The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

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In Publishing

7/1/2008 First Oni: Swapping Ads
I was on and someone had suggested something like this: two companies swapping ads in the back of the books for the other. No money exchanged, but one audience…
In Publishing
Participants: First Oni, Ron Edwards.

6/27/2008 malladin_ben: Help/ideas wanted to help prmote a new indie rpg
Hi folks, I've got a new indie game ready for release (pdf format) and was wondering if anyone could provide any advice on how to promote it. Previously I've published…
In Publishing
Participants: malladin_ben, Graham Walmsley, C.W.Richeson.

6/19/2008 matthijs: YouTube teasers?
Some friends of mine - Ole Peder Giæver and Martin Bull Gudmundsen - have written an RPG called "Itras By". It's in Norwegian, so it's probably not very accessible to…
In Publishing
Participants: matthijs, segedy, Matt-M-McElroy, northerain, Artanis.

6/15/2008 taalyn: Suing WoTC?
Hey all, Ages since I've been here - life's been busy! But I need to get some feedback from you folks. I just discovered today that one of my fonts…
In Publishing
Participants: taalyn, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, iago, Veritas Games.

6/13/2008 Roadkill: Publicising, whats a good way to advertise/get known for Free RPGs?
I am currently developing a game called Warriors of Fantasy. It is a RPG/Wargame hybrid and could appeal to both types of players. My game is nearing completion and I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: Roadkill, Ron Edwards, First Oni.

6/13/2008 First Oni: Taboo to follow White Wolf?
Here's my question and i'd like the honest opinions of those also in game publishing: Is it taboo to do design, develop, and publish a game that is similar to…
In Publishing
Participants: First Oni, chronoplasm, Ron Edwards, Big J Money, Marshall Burns, northerain, Wolfen, TempvsMortis, Valamir.

6/10/2008 paydirt: Interview with successful Patron-model publisher
I think you folks would be interested in Wolfgang Baur's endeavor with Open Design, which is essentially adventure design that is based on the patron model.  Patron's stake anywhere from…
In Publishing
Participants: paydirt.

6/1/2008 Darcy Burgess: Ashcanning with Saddle Stitch
Hi, I'm looking at the feasibility of Saddle Stitching the ashcan of Black Cadillacs. I'm aware of this neat device, the Booklet Stapler, specifically the Stanley Bostitch B440SB. Here's my…
In Publishing
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, Ron Edwards.

5/31/2008 rafael: [Neoplastic Press] The First Hundred Copies
This is a data point thread. Not necessarily an example of how you should do it, just an example of how one person has done it. After resurrecting Malignant Games…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael, Artanis.

5/21/2008 Andy Kitkowski: Color Postcard Printers : Cheap?
Hey all, a very simple and quick request. Was wondering if anyone worked with a traditional (not POD) printer which also prints postcards?  I'm looking for someone inexpensive (priority) and…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Eero Tuovinen, iago, Double King, Capulet, guildofblades, Kerin.

5/17/2008 Kynn: DBAs, Business Licenses, LLCs, Corporations, etc...
Those of you who self-publish your games, have you set yourselves up as businesses? Do you have a business license, have you printed a "DBA" in the local paper, do…
In Publishing
Participants: Kynn, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, Valamir.

5/13/2008 Illetizgerg: What do Game Designers want to play?
I'm curious, in a community of RPG game designers and developers, what kinds of games do people really enjoy? What kinds of things get you excited? I'm mostly interested because…
In Publishing
Participants: Illetizgerg, Vulpinoid, lumpley, TonyLB, Marshall Burns, Plognark, madunkieg, guildofblades.

5/12/2008 Eero Tuovinen: Producing game cards
Continuing with my zombie game production theme of tonight: I'm quite sure that at least two separate parties have been writing here about their new card manufacturing methods. One is…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades.

5/12/2008 Eero Tuovinen: A little question about artist's supplies
I'm making that zombie game, and one component I'm thinking of is a suitably sized (4"x6" or so) canvas panel like this. (I'm using them in making cheap game boards…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Will, preludetotheend.

5/12/2008 Calithena: How to promote a contest?
So, I've been working on this magazine called Fight On!, which is an old-school fantasy fanzine. All you indie designers who started out in the old days, if you have…
In Publishing
Participants: Calithena, Paul Czege.

5/12/2008 Jesse Hill: Feasibility of Color Art...
Hello friends and countrymen. I've been lurking around here for a while, and I first want to say "Thank you" for all the advise you've given over the years. It…
In Publishing
Participants: Jesse Hill, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, Ron Edwards.

5/9/2008 greyorm: Dead Title?
I have a problem. My problem is this: Dead Space is a game I've been working on since early 2004. But recently I discovered that EA games is producing a…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, guildofblades, Blankshield, inthisstyle, Eero Tuovinen, rafael, Miskatonic, Vulpinoid.

5/7/2008 RobNJ: How to do preorders?
I am (almost certainly) going to do preorders for the ashcan of Misspent Youth, which I am planning to release at Gen Con. How does one go about doing preorders?…
In Publishing
Participants: RobNJ, iago, guildofblades.

5/6/2008 Eero Tuovinen: My plans for new TSOY products
A while back Clinton R. Nixon, the creator of The Shadow of Yesterday and other fine games, decided to curtail his involvement in the online rpg scene. Here's the thread…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, OnnoTasler, segedy, rafial, oliof, pfischer, Willow, HighmoonMedia, The Tweaker, dindenver, Manveru.

