The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Profiling, Fall 2004
Started by: Michael S. Miller
Started on: 10/26/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 10/26/2004 at 11:44pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
Profiling, Fall 2004

It's been over a year since the last profiling thread. Let's go again. To recap, the questions are:

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

The Rules of Profiling, according to Ron:

No freebies or extras, as in, "Game X, Game Y, and ... and Game Z and Game A!!" Three each, no more and no less.

Time is irrelevant. If the last three games you played were ten years ago, they still count.

Don't comment on other people's profile or the games in this thread. Start up a thread if you'd like, although choose your forum carefully, or send a private email.

If you'd like, sign off your post with your real name if it's not your username. First name or both first & last, whichever.

If the last post on this thread is more than a week old, please DO NOT post to it. We don't resurrect old threads around here.

For people who played a ton of GenCon one-shots, or if people are wondering about convention/demo play in general, they do count if you want them to, otherwise, skip'em.

And for reference, links to the previous profiling threads, in chronological order:
Profiling strikes again - everybody play!
Latest Profiling
Profiling fall 2002
Profiling, spring 2003
profiling, fall 2003

Thanks to Paul & Ron for typing text I could copy & paste

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 843
Topic 1619
Topic 2274
Topic 3788
Topic 6361
Topic 8235

Message 13225#140992

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Michael S. Miller which Michael S. Miller participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/26/2004

On 10/26/2004 at 11:45pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Speaking for myself:

Most Recent: With Great Power..., InSpectres, Cell Gamma

Most Enjoyed: With Great Power..., My Life with Master, Baron Munchausen

Most Coveted: PrimeTime Adventures, Puppetland, Orkworld

Message 13225#140993

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...started by Michael S. Miller which Michael S. Miller participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/26/2004

On 10/26/2004 at 11:51pm, anonymouse wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
Dogs in the Vineyard, Doomchaser, Fastlane

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Donjon, Quest for Glory (Talislanta 4E), Mage: the Ascension (online/MUSH).

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
WTF?, Continuum, Prime-Time Adventures

Message 13225#140994

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...started by anonymouse which anonymouse participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/26/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 12:12am, Kat Miller wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

With Great Power, Everway, Cell Gamma

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

With Great Power, Dogs in The Vinyard, My Life with Master

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Deleria, Burning Wheel, Hercules and Xena

Message 13225#140996

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...started by Kat Miller which Kat Miller participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 12:17am, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last three played:
Prime-Time Adventures, Doomchaser, HeroQuest

Three most enjoyed:
SOAP, Shadows, AD&D 2nd Ed.

Want to try these three:
Dust Devils, My Life with Master, Rune

Message 13225#140997

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...started by C. Edwards which C. Edwards participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 12:31am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last three played:
Capes, Buffy, Amber

Three most enjoyed:
Capes, Castle Falkenstein, Teenagers From Outer Space

Want to try these three:
My Life with Master, Inspectres, PrimeTime Adventures

Message 13225#140998

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...started by TonyLB which TonyLB participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 12:36am, drozdal wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Burning Wheel, Monastyr (Polish Dark-Fantasy RPG), Gemini

Most Enjoyed: Burning Wheel, Warhammer, Star Wars (D6)

Most Coveted: Unknown Armies, TROS, Mechanical Dream

Message 13225#141000

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...started by drozdal which drozdal participated Actual Play
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On 10/27/2004 at 12:36am, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last three played:

Primetime Adventures (playtest version)
D&D 3.5

Three most enjoyed:

My Life With Master

Three I Want to Try:

Nine Worlds
Primetime Adventures (released version)
Burning Wheel

Message 13225#141001

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...started by joshua neff which joshua neff participated Actual Play
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On 10/27/2004 at 12:46am, Paka wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last three played:

The Riddle of Steel
Homebrew Rule-Lite Harry Potter
Primetime Adventures

Three most enjoyed:

Ars Magica
Dogs in the Vineyard

Three I Want to Try:

Nine Worlds
Vampire: The Requiem
With Great Power

Message 13225#141002

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...started by Paka which Paka participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 1:02am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Three Played
The Shadow of Yesterday
Burning Wheel
Ronin (a supplement for Burning Wheel)

Three Most Enjoyed
The Shadow of Yesterday
Primetime Adventures

Three I Most Want to Play
Conspiracy of Shadows
The Mountain Witch
Burning Wheel (Roden campaign)

Message 13225#141003

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 1:36am, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Dogs in the Vineyard (IRC), Primetime Adventures (IRC), Nobilis

