Rose.  I loved the game.  A few playtests showed me that it could…
In Game Development
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Artanis, Ron Edwards.

12/7/2010 Noon: "Losing!? No, my imagination will have me win!"...over the other player...
Play by post rifts-like game. So, a character who'd had a bad past and then shouted the wrong thing to an NPC with a hard past and had some fisticuffs.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, contracycle, epweissengruber, Caldis, DWeird, pkalata, ShallowThoughts, talisman.

12/9/2010 Abkajud: [a greek adventure game] mercurial heroes (or should that be hermetic?)
[x-posted at Story Games] Idea: three kinds of traits - d4's for arete (skill), d6's for names (relationships/allies), and d8's for aegis (divine favor). you can have multiple dice in…
In Game Development
Participants: Abkajud, Ron Edwards, masqueradeball.

12/10/2010 johnthedm7000: The revised task resolution system for the RPG I'm working on
Task Resolution: All important tasks (ie. those that have a chance of failure, and which have significant consequences for failure) are resolved using the following method. 2d10+Ability+/- Circumstances Against a…
In Game Development
Participants: johnthedm7000, Abkajud, Ron Edwards.

12/11/2010 clehrich: Selecting a game system
Been a LOOONG time since I posted here, and I haven't been reading either. Mostly I haven't been playing. I now have a group to work with, and I'm looking…
In Actual Play
Participants: clehrich, Abkajud, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn, Frank Tarcikowski, Clay.

12/12/2010 talisman: Using Tarot Cards in-game
Hi everyone, I'm new.  Long-time reader, first time poster. Anyways, me and my brother have been playtesting a new game I've been developing, and when we playtest I pull tarot…
In Game Development
Participants: talisman, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn, Noon, Web_Weaver, Chris_Chinn, Bill_White, Dantai.

12/13/2010 New Fire: Stats for an Army Unit, Stats for a Town
Greetings, everyone! I am working on a game known as New Fire. It is a fantasy RPG set in a world based on Aztec/Mayan/Mesoamerican culture and mythology. Players take on…
In Game Development
Participants: New Fire, Dr. Velocity, Ron Edwards, Simons.

12/13/2010 Ron Edwards: [GRAY MAGICK] My fantasy heartbreaker design work, approximately 1994
Hello, I recently found an old folder full of my RPG design work from the early-to-middle 1990s. The first game I made up and played was in 1987 or so,…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, contracycle.

12/14/2010 Artanis: [S/lay w/me] Questions of a swiss rules lawyer
Hello Ron I've been playing S/lay w/me with my girlfriend Sylvie over the last few months (interspersed with some Breaking the Ice and soon Sweet Agatha). We've played two adventures…
In Adept Press
Participants: Artanis, Ron Edwards.

12/14/2010 dindenver: [Legends of Lanasia] Conflict Flow
Here is what I have so far: Conflict Flow 1) Agree that there is a conflict 2) Players declare their Stakes (what are they fighting for?) 3) Judge declares…
In Game Development
Participants: dindenver, Ron Edwards, Noon.

12/14/2010 paddirn: Skills that don't necessarily go up with level?
I'm curious what about people's thoughts are on a skill system where skills advance based on frequency of use, with the most-used skills increasing in proficiency and least-used skills actually…
In Game Development
Participants: paddirn, Ron Edwards.

12/15/2010 Artanis: [Breaking the Ice] Bringing in drama
Hello Recently we played Breaking the Ice with my girlfriend Sylvie. It's our second time playing, the first time around some scenes had dragged out because I had not understood…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>