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In Publishing

9/24/2002 Le Joueur: Gaming Comes Out-of-the-Box [was "Beginner-Friendly Gam
This is a response to a post directed at me in the thread "What is a beginner-friendly game?" I was moved to respond there, but I feel the topic diverges…
In Publishing
Participants: Le Joueur, Jeremy Cole, quozl, Clay, Ron Edwards, Gordon C. Landis, Mike Holmes, Seth L. Blumberg, Clinton R. Nixon, Eugene Zee, wyrdlyng, Valamir, Walt Freitag, deadpanbob.

9/23/2002 Jeffrey Miller: Author or Retailer?
Not exactly publishing, but it'll do. Given a choice and all other factors (cost, delivery, etc) equal, who would you as a consumer purchase from, the author or the retailer?…
In Publishing
Participants: Jeffrey Miller, Jake Norwood, peteramthor, Ron Edwards, wyrdlyng.

9/21/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Size of Rules & Stuff
I was looking through some old RPGs from when I started playing. I remember these game as good introductions and not too overwhelming. Checking through them though, they turn out…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Jack Spencer Jr, M. J. Young, Demonspahn, ADGBoss, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson, contracycle.

9/20/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Short-notice promotion
I am of two minds about my upcoming magic girl supplement Musical Mistresses for HeartQuest. ON one hand, I hate to see a finished product sitting on the shelf. On…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, kevin671, Clay, Ron Edwards.

9/19/2002 Matt Wilson: How protective are you of your game ideas?
In another thread in actual play, Alan asked about using a mechanic idea similar to that in Donjon. To which Mike said: one cannot prevent another designer from using a…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Wilson, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Gordon C. Landis, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, kevin671, contracycle, Christoffer Lernö, Andrew Martin.

9/19/2002 Matt Wilson: printing costs breakdown
I was looking for certain bits of publishing info in the resources section and didn't see it, and I'm a bit surprised. I do a lot of printing-related stuff at…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Alex Knapik.

9/17/2002 Matt Wilson: electronic publishing potential
I used to really dig getting the games in the cardboard box that had all the different booklets and a map and all that neat stuff. I'm thinking that if…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, Clay, Valamir, Gordon C. Landis, kevin671, Le Joueur.

9/17/2002 rafael: Low-budget artwork: Make your own damn art
Can it be done? It can! Is it good? Let's not quibble! If you're publishing a game, and your art budget was blown on Fritos and beer, then you're going…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael, mahoux, C. Edwards, Clay, Arashi, talysman, Gold Rush Games.

9/16/2002 Vault Keeper: Getting my Revolution RPG published
Hi I'm trying to get my RPG publish, it's called Revolution and the game takes place in a AH 18th century America. The year is 1789 and the American Revolution…
In Publishing
Participants: Vault Keeper, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Jeffrey Miller, Valamir, Demonspahn, Adam.

9/16/2002 rafael: Computer problems
In a recent email exchange with Ron, he suggested that I post about a recent computer fiasco I had. Got it ironed out, and figured I'd toss out the scenario.…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael, S.Lonergan, Ron Edwards, Valamir, contracycle, GreatWolf, C. Edwards, greyorm, Clay, Tim Denee.

9/13/2002 Ron Edwards: Sweden's National Gaming Week
Hi there, I have learned some very interesting things about role-playing in Sweden. 1) Apparently, a given gaming group may register with the national government to get *money* to finance…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, contracycle, Valamir, Mytholder.

9/11/2002 Paul Czege: where are the Game Designer's Journals now?
Hey, This morning I found myself browsing some old threads on Gaming Outpost and had a strange thought: the heyday of the Game Designer's Journal has come and gone.…
In Publishing
Participants: Paul Czege, Jack Spencer Jr, GreatWolf.

9/11/2002 Scott_Lynch: Stick an ad fer yer game in the back of one of my PDFs!
Howdy all-- I sell games (currently, my main focus is my d20 supers game *Deeds Not Words*) in PDF format from my little home on the web: It occurs…
In Publishing
Participants: Scott_Lynch.