Most Enjoyed: Nobilis, Continuum (PBeM), Vampire

Most Coveted: Code of Unaris, Nighttime Animals Save the World, Mountain Witch

Message 13225#141005

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...started by Jonathan Walton which Jonathan Walton participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 2:02am, hanschristianandersen wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Dogs in the Vineyard, The Pool, D&D 3.5

Most Enjoyed: D&D 3.0, The Riddle of Steel, GURPS

Most Coveted: The Burning Wheel, HeroQuest, Prime Time Adventures

-Hans Andersen

Message 13225#141009

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...started by hanschristianandersen which hanschristianandersen participated Actual Play
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On 10/27/2004 at 2:10am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Three Played
The Mountain Witch
Shadow of Yesterday
Code of Unaris

Three Most Enjoyed
HeroQuest (Hero Wars actually)
Primetime Adventures

Three I Most Want to Play
Metal Opera
Nine Worlds


Message 13225#141010

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 2:36am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recently Played

The Riddle Of Steel
Burning Wheel

Most Enjoyed/Memorable

Sorcerer (post apoc setting)
Dread: First Book of Pandemonium
With Great Power...

I Want To Play

Tenra Bansho Zero (insh Allah within 4 months)
Prime Time Adventures

Message 13225#141011

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...started by Andy Kitkowski which Andy Kitkowski participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 2:47am, ffilz wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent
Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed (D&D 3.5)
Cold Iron (homebrew)
Rune Quest

Most Enjoyed
Cold Iron (homebrew)
Rune Quest

Most Coveted
The Riddle of Steel

Frank Filz

Message 13225#141012

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...started by ffilz which ffilz participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 2:52am, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recently Played
Dogs in the Vinyard (IRC)
Primetime Adventures (IRC)
Laws of the Night (Vampire LARP)

Most Enjoyed (I use campaign names here, if they exist)
Vidi Aquam (Freeform)
Nocturne Imperium (D&D / TROS)
Teenagers From Outer Space

Most Looking Forward to
Breaking the Ice


Message 13225#141013

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...started by Ben Lehman which Ben Lehman participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 3:12am, hix wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last 3 role-playing games I actually, really played?
Nobilis, InSpectres and Sorceror (currently prepping)

The 3 I’ve enjoyed the most?
Universalis, InSpectres, Paranoia

What 3 RPGs (that I haven’t played) would I most like to try at the moment?
Heroquest, Dogs in the Vineyard, and PrimeTime Adventures.

Message 13225#141014

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...started by hix which hix participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 3:50am, Rich Forest wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Played:
Trouble in the Island Kingdoms

Most Enjoyed:
Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game
Castle Falkenstein
Ars Magica

Want to Play:
Dogs in the Vineyard
Burning Wheel
The Mountain Witch

Message 13225#141016

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...started by Rich Forest which Rich Forest participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 4:30am, Dev wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Wushu (PbP); City of Gods (homebrew serial LARP), Donjon Warrior (current; by Henri)

Most Enjoyed: Dust Devils, Sorceror, My Life with Master

Most Coveted: Dogs in the Vineyard, FATE, Dead Inside

Message 13225#141018

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...started by Dev which Dev participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 5:14am, bcook1971 wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent Actual Play
World of Darkness

Most Enjoyed Ever
1st ed. AD&D
Fantasy Quest (Homebrew D&D rehash)
Story Engine

No Play Yet, Greatest Interest
Burning Wheel
Tell Your Tale (Homebrew)

Message 13225#141023

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...started by bcook1971 which bcook1971 participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 5:21am, Chris Goodwin wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Fantasy freeform, Fantasy Hero, Champions

Most Fun: Robot Warriors, Amber, Champions

Most want to play: Primetime Adventures, Exalted, Buffy

Message 13225#141024

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...started by Chris Goodwin which Chris Goodwin participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 5:24am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Achaian Heroes (my own D&D variation)

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Achaian Heroes
Dust Devils
My Life with Master

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Paranoia XP
Dogs in the Vineyard

Message 13225#141025

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...started by Eero Tuovinen which Eero Tuovinen participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 5:36am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last: Savage Worlds, Trollbabe, Conan D20

Best: Feng Shui, Danger Patrol, Primetime Adventures

Want: Dogs in the Vineyard, Capes, The Shadow of Yesterday (not counting one-shots)

Message 13225#141026

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by John Harper which John Harper participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 8:27am, A.Neill wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

My Life With Master
De Profundis

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Judge Dredd (GW Edition)
Riddle of Steel

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 141031
Topic 6105

Message 13225#141032

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...started by A.Neill which A.Neill participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 8:47am, Jack Aidley wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Arcana Unearthed
D&D 3.5

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

D&D 3.0

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?


