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In Publishing

11/30/2010 drkrash: Taxes
Usual disclaimers: You're not an expert, consult a real lawyer, etc., etc.  I know.  Just looking for advice. I'm an American and Divine Madness Press did pretty OK this year. …
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, guildofblades.

11/29/2010 Andy Kitkowski: Looking for recommendations for Virtual Storefront software/services
I'm looking to create a storefront to sell at most 2-3 products through Paypal (something a little classier than just the "Paypal Link") from my site (basically, I want to…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards, RPGCI.

11/21/2010 Stregheria Games: Tetractys Engine (IGL)
I will be releasing the core mechanic on which my Stregoneria rpg is built upon as a free independant document under what I'm calling an IGL (Independant Gamin License.) This…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games.

11/20/2010 Ben Lehman: An Experiment in Sliding Scale Pricing
Hey all. So I'm trying out a new thing! I've decided that my eBooks are going to be priced not based on what I think they're worth, but on what…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman.

11/20/2010 Stregheria Games: Going Universal.
My game Stregoneria is about to be released (proofreading is over 2/3 the way through now) and I've started extracting the mechanics out of it and compiling them into a…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, Jason Pitre.

11/13/2010 Doug Law: Best way to make a powers list?
I'm putting together a booklet for my homebrew game for a playtest group. Who knows, someday it might go on RPGNow. In any case, I want it to look at…
In Publishing
Participants: Doug Law, Jason Pitre.

11/6/2010 Danny2050: Self Publish with Fraxion Payments
Hi folks. I've been roleplaying since shortly after the first D&D brown box was published. I have played a number of indie games and I am a big fan of…
In Publishing
Participants: Danny2050, mreuther, preludetotheend.

10/28/2010 Chimaera: Advice for Self-Publishing
Hi,   I've developed an RPG with two others, and we are trying to figure out how to proceed with publishing.  I currently have my own publishing company which I…
In Publishing
Participants: Chimaera, Jason Pitre.

10/25/2010 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria RPG Release Date Monday 15th November.
The pdf of the Stregoneria fantasy rpg is being released on Monday 15th November. The rule book will be published shortly afterwards once customers are happy with the electronic product.…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, mreuther, Ron Edwards.

10/19/2010 drkrash: Indie Sales Numbers
Hey, all.  I haven't posted here in a long time because, well, I've been working on my game.  But I was curious about something I read this week. I released…
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash, Adam Dray, mreuther, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Noon, Gryffudd, Gregor Hutton, Frank Tarcikowski, Pelgrane, Vulpinoid.

10/16/2010 Jason Pitre: The Steps to Design an RPG
I just produced this article over on my website;  and I think it might be of particulare interest to some of you folks over at the Forge.  It's far…
In Publishing
Participants: Jason Pitre.

10/14/2010 Valamir: Universalis Monthly Sales since 2002
As a note of general interest to those not in the habit of scanning the publisher forums, I just started a thread on Universalis sales down in the Uni forum. …
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir.

10/12/2010 preludetotheend: Need some help with wikis
Hello I know some of you folks are technically inclined and was wondering if anyone knows much about wikis. I am looking to have a platform that I can restrict…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Adam Dray.

10/11/2010 Calithena: Distribution Lists?
I am curious whether any folks around here might have access to, or be able to point me to a place where I might get access to, lists of active…
In Publishing
Participants: Calithena, Jason Pitre, mratomek, Nathan P., MatrixGamer.

10/9/2010 Gunnox: I don't know where to start...
I dont know what I should write at the first page with text... Should I start with "Enter the fictional world of..." or "LichScape is a..." or what do you…
In Publishing
Participants: Gunnox, mreuther, Ron Edwards, KeithBVaughn.

10/7/2010 Stregheria Games: Box or Book?
The Stregoneria RPG will be being released public playtesting has finished on an internet forum site and I'm torn between 2 possibilities: a boxed set or a softback book. Making…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, mreuther, Jason Pitre, Chris_Chinn.

10/7/2010 mreuther: Industry Web Standards (Thoughts)
This is not entirely a rant, per se, but it's not entirely simply a point of discussion. See, I've just spent about the last six hours looking at publishing websites.…
In Publishing
Participants: mreuther, Paul Czege, Chris_Chinn, preludetotheend.

10/6/2010 mreuther: Distribution Questions
Hi, I'm Mathew, and this is my first post here on The Forge. I've got a question regarding the distribution of games which was actually spawned by reading over at…
In Publishing
Participants: mreuther, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

10/3/2010 PiousFraud: Is Create-A-Space a Good Place to Publish?
So I’m a New Independent developer working on a new project with a few friends. I know a few friends who produced web comics who publish through Amazon’s create-a-space in…
In Publishing
Participants: PiousFraud, Ron Edwards, Nathan P., visioNationstudios.

9/25/2010 Paco Garcia: New online magazine open to entries and articles
Hello Everyone, I have started recently an online magazine called G*M*S Magazine ( I have started the magazine to promote gaming and I'd love it to be a level field…
In Publishing
Participants: Paco Garcia, Jason Pitre.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

12/5/2010 one_monkey: Shadow Cities RPG release
In anticipation of those of you who may read our news feed at and are thinking that it is still December 5th we would answer that in the land…
In Publishing
Participants: one_monkey.

