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In Actual Play

11/13/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Profiling In Reverse
I don't know if this is interesting to the rest of you, but... well reading the profiling I felt like asking the similare questions but kinda the other way around:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, jburneko, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, J. Backman, lumpley, Gordon C. Landis, Michael S. Miller, ethan_greer, Enoch, quozl, Tim C Koppang, Ron Edwards, wyrdlyng, Demonspahn, C. Edwards, jrients, GreatWolf, Walt Freitag, Daredevil, Tim Denee, Bob McNamee, Jack Spencer Jr, xiombarg, Andrew Martin, greyorm, Le Joueur, Ben Morgan, joshua neff, Jake Norwood, talysman, Stuart DJ Purdie, RobMuadib, Kester Pelagius, contracycle, Alan, Maurice Forrester, Mark Withers, johnmarron, GB Steve, Ace, Jonathan Walton.

11/9/2002 Steve Dustin: Creature Feature Initial Playtest
Although I haven't completed writing the playtest version of Creature Feature yet, I got the first taste of how it might play (and made some changes already) just recently. A…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Dustin.

11/8/2002 Mike Holmes: Hero Wars in an Alternate Setting - Session II
See about set up and Session 1 here. Lot's quieter this week, as my wife had taken my two-year old son out of town. Nice. Anyhow, things started off with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Valamir, hardcoremoose, Ian Cooper, Julie.

11/6/2002 Matt Wilson: musings on a campaign that's about to end
Next Wednesday just might be the final episode in a game I started last June. In light of what I've experienced since finding the Forge, I figured it was worth…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Valamir, Jeffrey Miller, Michael S. Miller.

11/6/2002 Don Lag: Underground RPG - has anyone here played it?
I'm about to start running an Underground game (hopefully this weekend, but more likely in about a month). Has anyone here played this game? I've tried once before and it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Don Lag, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Demonspahn, TSL, Sidhain, ADGConscience, Ben Morgan, Enoch.

11/5/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Crawling Yggdrasil
This Sunday Chris Edwards and Shreyas Sampat together braved the fuzzy mass of corruption that was my many new experimental magic rules for Ygg. Most I did away with the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, C. Edwards, Shreyas Sampat.

11/5/2002 Demonspahn: Dead Meat: Vacation Cruise Style!
Hi everyone, talking about Sean Wipfli’s Dead Meat: Ultima Carneficina Dello Zombie here! This post is ridiculously long, just so you know. OK, we had planned a session…
In Actual Play
Participants: Demonspahn, UnSub, Ron Edwards, rabidchyld, Alan.

11/1/2002 b_bankhead: Re: Profiling strikes again - EVERYBODY play!
[quote][b]What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played? [/b][/quote] ConspiracyX,Call of Cthulhu,Star Wars D6 [quote]What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played,…
In Actual Play
Participants: b_bankhead, Clay, Mark Withers, Ron Edwards.

11/3/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Improvised Yggdrasil
I ran a short Ygg session with RobMuadib and Bob McNamee. We didn't get all that far. Being out traveling they decided to restock in a village. Turns out there…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Bob McNamee.

11/3/2002 Andrew Martin: WW Exalted + Token
I've been running a WW Exalted game for our group for the last couple of Sundays. I've noticed some problems with our last few sessions and made a point over…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Martin, greyorm, Ron Edwards.

11/3/2002 Clay: Call of Cthulhu: The Hastur Mythos
I rounded up the boys (which includes roughly 50% women) for a Halloween Call of Cthulhu session, and decided to run Night Floors, from the Hastur Mythos as set forth…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clay, rabidchyld.

11/1/2002 Eric J.: What's this? Did Pyron have a GOOD session?
Star Wars: D6 Players:5 Jesse- Wanabee Mercenery; Party leader; Law abider Anthony- Former CorSec(Republic) leutenant; Pilot Cody- Medic; Fugative; Soldier; Fugative Charly- Actual Mercenary; Follower Doug- Slicer; Mercenary; Outcast This…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., Ron Edwards, Bankuei.

