The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

11/29/2005 CSBone: How would you publish and market a "Rules Lite" system
As I have been working on my Space Ranger RPG, I realized that I actually had two different design goals. One was to create a solid, low handling, character driven…
In Publishing
Participants: CSBone, Paul Czege, talysman, chadu, timfire, cpeterso, Ben Lehman, nikola.

11/27/2005 lampros: On Pricing
This started as a reply to Ben's thread "Making Money, Making a Living" ( After I typed the reply I saw that the thread was on hold, but I thought…
In Publishing
Participants: lampros, Victor Gijsbers, Joshua BishopRoby, Gregor Hutton, guildofblades.

11/27/2005 lampros: An Observation from a Bookseller
Hey, I'm reading through the "infamous five in order" and am currently on the "Mainstream: A revision"( I'm currently working for Barnes & Nobles and thought I'd offer a few…
In Publishing
Participants: lampros, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, LloydBrown, Bankuei, daMoose_Neo, MatrixGamer, nikola.

11/26/2005 LloydBrown: Distribution
Does anyone here have actual RPG distribution experience?
In Publishing
Participants: LloydBrown, Eero Tuovinen, abzu, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

11/25/2005 preludetotheend: How do you wiki?
I have been trying to do different things with wiki lately and was just wondering if any one had found any ways to use it to push their company or…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, J B Bell, axonrg, Ron Edwards.

11/25/2005 lumpley: The Very, Very Basics of Pricing Your Game
Hi. This comes mostly out of a conversation I had with my little brother (Drew Baker, and check out me namedropping) when I was deciding how much to charge for…
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, Roger, Troy_Costisick, Jared A. Sorensen, inthisstyle, Ben Lehman, timfire, Victor Gijsbers, nikola, Joshua BishopRoby, Levi Kornelsen.

11/25/2005 chadu: There *is* a problem: PoD distro into retail
The previous thread was closed before I read it and could comment. As I understand the process, here, I have started a new thread. This may be especially apt, as…
In Publishing
Participants: chadu, Bob Goat, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, nikola, abzu, rpghost, guildofblades, joshua neff, Polaris, Sydney Freedberg, LloydBrown.

11/25/2005 guildofblades: Stores ordering from multiple sources
>>Based on the credentials you've presented, you have no idea what you're talking about.  Even dealing with just 4-6 distributors instead of the 400 vendors I carried in my store…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, JarrodHenry, daMoose_Neo, abzu, Ron Edwards, LloydBrown.

11/22/2005 seanpatfan: Challenges and Solutions for the RPG Market
"Once more unto the breach, dear friends..." Long have I heard the muses whisper of this place, and long have I listened to the bards tell tales of the magic…
In Publishing
Participants: seanpatfan, abzu, nikola, Ron Edwards, rpghost, Adam, LloydBrown, Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon, Bankuei, Michael S. Miller, Bob Goat, guildofblades, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege.

11/20/2005 Ben Lehman: Making money, making a living
This is another split from <a href="">Pricing and Marketing your games and mine</a>, to avoid derailing it further.  I welcome further discussion on the issues brought up in this thread.…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, Victor Gijsbers, LloydBrown, TonyLB, timfire, Jasper Polane, Joshua BishopRoby, Jonathan Walton, Andrew Morris, nikola, contracycle, Ron Edwards, axonrg.

11/19/2005 Ben Lehman: [rant] Copyright, Creative Commons, and Artistic Freedom
Hi.  This is a spin off of <a href="">Pricing and Marketing your game and mine</a> Also, since we're talking about legal issues here: I am not a lawyer.  This is…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, Victor Gijsbers, resistor, jerry, axonrg.

11/18/2005 Olorin: Re: Dresner article series
Sorry to raise an old old thread, but I just recently found those two articles and I'm very pleased with them. But now I'm wondering, why isn't there more of…
In Publishing
Participants: Olorin, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards.

11/18/2005 nikola: Pricing and marketing your games and mine
I have a hard time keeping it in my pants on others' threads, apparently, so I'll open this as a thread of my very own. Parden the splurge of questions…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, Ben Lehman, demiurgeastaroth, Joshua BishopRoby, talysman, Arturo G., jasonm, Victor Gijsbers, Iskander, daMoose_Neo, Andrew Morris, Clinton R. Nixon, Frank T, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Valamir, Blankshield, timfire, Roger, Graham Walmsley, greyorm, abzu, guildofblades, Malcolm, Jasper Polane.

11/13/2005 preludetotheend: Whats the best software on a small budget?
I am looking to publish my role play game legends and lore (working title) and would like to know what software I should have. I am thinking the adobe products…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, timfire, Trevis Martin, Joshua BishopRoby, MatrixGamer, Victor Gijsbers, TheLe, madelf, JoeJohaneman, nikola, Kevin_Brennan, Clay, JarrodHenry, jerry, Clinton R. Nixon, Roland.of.Gilead, talysman, Adam, abzu.