11/28/2010 DaveSlam: I swinging for the fences! II (split)
I suppose it's time I stopped lurking in the e-shadows and posted... A friend and I are at a similar point in developing our first game as Amar is with…
In Publishing
Participants: DaveSlam, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards.

12/7/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Independent Publishing forum - please read here first
This forum is for a wide variety of discussions about publishing role-playing games. The topics can be how-to, or what-you-have-done, or how-does-it-work, or what-about-this, or just about anything. The only…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

12/16/2010 daranp: VAT question
Like so many before me I am about to venture into the world of RPG publishing. I plan to produce a small print run and also make the game available…
In Publishing
Participants: daranp, DJ Ghost, Unforgivingmuse.

12/17/2010 drkrash: Intuit Websites
Anyone have any experience with Intuit websites? I was wondering if $5 a month for what they offer would be a simple solution to creating a simple company website. At…
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash.

1/10/2011 jreyst: looking for developers/testers
[b]What is this about?[/b] [url=][/url] [b]Introduction/Background[/b] D20 Open RPG is a 100% free, community built and maintained desktop roleplaying game inspired and expanding on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game created by…
In Publishing
Participants: jreyst, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2011 darkveil: New Indie RPG released - The Blight
Hi I have just released a new indie RPG for electronic download - The Blight A fantasy world but with a frightening twist of reality where you play a…
In Publishing
Participants: darkveil, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, Nathan P., Ghostlight Games.

1/20/2011 MatrixGamer: Exanded Indy Convention Center opens today
Just heard on the news as I drove to work that the convention center is openning up the new parts today. I'll have to drive up to Indy and check…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

1/23/2011 DorkThoughts: Ronnies 24 Hour RPG artist!
Hey All (especially folks who participated in the Old, Skull, Soldier, Sword 24hour Ronnies) This dude Michael does really cool old school looking art. I am trying to get him…
In Publishing
Participants: DorkThoughts.

1/27/2011 Ghostlight Games: Online Markets
Has anyone around here ever compiled a list of websites that sell indie RPGs? (The emphasis here isn't necessarily as much on "sell" as it is on distribute.)I looked around…
In Publishing
Participants: Ghostlight Games, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P., Elizabeth.

2/4/2011 BunniRabbi: Wargame Testers
(I'm hoping this is in the right section, because the better place for it seems to be under "Connections", but there isn't an apparent way to post there.) I'm looking…
In Publishing
Participants: BunniRabbi, Ron Edwards.

2/14/2011 Prunella Frump: Need New Web Site Feedback
I have recently launched a new web site for Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century. I am looking for some feedback on the new site. Send anything you have to me:…
In Publishing
Participants: Prunella Frump, Ghostlight Games, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, davidberg.

2/18/2011 lumpley: lumpley games' 2010
Hi. Here's how 2010 went for lumpley games, business-wise. I'd be happy to talk about it here, if anybody has any questions or observations. -Vincent
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Eliarhiman6, Miskatonic, Ghostlight Games, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Chris_Chinn.

2/21/2011 Ben Lehman: Printers: who to use?
Hey, folks. I'm nearing the end of a project and I'm realizing I have no clue which printers are any good anymore. The last "who's a good printer" thread was…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Nathan P., Elizabeth, Pelgrane.

2/26/2011 MrNay: Making a game
I am a bit curious. This is a bit longwinded, sorry about that, I am not sure where to start. I having been playing rpgs for a while now, starting…
In Publishing
Participants: MrNay, Ron Edwards, Jason Pitre, ssem, Chris_Chinn, Nathan P., Airafice, Arauka_Gurtha.

3/3/2011 kensanata: One Page Dungeon Contest 2011
I'm not sure whether there are any independent games published that allow for dungeon crawling adventures. None of the ones I tried seemed to afford (suggest, encourage) it. Nevertheless, I'd…
In Publishing
Participants: kensanata, Ghostlight Games, Enker.

3/14/2011 joepub: Good Stores to Contact?
Hey all, I recently published Perfect, Unrevised, a game about crime in a steampunk dystopia. I'm planning to send an email out to retailers, to ask them if they'd like…
In Publishing
Participants: joepub, Jason Pitre, lumpley, Mike Sugarbaker.

3/16/2011 Jonathan Walton: Fantastic New Printing Option:
So I've been watching the awesome folks at <a href="">Pinball Publishing</a> for a long time.  They're an eco-friendly print shop based in Portland and do really amazing work with 100%…
In Publishing
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Eero Tuovinen, Jason Pitre, Airafice, Vulpinoid, CSBone.

3/19/2011 Chris Chambers: Quick question
I was looking at incorporating a previously published system as my system mechanic,however I cannot find who owns the property now or how to contact them.  The system in question…
In Publishing
Participants: Chris Chambers, KeithBVaughn.

3/27/2011 KeithBVaughn: Creating a Website???
To the Group, I'm asking for a few resources and some of your hard earned experience. I'm getting ready to release a game and want to set up some form…
In Publishing
Participants: KeithBVaughn, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid.

more subsequent topics >>