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In HeroQuest

8/15/2006 epweissengruber: Space Opera Take on Well of Souls
I will be running a Space Opera take on The Well of Souls shortly. I have posted my notes and my character sheets here: The labels allow players to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Der_Renegat.

8/13/2006 epweissengruber: HQ and the Mountain Witch setup.
I love the mechanics of this ronin-meets-Resevoir Dogs game: It's a great way to capture the play between trust and betrayal in samurai movies, westerns, and dark action stories.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Mike Holmes.

8/7/2006 fredrikr: "What if I need to lift a rock?"
At the beginning of my second ShadowQuest session on of the players commented on the lack of common stats in the system, remarking that it might be difficult to deal …
In HeroQuest
Participants: fredrikr, Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes, Web_Weaver, droog, Raedwald Bretwalda, Ian Cooper.

8/7/2006 fredrikr: [Shadow World] Tales of the Storm Falcon - Part 2
Hello everyone, sorry about the extended silence. It's been about two weeks now since I held the second session of my ShadowQuest game, I just haven't gotten around to writing…
In HeroQuest
Participants: fredrikr, sebastianz, alexandre santos.

8/3/2006 epweissengruber: Collaborative Setting and NPC Creation for A Heroquest Conspiracy Game
Hi, I tried to set up a campaign based in the Lunar Empire but it fizzled.  I came up with some very elaborate setting-creation plans under the inspiration of Vincent…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Mike Holmes.

8/1/2006 Mandrake: PBeM
How does one get started in PBeM? I quite fancy running one, but I'd like to play one for a bit to get more of a feel for it. My…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mandrake, Mike Holmes, bigpumpkin, Mandacaru, a_verheaghe, Jane.

7/26/2006 bigpumpkin: Apprentice game plans
I'm in the process of starting up a Heroquest game with a deliberately restrictive premise for player characters and I'd be grateful for some input and feedback on the approach…
In HeroQuest
Participants: bigpumpkin, Mike Holmes, Mandrake, Vaxalon, Bryan_T, nellist, sebastianz.

7/25/2006 Mandrake: Gamism in Balazar
I've got the impression that the general character of this board leans towards the narrative agenda As stated elsewhere, I run a (previously) combat centric gamist campaign set in Balazar…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mandrake, Harshax, Mike Holmes.

7/24/2006 Harshax: Healing as extended contest ~ how?
HQ suggests that one may treat healing wounds as an extended contest, by using the inverse (I assume) of the injury as the starting AP total, and a TN as…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Harshax, soviet, Mike Holmes, sebastianz, Doyce.

7/24/2006 Mandrake: Bring back edges
OK. This is really beginning to bug me now. If you take 2 warriors, identically skilled, but give one a sword and leather, the other say halberd and plate, the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mandrake, Der_Renegat, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, nichughes, Jane, Web_Weaver, soviet.

7/24/2006 Web_Weaver: Removing attributes from HQ
I am moving this more general idea from out of the Species keywords--a kludge? thread, to avoid hijacking the keyword debate. I have discussed there, that it may be an…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Web_Weaver, Vaxalon, sebastianz, Mandrake, Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes.

7/18/2006 Der_Renegat: Shadow World and HQ
I know there are a few people here, who are interested in running Shadow World with HQ, so i thought it would be a nice idea to start a thread…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes, fredrikr.

7/14/2006 Mike Holmes: HP Transference
We're changing phases in the IRC game, and this is where I prefer to get in rule changes as they tend to stick best if implemented during the transition. So,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Vaxalon, Latreya Sena, sebastianz, Doyce, Mandrake, Tim Ellis, Jane.

7/13/2006 Harshax: New to HeroQuest ~ need advice
I was very down on HeroWars when it was released.  It was, in my opinion, a convoluted implementation of an otherwise simple concept.  HeroQuest changed my opinion dramatically.  There are…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Harshax, soviet, Mike Holmes, Latreya Sena, Melinglor, Bankuei, sebastianz.

6/20/2006 Vaxalon: A mechanic swiped from Nine Worlds: Goals
Some people already put traits on their character sheet that are goals.  "I want to kill my brother, Gold."  "I want to become a shaman."  "I want to rule the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Vaxalon, Latreya Sena, Mike Holmes, nichughes, Web_Weaver, Tim Ellis.

6/17/2006 Tony Irwin: Indie net-gaming IRC Heroquest
I had the chance to sit in on Mike Holmes' IRC Heroquest Thursday night game last week and enjoyed it. Thanks to Mike and to all the players for the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Tony Irwin, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes.

6/17/2006 Latreya Sena: There were three in the bed and the little one said...
...Roll over, roll under... Do you like the idea of rolling over the resistence/opponent rather than rolling under your ability score as per rules?
In HeroQuest
Participants: Latreya Sena, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Melinglor.

6/16/2006 droog: Species keywords--a kludge?
I've been wondering about the species keywords and their ungainly list of separate ability scores. Would there be any obstacle to having them act like all other keywords, ie at…
In HeroQuest
Participants: droog, Vaxalon, soviet, Sydney Freedberg, Mike Holmes, Web_Weaver, Jane.

6/11/2006 fredrikr: [Shadow World] New high-flown adventures
As discussed in another thread (, I've been preparing a micro-campaign to introduce one of my two regular Shadow World players to HeroQuest. However, the game had to be postponed,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: fredrikr, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, sebastianz, Web_Weaver.

6/10/2006 Melinglor: Chasing Heroquest
I had a couple of delightful moments in my (non-HQ) roleplaying recently, that made me feel good about running Heroquest in the near future. Last week, I was playing with…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Melinglor, Mark Galeotti, Vaxalon, rstites, Mike Holmes, Tim Ellis.

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Subsequent Topics
In HeroQuest

8/17/2006 AzureaSkyes: A quick question about equipment "abilities" and flaws
Hello everyone, I have a question about equipment abilities and flaws. I'll ask the flaws part first. If you have a "keyword" flaw rated, for example, at 17. What does…
In HeroQuest
Participants: AzureaSkyes, droog, kurukku, sebastianz, Mike Holmes, soviet, Mandacaru.

8/22/2006 rstites: Settlement of Dragon Pass Game
I'm starting a HQ game this Friday that will center around the (re)settlement of Dragon Pass in Glorantha.  I think it'll be a good place to start for a group…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rstites, Mike Holmes, sebastianz, Mandacaru.

8/22/2006 rstites: Personality Traits and Relationships
One question I got from a player was what do the various levels for personality traits and relationships mean.  There's tables showing what an ability is roughtly.  Anyone have one…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rstites, Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes, Lamorak33, Mandacaru, soru, Vaxalon.

8/22/2006 Der_Renegat: In this thread i´d like to talk about soviets HQStarWars
I dug the pdf out last week and had another closer look at it - really awesome just because of the sheer amount of work that must have been involved…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, sebastianz, soviet, Mike Holmes, barna284, Melinglor.

8/24/2006 Der_Renegat: Rating versus Scale
Coming from this thread, there are some interesting points concerning ratings and scale. On the one hand we have a scale (masteries), which in the rulesbook is explained via…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes, Lamorak33.

8/24/2006 Mike Holmes: Otherworlds And Applicability to Fantasy Worlds
[size=14pt][b]What Source Material Does HQ Magic Match? [/b] [/size] I often argue that the way magic is described for Glorantha actually, despite what some may say about it being "Glorantha…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Melinglor, sebastianz, soru, epweissengruber.

8/25/2006 aaronil: Example of HQ Play for A Newbie?
I'm just getting exposed to HQ, having recently purchased the book and looking forward to gaming with some eager friends come winter. Now, it seems to me that HQ requires…
In HeroQuest
Participants: aaronil, Lamorak33, Mike Holmes, sebastianz, Ian Cooper.

8/28/2006 rylen dreskin: Kolat vs Telmor
I'm writing up a story/quick ceremony for a game I'm part of.  I'd appreciate any feedback, and especially help with one of the names. The current situation, Telmori are raiding…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, sebastianz, Mike Holmes.