Message 13225#141033

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...started by Jack Aidley which Jack Aidley participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 9:06am, ricmadeira wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Amber / Sorcerer / Trinity

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Kult / Amber / Sorcerer

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Heroquest / Dogs in the Vineyard / Buffy

Ricardo Madeira

Message 13225#141036

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...started by ricmadeira which ricmadeira participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 10:46am, nellist wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
"Yes,but", Ars Magica, Heroquest

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Hero Wars, Runequest, AD&D 1st edition

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
My Life With Master, Universalis, Rune

Keith Nellist

Message 13225#141040

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...started by nellist which nellist participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 11:14am, humis wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

The Riddle of Steel, Dogs in the Vineyard, Scarlet Wake

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

HeroQuest, Dogs in the Vineyard, Cold Mountain

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Nobilis, The Nighttime Animals Save the World, Unknown Armies

Eetu Mäkelä

Message 13225#141043

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...started by humis which humis participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 11:33am, pfischer wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Dogs in the Vineyard, Sorcerer (PbP), TriStat dX

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Actacon (homebrew FBI with Storyteller/Pendragon mechanics)
Concierto de Aranjuez (homebrew with Storyteller/Wraith mechanics)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
The Riddle of Steel, Primetime Adventures, With Great Power

Message 13225#141044

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...started by pfischer which pfischer participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 11:37am, johnmarron wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Extreme Vengeance, The Puddle (Pool variant), The Riddle of Steel

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Skyrealms of Jorune (2nd ed.), Everway, Warhammer Fantasy

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Dogs in the Vineyard, Primetime Adventures, Pagoda

John Marron

Message 13225#141045

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...started by johnmarron which johnmarron participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 12:30pm, Jeph wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Recent: D&D 3.0, d20 Modern, Feng Shui
Enjoyed: D&D 3.0, Exemplar (homebrew), Feng Shui
Want to Try: Dark Spell Revised (homebrew), The Burning Wheel, Sorcerer

Message 13225#141051

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...started by Jeph which Jeph participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 1:02pm, James Holloway wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Recent: HeroQuest, CoC Dark Ages, Pantheon

Enjoyed: Unknown Armies, Call of Cthulhu, De Profundis

Like to try: Prime Time Adventures, DitV, BtVS?

Message 13225#141053

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...started by James Holloway which James Holloway participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 1:34pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: The Mountain Witch, Scarlet Wake, Starlit Hell (playtest)

Most Enjoyed: The Mountain Witch, E.rpg (homebrew), Westworld (homebrew)

Most Want to Play: (There are so many) MLwM, Donjon, Sorcerer

Message 13225#141055

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...started by timfire which timfire participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 1:42pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last three games I played:
Nine Worlds

Three games I've most enjoyed:
The Riddle of Steel

Three I most want to try:
Nine Worlds
My Life With Master

Message 13225#141057

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...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 1:56pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Primetime Adventures, Dogs In the Vineyard, Sorcerer

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

The Pool, Theatrix, My Life with Master

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

With Great Power..., Fastlane, The Mountain Witch


Message 13225#141060

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...started by Paul Czege which Paul Czege participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 2:33pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent
My Life With Master
Legends of Alyria

Most Enjoyed
Unknown Armies
Legends of Alyria

Want to Play
Paranoia XP (but I will...very, very soon)
Robots and Rapiers (looks meaningfully at Ralph)
Riddle of Steel

Message 13225#141065

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...started by GreatWolf which GreatWolf participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 3:19pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent
It's a Dog's Life
Barbarians of Lemuria
Star Wars D20

Most Enjoyed
Amber DRPG
It's a Dog's Life

Most want to play
Blue Rose
Troubadours of Verticaille

Simon W

Message 13225#141071

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...started by Simon W which Simon W participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 3:23pm, jrients wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent
Heroes Unlimited, 1st edition
D&D 3E
Savage Worlds

Most Enjoyed
Call of Cthulhu
D&D (particularly the '81 Basic/Expert version)
Savage Worlds

Most Want to Play
World of Synnibarr
Lords of Creation
Castles & Crusades

Message 13225#141074

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...started by jrients which jrients participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 3:36pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent
Improv Homebrew
Primetime Adventures
Dogs in the Vineyard