5/3/2008 Armoury99: Advice on the RPG Pitch
Hi all, I've been a lurker for a while and seriously impressed by the depth of knowledge and wisdom on offer here at the Forge (even if some of it…
In Publishing
Participants: Armoury99, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

7/7/2008 Graham Walmsley: British Game Awards
In December, at Dragonmeet, we’ll present six awards to RPG-related things we think deserve more recognition. The winners will (depending on what they are) have happened, been active or been…
In Publishing
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Arturo G..

7/16/2008 Graham Walmsley: Price targetting
Someone asked me about price targetting, so I thought I'd explain. It's rather fascinating. I'm not an expert in this, you understand: I've read a book on it, which I…
In Publishing
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, David Artman, Thunder_God, Double King, iago.

7/17/2008 jasonm: Sticker Printing
I'm looking for recommendations for reliable adhesive sticker printing outfits - can anyone point me toward a solid company in the United States?  Two inch round stickers, one color, maybe…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, Will.

7/17/2008 Darcy Burgess: Cross-referencing in InDesign
Hi, This is a very specific question.  I don't want advice about how to do this in other software packages.  I need help with Adobe InDesign specifically (FYI, I'm using…
In Publishing
Participants: Darcy Burgess, iago.

7/18/2008 greyorm: ORX, Sales Numbers, and Retail
In response to a friend's post about retail pricing and the indie attitude, I decided to lay out my costs and profits for ORX over the last four quarters, and…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, Valamir, guildofblades, Thunder_God, Ben Lehman, Eliarhiman6, Graham Walmsley, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, jag, preludetotheend.

7/21/2008 Andy Kitkowski: Shopping around for a POD printer...
Hey all, so in about a week I'm going to have a PDF file ready to send to POD. I've got two printers that I'm currently inquiring with, but I'd…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, iago, Ron Edwards, Valamir, guildofblades, visioNationstudios.

7/22/2008 Kyle Daniel: Help With Distributors
Hello all. I've been mooching around this forum and have used it to help design a card game over the last few months. Firstly thank you to everybody for having…
In Publishing
Participants: Kyle Daniel, daMoose_Neo.

7/22/2008 David Artman: FLGS Profit Margins
Splitting from a thread in which it was ignored: Does anyone know what an FLGS expects in terms of per-book-sale profit, on a book-only RPG product? I am thinking there's…
In Publishing
Participants: David Artman, Ron Edwards, iago, Thunder_God, guildofblades, First Oni.

7/23/2008 Eero Tuovinen: [Zombie Cinema] Writing really short rules
[url=]Here[/url] I have the rules for my game, [i]Zombie Cinema[/i]. I explain the backgrounds a bit out there in my blog, but the basic proposition is that the game is…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen.

8/7/2008 Eero Tuovinen: Using Wordpress for a company website
I had to make a new, English-language website for my company, as we're trying to sell some games to the English-speaking world now. The conditions were hardly ideal, as I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, greyorm, segedy, iago, Kerin.

8/13/2008 Peter Nordstrand: While We Were Fighting — Ties of Blood?
I have friends whose excellent and very funny cardgame Spank the Monkey turned out to be almost unsellable in the US, while it is a great commercial success in the…
In Publishing
Participants: Peter Nordstrand.

8/13/2008 Vulpinoid: The Eighth Sea now available
To the Forgers, Just a note to say thank-you to those people around here who provided feedback and who helped me get this project together. Time to move on to…
In Publishing
Participants: Vulpinoid.

8/19/2008 marsuniversity: What Should We Consider When Selecting a Company Name?
Hello everyone.  As a first-time poster, please forgive me if this topic has been posted too many times in the past (a quick search revealed only a few similar topics),…
In Publishing
Participants: marsuniversity, David Artman, guildofblades, Dan Maruschak, Ron Edwards, segedy.

8/21/2008 Andy Kitkowski: Ways to handle PDF downloads?
Hey all, I'm looking for a software kit for the web to do basically one thing (so I don't need a whole CRM/CMS or anything): I want something that can…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, greyorm.

8/21/2008 guildofblades: GOB Retail/Distribution Store Overview
Hi All, Eero requested that I expand upon some of the details about the Guild of Blades Retail Group's plans for its B&M stores, from what I had written on…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, Eero Tuovinen.

8/22/2008 Matterhorn: The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)
Hi -long time browser, first time poster. I have been working on a bronze age pirates meets Lost low fantasy campaign for a while now. Yesterday I was struck by…
In Publishing
Participants: Matterhorn, Dustin Bingham, Rob Donoghue.

8/26/2008 hoefer: Sounding Board for Hardback/Softcover dilemma
Hi All, I've been "ghosting" this forum for about 3 years now and want to start with thanks for all the great wisdom you've all imparted.  Now the dilemma.  My…
In Publishing
Participants: hoefer, iago, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, MatrixGamer.

9/3/2008 slade: 1 color with b/w
How much more does it cost, on say a 400 page book, to add 1 color to a b/w print job? I know this is on a company by company…
In Publishing
Participants: slade, jasonm, wunderllama, guildofblades, David Artman, Kerin.

9/9/2008 chronoplasm: Scrolls?
I don't plan on using this for my own game, but I wanted to just ask... What sorts of hurdles would one run into if they published their game not…
In Publishing
Participants: chronoplasm, Eero Tuovinen, c, preludetotheend, Andy Kitkowski, Valamir, Ron Edwards, David Artman.

9/17/2008 GregStolze: [WILD TALENTS] Sound off, opinionated gamers!
OK, the second edition of Wild Talents is coming out soon, but what's getting a good deal of attention is the Wild Talents Essential Edition -- a smaller, cheaper, stripped-down…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, Kerin, Darcy Burgess.

more subsequent topics >>