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In Publishing

4/24/2007 Ben Lehman: Half-Baked Games and Design Culture
So we as a design community have a problem, which I think has been sort of flailingly addressed on Story Games, but it is a real problem and I think…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, xenopulse, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, James_Nostack, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, LeSingeSavant, Balbinus, Paul Czege, guildofblades, GreatWolf, JSDiamond, iain, signoftheserpent, Pelgrane, jdrakeh, Levi Kornelsen, Marco, eyebeams, Thunder_God, pells, Frank Tarcikowski, Thor Olavsrud, Paka, nikola, Matt Snyder.

4/23/2007 David Artman: POD Pricing: Ethical Issues?
Damned Internal Server errors.... Hi, all; This one's for the POD publishers and ethics pundits in general.... I am hoping to release the full GLASS rules via POD ("shot GLASS"…
In Publishing
Participants: David Artman, xenopulse, Eero Tuovinen.

4/23/2007 David C: How did you come up with your name?
I always figured that coming up with the name for my game would come to me as I worked on the game. Now, its been a year later and I…
In Publishing
Participants: David C, David Artman, RyanMacklin, JustinB, Jake Richmond, Jarx, Ron Edwards, nikola, GregStolze, guildofblades.

4/15/2007 Shane: Public Domain (split)
Wow, I am confused.  How does something that is in the public domain qualify as something you can trademark anyhow? I am a longtime rpg and wargame player that only…
In Publishing
Participants: Shane, Ron Edwards.

4/11/2007 KeithBVaughn: Marketing Mistakes at a Local Con
In the interest of sharing information and passing on some experience to other members, I want to relate what happened to me at a local convention and some mistakes I…
In Publishing
Participants: KeithBVaughn, iago, JSDiamond, Ron Edwards, sean2099, Michael S. Miller, Jake Richmond, Adam SBG, c.

4/9/2007 LandonSuffered: Obtain the Rights or Re-Write the Game??
SO…the last week or so I’ve had a full-blown brain storm blasting through my skull with a game concept I am super-excited about.  I am at the point where I’m…
In Publishing
Participants: LandonSuffered, iago, Ron Edwards.

4/6/2007 jdrakeh: Indie Game Day at Compleat
I've already emailed a few of you about this, but I figured that it is worth posting here, as well. . . The premiere local hobby shop here in Colorado…
In Publishing
Participants: jdrakeh.

4/3/2007 MatrixGamer: [Engle Matrix Game] Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Dead Duke
Hamster Press has just released “Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Dead Duke” at RPGNow. A paper version of the game is available on the Hamster Press web page. Sherlock…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

3/26/2007 RobNJ: Pen Names
I have decided that when I eventually publish my RPG, Misspent Youth, I want to do so under a pen name. My real name is spelled such that it produces…
In Publishing
Participants: RobNJ, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, jdrakeh.

3/25/2007 QuestKeeper: POD or PDF?
I am finishing up a shorter RPG I have made, and was wondering:What is the general opinion here. Is it better to publish it as a sellable PDF, or as…
In Publishing
Participants: QuestKeeper, xenopulse, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

3/24/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [BARBAREN!] Artwork Preview
Really not much of a discussion issue, but a report on progress. There is now a galery on the BARBAREN! homepage with some of the artwork. The artists name is…
In Publishing
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, abzu, xenopulse.

3/20/2007 sean2099: Reflecting on my first publication
A while back, I posted a thread where I had asked for advice on the publishing game. This is my almost two month followup to releasing my game (Divinity…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099.

3/17/2007 moonflovver: Advertising
[color=green][/color] Hello all, I am new to this so I hope I am going about things the right way.  I have written two RPG's at this point a small RPG…
In Publishing
Participants: moonflovver, MatrixGamer, C.W.Richeson, xenopulse.

3/16/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Dead of Night] How best to make a pdf version?
So, ever since Dead of Night came out there have been requests for a pdf version of it. But I've long put off the idea for the simple reason that…
In Publishing
Participants: andrew_kenrick, iago.