Most Enjoyed
Ars Magica/Improv Homebrew
Great Ork Gods

Most Want to Play
The Mountain Witch

Message 13225#141077

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...started by Emily Care which Emily Care participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 4:06pm, Mark Woodhouse wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent
Nobilis - Falling In Love Again (GM)
DD3.5 - Heartbreak Hotel (P)
A|State - Hangin' on the Hangside (P)

Most Enjoyed
Call of Cthulhu - In The Pit, Part II (P)
DD2 - Sergei's Travels (P)
Champions 4 - Victory Squadron (GM)

Most Wanted
Silver Age Sentinels
Burning Wheel
Dogs in the Vineyard

Message 13225#141083

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...started by Mark Woodhouse which Mark Woodhouse participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 4:24pm, jeffd wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Fading Suns, The Riddle of Steel, Universalis
Most enjoyed: Universalis, Fading Suns, Vampire Dark Ages
Most coveted: Sorcerer & Sword, Dogs in the Vineyard, My Life with master

Message 13225#141085

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...started by jeffd which jeffd participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 4:33pm, Lee Short wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: D&D3.5, Amber DRPG, Homebrew (Age of Heroes / Harnmaster / FUDGE!)

Most Enjoyed: Rolemaster homebrew, Amber DRPG, Harnmaster

Most Curious: TRoS, HeroQuest, Burning Wheel (prepping now)

Message 13225#141088

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...started by Lee Short which Lee Short participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 4:39pm, Jaik wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: D&D 3.5, Mutants and Masterminds, Deadlands
Most Enjoyed: Shadowrun, D&D, Inspectres
Most Coveted: Dogs in the Vineyard, Sorcerer, Heroquest

Message 13225#141091

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...started by Jaik which Jaik participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 4:48pm, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent
The Poodle
My Life with Master

Most Enjoyed
My Life with Master
The Pool

Most Desirous of Playing



Message 13225#141092

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...started by Blake Hutchins which Blake Hutchins participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 4:54pm, clehrich wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
Age of Paranoia (reformulation of Shadows in the Fog, see link below); Aurora; weird homebrew

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Age of Paranoia; Ars Magica 2E; Champions (Ninja Hero)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Sorcerer; Dogs in the Vineyard; InSpectres

Message 13225#141093

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...started by clehrich which clehrich participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 5:04pm, Chris Passeno wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
CyberPunk 2020, Godlike, and Fudge::Riddick.

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Shadowrun, Star Wars d6, and Call of Cthulhu.

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Dogs in the Vineyard, Wushu, and Octane.

Message 13225#141095

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...started by Chris Passeno which Chris Passeno participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 5:18pm, jdagna wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Pax Draconis, Call of Cthulhu, Horror Rules!

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Pax Draconis, Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play, Palladium (Robotech/TMNT)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Amber, Burning Wheel, Lone Wolf (D20 unfortunately, but I love the setting)

Message 13225#141099

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 5:38pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
Dogs in the Vineyard, Universalis (by wiki), Homebrew Wheel of Time

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Mage, Vampire, AD&D

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Prime Time Adventures, Inspecters, The Shadow of Yesterday

Message 13225#141103

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...started by ScottM which ScottM participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 6:11pm, John Kim wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
James Bond 007, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, My Life With Master

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Hero System (Champions), RuneQuest (variant), Call of Cthulhu (variant)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Savage Worlds, The Pool, Paranoia XP

Message 13225#141108

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...started by John Kim which John Kim participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 6:17pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Burning Wheel
Dogs in the Vineyard

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Burning Wheel
Mage: The Ascension
The Riddle of Steel

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

With Great Power
Enemy Gods

Message 13225#141110

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...started by Thor Olavsrud which Thor Olavsrud participated Actual Play
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On 10/27/2004 at 6:22pm, CCW wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last three games played

d20 modern (variant)
Feng Shui

Games most enjoyed

AD&D (various variants)
James Bond 007

Games I want to try

The Puddle

Charles Wotton

Message 13225#141112

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On 10/27/2004 at 6:46pm, LordSmerf wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent Play: Sorcerer, Great Ork Gods, HeroQuest

Most Enjoyable Play: Capes, My Life with Master, Primetime Adventures

Most Desired Play: Dogs in the Vinyard, Trust and Betrayal, Feng Shui


Message 13225#141116

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...started by LordSmerf which LordSmerf participated Actual Play
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On 10/27/2004 at 7:02pm, jrs wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Recent: The Mountain Witch, Scarlet Wake, Burning Wheel
Best: HeroWars, Sorcerer, The Mountain Witch
Covet: Trollbabe, Dogs in the Vineyard, Nine Worlds


Message 13225#141121

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...started by jrs which jrs participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 7:41pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Recent: Adventures in Improv Ars Magica, Primetime Adventures, Dogs in the Vineyard.
Best: Adventures in Improv Ars Magica, Primetime Adventures, Dogs in the Vineyard.
Covet: Sorcerer (& Sword), The Riddle of Steel, The Burning Wheel. (I guess I'm in a swordy mood.)


