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[Forge Midwest 2008] Offical Organization Thread

Started by Matt Snyder, January 18, 2008, 03:30:32 AM

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Any word on a calendar/schedule thingy, yet? Or, more generally, somebody have an idea what Fri evening will be like? I'm trying to figure out if i should cancel my standing Fri night activity to attend, or if Fri night will be mostly nothing happening? If there are Fri night plans, will they be of the gaming variety, or the other-socializing variety?

not necessarily speaking on behalf of
The Impossible Dream


I wanted to make sure myself +1 is added to the expected participants.

I am also going to the Cloud Cult concert on Friday night (a great band everyone should check out).

I will be at the convention all day Saturday and Sunday and look forward to meeting people and playing some games.


So Matt...

What is the projected conference room cost per person now?

Matt Snyder

I have not confirmed (via Willow or the hotel itself) that we have filled up 10 bedrooms for 2 nights. However, my understanding is that we have done this.

That means the first of two meeting rooms is free. The second room is $75.

Folks, even with full price of $150 for both meeting rooms, we're talking about extremely small fees for the gathering. Something like $5 is very likely. I do generally spend around $50 for name tags, and I like to recoup that cost if possible. I have yet to make any "profit" in any year. We generally break even within a few dollars.

For comparison, in previous years we paid about $20 per person in year 1 and around $30 or $40 per person in year 2 (we had to ask for more cash later on in the day for year 2).

This event will be so inexpensive it blows my mind. Two days of awesome gaming with friends for less than $10, probably less than $5? Frankly, it sounds too good to be true!

In the event we acquire any excees "profit" -- that money will go toward hosting fees for the Forge. Excess money WILL NOT be redistributed to participants. I aim to avoid this, but with such small costs, it's very possible.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Nev the Deranged

Hey, Matt. Remember those geek-stylee sticky nametags I brought last year? I'm planning to bring them this year too. Let me know how many you think we'll need. They're sticky, so they don't need backings or lanyards or anything, but if you want them so people can stick them on those instead of their clothes, you can provide those.

Also, if anybody has suggestions for new ones, feel free to email me.


Darcy Burgess

Is anyone travelling by car from in & around either Ontario or upstate New York?  I'm thinking Ottawa-Toronto corridor (Ontario side) or Syracuse - Ithaca area (New York side), or something like that.

I'm looking to get in on a carpool.  Please email me at dpaj dot burgess atsign gmail dot com.  Or PM me here at the Forge.  I know that this is last minute, but this just fell in my lap.

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.

Matt Snyder

Dave, I expect to see about 50 people there, more or less. We'd need AT LEAST that many tags. I won't be surprised to find out, say, 60 people show up, especially as "Saturday only."
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Nev the Deranged

Hm... and sticky ones would be one day use only, more or less... maybe the backings wouldn't be such a bad idea...

Let's see... a pack of 160 stickers runs about 30$... plus ink... man, you're right, it does add up. I'll see how many I can squeeze out of an ink cartridge and let you know.

Larry L.

Anyone who's still stuck for transportation may be interested to know that Megabus has a Madison stop. Unlike Greyhound, Megabus is a) cheap, and b) does not stop in every podunk town between cities.


Dave:  Sweet lord almighty, don't print any damn thing on an inkjet printer.  It's like bleeding money on paper.

Get me what you need/want to have printed, and I'll bring it down for super-cheap.

like, 3 bucks instead of your 30.

I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.

Nev the Deranged

Quote from: Blankshield on April 01, 2008, 12:35:47 AM
Dave:  Sweet lord almighty, don't print any damn thing on an inkjet printer.  It's like bleeding money on paper.

Get me what you need/want to have printed, and I'll bring it down for super-cheap.

like, 3 bucks instead of your 30.


The 30$ isn't for the ink, it's for the name badges. Which I already bought.

You have a point about the ink though. If you want to work something out, email me.


Nev the Deranged

I just noticed Justice Platt is on the evite. Oddly enough, I just heard his name for the first time today, on a webcast I listened to at work- how's that for synchronicity?

GeeksOn, episode 90- apparerntly, Justice taught one of the Geeks On crew to play D&D back in boarding school, with another kid named Kyle, who had issues swinging his hand and a half bastard sword in a narrow hallway.

Small world, eh?


Quote from: Clyde L. Rhoer on February 28, 2008, 02:53:33 PMIf someone could do the wiki planner this year I'd appreciate it. I think I'm going to have enough on my plate making the restaurant page, and a getting around page.

I realize that it may be a little late for this, but I've setup a Forge Midwest page on my personal wiki at if anyone wants to organize games and such.



Is Jason's the only calendar that has been set up? Just lookin' a little blank...

What is the Friday situation? I'll be driving up after work, most likely, so I won't be there until 7pm or later.
A.k.a., Mark Delsing


Quote from: buzz on April 06, 2008, 08:14:29 PM
Is Jason's the only calendar that has been set up? Just lookin' a little blank...

What is the Friday situation? I'll be driving up after work, most likely, so I won't be there until 7pm or later.

Yeah, I haven't seen another schedule setup, Buzz.  It's only been a few hours, though, so maybe more organized content will come along.
