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4/30/2012 Willow: Kind of Meta: Forge Midwest Blog
Hey all, I've launched a blog for Forge Midwest.  One of my motivations in doing this is to collect Actual Play reports from different groups who were at Forge Midwest,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow.

3/14/2011 Willow: [Secret Lives of Serial Killers] Yes, a Playtest
Saturday I playtested this game. Shortly after receiving the Ronnie, I was bursting with pride.  So of course I told my best friend, Shari, and Tim had been in on…
In Game Development
Participants: Willow, Brendan Day, happysmellyfish, baxil, pkalata, Janussary, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

4/5/2010 Willow: [Casino Royale] First Playtest- With Non-Gamer Parents, No Less
So, Casino Royale is my new game in development.  It's a casino heist game along the lines of Ocean's 11- a crew of criminals pulls off a major caper.  (Or…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, Tim C Koppang, David Artman.

3/21/2010 Willow: [Forge Midwest] First follow-up! (split)
Donations for rooms covered about 60% of the room costs- several people not having cash, but wanting to donate.  If you're one of those people, you can paypal it to…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, TJ, buzz, Nev the Deranged, reaction, pseudoidiot, Miskatonic, c.

3/22/2010 Willow: [D&D] Religious & Cultural Diversity in D&D's Middle East
So, I was talking to a couple of folks at Forge Midwest about something I'm going to be doing in my D&D game- the party is going to the world's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Excalibur, Ron Edwards, Kallisti, Paka.

1/5/2010 Willow: Forge Midwest 2010 Planning Thread
Looks like we're getting a late start this year. Tim and I have been going back and forth about when to set it this year, and have yet to come…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, TJ, Nev the Deranged, c, reaction, buzz, Miskatonic, Ben Lehman, KeithBVaughn, greyorm, kate, jerry.

9/20/2009 Willow: Slay With Me: 1st Game
So, Tim and I sat down tonight to play a game of Slay With Me. Let me preface this by saying I don't think I'm the target audience for this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, TJ, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen.

5/26/2009 Willow: Awesome Adventures: In the Player's Seat
I don't often get the chance to play Awesome Adventures, so when Brendan said he wanted to run it, I was quite keen to join in.  Our setting was 1950s…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, Wordmaker, nikola.

4/24/2009 Willow: [Storming...] Vincent, Your Monster Creation Rules are Borked
So, in the errata, we've got these gems: 1) Give monsters more hit points. I haven’t figured out exactly how many more, but more. For 3 players, maybe 1 more…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, lumpley.

4/16/2009 Willow: Escape From Tentacle City- Final Playtests
Hey everyone- If you've read any of the Escape from Tentacle City playtest threads (and there's on on the front page of the Playtesting forum right now), and you're interested…
In Connections
Participants: Willow.

4/15/2009 Willow: [Forge Midwest] Escape From Tentacle City
Let's get this ball rolling! Friday I got to 'run' this for Ron, Jae, Jerry, and Abram.  I really wanted Ron in this game since he was one of my…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, Noon, jerry.

4/14/2009 Willow: Forge Midwest 2009 Retrospective
So, how did Forge Midwest go for everyone else?  What can we do to improve it next year? Having it on Easter Weekend was unfortunate- there were lots of people…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, GamerChick, TJ, reaction.

3/30/2009 Willow: [Storming...] What if the Monsters Win?
So, I think I'm just about ready to run Storming the Wizard's Tower.  I've got a town, an adventure, and I'm going over the rules.  I should be running it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Willow, lumpley, Melinglor.

2/25/2009 Willow: [Storming...] My First Attempt at a Town
Here's my first shot at a town for Storming the Wizard's tower.  It's inspired by kung-fu stories.  Not starting over the top like I'm used to, but a down to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Willow, lumpley.

1/17/2009 Willow: The Forge Booth 2009, part two
So, when is the deadline for making a decision about whether one wants to participate in the booth or not? Also, what is expected of someone who buys-in?  What responsibilities…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, natman, btrc, Eero Tuovinen, Lance D. Allen, SirValence, SaintandSinner, RobNJ.

12/12/2008 Willow: Selling Games at Playcons
Last year at Forge Midwest, we had a 'dealers table' set up for about half an hour, mostly as an afterthought, but it was something that was discussed on and…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Wolfen.

11/7/2008 Willow: Forge Midwest 2009
So, April 2009 is slowly approaching, and with that, Forge Midwest. Last year, it was held in Madison, and many agreed it was a good venue.  I'd like to put…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, GreatWolf, c, Blankshield, buzz, GamerChick, Capulet, chris_moore, TJ, Peter Nordstrand, Miskatonic, Finarvyn, Clinton R. Nixon, Tim C Koppang, GamerChickJ, coffeestain, Malky, xaphalanx, RobNJ, greyorm, vv_gm, Matt Snyder.

11/3/2008 Willow: Escape From Tentacle City- Halloween in Tentacle City
Last week I played a game of Escape From Tentacle City, using the new set of rules and tweaks to the mechanics.  I found it played pretty well, but I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, davidberg.

10/30/2008 Willow: Escape From Tentacle City- Now In Beta Testing!
Escape From Tentacle City was my entry for the 2008 Game Chef competition, which won the Golden Katana that Shoots Smaller Katanas Award.  It's a dark-comedy game of society's underclass…
In Connections
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards.

10/28/2008 Willow: Layout for Dummies?
If you've read Awesome Adventures, you may have noticed that it's not the most beautifully laid out book.  That's because I laid it out myself, using Open Office. So, I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, iago, lev_lafayette, jerry, Ben Lehman, Gregor Hutton.

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