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Forge Midwest 2010 Planning Thread

Started by Willow, January 05, 2010, 01:52:58 AM

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Looks like we're getting a late start this year.

Tim and I have been going back and forth about when to set it this year, and have yet to come up with a satisfactory date.  Are we still doing this in April?  There was some talk of pushing it back to May.

Ron Edwards

Hi Willow,

We should definitely avoid the Easter weekend this time. My preference is to push it earlier rather than later, perhaps by one week. So that makes March 26, 27, and 28. How does that fit with your schedule?

Best, Ron

Tim C Koppang

For what it's worth, I agree with Ron about pushing earlier rather than later.  The March dates work for me.

Tim C Koppang

Well shit.  I have to take that back.  I still agree with an earlier date in general, but I have a prior commitment on March 27.  I'm open any other weekend in March.  But don't let that stop you.  I realize you can't pick a date based on everyone's individual schedules.


March 26-28 looks very good on our end.  There are some other small local conventions on the weekends of March 5-7 and 19-21, so I would rather avoid those.

Nev the Deranged

Right now, my calendar's clear for any weekend in March. I might even have some new nametag designs ready to go by then. Also, my NERF arsenal has grown considerably... so if people are down for that we may want to figure out logistics so as to be less disruptive to the quieter forms of gaming.


In that case we may want to designate a particular room and time frame for the Nerf War.  How about first thing Saturday morning?

Nev the Deranged

Quote from: TJ on January 09, 2010, 03:44:38 PM
In that case we may want to designate a particular room and time frame for the Nerf War.  How about first thing Saturday morning?

A plan sounds like a plan. I dunno what the room sitch is yet... I know we usually have one room Friday, two Saturday, and one Sunday? I think? So maybe we can gank the secondary room first thing Saturday for like an hour before the first room tables fill up and people start spilling over?

That works for me. We should probably clear it with Willow first.

Clyde L. Rhoer

I look forward to it. Dave, you should turn those guns into some kind of Zombie LARP game.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.

Nev the Deranged

That was the intention. Willow and I were tossing ideas back and forth for a while, but we got distracted by life and never really consolidated them.

Willow, if you want to try to polish that up before FMW, I'm down for making it happen. Keeping in mind that we will have pretty tight space limitations, so we'd need to tailor the scenario to that; which means it can probably be simplified considerably.


I was pretty sure that it *was* a zombie larp. At least some sort of Jeepform thing.

Anyway, afaik, any date around then should work.


<Wrath_of_Khan char="Kirk">

Glad I stopped by the boards; I had a feeling FW would be getting planned about now. Any March date is probably good for me.

I'm going to try and make a point to come prepared to run a couple of different games. I often feel like people spend a lot of time standing around trying to figure out what to play. I may even wear a a badge that says , "Ask me to run ______". :)
A.k.a., Mark Delsing

Nev the Deranged

Quote from: buzz on January 12, 2010, 03:19:06 AM
I'm going to try and make a point to come prepared to run a couple of different games. I often feel like people spend a lot of time standing around trying to figure out what to play. I may even wear a a badge that says , "Ask me to run ______". :)

Hm... I'm pretty sure some of mine have something like that on them, I should check... I plan to whip up a new batch (possibly with some new designs if I find the time) before the local Game Day, so we'll see if I need more before FMW or if there are enough leftovers to carry through.


Just got off the phone with the Best Western.  Forge Midwest is a go for March 26, 27 & 28!  We have the same terms, conditions, and prices for the rooms for last year.


Nev the Deranged