3/7/2007 tstone: Looking for a game...
I'm new to the world of indie rpgs.  I've been jumping into them wholeheartedly, with their innovative approaches to characters, stories and worldbuilding.  LOVE THEM!  But a question, hope you…
In Publishing
Participants: tstone, andrew_kenrick.

3/5/2007 MatrixGamer: [Press Release] Jack the Ripper: Engle Matrix Game
"Jack the Ripper: The game to play before the game" Now available at RPGNow for $5 Laminate paper version available at Hamster Press for $9.95 Players: 2-6 Duration: 1/2 hour…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

3/3/2007 Xibalba: Almost Ready to Publish Questions
Playtesting of my game, Heirs to the Lost World, is going well so I am getting ready to start the publishing process, but I need some advice.  I've been looking…
In Publishing
Participants: Xibalba, iago, preludetotheend, Thenomain, Jake Richmond, David Artman, Valamir, guildofblades, MatrixGamer.

2/27/2007 Ampolitor: Oh Boy
OK I 've been writing in leather journals for years now for my campaign world. I have a ton of stuff that I want to edit for print into a…
In Publishing
Participants: Ampolitor, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Sugarbaker, daMoose_Neo.

2/24/2007 crome54: ok so i have written an RPG game now .....
Ok, I’m in the process of designing a futuristic roll playing game and I’m about 70% way through writing it.  I am starting to look for someone who is an…
In Publishing
Participants: crome54, sean2099, hix.

2/23/2007 MatrixGamer: The curse of being original - popularizing Matrix Games
Okay - I have a few minutes - time to tackle this issue. First the curse. Say you actually have something that is "New". It doesn't easily fit in any…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, komradebob, moonflovver, guildofblades.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

4/27/2007 MatrixGamer: Blast from the past: The longevity of web pages
I've just had a Matrix Gamer in England join my yahoo MG group who has been playing MGs since the late 90's. He came across the rules that were posted…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

4/27/2007 abzu: FORGE GAMA
I spent Sunday to Thursday in Las Vegas at GAMA. Overall, the show is small and sedate compared to Gencon and even Origins. GAMA is a "trade show" for RPGs,…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, jasonm, jdrakeh, Matt Wilson, Jake Richmond, inthisstyle, Troy_Costisick, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, iago, Pelgrane, AngusA.

4/30/2007 Matt Wilson: Re: print quantity as benchmark for fully baked games
[i]Whoa, hey, that was weird. I was all, how come no one's responding to my thread, and Ben PM's me and says, you have a post up with no content…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Wilson, Pelgrane, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Jake Richmond.

4/28/2007 Thunder_God: [Half-Baked Spin-off] How Does the Book Carry a Message?
In the original thread, Ron said the following: Shock as a game is the only science fiction RPG ever published. It's innovative, fun, and powerful. Shock as a book is…
In Publishing
Participants: Thunder_God, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Wilson, C.W.Richeson, jasonm, matthijs.

5/1/2007 gds: Re: Playtesting - Investment versus Payback
Hi All, Sorry for the blank first post. My PC threw a benny. So I've been reading a few of the other threads, and been noting the comments about playtesting…
In Publishing
Participants: gds, nikola, Pelgrane, Valamir, woodelf, Channelm, TwoCrows.

5/4/2007 JustinB: Marketing: Reviews and Reviewers
Let's put together a semi-comprehensive list of places and people that a new game should be reviewed by. If this has already been done and I missed it in my…
In Publishing
Participants: JustinB, Levi Kornelsen, Matt Wilson, iago, C.W.Richeson.

5/4/2007 Peter Nordstrand: Playingcardsonly/playingcardsindia
Hi there! Long time no see. I've been preoccupied with ... things. Nevermind. Here's the question Have any of you used, or considered using, (apparently they are the same…
In Publishing
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, cambridgegames, Thenomain, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, darnest.