11/13/2005 Tony Irwin: Scanning line art
This relates to this thread: Thanks to everyone who replied to that one. I have nearly 100 images for Shoujo Story, all black and white line art. I had…
In Publishing
Participants: Tony Irwin, timfire, abzu, Eero Tuovinen, Rossum, talysman, nikola, madelf, Jake Richmond, Emily Care, Ron Edwards.

11/8/2005 jeremycoatney: Comb vs. Paperback
-Hello,     I have been working on the solid format distribution of my first RPG book for some time and have recently switched to a comb binding instead of…
In Publishing
Participants: jeremycoatney, Andrew Morris, Matt Snyder, Trevis Martin, MatrixGamer, LloydBrown, madelf, Tim Alexander, Dirk Remmecke, nikola, resistor, Roland.of.Gilead.

11/5/2005 Ron Edwards: November Ronnies! Start your engines for the 6th
Hello! Here are the dates for the November Ronnies: 12:00 AM (beginning) of November 6, 12:00 PM (ending) of November 16. I feel bad about the Octobers, because I'm still…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Gregor Hutton, talysman, greyorm, JakeVanDam, James Holloway, Rob MacDougall, Remko, TonyPace, Halzebier, Dantai, Tobias, Victor Gijsbers, Dumirik, Sydney Freedberg.

11/4/2005 daMoose_Neo: PDF sales & distro sites...
I'm looking around to see what vendors deal with PDF sales & distribution. I could go the site route and sell right through myself via Paypal, but I don't have…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, davidJ, philreed, smokewolf, jeremycoatney, Ben Lehman, Dantai, Trevis Martin, LloydBrown, madelf, Emmett.

11/1/2005 daMoose_Neo: Halloween & Spreading the word
Just thought I'd share an interesting experiment I'm attempting- While preparing for what would be a rather fun evening of sharing sugary goodness with all manner of ghouls and goblins,…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Joshua BishopRoby, philreed, Blankshield.

10/29/2005 preludetotheend: Depending on Donations?
Alright recently I have landed myself a good, job that can more than pay the bills and gives me a decent amount of free time so I have been thinking…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Mike Holmes.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

11/29/2005 seanpatfan: Challenges and Solutions, Take Two
Hello again, everyone. I do hope that the holiday was a pleasant one for everyone. As promised, I am now posting the larger document that I referenced numerous times in…
In Publishing
Participants: seanpatfan, Bankuei, timfire, abzu, Bob Goat, LloydBrown, Ben Lehman, Valamir, madelf, MatrixGamer, Troy_Costisick, komradebob, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, Eero Tuovinen.

12/1/2005 nikola: Lines vs. Authors
Several times in recent threads, store owners, large publishers, and distributors have pointed out that game lines sell, where single books don't. I'm not going to debate that. I think…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, GreatWolf, John Burdick, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, chadu, Blankshield, Adam, timfire, Paul Czege, Jared A. Sorensen, inthisstyle, guildofblades, James Holloway, LloydBrown, Roger, Michael S. Miller, Nathan P., Troy_Costisick, Jonathan Walton.

12/1/2005 Ron Edwards: [A PUBLISHING STORY] The emissary
[b]Second in a series. I don't know how many yet.[/b] They call him a freelance negotiator, and maybe he even believes it. Sometimes they think they're journalists, sometimes attaches or…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, Brand_Robins, Bob Goat, abzu, nikola, Jared A. Sorensen.

12/3/2005 Dev: Changes at Pandemonium Books (Cambridge, MA)
Many of you stock your games with Pandemonium Books in Cambridge, MA. (I've picked up quite a few independent titles there over the least few years.) I just heard today…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, abzu, nikola, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards.

12/4/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Ptolus and new methods of distro for setting-rich games
So, today I learned that the $120 Huge Bundle Thingy ("Preorder Special") for Monte Cook's upcoming D&D setting called "Ptolus" (more at : ) includes this huge whopping core…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, komradebob, Nathan P., Tony Irwin, ukgpublishing, Joshua BishopRoby, MatrixGamer, Andrew Morris, tetsujin28, Troy_Costisick, Iskander, Calithena, Keith Senkowski, Ben Lehman.

12/5/2005 Montola: Getting a cool real job by making indie games
After reading the pricing discussions, I was left wondering if some of you guys have gotten a games-related real job (a half-time or full-time job with sensible working hours and…
In Publishing
Participants: Montola, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Joshua BishopRoby, LloydBrown, Jake Richmond, gains, Miskatonic, drnuncheon, D. Woolsey, joepub.

