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TRoS Middel Earth: Elves as player characters

Started by bergh, April 03, 2004, 09:26:30 PM

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I have finished my idea's based on what have written to me.

here it is:
Sindar – Grey Elves: +2 Ag, +2 Per, +1 Soc, +1 En, +1 WP.

Silvan - Wood Elves. +2 Per, +2 Ag, +1 Wits. +1 WP. Woodsman/Ranger skill packet at 9

Non Genre specific.

Wild/Barbarian Elf.
+2 Per, +1 Ag, +2 Wit, -1 social, +1 En, +1 WP. Woodman/ranger skill packet at 9.


An elf  is immortal when compared to mortal men - their minds age as opposed to their bodies - but it still differs from elf to elf. Every elf has a life path, and when their life path reaches 10, the elf has grown tired of life and prepares to die, finding a place and time where he can die peacefully in
his sleep.

Most elves are afraid to reach this level of conscience, and generally try to avoid it as much as they can. They inevitably reach it, however, by fulfilling their destiny. Whether by achieving that which is their fate or by failing, every elf will eventually attain the highest level of their Life Path.

All elves should take their SAs even more seriously than other players, because if a SA ever reaches 0 - for example, when you go directly against a SA, by, say, letting the friends you are sworn to protect die - then that elf's life path will increase by one. Generally an elf not following his SAs risks the rising of his life path.

Even things an elf is powerless to prevent can raise his life path. For example, if all his loved ones die in the elf's absence and he might have done something about this had he not left, that elf's life path may rise.

Good things too may raise an elf's Life Path. For example, an elf that has achieved his SA to become King of all elves has achieved (part of) his Destiny, and thus his Life Path increases. Every time thereafter that he makes great progress, improving the lives of his people greatly, his life path may increase again, until it reaches 10 and the elf's role in this world is at an end. If he reaches 10 in his life path by successfully ruling his people for several thousand of years, you can say his life was an success. If he reached 10 through an unwise kingship that provoked catastrophe upon disaster so his people were almost destroyed, then his life was an utter failure.

In a few cases a Life Path can be lowered, for example when an elf manages to negate a disastrous event that caused his life path to increase. This should be an exception and should only happen when an elf has done a great thing indeed.
Kind regards....

-Brian Bergh
TRoS .pdf files:


here it is in a nice PDF with pictures and all.
Kind regards....

-Brian Bergh
TRoS .pdf files:


you put alot of work into your games thats for sure.
looks good by the way


glad that you liked it!

Anyway i like to share what i do, i don't need big credit for it, but i like people doing some critics, so i my self can be inspired to make it even better.

Right now my project list for TRoS stuff is:

Gnomes - taken from warhammer, cousins of the dwarfs.
Ogres - for those really nasty hack and slash players. i will promise to      make them not to cartoonish as in warhammer. still don't know about this.

Im also making a highway road Inn map, maybe with some information about a generic Inn, becouse my players travel alot and sometimes half the sessions are happening in one.

Dunlendians/wildmen and half-orc warbands, these are put into the same file.

Anyway do anyone like the Life Path idea for elves?
Kind regards....

-Brian Bergh
TRoS .pdf files:


Quote from: bergh
Anyway do anyone like the Life Path idea for elves?

I like it, but I don't think dying once the life's goal is completed fits with Tolkein.  Maybe instead they just lose all of their SA's permanently to indicate that they have lost their connection with Middle Earth and are ready to pass into the West.


I agree.  There is nothing stating that they "have" to die at the end of thier destiny.  They simply have nothing else to do and so grow quite bored with the world, eventually passing from it entirely (in most cases).

Another not related idea would be to add a "Doom" to characters, essentially an anti-sa.  Its something they are fated to do or experience that is by definition a bad thing.  That could be closely tied with their life path causing them to "age" more quickly if they fail to twart it and are conquered by greif.

All in all quite a cool system.  You should give them all singing as a skill too, because all elves are lovers of song and music.
"And even triumph is bitter, when only the battle is counted..."  - Samael "Rebellion"


If i wanted 100% tolkien, i had just used one of the idea in this thread, but i liked an elf who would be very close to tolkiens idea of passing to the west, but i wanted then to fit a more generic fantasy setting.
Kind regards....

-Brian Bergh
TRoS .pdf files: