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Events for Dreamation 2007

Started by Michael S. Miller, November 15, 2006, 11:53:42 AM

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Michael S. Miller

This is split from the main Dreamtion thread. As the schedule develops, Kat will be maintaining a website at Please let us register everyone together. DO NOT submit to Double Exposure on your own. Here's the info we need on each event:

Your Name: We'll also need a physical address and e-mail address. Rather than post that info to the thread, please send a PM to Kat Miller or an e-mail to whim at enter dot net.

Event Title:


Blurb: A brief, teaser-like description of the event.

Maximum number of players:

Event time: When do you want to run it? We assume all events are going to run for 4 hours. Start times are Thursday 8pm and Midnight; Friday and Saturday 9am, 2pm, 8pm, and Midnight; Sunday 9am and 2pm.

We're going to assume that beginners are always welcome and that the GM will provide whatever materials are necessary (dice, LEGOs, whatever). If that's different, let us know.

Please choose an attitude rating for this game: Very Serious, Serious, Fun, Silly, Very Silly

Please choose an age rating for this game: Young Audiences ONLY, Suitable for All Ages, Under 18, Parental Clearance Necessary, 18 and Older ONLY

Thanks and see you in January!
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Andrew Morris

Is it cool if I give you events, but not time slots? Then you can fit them in where needed to pad out the schedule. Does this make your life easier, or harder?

Also, for reference, here are the available time slots:

Thursday 8p-mid
Thursday mid-4a

Friday 9a-1p
Friday 2p-6p
Friday 8p-mid
Friday mid-4a

Saturday 9a-1p
Saturday 2p-6p
Saturday 8p-mid
Saturday mid-4a

Sunday 9a-1p
Sunday 2p-6p
Download: Unistat

Nathan P.

Whats our deadline for getting event info to you?
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters

Robert Bohl

Michael, I'm going to be there and I'm going to run some games of PTA but I'm going to do it outside of the IGE.
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG

Michael S. Miller

Ah, yes, the deadline. Let's give everyone Thanksgiving break and a bit after to consider things. I'd like to have all info in by Sunday, December 3. I'll be posting my own events this coming weekend.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Andrew Morris

Mike, what about my question concerning events with no time slot? I'd really like to be able to say to you, "Here are the six events I will run. Make sure they don't conflict with Ganakagok or Technolust, because I want to play in those. Also, don't schedule me for any midnight slots unless you really, really can't avoid it." Is that cool? It certainly makes my life easier, and allows you to pad the schedule, putting my events in time slots that don't already have a half dozen events.
Download: Unistat

Michael S. Miller

Hi, Andrew.

We can certainly handle that kind of flexibility. Give us the specifics and we'll roll with it!
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!



I would like to run some sessions of my own game, Criminal Element, under the Explosion! banner, but this will be my first time attending Dreamation, let alone running games there.  I have a few quick questions if you would be so kind as to answer them, or anyone else in the audience.

What time slots are best for new games?  I want to make sure that I get a decent chance of drawing people in, but I also know that there are a couple of slots that will be overrun with game selections while others will be a bit lighter.  What times are usually best to set up a game so that I hemmorage the least number of players due to scheduling conflicts?  Also, is there any kind of traditional "After some random hour is when the Indie Kids come out to play" that I should schedule for or at least be aware of?

What sort of information should be included in the blurb?  As part of the Explosion! games, are we expected to give a brief description of the game system, setting, whathaveyou?  I'm assuming this is an all around "whatever three sentences describes your game best" kind of thing but I just want to make sure that I'm giving you all of the information that I should. 


Michael P. O'Sullivan
Criminal Element
Desperate People, Desperate Deeds
available at Fullmotor Productions

Michael S. Miller

Hi, Michael and welcome aboard.