Message 13225#141123

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...started by lumpley which lumpley participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 8:21pm, Sydney Freedberg wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
Capes (playtest)
Hidden Kingdoms/Lost Gods (homebrew PBEM with pure drama resolution and multi-thousand word posts.... and me as GM... nearly killed me)
Teenagers From Outer Space

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Amber (Throne War one-shot)
Ars Magica
D&D (wildly drifted into Cyberpunk with fascist Elves vs. Trotskyite Beholders...)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Dogs in the Vineyard
My Life With Master

Message 13225#141126

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...started by Sydney Freedberg which Sydney Freedberg participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 8:55pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Three: Experimental Homebrewed Narrativist Fantasy System With No Name; My Life With Master; D&D 3.5

Three Most Fun: Ye Olde Brown Book D&D/AD&D/Arduin/Judges Guild/Dragonquest/Whatever Else You Bought At The Hobby Shop And Decided To Call D&D '70's Hybrid; Past, Present, and Future (a good friend's homebrew system); Rules Cyclopedia/'New Basic' D&D

Three For January When I'm Less Overworked: The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen; Extreme Vengeance; Sorcerer Kings (a Sorcerer and Sword thing I'm working on).

Message 13225#141132

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...started by Sean which Sean participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 9:07pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

Michael S. Miller wrote: It's been over a year since the last profiling thread. Let's go again. To recap, the questions are:

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

1. Nobilis, Unsung (Black Ops), Book of Ashes (Modified MET Mage LARP)

2. The infamous Paris Changeling game, Book of Ashes, Pretender (original playtest)

3. FATE, Sorcerer, Dead Inside

Kirt Dankmyer

Message 13225#141133

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...started by xiombarg which xiombarg participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 9:13pm, DannyK wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
Dogs in the Vineyard (IRC & PbP)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Vampire: the Masquerade
School Colours from Outer Space (a Lovecraftian Teenagers variant)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Sorcerer & Sword (maybe a Delta Green/Charnel Gods thing I'm working on)
HeroQuest (book's on order)
Werewolf: the Forsaken (when it comes out)

Message 13225#141134

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...started by DannyK which DannyK participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 9:39pm, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Scarlet Wake, Timestream, Mummy: The Resurrection

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Timestream, Mummy: The Resurrection, Hunter: The Reckoning

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Dogs in the Vineyard, Primetime Adventures, Great Ork Gods

Message 13225#141140

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...started by Nathan P. which Nathan P. participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 10:11pm, Fabrice G. wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

- Hurlements: old french game (1989) that I finally put my hands down this summer, and right now I'm running what should be an extended campaign.

- Lonewolf (d20) : I tried that one from the player perspective in July, forgetable and not my cup of tea (at least I tried some d20).

- Homemade Middle Earth game, inspired by Midnight and set sixty to ninety years after the victory of Sauron during the "Ring War". Fine, and I learned that I could get to play a pure heroic character.

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

- Hurlements
- Sorcerer
- Over the edge (just weirdness and a love story in NYC)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

- Rêves de Dragons (the Dream Ouroboros ?) : another old french game (1986) that I have had for ten years but never came to GM or play. A game about glamour and dreams.

- Maléfices : yet another old french game (1988). Surnatural and strange investigations set during the Belle Epoque (1870-1914). Somehow like Chill, but with a definitive french touch.

- Miles Christi : french game about the Templar, set during the first and second crusades, the world is a mix between pure historical, and medieval fantasy.

Geez, I just realize that I'm in pure old good games that I never played when they came along, too busy playing WoD at the time...

Message 13225#141148

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...started by Fabrice G. which Fabrice G. participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 12:20am, abzu wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Recent AP:
Burning Wheel, Marvel Superheroes Deluxe Edition, Dogs in the Vineyard (playtest!)

All Time Favs:
Burning Wheel, AD&D, Paranoia (1est Ed) First rpg ever played.

Looking Forward to:
Riddle of Steel (this weekend), The Burning Wheel Revised Edition (seriously, I am so looking forward to pull this all together and play it), and... and... I dunno. Nearly anything I don't have to run.