11/1/2002 Christoffer Lernö: THE EVIL, did anyone actually try playing it?
Hi everyone (again). I'm wondering if anyone actually tried to play THE EVIL? (In any case I was thinking of maybe running a game on Sunday or Monday. I could…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christoffer Lernö.

11/1/2002 Jonathan Walton: kill puppies for RPGnet
Wasn't sure where to put this post, but... My review of kill puppies for satan finally got posted in RPGnet's Halloween offerings. Yes, I am converting the masses to the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Emily Care, jrients, lumpley, Maurice Forrester, Spooky Fanboy.

10/29/2002 Zak Arntson: Indie Monday (Oct 28, 2002): Fighter-D Alpha Planescape (4)
Wow, this campaign just keeps on going! I've modified the rules, which you can find here: The semi-updated character sheet can be downloaded here. I put the Actual Play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, rabidchyld.

10/29/2002 ADGBoss: Sorcerer: Labyrinth of Worlds
Well Sorcerer finally arrived and I am somewhat eager to begin what is my first "new" RPG experience in some time. I cannot wait to play but for the moment…
In Actual Play
Participants: ADGBoss, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Paul Czege, Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon, ADGConscience.

10/27/2002 greyorm: Raven's 3E Game
The last three sessions of play have been very interesting, indeed. Particularly tonight's session, which revealed a few surprises that are just, IMO, awesome. Like the last handful of sessions,…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm.

10/25/2002 Ardwen: The perfect gaming group
Greetings to you all. I have finally joined the renowned "Forge" forums. Inspired by a thread I have just read, I felt obliged to enter a group of individuals that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ardwen, Jake Norwood.

10/24/2002 Zak Arntson: Indie Monday (Oct 23, 2002): Fighter-D Alpha Planescape (3)
Okay, so it was really on Wednesday. We continued our ongoing Fighter-D Alpha Planescape saga, the quest in the Impressive Ruins of Gondorr for the Sun Quill. You can read…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, Bankuei.

10/24/2002 Maurice Forrester: kill puppies for satan
My gaming group, all four of us, got together last night. For the first time in months, Joe was able to come to the game. We thought about going back…
In Actual Play
Participants: Maurice Forrester, lumpley, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

11/14/2002 bluegargantua: Sorcerer and the Dicecapades
Greetings, I'm working up a Sorcerer adventure to run as a one-shot in the next couple of weeks and I'm trying to head off a potential administrative problem: So as…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Dotan Dimet.

11/15/2002 Jason L Blair: I played octaNe!
The name of the session was "Satan's Cheerleaders"--In Go-Go-Vision! The two characters were Zeke, a Helljack cowboy/samurai whose face was always partially in shadow, and Sha'Nay, a Bad-Ass Mofo with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, wyrdlyng.

11/15/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: S&S: The Sunless Citadel & Less than Zero
My Sorcerer and Sword campaign ("Under the Blood Sun," a post-apocalyptic crypto-psychedelic game) is still going, even though I haven't been posting about it. The last two sessions were great,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, b_bankhead.

11/15/2002 Tony Irwin: Theme Chaser: first game
Tried a first play test of Theme Chaser last night. Its a story telling game but I've tried to just retell the bare bones of it so you can see…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tony Irwin, Mike Holmes.

11/15/2002 Ron Edwards: Actual play in the stores
Hello, This thread can be considered a partner to my Mainstream: a revision. Unlike that thread, though, here, I'm really talking about the game stores and what goes on in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, bluegargantua, jburneko, Valamir, jrients, b_bankhead, wyrdlyng, UnSub, Maurice Forrester, hyphz, xiombarg, ADGConscience, Jack Spencer Jr, James Holloway.

11/15/2002 Mike Holmes: Hero Wars in an Alternate Setting - Session 3
Refer to the prior session here. Summary This may be the last summary of the action of play at least until other issues come up. At this point all the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, contracycle, Ian Cooper.

11/17/2002 quozl: Extraordinary Adventures of 80's Rockhausen
This actually ties into a few threads being currently dicsussed in the Publishing forum. My wife (who has roleplayed a few times) and I invited over my wife's cousin and…
In Actual Play
Participants: quozl.