Second question first. Check out the blurbs that were used for this past July's DexCon 2007, available here. If you'd like me to critique your blurb, feel free to e-mail me at thebard at incarnadine dot indie-rpgs dot com

As for the time slot, the conventional wisdom used to be that Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening were the 2 best attended slots for the convention as a whole. However, the Explosion has, in the past, created its own demand for the most part. Although Thursday evening is traditionally light, as is Sunday, all day (plus midnight) of both Friday and Saturday tend to be well-attended. If you'd like to give us a range of timeslots when you're available to run, as Andrew will be doing, we can work with that, too.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!



I like to include a punchy and catchy one or two sentence blurb and perhaps some books or movies that inspired the game.  I've had plenty of people come to a game I'm running who said, "You had me at the table when you mentioned X book or movie."

Criminal Element should have a great blurb.  I'd be happy to play with it over PM if you want to.

Can't wait to meet ya and play your awesome game!




Should we be posting all of the event information, except the personal info stuff, into this thread, or PMing you with all of it?
Michael P. O'Sullivan
Criminal Element
Desperate People, Desperate Deeds
available at Fullmotor Productions

Andrew Morris

Here's what I've got, Michael.

Title: "Choose your own adventure"
System: Unistat
Description: Unistat can handle any type of game you want, so bring your favorite novel, TV show, or movie as ideas to the table. We'll vote for the favorite, and then start play in less than five minutes. Play what you always wanted to in your favorite setting -- choose your own adventure!

Title: "Only the dead..."
System: Unistat
Description:  War is on the horizon. Will you fight, or strive for peace? Step onto the world stage as one of the great nations in a fictional setting we'll create at the table. During the course of play, you'll step into the roles of the citizens of your nation as the specter of war is brought down to a human dimension. Using Unistat, together we'll shape the world and the lives caught in the balance.

Title: "Knights of the Living Dead"
System: Unistat
Description: The zombies destroyed civilization as we know it. Generations later, humanity clings to survival in wilderness towns, staying away from the cities where the undead swarm. But even an isolated village is never safe, and the Shield Knights are all that stand between the townsfolk and the ravening undead. Pick up your burning shield and fire sword, light your candle, and prepare to stand against the darkness.

Title: "Mean Streets"
System: Capes
Description: Not all comics are bright spandex and costumes. Some comics are mean, brutal, and violent. Are you heroes? Maybe. Sometimes a "hero" is just the guy who turns his own evil on a greater evil. Are you ready to step out onto the Mean Streets?

Title: "Froward's Creek"
System: Dogs in the Vineyard
Description: Pick up your Book of Life, your six-gun, and your coat of office. It's time to ride into Froward's Creek, where something is wrong among the Faithful. You're God's chosen. Are you ready to bring their sins to light and pass judgment?"

Title: Universalis
System: Universalis
Description: Bring your ideas to the table, where we'll grab 'em, toss 'em in the blender, and cook up our own setting on the spot. Play the game where everyone is a game master – Universalis, the game of unlimited stories.

Here's the deal with scheduling. You can put my games wherever you need to, in order to even things out across timeslots. Just don't scheduled me for any midnight slots -- I can't game till 4 a.m., then run a morning session. Also, make sure not to schedule me for whatever timeslot Bill decides to run Ganakagok. Other than that, I've got no real preferences.

Oh, and to make the Universalis session title more interesting, you can change it to "[day] [timeslot] Story Challenge," like "Friday Night Story Challenge" or "Saturday Morning Story Challenge," for example.

Let me know if you need my contact info, or if you have it from last time.
Download: Unistat


Sent my submission over via email.  I'll be running a slot of Dictionary of Mu.

Joshua A.C. Newman

I'd love to run Shock: at some civilized time of day. Maybe Saturday, 8-12!
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.

Robert Bohl

I am intending to run the second playtest of my game, Misspent Youth.  I also created a new thread to invite people to playtest.  If you're interested, please let me know.  We can work out a time that I'm not running other games.  I don't know if it's proper to put this on the registry at the con, however, since I don't think it's appropriate to pass off a playtest as a con game.
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG