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In Publishing

12/12/2002 Valamir: Universalis Enters Second Printing
[b]Universalis Enters Second Printing!! [/b] Ramshead Publishing is pleased to announce that the first print run of Universalis: the game of unlimited stories has sold out. Universalis's popularity has exceeded…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, Seth L. Blumberg, J B Bell.

12/7/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Finally getting into the retail chain
I think I've foinally arrived: Wizard's Attic is actually carrying my game at and tell me they've made some sales. Now the question is -- will Alliance…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards.

12/5/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: RPGnow's new POD system
For those who aren't familiar, RPGnow is a website that sells PDFs online. Basically, you create your game, give them a copy, and they handle all fulfillment for you for…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Steve Dustin, Cynthia Celeste Miller, quozl, Paul Czege, Matt, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Ted E. Childers, Michael Hopcroft, rpghost, Nathan.

12/3/2002 Trevor Curtis: NDFs
Hey, its me again, crazy Trevor. SO, now I've finisehd my rpg, and want to get it playtested, and eventually published. At what point do I need NDFs?(non-disclosure forms) can…
In Publishing
Participants: Trevor Curtis, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

12/1/2002 woodelf: Supplement-heavy publishing strategy
[quote="Jon H"]This is fantastic to hear. How I personally think this relates to RPGs: Products that require a vast collection of supplements. The idea that supplements prove a game is…
In Publishing
Participants: woodelf, James V. West, Ron Edwards.

12/2/2002 MK Snyder: D&D on Gameboy Advance = Accessibility?
[url=,10870,2868403,00.html] This [/url]could be a great marketing opportunity for the print D&D line. Kids who play the computer/console games also pore over the lore of cheats and hints every bit…
In Publishing
Participants: MK Snyder, C. Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Fabrice G..

12/2/2002 quozl: Is the mainstream changing?
I just read an article in Time Magazine dated December 2, 2002 about "why we crave fantasies now". (It has the characters of The Two Towers movie on the cover.)…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl, Andrew Martin, MK Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, James V. West, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, Emily Care.

12/1/2002 Ted E. Childers: Not-For-Profit Gaming Company?
Being a Johnny come lately, I've only recently stumbled on an interview with John Tynes about the gaming industry. In his interview over at ( he was asked what…
In Publishing
Participants: Ted E. Childers, b_bankhead, Ron Edwards, John Wick, Matt Snyder, contracycle, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur, jrs, Walt Freitag, Clay, szilard, MK Snyder, xiombarg.

11/30/2002 woodelf: Re: Mainstream: a revision
[quote="Ron Edwards"]Sorcerer sells like a banshee in stores which tend toward a Page 45 model;[/quote] It kills all of the customers? ;-)
In Publishing
Participants: woodelf, Ron Edwards, b_bankhead, wyrdlyng, Clay.

12/1/2002 C. Edwards: Motion rights?
This may seem like a silly question, all I can ask is that you indulge me. In the CCG Magic: The Gathering, one of the main aspects of game play…
In Publishing
Participants: C. Edwards, Ron Edwards.

11/30/2002 MK Snyder: Misanthropy and game design
I have to say, I am struck at the many statements made in this forum by designers that indicate that they just don't like people. That people, in general, are…
In Publishing
Participants: MK Snyder, James V. West, Clinton R. Nixon, talysman, Ron Edwards, Sidhain, Clay, Mike Holmes, JSDiamond, Maurice Forrester, Irmo, contracycle.

11/28/2002 Michael Hopcroft: I need reviews NOW.
I need to get my new and current e-books into the hands of reviewers who will post fair reviews to RPGNet and other forums that puvblish game reviews. What is…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, geekspeakweekly, Andy Kitkowski.

11/27/2002 GreatWolf: James Wallis on the state of the industry
First, read this interview with James Wallis. Now, this is not supposed to be a "bang the drum slowly" thread (but see footnotes 1 and 2). However, I wanted to…
In Publishing
Participants: GreatWolf, b_bankhead, Le Joueur, C. Edwards, gentrification, greyorm, John Wick, JSDiamond, Valamir, Walt Freitag, Reimer Behrends.

11/25/2002 Grex: AlphaSmart Dana (gadget review)
(Ron, I realize that this post may be posted to the wrong thread, or possibly even be irrelevant. But it is a review of a terrific writing tool, so I…
In Publishing
Participants: Grex, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Le Joueur, ADGConscience.

11/25/2002 Jack Spencer Jr: an exstention of Ron's band metaphor
THere has been continuing discussion of how to reach potential roleplayers around lately. It seems to be problematic because RPG groups tend to be very tight and somewhat private and…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir, KeithBVaughn, Clay.

11/25/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Putting Ads for other games in your game?
I'm sure this was brought up elsewhere but I couldn't find it so I don't know if this was already discussed to death but... Remember back in the old days…
In Publishing
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Sidhain, rafael, Bankuei.

11/23/2002 quozl: referrals
We know the vast majority of people get into RPGs by being introduced to it and we know gamers ddon't do all that much to introduce others, right? So what…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl, Mike Holmes, Christoffer Lernö.

11/22/2002 rpghost: RPGNow E-Zine
I'm wondering if there would be interest in a general PDF Publishing / RPGNow sponsored E-Zine? A platform to speak about publishing as well as reviews of PDF products and…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost.

11/22/2002 Christopher Kubasik: Accessible? To Whom?
Hi Everyone, This is a thought spun off of Ron's Fourth of Five thread. To jump right to it: Some people are comfortable talking off the top of the their…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr.

11/22/2002 quozl: Really small hardcovers
Let's say I want to publish a book about the size of the Baron Munchausen book (24 pages) but I want it to have a spine so people can actually…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl, Jared A. Sorensen, wyrdlyng, Jonathan Walton.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

12/18/2002 Michael Hopcroft: System Choices
I'm trying to choose the system for my next game and it isn't easy. My distribution arrangement for HeartQuest heavily ties me into FUDGE, as its publisher is backing me…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Maurice Forrester, wyrdlyng, Ron Edwards, Jeffrey Miller, xiombarg.

12/19/2002 wyrdlyng: John Nephew's Cost Spreadsheet
If you have access to the D20 Weekly online magazine put up by Steve Jackson Games, there is another excellent cost breakdown (with an Excel spreadsheet attachment available for use)…
In Publishing
Participants: wyrdlyng.

12/19/2002 Ted E. Childers: Composing Documents
I'm curious to know what sort of desktop publishing software the members of the Forge use to compose and layout their documents/books. Although I consider myself proficient in the advanced…
In Publishing
Participants: Ted E. Childers, Clinton R. Nixon, Jonathan Walton, Adam, J. Backman, Clay, Andrew Martin, J B Bell.

12/23/2002 rpghost: *FREE* Downloaders Monthly E-Zine
Ok, this is kind of spam, but it's helpful information for Publishers. At least we hope it is... even more so in future issues. Downloaders Monthly - Dec 2002 is…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost.

12/28/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Will the Forge have a table at GenCon and.or Origins
Will the Forge have a table or set of tables at genCon and.or Origins in 2003? If so, I would like to participate and wonder who I should send money…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Jürgen Mayer.

12/28/2002 Michael Hopcroft: 2003 -- What does it hold for us?
Gentles, Just wanted to know what you guys thionk the future holds for us small publishers in 2003? Will we thrive, fall by the wayside, continue to be productive? Will…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Jason L Blair, Cynthia Celeste Miller.

1/1/2003 rpghost: Self / ePublishing Handbook
We'll be writing a ePublisher Primer for sale at and we're interested in input from all the people in the industry. This site is host to many non-d20 and…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost, stingray20166, Valamir, jgbrowning, James V. West, Michael Hopcroft, Gold Rush Games.

