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In Actual Play

2/25/2003 Steve Dustin: Playing Games Drunk
or Tri-Stat: Ken Hite's Black Rome or How Sorceror Ruined 90% of RPGs For Me So my new litmus test for RPGs is "Can I play this game drunk, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Dustin, Ron Edwards, Clay, Marco.

2/25/2003 Demonspahn: Dread Actual Play - LONG post
Dread Actual Play OK, so I just joined a new gaming group a few months ago. We’ve been rotating GMs every month or so give or take a week as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Demonspahn, rafael, Ron Edwards.

2/25/2003 Ron Edwards: Two [censored] at once!
Hello, Yesterday, we played two short RPG sessions, first run each for two different games. Each one lasted a couple-plus hours. Now wait for it ... The first one was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Comte, lumpley, Maura Byrne, clehrich, James V. West, jrs, Clay, Nev the Deranged, Louis CYPHER, C. Edwards, Paul Czege, sdemory, CowperColes.

2/19/2003 erithromycin: I Ran Sorcerer And It Was Awful
Or, rather, it was Simply Ghastly. I’ll start at the beginning, with the players – D, J, K, and W. W lurks here on occasion, and I've just noticed that…
In Actual Play
Participants: erithromycin, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, ThreeGee, weeble.

2/18/2003 marknau: Orccon 2003, Universalis
At the three-day game-a-thon that is OrcCon, I had the good fortune of being able to try out three, count 'em, three RPG systems that I had never played before.…
In Actual Play
Participants: marknau, Bob McNamee, J B Bell, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

2/18/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: Paladin and me
Last night, I ran Paladin for a group of six people at our local Seattle Monday Indie Game Night. Paladin's got an interesting history for me: I wrote it while…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, jburneko, lumpley, Bob McNamee, Jonathan Walton, DaR, jdagna, Alan, Robert Leal, dunlaing.

2/17/2003 Andrew Martin: Accord playtest and game structure
I've managed to playtest my Accord rules with four players on Sunday evening. There was myself, my brother (a killer GM), and two friends, one who's a story oriented GM…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Martin.

2/14/2003 Ron Edwards: [Dread] Questions about spells
Hi there, After a couple of sessions of Dread, here are some nit-picky spell questions that cropped up during play. CASTIGATE: if the first roll is failed, are the demon…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, rafael.

2/13/2003 greyorm: "Revelations" background
Over in Revelations: an Immortal Inspired Adaptation of Sorcerer the follwoing was requested: Personally, I'd like to see an Actual Play thread on the Immortal LARP that spawned this, explaining…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, xiombarg.

2/11/2003 Bob McNamee: Soap- netgamers- In the gritty city
The indie netgamers just finished our Soap game. The players were me (Bob McNamee), Nathan (Paganini), and Chris Edwards? (Chris E). We played for about 5 nights of sessions. (…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob McNamee, C. Edwards.

2/10/2003 jburneko: 7th Sea and Last Minute Prep
Hello All, When I was in High School and College I noticed a funny trend concerning my writing skills. If I procrastinated and waited until the last possible minute to…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Brian Leybourne, Jeph, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, clehrich, John Kim, Ian Charvill, Valamir.

2/10/2003 Christopher Kubasik: My First Sorcerer Game: Orccon 2003
[b]Notes for [i]Bibliomania[/i]: A Sorcerer Session[/b] I'll be running Sorcerer this weekend at Orccon here in L.A. I’m posting the notes I drew up today. If anyone sees any red…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, jburneko, marknau, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Clay, Fabrice G., Gordon C. Landis, Walt Freitag.

2/10/2003 Jeph: Hey Vincent! MechaTon question!
First off, I'm not sure if this is the right forum, or even the right board. But I've got a question for Vince about one of his games, and it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeph, lumpley.

2/9/2003 ThunderCheetah: Live Action Role Play
Hey all ... I know I don't come around too often, so here's a bit of a re-introduction; I was at DePaul for two years and was part of Ron's…
In Actual Play
Participants: ThunderCheetah, Wulf, Walt Freitag, Valamir, Enoch, ThreeGee, Nev the Deranged, Alambr1.

2/8/2003 Paul Czege: request: play that revealed a big secret in a published game
Hey everyone, I've been thinking a lot about the big secrets in games like Engel and Blue Planet, the ones meant to be kept from the players until they can…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege, bluegargantua, Ron Edwards, Rob MacDougall, jdagna, Stuart DJ Purdie, clehrich, Bankuei, ThreeGee, Valamir, Ian Charvill, xiombarg, Mytholder, Mike Holmes, GreatWolf, contracycle, Mortaneus.

2/8/2003 r_callen221: 1st time Sorcerer Game- Need Help with my PCs!
Hey all~ Well, I've recieved Sorcerer in the mail and and am glad to say that I have decided to run a game using its materials, and I'm really excited!…
In Actual Play
Participants: r_callen221, Jack Spencer Jr, erithromycin, Christopher Kubasik, szilard, Uncle Dark, greyorm.

2/7/2003 Paka: Welcome to Marsui ([b]TROS[/b])
We made up characters and all agree that the character generation system makes a whole lot of sense and was fun. Beginning the process as an e-mail asking the players…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Jim DelRosso, arxhon, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, hyphz, Ron Edwards.

2/4/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: Confessions of an a*****e player
This goes along with the Protagonization, and what happens when it doesn't happen thread where I illustrate some recent revelations about my own recent play experience and the problems I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, ADGBoss.

2/4/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: octaNe in play
I'm about to get harsh on a favorite game, so watch out. (And before I start, apologies to Jared. This is meant to help, not hurt.) Last night, I played…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, rafial, Rich Forest, jdagna, Alan, Maurice Forrester, clehrich.