9/10/2002 J B Bell: Ethics of rules summaries?
I've put this in Publishing since it has to do with intellectual property rights. So, on a mailing list to do with gaming, the topic has come up recently of…
In Publishing
Participants: J B Bell, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

9/8/2002 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Magazine Ads
We are currently looking into placing ads in magazines once the Cartoon Action Hour hardcover draws near(er). That said, what magazines would you recommend? Is there any way I can…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Misguided Games, Jared A. Sorensen, Clay, Roy, Ron Edwards, Christian Walker.

9/8/2002 Michael Hopcroft: A Publicity Effort gone Completely Kerblooie
I had planned to give a signing at my colcal hobby store, url], next weekend. That's Bridgetown Bobbies & Games in Portland for those who don;t want to click on…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, wyrdlyng, Matt Gwinn, Le Joueur, Valamir, Adam, Ron Edwards, Misguided Games, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Clay, Roy, JSDiamond, contracycle.

9/7/2002 TracerFox: From Idea to Sales. Where to go?
Greetings all. Now while I know that this or similar topics have been posted over and over and over before, I am still posting this because my specific questions will…
In Publishing
Participants: TracerFox, Marco, Ron Edwards, wyrdlyng.

9/5/2002 mahoux: Automated emails for URLs
I have a question. KOTR is online and I have had some great response in a little over one week. My question arises from my PDF clients. Is there a…
In Publishing
Participants: mahoux, Clinton R. Nixon, quozl.

9/2/2002 Michael Hopcroft: RPGNow Plan for POD
RPGNow recently announced that it was taking a survey on whether there would be enough interest to justify them doing a Print-On=Demand business for the game products they retail. Essentially…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, pigames, rpghost, Fnork de Sporg.

8/30/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Promoting Your Web Sales
I've gotten only three web orders this month. This is the first month, and that bothers me. I feel I need to do something to get people to the website,…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, rafael, Clinton R. Nixon, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Matt Gwinn, Christian Walker.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

9/25/2002 Demonspahn: New promotion idea CYoA
Hi everyone, Just thought I would share this. I have an RPG that for various reasons very few people have heard about/have access to. In order to promote the game…
In Publishing
Participants: Demonspahn, Andrew Martin, Jonathan Walton, Clay, Alex Knapik.

9/25/2002 brainwipe: What do you want from an RPG site?
Hi all, As not-a-big-poster, I was hoping that you lend an ear (or eye) and describe what you are looking for in an RPG website. To be more specific, I…
In Publishing
Participants: brainwipe, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, Adam, Matt, Clay, Valamir.

9/25/2002 The Lady Fate: Cheap Binding
Hello. I was directed here by a friend who told me this was the place for a hopeful small publisher to go and ask questions. Well, here I am, there…
In Publishing
Participants: The Lady Fate, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, quozl.

9/30/2002 Demonspahn: PDF size?
Hi everyone. Just wondering what the typical and/or optimal size of a rulebook PDF is. Just got Dreamwalker converted and it measures a whopping 8.8 megs. I would guess that's…
In Publishing
Participants: Demonspahn, Adam, mahoux.

9/30/2002 Cynthia Celeste Miller: State of the Industry for Indie Games?
As many of you may know, we're gearing up for the Cartoon Action Hour hardcopy edition. We're going through a publisher for this, given our lack of funds. That said,…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Ron Edwards, Jeffrey Miller, Pramas, Paganini, Gold Rush Games.

10/1/2002 Sylus Thane: Open design house idea from a newbie
Hi I'm new around here but have been gaming for many years. Along with everyone else I have also designed my own game, I have even gone so far as…
In Publishing
Participants: Sylus Thane, brainwipe, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Demonspahn, soundwave, Alex Knapik.

10/2/2002 Blake Hutchins: Apropos of not terribly much...
My startup -- in which I am a principal owner -- has released its first computer game product, a single-player version of Enigma: Rising Tide (FWIW, you can find it…
In Publishing
Participants: Blake Hutchins.

10/2/2002 rafael: Finally published: Dread
Man, what a rush. Dread is finally in print. The project has evolved considerably from the initial conceit. Playtesting saw to that. Well, not so much playtesting as playing. I…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael, Demonspahn, hardcoremoose, Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Grex, Jared A. Sorensen, S.Lonergan.

10/9/2002 Bailywolf: Somewhat OT-Site host recomendations
I'm sorry for the misplaced post... I couldn't figure out where to best ask this question. I've finally reached critical mass- I need a website to host and distribute my…
In Publishing
Participants: Bailywolf, Christoffer Lernö, M. J. Young, Clay, Nathan.

10/9/2002 Trevor Curtis: Newbie legal questions
Is there anywhere, either here or on another site, where one can get basic legal publishing questions, especially regarding copyright? Im clueless on this, so some help woudl be appreciated.…
In Publishing
Participants: Trevor Curtis, Adam, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Patrick Sweeney.

10/11/2002 Mark D. Eddy: Free advice (worth what you pay for it...) on binding
If you're going to have a book perfect-bound, make sure your printer is aware of the kind of abuse gaming books usually undergo. Heck, to make it simple, I'd strongly…
In Publishing
Participants: Mark D. Eddy, Clay.

10/11/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Q: Do you know why your PDF/printed game is hard to read?
I'm a little surprised that no-one has mentioned this before. It's a common problem not only with indie games but others as well. A hint: It's what usually makes game…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, mahoux, Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, Reimer Behrends, Anthony, Matt, ejh.

10/14/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Publishing it, what's the use anyway?
Nope, not talking about Ygg. I'm thinking about my 5-6 page horror RPG called Evil Tales. If I nicely set it up as a PDF, will people download it? Will…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Demonspahn, Adam, J. Backman, Paganini.

10/14/2002 soundwave: PDF to print/book
As far as I can see it (and tell me if I've got anything wrong here, Ron), Ron's model seems to be to sell in one format until he has…
In Publishing
Participants: soundwave, Ron Edwards.

10/20/2002 Demonspahn: Woohoo! Dreamwalker PDF available and a question
Hi everyone, After much help from Brett M. Bernstein at/of Politically Incorrect Games in getting the file size down, Dreamwalker is now available as a PDF! I came up…
In Publishing
Participants: Demonspahn, Ron Edwards, Gold Rush Games.

10/22/2002 Gold Rush Games: Publishing & Distribution program
I posted this in the indie forum as well, though I meant to post it here. Apologies to the admin if this is a faux pas, but I think this…
In Publishing
Participants: Gold Rush Games, RPunkG, Ron Edwards.

10/30/2002 Gwen: Use of Dead Mechanics
Just a question: WOuld it be legal to use dead mechanics for indie games? I.E. D&D 2nd edition, ShadowRun or Paranoia as new mechanics. I don't think these games are…
In Publishing
Participants: Gwen, S.Lonergan, Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, Kester Pelagius, Adam, Gordon C. Landis.

11/1/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Using potentially "trademarked" words of myth?!
I wasn't really sure where to put this, but it does pertain to the design of games or more specifically setting. Let's say I want to use the name Gandalf…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Reimer Behrends, J B Bell, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Gordon C. Landis, greyorm.

11/2/2002 greyorm: Tangentially...
Tangentially -- based on Chris' recent query about mythological names -- what sort of costs are involved in being sued by a company? (besides lawyers, saying you decide to represent…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, Clay, jrients, Gordon C. Landis.

11/3/2002 Michael Hopcroft: I'm moving
I'm moving into a new apartment complex to be closer to my day job. Sadly I am not officially allowed to run a business out of my new apartment. So…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Clay, Bob McNamee.

more subsequent topics >>