1/2/2003 kwill: Adams Bookshop South Africa: Quotes requested
Hello Forgers (Additional comments edited in below...) After falling off the web for almost a year, I am now back, hurrah! I am currently working at an (independent!) bookstore here…
In Publishing
Participants: kwill.

1/7/2003 Clay: Toys for Websites
For those of you who run your own web sites, I have a new tool at Lazarus Internet Development which you may find useful. Newsreel lets you keep one of…
In Publishing
Participants: Clay.

1/8/2003 Michael Hopcroft: When Real Life Shoots You in the Foot
It's kind of hard for me to concentrate on publishing right now. I just lost my day job after only three months, my rent comes due on the first of…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Andrew Martin, J. Backman, Ron Edwards.

1/8/2003 Valamir: Getting Paid
A topic that's come up alot recently. My question is this...WHY is it so hard to get paid...and I guess a corollary IS is really? 1) All suppliers in all…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, philreed, kamikaze, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

1/14/2003 rafael: Dread gets reviewed
If you're curious, you can check it out here: I'm kind of enjoying the feedback that a review generates -- there's the review, then there's the responses to the…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael.

1/17/2003 ace pilot: What do YOU buy? Why?
While the people who visit this site, and who post may not be representative of the greater RPG audience, it might be interested to hear what products people believe in…
In Publishing
Participants: ace pilot, Jake Norwood, Alan, clehrich, cruciel, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Clinton R. Nixon, Jack Spencer Jr, Clay, Michael Hopcroft, Jonathan Walton, contracycle, xiombarg, richks, Scott_Lynch.

1/17/2003 Matt Gwinn: Doubling Up On Art
Here's the scenario: You pick up a game at your local RPG shop and it looks great, really cool art and a good system. then you grab the supplement which…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Matt Snyder, Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, quozl, contracycle.

1/19/2003 clehrich: Copyright and references to RPGs
This is from the "watershed games" thread, where Ron Edwards wrote: As for solutions, the only way is to open up the culture of the hobby to wider understanding. There…
In Publishing
Participants: clehrich, John Kim, Ron Edwards, quozl, btrc.

1/22/2003 ace pilot: How do you design your Character Record Sheets?
Hey all, I wanted to know how people put together Character Record Sheets for their games? Do you do it by hand? Word Processor? (e.g., Word) Photoshop? Other? Cheers.
In Publishing
Participants: ace pilot, Shreyas Sampat, Enoch, M. J. Young, Jack Spencer Jr, richks, cruciel, Ben Morgan, Jared A. Sorensen, unodiablo, Jürgen Mayer.

1/23/2003 Andy Kitkowski: What about publishing games as Magazines?
Something I was thinking about: Magazines. Sure, the paper is a little thinner, and overall it can sustain more damage by folding, tearing and the like, but magazines are often…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jack Spencer Jr, Valamir, Bankuei, geekspeakweekly, Clinton R. Nixon, Jürgen Mayer, Michael S. Miller, James V. West.

1/24/2003 Ardwen: First attempt at producing an RPG
I'm not sure if this is where a post like this should appear but, here goes. I have recently had the opportunity to have a RPG printed and perhaps distributed.…
In Publishing
Participants: Ardwen, Valamir, Jack Spencer Jr, Sidhain, rafael, Pramas.

1/28/2003 Matt Gwinn: Indie Effects on Existing Industry
I had a recent debate on another forum that stemmed from CafePress' decision to do print on demand publishing. The debate basicly revolved around how that will effect the current…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, b_bankhead, Valamir, talysman, Jack Spencer Jr, Clinton R. Nixon, Pramas, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Walt Freitag, Matt Snyder, Le Joueur, greyorm, wyrdlyng, Michael Hopcroft, clehrich, jrs, Ben Morgan, contracycle, cruciel.

1/29/2003 Nathan: Possible Promotion Model (yea, yea sounds real fancy)
Howdy, Like many of you, I write a lot, and I have a ton of ideas for games. Many of these ideas get a bit of work before they are…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Jared A. Sorensen, Paul Czege, philreed, clehrich.

more subsequent topics >>