12/6/2005 dindenver: What belongs in a demo version?
Hi!   I want to put a "Lite" or demo version on the web, but what belongs in it?   Is it the background that will entice the reader of…
In Publishing
Participants: dindenver, Valamir, GreatWolf, MatrixGamer, joepub, Joshua BishopRoby.

12/9/2005 jasonm: Packaging cards
Some advice from those of you who have published any product with cards, please... The Shab-al-Hiri Roach will ship with a set of 40 cards, and I'm trying to figure…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, Veritas Games, timfire, joepub, Joshua BishopRoby, nikola.

12/10/2005 Valamir: Book Industry Study Group
[url][/url] Just came across this particular organization...they asked me to take a survey on my experience as a book publisher believe it or not...of course their survey didn't have any…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, Calithena, nikola.

12/12/2005 Darcy Burgess: [Domus] Teaser/One-Page as Marketing tool
Has anyone tried writing up a standalone teaser for their game?  I'm contemplating doing this for Domus, in development - here -.  My agenda is two-fold: use it as…
In Publishing
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Joshua BishopRoby, tj333, nikola.

12/12/2005 Nathan P.: "Best Of" Collections
Apparently there's some interest in a new thread about this... In Lines vs. Authors I said Once a publisher has a number of titles out, even if they're published in…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, Andrew Morris, Eero Tuovinen, FlameLover, komradebob, tj333, LordSmerf, JarrodHenry, Sydney Freedberg, nikola, Veritas Games, Ben Lehman.

12/13/2005 komradebob: [legal question] using pictures of objects in a for-sale game
Okay, I know that you should ask lawyers legal questions, but maybe one of you folks already knows the answer to this one: What are the restrictions on using a…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, JarrodHenry, Blankshield, Eero Tuovinen, Brendan, Joshua BishopRoby.

12/14/2005 nikola: Sky pie in the form of gaming clubs and community centers
There's been a lot of talk lately about gaming stores. Some people go so far as to say that we're killing them by selling off our websites. Piffle, I say.…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, JarrodHenry, Keith Senkowski, Paka, Joshua BishopRoby, Thor Olavsrud, Iskander, jenskot, Marhault, Clinton R. Nixon, Chris Geisel, nerdnyc.

12/14/2005 Jason Newquist: Using Recordings to Lower Barriers
Split off from A Skill to Cultivate: Setting Stakes, which was talking about how we can design games with feedback mechanisms to encourage setting good stakes.  I don't have an…
In Publishing
Participants: Jason Newquist, gains, Vaxalon, Joshua BishopRoby, JarrodHenry, Nathan P., TonyLB, cpeterso, matthijs, jasonm, Valamir, ffilz.

12/15/2005 daMoose_Neo: Required Purchases - do they work or put off?
I'm wrapping up work on my new book for the Imp Game, Traps & Mishaps, sans some additional contnet, and have an important decision to make. This isn't a survey…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Thor Olavsrud, guildofblades, matthijs, nikola, Eero Tuovinen, Jared A. Sorensen, Brendan, Joshua BishopRoby, komradebob.

12/17/2005 preludetotheend: Creating a fan base.
Good day, I have been trying to decide on different approaches to my getting a setting heavy game into the public and have pretty much decided that creating a fan…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, abzu, TonyLB, Ben Lehman, Certified, Ron Edwards, nikola, MatrixGamer, Sydney Freedberg.

12/18/2005 Darcy Burgess: Everybody loves cards! But do you have a tuckbox?
I can think of one or two games 'round here that have come out recently that involve cards -- custom or otherwise. I thought that this might be a useful…
In Publishing
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Joshua BishopRoby, nikola, guildofblades, Mike Sugarbaker, daMoose_Neo, Veritas Games.

12/19/2005 The_Confessor: Copyright Law regarding government art
Greetings,    I'm presently designing a pulp RPG set in a post apocalyptic 1949 called Atomic Storm. I'm organizing and formatting my first draft and have begun looking into where…
In Publishing
Participants: The_Confessor, Joshua BishopRoby, jasonm, jrs, jeremycoatney, Ben Lehman, Veritas Games, Darkshadow, Troy_Costisick, thanatopsis27, btrc.

12/20/2005 heironymous: [Seven Leagues] PDF vs POD pricing
I have Seven Leagues at RPG Now for $13: and at Lulu for $20 plus S+H: It turns out that if I let people download the Lulu version…
In Publishing
Participants: heironymous, Joshua BishopRoby, TheLe, jeremycoatney.

12/22/2005 darrick: deviantART really paid off
hey, what's up?  it's darrick.  a couple months ago i posted something about the second edition for Empire of Satanis.  i was looking for art, writing help, general feedback, etc. …
In Publishing
Participants: darrick, Jasper, joepub.

more subsequent topics >>