The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

11/15/2002 Jack Spencer Jr: active vs passive entertainment From Mainstream: A revision
This was in the Mainstream A revision thread, but as that thread is now closed, I've started a new thread. One thing that seems to be overlooked in this discussion…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, talysman, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, wyrdlyng.

11/15/2002 greyorm: The Store
Over in Mainstream: a revision, Ron says specifically it isn't about the store. I'm in some disagreement about this...after reading everything being said about turning things around, attracting a greater…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, talysman, Ron Edwards, MJ Stahl, Pramas, Le Joueur, Matt Snyder, quozl, James Holloway, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

11/14/2002 rafael: Dread: The Second Coming
This is going to be a weekend of seconds for Dread. This is the second month that it's been in print, I just sold out of my first print run…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael, S.Lonergan, Demonspahn, xiombarg.

11/13/2002 aryus: Free DTP Software (Pageplus 5)
Just in case anyone is interested, you can get a free copy of Serif's PagePlus 5 Desktop Publishing software at They also offer some of their other programs for…
In Publishing
Participants: aryus, Clinton R. Nixon.

11/13/2002 Jon H: Production value (split from Mainstream)
[quote="Paul Czege"]Hey Jon, Fantastic post. Having never seen a pg45 style store, it's strange and exciting to see you write of the nuts and bolts from firsthand. Seeing description of…
In Publishing
Participants: Jon H, Ron Edwards.

11/12/2002 Ron Edwards: Mainstream: a revision
Hello, I'd like to address the issue of mainstream vs. alternative content in role-playing games. My views are essentially the same as those expressed by the proprietors of Page 45,…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Emily Care, Jonathan Walton, Le Joueur, PeterAdkison, MK Snyder, Tundra, xiombarg, jburneko, Seth L. Blumberg, Pramas, Jack Spencer Jr, Jon H, Paul Czege, James Holloway, mearls, talysman, Eric J., greyorm, joshua neff, Christopher Kubasik, C. Edwards, quozl, Walt Freitag, b_bankhead.

11/8/2002 Misguided Games: Advertising in Model Retailer
Crossposted from GPA list: apologies to those who saw it there. I'm setting up a polybagged insert in next March's Model retailer magazine. The insert will go to about 1000…
In Publishing
Participants: Misguided Games.

11/4/2002 Pramas: Dragon Fist is Mine!
Thought this might interest folks here. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GREEN RONIN PURCHASES DRAGON FIST Origins Awarded Nominated Game to Come Back in 2003 November 4, 2002-SEATTLE, WA: Green Ronin Publishing…
In Publishing
Participants: Pramas, greyorm, quozl, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Walton, Paganini, Mike Holmes.

11/3/2002 Shreyas Sampat: Learning TeX?
So, I've searched the fora for this, and though I've come across a lot of recommendations for TeX as a teyesetting medium, I can't find any resources on learning it,…
In Publishing
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Clay, Christoffer Lernö, Clinton R. Nixon, talysman.

11/3/2002 Jeffrey Miller: Publishing thread on
I'm not sure if this got play when John Nephew originally posted it, but here's a link to an interesting break down of Atlas' numbers on the last Ars adventure…
In Publishing
Participants: Jeffrey Miller, Mike Holmes, aryus.

11/3/2002 Michael Hopcroft: I'm moving
I'm moving into a new apartment complex to be closer to my day job. Sadly I am not officially allowed to run a business out of my new apartment. So…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Clay, Bob McNamee.

11/2/2002 greyorm: Tangentially...
Tangentially -- based on Chris' recent query about mythological names -- what sort of costs are involved in being sued by a company? (besides lawyers, saying you decide to represent…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, Clay, jrients, Gordon C. Landis.

11/1/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Using potentially "trademarked" words of myth?!
I wasn't really sure where to put this, but it does pertain to the design of games or more specifically setting. Let's say I want to use the name Gandalf…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Reimer Behrends, J B Bell, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Gordon C. Landis, greyorm.

10/30/2002 Gwen: Use of Dead Mechanics
Just a question: WOuld it be legal to use dead mechanics for indie games? I.E. D&D 2nd edition, ShadowRun or Paranoia as new mechanics. I don't think these games are…
In Publishing
Participants: Gwen, S.Lonergan, Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, Kester Pelagius, Adam, Gordon C. Landis.

10/22/2002 Gold Rush Games: Publishing & Distribution program
I posted this in the indie forum as well, though I meant to post it here. Apologies to the admin if this is a faux pas, but I think this…
In Publishing
Participants: Gold Rush Games, RPunkG, Ron Edwards.

10/20/2002 Demonspahn: Woohoo! Dreamwalker PDF available and a question
Hi everyone, After much help from Brett M. Bernstein at/of Politically Incorrect Games in getting the file size down, Dreamwalker is now available as a PDF! I came up…
In Publishing
Participants: Demonspahn, Ron Edwards, Gold Rush Games.

10/14/2002 soundwave: PDF to print/book
As far as I can see it (and tell me if I've got anything wrong here, Ron), Ron's model seems to be to sell in one format until he has…
In Publishing
Participants: soundwave, Ron Edwards.

10/14/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Publishing it, what's the use anyway?
Nope, not talking about Ygg. I'm thinking about my 5-6 page horror RPG called Evil Tales. If I nicely set it up as a PDF, will people download it? Will…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Demonspahn, Adam, J. Backman, Paganini.

10/11/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Q: Do you know why your PDF/printed game is hard to read?
I'm a little surprised that no-one has mentioned this before. It's a common problem not only with indie games but others as well. A hint: It's what usually makes game…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, mahoux, Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, Reimer Behrends, Anthony, Matt, ejh.

10/11/2002 Mark D. Eddy: Free advice (worth what you pay for it...) on binding
If you're going to have a book perfect-bound, make sure your printer is aware of the kind of abuse gaming books usually undergo. Heck, to make it simple, I'd strongly…
In Publishing
Participants: Mark D. Eddy, Clay.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

11/15/2002 quozl: What would make a non-roleplayer buy your game?
Here's the idea, a little exercise if you will: A non-roleplayer walks into a game store and next to the 37 versions of Monopoly sees a box with the title…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Jonathan Walton, MK Snyder, talysman, GreatWolf, b_bankhead, Emily Care.

11/16/2002 MJ Stahl: E-commerce
From a (e-commerce) business standpoint of view standpoint of view, I have learned my entire web promotion know-how from the the adult (ie, porn) industry, having been working in it…
In Publishing
Participants: MJ Stahl, Ron Edwards.

11/17/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: The game that would sell to non-roleplayers
Jon's post in What would make a non-roleplayer buy your game? got me thinking about what sort of mainstream game would sell well to non-gamers. However, it's a little off…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, talysman, J B Bell, Jonathan Walton, Ron Edwards, Valamir, quozl, Le Joueur, Bankuei, Mike Holmes.

11/17/2002 Kester Pelagius: ATTN: Question for ALL RPG Game Publishers
Greetings All, This post is primarily aimed at anyone out there who is at the buisness end of the role-playing hobby cum industry. To preface: I am in the process…
In Publishing
Participants: Kester Pelagius, rafael.

11/17/2002 coxcomb: Reaching customers
Hi all, I'm new to the boards but have already found much inspiration on the site. My question is deceptively simple: What are the most effective ways of reaching customers…
In Publishing
Participants: coxcomb, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Pramas, Ron Edwards, Misguided Games.

11/18/2002 Jonathan Walton: Semantics: Roleplaying vs. Storytelling
This is another by-product by the recent emphasis on "going mainstream" in design, publication, and publicity. Now, I know Ron has said he's not too fond of the term "storytelling…
In Publishing
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Christopher Kubasik, quozl, Maurice Forrester, Seth L. Blumberg, John Wick, Jared A. Sorensen, Emily Care, mattcolville, talysman.