Message 13225#141156

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...started by abzu which abzu participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 4:57am, sirogit wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most recent:
TROS, V:The Requiem, My Life with Master

Most enjoyed:
TROS, Sorceror, Robots & Rapiers

Want to play:
Weapons of the Gods, Ninja Burger, Kill Puppies for Satan

Message 13225#141173

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...started by sirogit which sirogit participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 6:13am, rafial wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Dying Earth, Unknown Armies, Scarlet Wake

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Champions, Traveller, Trollbabe

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Dogs in the Vinyard, Pagoda, James Bond 007

Message 13225#141176

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...started by rafial which rafial participated Actual Play
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On 10/28/2004 at 6:36am, beingfrank wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last three played:

Dogs in the Vineyard
Amber DRPG
D&D 3.5

Three most enjoyed:

Amber DRPG
Dogs in the Vineyard

Three I Want to Try:

My Life With Master



My Life With Master and My Life With Master.

Message 13225#141178

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...started by beingfrank which beingfrank participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 7:15am, Negilent wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Three most recent games:

Dogs In the Vineyard, Burning Wheel and The Riddle of Steel

Three all time favs:

Burnng Wheel, Dogs in the Vineyard, Vampire:TM according to Kaare

Three most wanted:

Sorceror, Cthulhu in the Vineyard (DitV mod), Heroquest:Star Wars

Kaare Berg

Message 13225#141183

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...started by Negilent which Negilent participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 7:36am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Sorcerer, The Riddle of Steel, Universalis

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Sorcerer, My Life With Master, Inspectres

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Dogs in the Vinyard, Burning Wheel, Nine Worlds.

Message 13225#141184

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...started by Trevis Martin which Trevis Martin participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 1:05pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1. Great Ork Gods
2. AD&D 2nd Edition
3. Call of Cthulhu D20

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

1. AD&D 2nd Edition
2. Call of Cthulhu (4th Edition, I think)
3. Cyberpunk 2.0

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

1. Legends of Alyria
2. Primetime Adventures
3. My Life With Master

Message 13225#141200

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...started by Marhault which Marhault participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 3:08pm, Halzebier wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

DSA (a German FRPG), D&D 3.5e, InSpectres

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

DSA (a German FRPG), two homebrews

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

My Life With Master, Planescape (via D&D 3.5e), Call-of-Cthulhu-as-Pulp homebrew (not in the works, but just a daydream)



Message 13225#141216

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...started by Halzebier which Halzebier participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 3:28pm, Tobias wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1. Universalis
3. WoD homebrew

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

1. Vampire: the masquerade (not due to system, though)
2. Universalis

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

1. Burning Wheel
2. Dogs in the Vineyard
3. HeroQuest (?)

Message 13225#141220

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...started by Tobias which Tobias participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 3:40pm, MichaelCurry wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

D&D 3.5e, Amber DRPG, My Life With Master

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Amber DRPG, Call of Cthulhu, Feng Shui

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Dogs in the Vineyard, Primetime Adventures, Sorcerer

Message 13225#141223

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...started by MichaelCurry which MichaelCurry participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 8:17pm, Tony Irwin wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
Shoujo Story, Wonderful Imaginary, Code of Unaris

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Universalis, Legend of the Five Rings, D&D Red box

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Prime-Time Adventures, the new Marvel Superheroes (the one with no dice), Samurai Badges

Message 13225#141278

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...started by Tony Irwin which Tony Irwin participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 9:48pm, Doug Ruff wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last played

1) Spycraft D20
2) AD&D homebrew (very heavily modified)
3) Call of Cthulhu D20

Most enjoyed

1) 1st edition Paranoia
2) AD&D Homebrew
3) HERO (Star Wars setting)

Would most like to try

1) Dogs In The Vineyard
2) The Pool
3) FATE (with "Fantasy Heartbreaker" setting!)

Message 13225#141295

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...started by Doug Ruff which Doug Ruff participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/28/2004 at 9:59pm, Silent Tamatama wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Primetime Adventures, D&D 3.5, Tunnels and Trolls

Most Enjoyed: Theatrix, My Life with Master, Primetime Adventures (currently playing)

Most Coveted: With Great Power, Control, Dogs In the Vineyard

Message 13225#141297

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...started by Silent Tamatama which Silent Tamatama participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/28/2004

On 10/29/2004 at 2:49am, neelk wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most recently played:
My Life with Master
A homebrew Western using Over the Edge rules

Most enjoyed:
Feng Shui

Most Anticipated:
Dogs in the Vineyard
Port Harcourt (a homebrew thriller set in modern-day Nigeria)

Message 13225#141322

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...started by neelk which neelk participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/29/2004

On 10/29/2004 at 2:15pm, Bryant wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most recently played:

D&D (Planescape)
Adventure! D20
Paranoia XP

Most enjoyed:

Feng Shui
Unknown Armies

Most anticipated:

Primetime Adventures
Charnel Gods
Ex Machina (probably IOSHI background)

I have this general desire to try Tri-Star, and Ex Machina is the most interesting possibility there for me right now.