5/10/2007 jasonm: Minibooks
(cross-posted over at Story Games) I was reading a book about making zines (yeah, irony) and one of the formats it talked about was the minibook, a 32 page zine…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, preludetotheend, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, Thenomain, David Artman, Adam SBG, Grumpy, brainwipe, HighmoonMedia.

5/10/2007 chris_moore: Ashcans for Dummies?
My buddy Michael and I want to make an ashcan of our game, psi run, for this year's Gen Con. Only, we know less that jack squat about this process.…
In Publishing
Participants: chris_moore, jasonm, c, timfire, lumpley.

5/11/2007 MatrixGamer: Dead Man on Campus Engle Matrix Game released
If you like Call of Cthulhu you'll love this game. Dead Man on Campus is the fourth folio EMG released this year by Hamster Press. This time the games centers…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

5/11/2007 guildofblades: Hard Backs...Sort of?
Hi Everyone, We have a new production option we might be able to use on future game books here at the Guild but its a bit unusual so I thought…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, jasonm, Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen, MatrixGamer, iago, madelf, David Artman.

5/17/2007 kenw: Rapid POD to open its Publishing Doors This June
Would you like to set back and just design games for a living?  Would you like someone else to spend their money on printing, advertising and promoting your games.  Would…
In Publishing
Participants: kenw, Ron Edwards.

5/19/2007 Dantai: [Piledrivers & Powerbombs] Chokeslam of Darkness edition PDF on IPR
Hi all Well, it's been one hell of a publishing journey from back in 2005 when I first penned Piledrivers & Powerbombs as a 24hr RPG. It was originally published…
In Publishing
Participants: Dantai, Ron Edwards.

5/20/2007 preludetotheend: Kewl books worth it?
Aside from a lulu pod version I was thinking of creating a line of hand made books with a couple things in mind. 1. The "cheap ass effect" in which…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, GregStolze, Ron Edwards, C.W.Richeson, MatrixGamer, Dosoga, timfire, woodelf.

5/24/2007 RobNJ: Playmat
So, for Misspent Youth, I have developed a playmat which contains pretty much all the conflict resolution rules in a very convenient way. It's got this nice parabola, squares to…
In Publishing
Participants: RobNJ, GregStolze, Darcy Burgess, Valamir, Joshua BishopRoby, jasonm, abzu, David Artman.

5/26/2007 C.W.Richeson: Dos and Don'ts of Online Marketing - Cost effective ways to share your product.
I'm writing up a short article on resources available to small press publishers for online marketing and I'd like to hear from publishers on this topic.  What has, and has…
In Publishing
Participants: C.W.Richeson, Valamir, jasonm.

5/28/2007 pells: Using contests as a way to promote your game
This thread is about a very specific context, but first, how I came to this problematic. The problematic I came across this little contest, which subject is to create a…
In Publishing
Participants: pells, Eero Tuovinen.

5/28/2007 asdfff: Outsider question: Who in the world does the 'd20' name appeal to?
I was reminded of the D&D player's handbook the other day, and I thought to myself, who in the world buys this thing? 1) D&D claims to have only a…
In Publishing
Participants: asdfff, C.W.Richeson, Justin D. Jacobson, Ron Edwards.

5/31/2007 vertigo25: What do You All Think of This Trend?
After reading through OSRIC, reading this article at Uncle Bear about GORE and FACERIP, and most importantly, reading the series of articles by Jerry Stratton about copyright law on hi…
In Publishing
Participants: vertigo25, preludetotheend.

6/4/2007 SaintandSinner: New versions of games
Should publishers update books for existing customers?  Should someone who bought PDFs Shock or Mortal Coil (just to pick a couple of examples that have been tossed around as needing…
In Publishing
Participants: SaintandSinner, Matt Snyder, MatrixGamer, Ron Edwards, Jake Richmond, Dav.

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