11/20/2002 S.Lonergan: Bindings -- Thoughts and Musings
First off, let me introduce the kind of binding im talking about. Im not sure of the technical name for it, but its the homemade type were its just one…
In Publishing
Participants: S.Lonergan, DaR, Chris Passeno, Pramas, Matt Snyder, talysman, Seth L. Blumberg, Christoffer Lernö, JSDiamond, Mike Holmes, Mark D. Eddy, KeithBVaughn.

11/20/2002 mattcolville: The importance of play [split from Mainstream]
[quote="Jack Spencer Jr"]One thing that seems to be overlooked in this discussion which I think should not be is that RPGs are very different from comic books. That is, COmics…
In Publishing
Participants: mattcolville, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, jrients, James Holloway, Valamir, wyrdlyng, b_bankhead, Bankuei.

11/22/2002 Christoffer Lernö: What does the box cost?
I'm a sucker for the old format - You know 2+ saddle stiched books in a box with a few fliers and maybe dice thrown in for good measure. (Hello…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Ted E. Childers, Steve Dustin, John Wick, Henry Fitch, Michael S. Miller, geekspeakweekly, szilard.

11/22/2002 quozl: Really small hardcovers
Let's say I want to publish a book about the size of the Baron Munchausen book (24 pages) but I want it to have a spine so people can actually…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl, Jared A. Sorensen, wyrdlyng, Jonathan Walton.

11/22/2002 Christopher Kubasik: Accessible? To Whom?
Hi Everyone, This is a thought spun off of Ron's Fourth of Five thread. To jump right to it: Some people are comfortable talking off the top of the their…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr.

11/22/2002 rpghost: RPGNow E-Zine
I'm wondering if there would be interest in a general PDF Publishing / RPGNow sponsored E-Zine? A platform to speak about publishing as well as reviews of PDF products and…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost.

11/23/2002 quozl: referrals
We know the vast majority of people get into RPGs by being introduced to it and we know gamers ddon't do all that much to introduce others, right? So what…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl, Mike Holmes, Christoffer Lernö.

11/25/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Putting Ads for other games in your game?
I'm sure this was brought up elsewhere but I couldn't find it so I don't know if this was already discussed to death but... Remember back in the old days…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Sidhain, rafael, Bankuei.

11/25/2002 Jack Spencer Jr: an exstention of Ron's band metaphor
THere has been continuing discussion of how to reach potential roleplayers around lately. It seems to be problematic because RPG groups tend to be very tight and somewhat private and…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir, KeithBVaughn, Clay.

11/25/2002 Grex: AlphaSmart Dana (gadget review)
(Ron, I realize that this post may be posted to the wrong thread, or possibly even be irrelevant. But it is a review of a terrific writing tool, so I…
In Publishing
Participants: Grex, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Le Joueur, ADGConscience.

11/27/2002 GreatWolf: James Wallis on the state of the industry
First, read this interview with James Wallis. Now, this is not supposed to be a "bang the drum slowly" thread (but see footnotes 1 and 2). However, I wanted to…
In Publishing
Participants: GreatWolf, b_bankhead, Le Joueur, C. Edwards, gentrification, greyorm, John Wick, JSDiamond, Valamir, Walt Freitag, Reimer Behrends.

11/28/2002 Michael Hopcroft: I need reviews NOW.
I need to get my new and current e-books into the hands of reviewers who will post fair reviews to RPGNet and other forums that puvblish game reviews. What is…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, geekspeakweekly, Andy Kitkowski.

11/30/2002 MK Snyder: Misanthropy and game design
I have to say, I am struck at the many statements made in this forum by designers that indicate that they just don't like people. That people, in general, are…
In Publishing
Participants: MK Snyder, James V. West, Clinton R. Nixon, talysman, Ron Edwards, Sidhain, Clay, Mike Holmes, JSDiamond, Maurice Forrester, Irmo, contracycle.

12/1/2002 C. Edwards: Motion rights?
This may seem like a silly question, all I can ask is that you indulge me. In the CCG Magic: The Gathering, one of the main aspects of game play…
In Publishing
Participants: C. Edwards, Ron Edwards.

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