Message 13225#141365

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...started by Bryant which Bryant participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/29/2004

On 10/29/2004 at 5:24pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?


What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Over the Edge
Feng Shui

Hm ... does the name Robin D. Laws mean anything to you?

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Primetime Adventures
Shadows in the Fog
My Life With Master

EDIT: Changed my mind after posting. :-)

Message 13225#141401

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...started by Peter Nordstrand which Peter Nordstrand participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/29/2004

On 10/30/2004 at 8:19am, matthijs wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Exalted, Draug, Itras By (unpublished Norwegian RPG)

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Itras By, Draug, Call of Cthulhu

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

The Pool, Dogs in the Vineyard, Universalis

Message 13225#141445

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...started by matthijs which matthijs participated Actual Play
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On 10/30/2004 at 9:45am, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
D&D 3.5 Kingdoms of Kalamar
Feng Shui

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Feng Shui

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Dust Devils
Unknown Armies



Message 13225#141447

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...started by Yokiboy which Yokiboy participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/30/2004

On 10/30/2004 at 2:33pm, Alan wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Unknown Armies
Dying Earth

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Prime Time Adventures

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Tunnels and Trolls
Dogs in the Vinyard

Message 13225#141451

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...started by Alan which Alan participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/30/2004

On 10/30/2004 at 3:03pm, GaryTP wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

DnD 3.5
Code of Unaris

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most? (We're talking play experience here.)

DnD 1.0/Top Secret (Equal Billing)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

My Life With Master
Fading Suns
Blue Rose

Message 13225#141452

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...started by GaryTP which GaryTP participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/30/2004

On 10/30/2004 at 3:26pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Exalted, Nobilis, Primetime Adventures

SOAP, Primetime Adventures, Shadows

Limitless, Polaris, Unaris

Message 13225#141453

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...started by Shreyas Sampat which Shreyas Sampat participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/30/2004

On 10/30/2004 at 6:14pm, Lisa Padol wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Um. Working under the assumption that home brews and technicalities count:

Everway (not a technicalitiy at all)
Prime Time Adventures (technicality -- discussed premise and characters, didn't even finish character creation)
OTE (not exactly a technicality -- this would be either Beth's Hub game or my Cthpk game, which uses OTE's rules. Possibly WARP is the technical term)


Chaosium's system (whether BRPs or Pendragon -- I'm considering it basically the same system)

[I am disqualifying all the demos I played in due to insufficient experience to know if they bounce any of the above.]

Most Coveted:

[I am disqualifying any game I even started on my own, even if it's just group character creation. I am not disqualifying games I had demoed to me at the Forge booth.]

Dogs in the Vineyard
Nine Worlds
Sorcerer (a real technicality, as this was actually a full run at the Forge booth, but it's the first that occurs to me for this spot)

-Lisa Padol

Message 13225#141467

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...started by Lisa Padol which Lisa Padol participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/30/2004

On 10/31/2004 at 4:52am, SlurpeeMoney wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: Palladium Fantasy RPG, Witchcraft, Homebrew

Most Enjoyed: Palladium Fantasy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, In Nomine

Most Coveted: Nobilis, Little Fears, HeartQuest

Kris Hansen
"Obligatory quote here."

Message 13225#141474

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...started by SlurpeeMoney which SlurpeeMoney participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/31/2004

On 10/31/2004 at 6:57am, b_bankhead wrote:
My profile

Most Recent: Paladin,Trollbabe,Capes

Most Enjoyed: Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk 2020, Trollbabe

Most Coveted: Engel Matrix game, The Pool, Eldritch Tales (!)

Message 13225#141481

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...started by b_bankhead which b_bankhead participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/31/2004

On 10/31/2004 at 10:12am, Caynreth wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
The Pool
Das Schwarze Auge (3rd edition + QVAT)

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
The Pool

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Message 13225#141484

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...started by Caynreth which Caynreth participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/31/2004

On 10/31/2004 at 8:08pm, cappadocius wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Exalted, Cybergen, Adventure!

