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Getting it out of your system.

Started by Domhnall, April 05, 2005, 08:41:04 AM

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I hate it when I'm feeling stupid, but still the smartest guy in the room.

Damn I need a new job.
Pete Darby


I'm rapidly growing to agree with the people who say they hate D&D.

Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of things I like about it. But I hate the fact that it puts such an emphasis on combat, I hate the rail roaded class and level systems and above all else I hate the magic system. I also hate the fact that people can powergame their characters by buying 582 books and picking the cheasiest features from each.

I also hate that despite all this I'm going to continue to play it, because I really like my gaming group (except for the occasional moment of frustration with them)  and they all love D&D and show a huge resistence to other gaming systems: We've also tried GURPS and CoC, both of which they hated. I agree with their points about GURPS although I still have a soft spot for the system. I can see some of their points about CoC, but most of them just struck me as another way of saying `it's not D&D'.

Further I hate that I'm such a distractible slacker and thus *still* haven't got a working version of Option ready despite the fact that it's been present as a concept for the best part of half a year. Among other reasons it might provide a solution to the above problem as it's close enough to D&D in many ways that they'd probably be willing to play it...

I also hate a lot of non-rpg-related things, but if I start ranting about those I'll be here all day.


I picked up Dragonlance 5th Age the other day.

Nice little system, cards help empower players a little more than dice, lots of talk of how Saga gives players some of the role of GM...

Then we come to the designing quests chapter: huge, egregious chapter stinking of the impossible thing.


I want to take this chapter and do that shitty thing Robin Williams does to the chart in the poetry book in Dead Poets Society. I want to do it to every similar chapter in every rpg rulebook in existence. I want to take the pages and throw them at every frustrated player and GM who doesn't understand why most of their game sucks and shout "THIS IS WHY IT SUCKS! YOUR SCENARIO DESIGN ADVICE LIED TO YOU MAN! IT'S NOT ABOUT YOUR FUCKING STORY, IT'S ABOUT FUCKING SITUATION! EVERYTHING ELSE, EVERY OTHER MOTHERFUCKING THING IS BULLSHIT!"

What I like is the pretty pictures on the cards. Man, I hate it that Saga was too expensive for anyone butWizards to do it, and too unpopular for Wizards.

Oh yeah, the Dragonlance books blow goats for nickels and give change.
Pete Darby


I hate that I don't have a full version of Legends of Alyria yet.  A lot.  More on that in the appropriate thread, I guess.

Oh, and I too hate mayonnaise.  My wife likes to refer to it as "the Devil's semen."


Now I like mayonnaise even better.


Jason L Blair

Quote from: Ben LehmanI hate Little Fears.

Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Jason L Blair

I hate people who hate things just because they challenge, upset, or confuse them.

I hate that people feel it necessary to "hate" something and not just "dislike" it.

I hate that people become so convinced of their Ultimate Correctness that any who differ must be hated.
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

joshua neff

Quote from: Jason L BlairI hate that people become so convinced of their Ultimate Correctness that any who differ must be hated.

WHAT? You think THAT?

I hate you now.

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes

Mike Holmes

Yeah? Well I hate you, Josh, for hating Blair for hating haters!

(I think I've just rolled myself up into some sort of Moebius strip of hate/anti-hate)

Oh, and Mayo still RAWKs! Though not for the reason that Vincent now thinks that it rawks even more.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Andrew Morris

I hate the fact that monkeys and badgers make bad pets. That's all I've got.
Download: Unistat

Andrew Cooper

I hate that we haven't raised enough money to get Mike and Seth a beating on that other thread.


Hmmm. I never really considered myself a person who really hated anything. Until this thread actually made me think about it...

I hate my commute. I went from a 5-minute bike ride to a 1-and-a-half hour drive each way. I hate all the chunks of my life wasted to get to a place where I can waste an even larger chunk of my life. I hate all the useless interuptions that keep me from truly enjoying whatever I'm trying to read or write on the commute. I hate that I get carsick while reading in stop-and-go traffic and that it's impossible to use the mouse on the laptop in those conditions as well. Everyday I burn 3 hours. For nothing.