11/19/2002 Spooky Fanboy: CHARNEL GODS....MMM, TASTY!!!
Got Charnel Gods very recently. Love it, especially the idea that the user of the Fell Weapons ends up being the one who heralds the end of the world. Had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose.

11/21/2002 Demonspahn: Aware - 2nd playtest/another hideously self-serving post :)
OK, so playtest session #2 for Aware: Roleplaying in the Age of Reason is in the books. In case anyone’s interested, a slightly dated write up of the game and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Demonspahn, C. Edwards, Christoffer Lernö.

11/19/2002 Maurice Forrester: Mainstream media
[quote="Ron Edwards"] So now for the point: what alternate venues exist (in addition to the Good Stores) for people (anyone) to encounter the facts that (a) role-playing might be nifty…
In Actual Play
Participants: Maurice Forrester, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Valamir, Jack Spencer Jr.

11/21/2002 Jake Norwood: TROS- Legnds of the Fey
I don't really want to make this into a long post, so if I leave out something you want to know, then ask. The last two wednesdays we've been playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Brian Leybourne.

11/21/2002 gentrification: 7th Sea: Illusionism in practice
One of the topics I follow with great interest here is anything to do with Illusionism, since that's the style I tend to identify most strongly with and, indeed, would…
In Actual Play
Participants: gentrification, Seth L. Blumberg, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins, Gordon C. Landis, contracycle.

11/21/2002 gentrification: 7th Sea: Illusionism in practice (session 1)
I decided to start the session right in the middle of the action, so as not to get bogged down with planning and legwork before we'd even started. I also…
In Actual Play
Participants: gentrification.

11/21/2002 Matt Wilson: How long are your game sessions?
Another post got me thinking about this. How long are your game sessions? When I started the game I recently wrapped up, I planned it for week nights, for about…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, jrients, Maurice Forrester, gentrification, Zak Arntson, Seth L. Blumberg, b_bankhead, Eric J., Jake Norwood, Shadeling, Enoch, Ace, Jack Spencer Jr, Ian Cooper, Chris Passeno, wyrdlyng, Mike Holmes, Christopher Kubasik, Thor Olavsrud, Jabberwocky, greyorm, Brian Leybourne, Ziriel, JSDiamond, Irmo, Matt Gwinn, contracycle, jdagna, vegasthroat.

11/21/2002 gentrification: 7th Sea: Illusionism in practice (session 2)
I wanted to start this session with another bang, and at the same time demonstrate an example of drama points (see my first post in this series) in action. So…
In Actual Play
Participants: gentrification.

11/21/2002 gentrification: 7th Sea: Illusionism in practice (session three)
By this time I was beginning to see a pattern emerge. It struck me that "What price, vengeance?" would make a fine theme for this campaign. There was Gabriel's vengeance…
In Actual Play
Participants: gentrification.

11/21/2002 gentrification: 7th Sea: Illusionism in practice (session 4)
I have a confession to make. Although I made every effort to not anticipate the players or shoehorn them into a specific course of action, though I refused to write…
In Actual Play
Participants: gentrification, Brian Leybourne.

11/22/2002 jburneko: Spaceships, Sixguns & Sorcery (Final Session)
Hello All, How Things Turned Out: The Sherif teamed up with his outlaw father. They made one last push in an attempt to pre-empt the planned bandit raid on the…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Mike Holmes, b_bankhead.

11/22/2002 Mike Holmes: Hero Wars in an alternate setting - session 4
The previous session can be found here. I did a bad, bad thing this week. I used the game for some experimentation. Gareth, listen up. I did Shakespeare. Merry Wives…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, Julie, contracycle.

11/23/2002 GreatWolf: Clownin' Around (session 1): Unknown Armies in actual play
Okay, here's the first Saturday morning report on my Unknown Armies game. Hopefully these will continue for the duration. The characters are as follows: Agent Sunshine Black, a no-nonsense collections…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, UnSub, Steve Dustin.

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