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[Forge Midwest 2007] Official Event Schedule -- Plan games here!

Started by Matt Snyder, March 14, 2007, 02:19:56 AM

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Matt Snyder

Here is the schedule for sessions at Forge Midwest.

This year, it's important to stay on schedule. It's especially important because we're all in one room. That means it'll likely be a little noisy. I really want to keep on these 3- and 4-hour play slots so that everyone gets a chance to mix it up with a lot of different games.

The twist this year is that I'm insisting that the Meeting Room be dedicated to playtesting unpublished games in Session 3 (see below). This is an ideal gathering to get some input from some really motivated gamers, folks.

Basically, if you don't participate in a playtest for this session, I'm kicking you out of the room for that time! Get in on a game! Bring your game-in-progress!

I can name at least three games off the top of my head that can be playtested in this slot.

DESIGNERS COME PREPARED FOR THREE HOURS! Have prepared games, characters, situations, and so on, and make the most out of a motivated audience. This playtesting could really help you get some crucial feedback before the mad dash to publish for convention season. Also, I'll be eager to talk to folks about ashcan editions of games for my booth with Paul Czege at GenCon this summer.

Forge Midwest 2006 play schedule


Session 1 -- 9:00 -12:00
Session 2 -- 12:30 - 3:30
Session 3 -- PLAYTEST SESSION -- 4:00 - 7:00
Session 4 -- 8:00 - 12:00


Session 1 -- 10:00 - 1:00
Session 2 -- 1:00 - 4:00

Organizing games

Use this thread to organize specific games for the event. This includes the playtest preparations.

Oh yeah, have a hell of a lot of fun, too!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


Well, I've already been informed by Jason Blair that I'm bringing Dirty Secrets, which is my detective noir game currently in design.  So I'll commit to having the necessary stuff to run that in Session 3.  The game takes 3-5 players, and I'm willing to observe to free up a slot.  So, anyone interested in being part of this?

Also, if there's interest, I'll run a Legends of Alyria game in a different slot.  It'll have to be Session 1 or 2, though, since I'm leaving Saturday evening.

I'm also interested in some Blue Moon and Jungle Speed.
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Matt Snyder

I'll be running a playtest of 44 during the playtest session (session 3). I'm hoping Matt Wilson will be running Galactic at this time, possibly other times.

Also, I'll be running Nine Worlds during session 4 (Saturday night) and am open to running Dust Devils at other times either day.

Also, I'm going on vacation and will be offline March 16 through March 24.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra



Quick note Matt.  We only have the room until 10pm on Saturday and until 2pm on Sunday.  Now I'm not sure they will turn us out at that time on Saturday, but on Sunday I'm pretty sure they will.  This was in the room contract I sent you over email.  You may want to adjust the schedule accordingly.  :)





I'll be running a playtest of my long-toiled-over game dungeonkind (past discussion of which can be seen here, here, and here) on Saturday evening. It's new and improved, with dominoes!

Seth, I'd love to get in on a Legends of Alyria game.

I'd also love to play in a session of either The Shadow of Yesterday or Dogs in the Vineyard, as I've owned them both for over a year and have never managed to play either one.



Okay, when I stop and ponder, I also want to play Agon, The Prince's Kingdom and Spione, none of which I own, but should.



Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown



I plan on running a session of The Holmes and Watson Committee.  This is almost 6 months before its release, so it will be a sneak preview for any subscribers.  I figure in a two or three hours session, we'll nab at least two villains.  Looking forward to it!




I'm up to run Cat - whenever... I want to play at a table of Burning Wheel (or Empires) run by Clinton, I do.  I want to play Prime Time Adventures - and how about Dogs in the Vineyard?

Is anyone taking up a collection so that Vincent and (I'm afraid I'm going to misspell this) Meguey Baker can come?


I can run a table or two of Dogs; I'm not married to any time slots.

I will also have some pre-release Blood and Bronze there, and would love to either run it or see someone else do so.  (not a playtest; it's baked, but it's nominally unavailable 'till Gencon).

I wouldn't mind getting off my ass and learning what all this Burning Whatever stuff is like to play.

I may (may!) have a playable version of Reality Cops to hand, which would definately be a playtest.

I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.

Nev the Deranged

Games I would really like to Play: Polaris, Don't Rest Your Head, It Was A Mutual Decision, Mortal Coil, Lacuna, My Life With Master, Mechaton.

Games I would be more than happy to play: Prime Time Adventures, Agon, Hero's Banner, The Mountain Witch, Dogs in the Vineyard (basically mostly stuff I've played a few times already).

Games I am willing to run assuming I am not playing something else: Agon (same adventure I'm running the prior weekend), DRYH (seat of the pants stylee).

Jungle Speed goes without saying.


Games I would love to play: Agon, Burning-something (would love to experience the rules in play), PTA, Mortal Coil

Games I would really like to play: DitV, Shadow of Yesterday, DRYH, Mountain Witch, SotC

Games I am willing to run: Mortal Coil, Mountain Witch, tSoY
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.


Doyce, if you'll run tSoY, I'm in.

I'd be happy to run MLwM.

I'd participate in Polaris (since, y'know, no one runs it, really...)

James, I'd sign on for Death's Door.

My dance card seems to be getting filled up...



Quote from: Doyce on March 17, 2007, 01:02:47 AM
Games I would love to play: Agon, Burning-something (would love to experience the rules in play), PTA, Mortal Coil

And I forgot Galactic (peers at Matt).
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.