I hate close-mindedness. I can't count the number of times that I've wanted to try something (from Sorcerer to JavaScript) and been shot down by someone who was not interested in learning anything new. I hate that other people often have that kind of control over what avenues I can and cannot pursue in life. I taught myself JavaScript (in 1999) and it took me 3 months of it running on a test page for my boss to accept that it would not crash our web site. Hence ended the days of update all the dates on our web site by hand. I still haven't been able to play Sorcerer due to people making assumptions of what it's about or just not wanting to rock the D&D boat. I think it's okay to not know everything about something. There's a lot that I don't know jack about. I think my hate stems from not understanding why so many people have to keep up the appearance of being knowledgeable. Then I think about the times I've tried to take on the mantle of expert authority on this or that and I remember times when I wasn't really knowing what I was talking about. I don't much like myself when I do that.

I hate the internet. I hate that I can say a simple sentence like: "My dog is old" and then a flamewar erupts about me being Ageist or a closet-Catperson. People can rig on to any old word I type, ignoring context, meaning and all those other wonderful things that a generally civilized discourse should follow. I hate that. I hate that the one thing that was lost in this new super-highway of the Information Age is humor. Irony, satire, it's all been reduced to dick jokes and non-sequiturs. There's no context on the internet. And everyone wants to fit everyone else into their own prefabbed context. Because of that, I hate that people latch on to one word or phrase in a 2000 word post and then grill me over it. Devoid of any connection that phrase may have had in the original context or if there is even a connection to what they're saying at all. I hate that I'm stupid and often get roped into defending myself in that position. I hate that I really want to help clarify what I'm saying and then get roped into stupid back-and-forth, he-said-she-said BS. I hate that I can't identify those people who are just out to pick a fight or promote their own agenda. I hate that I'm often the straight-man for others' personal prejudices and agendas.

I hate that I can't seem to say anything online in anything other than this meandering string of prose. It's like anytime I sit at a keyboard I'm possessed by the spirit of T.S. Eliot as dictated through the typing of a Siberian farmer on mescaline. I wish I could be cool like Ron or so many others on the Forge who seem to say so much with so little. But, then again, I'm afraid if I keep it brief I'll get sucked into another back-and-forth trying to explain why my dog really is old (18 years) and that's okay. And I hate that more than sounding like a drunken poet warbling into a Dictaphone.

I hate jargon. Once a boss told me he needed to "interface" with me. I didn't know whether to bring a notepad or lubricant. Turns out, I should've brought both. I hate the elitism associated with the use of jargon. I hate that people are able to use the jargon of the Forge to criticize it as elitist. I wish the Forge was more jargon-lite.

I hate that of the four apologies I've read online two were mine and one was Richard Clarke's. Worse than admitting one doesn't know everything about something, it seems, is admitting that one was wrong about something. I hate that we live in a proto-Darwinian world like that. I hate that I feel like I lost friends over it. I hate that I don't feel my apologies really helped at all. I hate that the internet seems to be this environment where, if you don't know everything, you know nothing and if you're wrong once you'll never be right again.

So I guess I am pretty chock-full-o'-hate. Learn something new everyday...


Chris Goodwin

Put me in the pro-mayo, anti-beer camp.

Let's see.  Hating...

I hate strawman arguments.  I hate being willfully misunderstood just so that someone else can make their point.  

I hate small minded people who think that the customs of their tribe are the laws of nature.

I hate insects.  All of them.  Even insect-like things, like spiders and crustaceans.  I especially hate the ones that sting; when I was a kid I could get stung by a bee just walking down the street minding my own business.  I got stung probably a couple of times a year until I was about thirteen.
Chris Goodwin

Lance D. Allen

I hate reading things like this, serious and silly alike, and feel a deep kinship, even if it be the kinship of opposing beliefs, and know that it will never amount to anything. I hate feeling disconnected, and I hate knowing that it's my fault.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls

Larry L.

I hate nothing. In fact, I enthusiastically love mayonnaise and beer.

Wait, I do hate George W Bush and his cronies. After that, everything else is small potatoes.