8/30/2006 herrmess: A few questions from a pair of HQ newbies
Hi all, I had HQ for a year or so, and although Glorantha doesn't appeal to me much (I'm the guy with the EarthDawn conversion in a coma) I do…
In HeroQuest
Participants: herrmess, aaronil, sebastianz, Mike Holmes, soviet, Web_Weaver, Vaxalon, soru, Melinglor, Lamorak33.

9/3/2006 TheLHF: Large scale games.
Angry Argrath over on mentioned that you could use HeroQuest to run anything you can write up a 100 word description for. Gods, kingdoms, cities or sailing ships all…
In HeroQuest
Participants: TheLHF, Der_Renegat, Vaxalon, droog, Lamorak33, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes.

9/5/2006 charles ferguson: Archaic Glorantha
Hey all I'm playing my first HQ game in a couple weeks. I'ts a 'short story arc' thing, we're trying a few games & HQ is next up (I'm GMing).…
In HeroQuest
Participants: charles ferguson, Lamorak33, James Holloway, Jane, rstites, soru, Mike Holmes, Mandacaru.

9/8/2006 Thalaxis: Mythic Russia
Arrived last night! From a first look-over, it's clean-looking and well-written. I'm definitely going to plan on running at TerpCon this year if I can make it. So far, I…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Thalaxis, Mike Holmes, GB Steve, Mark Galeotti, rafial, angelopampalone, Nick Brooke.

9/12/2006 Web_Weaver: Extended Contests - Mining HQs Narrativist core
There have been many discussions here that have focused on utilising HeroQuest for a narrativist agenda, and many have expoused the view that the best way to facilitate this is…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Web_Weaver, Vaxalon, sebastianz, Lamorak33, Melinglor, Mike Holmes, Ian Cooper, Valamir, soru.

9/16/2006 Ian Cooper: What was Questworld in the RuneQuest days?
I split this from Archaic Glorantha, but I'm guessing Mike might be interested in this because of his Otherworld material. Questworld was a reaction by Chaosium to the fact that…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ian Cooper, Web_Weaver, Mike Holmes.

9/17/2006 epweissengruber: Template for Generic Heroquest Character Backgrounds
I am hoping to run a Heroquest setting with heavy player input.  That means generation of homelands, professions, common magic, etc. I am hoping to have fairly experienced characters too,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Mike Holmes, sebastianz, soru, Vaxalon.

9/27/2006 Der_Renegat: intellectual and emotional "combat"
Interesting thread on about intellectual and emotional "combat": A lot of inspirational ideas for HQ ! I like this part a lot: Clothing worn by the attacker…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes.

9/27/2006 Doyce: Stealing from DitV to 'slice' conflicts into smaller segments
Okay, I'm just brainstorming here, and I more than welcome input and thoughts. I got Dogs a couple years back -- one of the first couple conflict-resolution-level games that I…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Doyce, sebastianz, Mike Holmes.

9/29/2006 Der_Renegat: Bladerunner
I was doing some research for ideas how to write scenes which are dramatic but happen without combat. This resulted in a write up for Bladerunner. If somebody is interested,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, sebastianz.

10/6/2006 Ron Edwards: [Forum News] Announcement
Hi guys, Due to changes in Issaries publishing policy, which have been in place for a little while now, this forum can't be held at the Forge any more. I'm…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ron Edwards, boredoom, WildElf, Der_Renegat, Vaxalon, Ben Lehman, alexandre santos, lev_lafayette, Mike Holmes, MrWrong, tzunder, sebastianz, Web_Weaver, Ian Cooper, Ward, Blake Hutchins, rylen dreskin.

10/8/2006 Melinglor: And somewhere, Mike Holmes' ears burned. . .
So I sat down to explain/describe roleplaying the other day with my girlfriend. I laid out the basics of four systems, D&D3E, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Heroquest, and PTA, to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Melinglor, Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes.

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