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Call of Cthulhu, Nobilis, Cybergen

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Heroquest, Starchildren, Continuum

Message 13225#141490

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...started by cappadocius which cappadocius participated Actual Play
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On 11/2/2004 at 9:32pm, Zathreyel wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Three Played
Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game
intheblood (my homebrewed "i-hate-vampire" heartbreaker game)

Three Most Enjoyed
Changeling: the Dreaming (less for system and more for a great play group)
Neon City/ NeoMetro (a homebrew cyberpunk-style rpg)
Nobilis (great game and a great group)

Three I Most Want to Play
Criminal Element (brand new rules stuff to playtest. yay!)
Sorcerer and Sword
Dogs in the Vineyard

Message 13225#141697

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...started by Zathreyel which Zathreyel participated Actual Play
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...from around 11/2/2004

On 11/3/2004 at 12:20am, ptevis wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Three Played
My Life with Master
The Dying Earth

Three Most Enjoyed
Unknown Armies
My Life with Master

Three I Most Want to Play
Dogs In the Vineyard

Message 13225#141708

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by ptevis which ptevis participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/3/2004

On 11/3/2004 at 9:24pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Three Played
Vampire: the Masquerade

Three Most Enjoyed
Vampire: the Masquerade
On the Edge

Three I Most Want to Play
Nighttime Animals Save the World
Dogs In the Vineyard
Scarlet Wake

Message 13225#141769

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Andrew Morris which Andrew Morris participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/3/2004

On 11/3/2004 at 11:22pm, Dumirik wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent:

Scarlet Wake Playtest
Great Ork Gods Playtest
Onieros Playtest

Most Enjoyed:

Scarlet Wake
Great Ork Gods

Most Wanted:

Dust Devils
Kill Puppies for Satan


Message 13225#141777

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Dumirik which Dumirik participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/3/2004

On 11/4/2004 at 4:42pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1) octaNe
2) Lacuna
3) Wyrd is Bond

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

1) InSpectres
2) My Life with Master
3) Cyberpunk 2020

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

1) Dogs in the Vineyard
2) All Flesh Must Be Eaten
3) Tribe 8

Message 13225#141837

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jason L Blair which Jason L Blair participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/4/2004

On 11/4/2004 at 5:34pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Played: Burning Wheel, Conspiracy of Shadows, Shadow of Yesterday...

Enjoyed: TMNT, Elfs, Conspiracy of Shadows...

Wishful Thinking: Dogs in the Vineyard, Nine Worlds, Trollbabe...


Message 13225#141844

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Bob Goat which Bob Goat participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/4/2004

On 12/2/2004 at 2:10am, newsalor wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Most Recent: HeroQuest, Earthdawn, Myrskyn Aika

Most Enjoyed: HeroQuest, Amber, Cold Mountain (or GURPS Handicapped ;)

Most Coveted: Dogs in the Vineyard, Conan OGL, Any Star Trek RPG

Message 13225#144192

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by newsalor which newsalor participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 12/2/2004

On 12/2/2004 at 10:49pm, Doyce wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Three Recently played?
Sorcerer (Grimm Therapy - just wrapped up the final session)
Heroquest (IRC: Mike's ShadowWorld campaign - player!)
FATE (In Deo Confidemus espionage campaign - player!)

Three most enjoyed?
Sorcerer (I still want a nice steady game to run that let's me run everything totally smooth)
Star Wars d6

Would you most like to try at the moment?
Dogs in the Vineyard (have had chargen and initiations only, so far)
Prime-Time Adventures (absolutely dying to try this out)
Risus: A Kringle in Time Holiday Epic

Message 13225#144283

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Doyce which Doyce participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/2/2004

On 12/3/2004 at 5:38am, friartuck wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Last Three Played:
Dungeons & Dragons; Shadowrun; All Flesh Must Be Eaten

Most Enjoyed:
Dungeons & Dragons; All Flesh Must Be Eaten

Most Anticipated:
Call of Cthulhu; The Burning Wheel; Dogs in the Vineyard

-- Nathan Ballingrud

Message 13225#144312

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by friartuck which friartuck participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/3/2004

On 12/3/2004 at 10:30am, Ville Takanen wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

Alkaja (homebrew) / HeroQuest / Unknown Armies
Kult / Alkaja (hb+wod versions) / Vampire: the Masquerade
Sydäntuli (homebrew on the works) / Sorcerer / Amber

Message 13225#144329

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ville Takanen which Ville Takanen participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 12/3/2004

On 12/3/2004 at 11:29am, Sean wrote:
RE: Profiling, Fall 2004

As much as I enjoy hearing what everyone is doing, according to the rules of the thread Bob Goat's is the last 'official' profile. There's almost a month between that and the next post!

Message 13225#144332

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Sean which Sean participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/3/2004