2/4/2003 Ian Charvill: UA notes
OK, this is going to be in two parts. These are the notes for a session, then tomorrow I'll do the nuts and bolts procedural, how I'd run this loose…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian Charvill, clehrich, hyphz, Rob MacDougall, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

3/3/2003 Matt Gwinn: 3E Character Creation Session
Once again, I tried to introduce my D&D group to something I picked up here at the Forge...the Character Creation Session. First off, we had been playing the same D&D…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Clay, Bankuei, Valamir, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose, jdagna, Steve Dustin.

3/4/2003 jrs: Le Mon Mouri Questions
As mentioned in the Two at once! thread, we’ve played two sessions of Le Mon Mouri. I’ve been wanting to play Le Mon Mouri since Ron…
In Actual Play
Participants: jrs, sdemory, Ron Edwards.

3/4/2003 Paganini: [Cornerstone] To Mars and Back
We just wrapped up a three session IRC playtest of Cornerstone in a Wellsian Victorian Sci-fi setting. These were very instructive sessions, as we drifted and tweaked the game slightly…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, Trevis Martin, Bob McNamee, C. Edwards, Mike Holmes.

3/4/2003 Michael S. Miller: Running Indie Games at Smaller Cons
Well, the Sorcerer game I was scheduled to run at A Gazebo of Games did not actually run. I only had one player sign-up and he showed up 15 minutes…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Alambr1, Ron Edwards, jdagna, Andy Kitkowski, Demonspahn, Mike Holmes, abzu.

3/5/2003 Ron Edwards: [Le Mon Mouri / kill puppies] Dang!
Hello, In the thread Two at once!, Vincent wrote: are y'all gonna play Le Mon Mouri and puppies on the same day every time? Cause if so, dang. Dang…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, jburneko, Maura Byrne, jrs, lumpley, Emily Care, Comte.

3/6/2003 Nick Pagnucco: suggestions for starting a new group
Hi. For several reasons, I have not been roleplaying for about two years or so. Its an oversimplification, but a quick explanation is I moved and haven't found a gaming…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Paganini, Bob McNamee, Valamir, arxhon, Maurice Forrester, Ron Edwards, dunlaing, Clay, Mike Holmes, rafael, Tor Erickson.

3/8/2003 JamesDJIII: Tanscripts of Actual Play
I find that I learn a heck of lot from reading about other GMs style just from their descriptions of game play. I was wondering, does anyone have transcripts of…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, Jack Spencer Jr, Bob McNamee, Tor Erickson, kregmosier, Paganini, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Matt Gwinn.

3/9/2003 Paka: The Riddle in Marsui Again
Ran another game of the Riddle. The first game was 8 hours long and it felt just about right. A good blend of blood, politics, swashbuckling and heroism. The players…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Ian Charvill, Tor Erickson, Jake Norwood.

3/9/2003 AV: Pictures???
Do pictures add anything to the game for people??? does it help them get a visual... or should it be left up to the imagination? Why do you think the…
In Actual Play
Participants: AV, Jack Spencer Jr, Piratecat, Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards.

3/10/2003 yellow_skeleton: How do I recruit new RPG players?
Hello. I am new to Forge. I am impressed with site and enjoy reading the dialogue. I have a question that I am hoping that you can help me answer:…
In Actual Play
Participants: yellow_skeleton, Piratecat, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Jeph, Mike Holmes, Ben Morgan, WildElf, Mechanic, RpgAlexWyld.

3/11/2003 Stuart DJ Purdie: Unknown Armies in Kilts
With the start of a new game, I thought I'd take the opertunity to introduce a new concept to the group - namely the group chracter gen session. Previously the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Stuart DJ Purdie, Ian Charvill, Paul Czege.

3/11/2003 Paganini: [Indie-netgaming Elfs] Lord of the Rings
We played Elfs. Lord of the Rings. That's all I'm gonna say. Transcript is here. Read it. Unless you're faint-hearted. Especially Ron. Remember those predictions about Granny the Green? ;)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Mike Holmes, Bob McNamee, Ace, C. Edwards, Walt Freitag, efindel, James V. West.

3/11/2003 JamesDJIII: Co-GMing
Just to put my $0.02 in: I used to play with a group in which I was the youngest and newest player. All previous RPG experiences were pretty good, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Simon W, arxhon, Ben Morgan, Dr O.

3/12/2003 Jonathan Walton: Storypunk Playtest: Dark Fairy Tales
Hey, My recent Con playtest of Storypunk is described on the following thread in the Indie Design Forum, since I want people to comment about how I could use this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

3/12/2003 Brian Leybourne: Actual Play: The Spin System
This is an actual play report for The Spin System. It's a bit long, sorry about that. I'm going to start with the "story" of the session, and then follow…
In Actual Play
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Jeph, Mike Holmes.

3/14/2003 WildElf: Sorcerer at Orccon - followup
Sorry, to dredge up an old topic, but how did the Con game on Friday go? I tried to get into the Saturday game, but it looks like it must…
In Actual Play
Participants: WildElf, Ron Edwards, jburneko, Noble, Valamir, Christopher Kubasik, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

3/14/2003 Dotan Dimet: Two Hour Demo Games? How? Explain!
I've seen posts here about demo games and cons with two-hour long slots, and since my only experience is with the standard 4-hours-dragging-on-to-6 convention rounds, I'd really like to hear…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dotan Dimet, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Jake Norwood, jdagna.

3/16/2003 JamesDJIII: Sorcerer by Gaslight!
Just finished our first Sorcerer game. The results were very fun. A lot of the plot developments stem directly from McAlister's Kicker. We hand't touched much else in the time…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Dr O, Trevis Martin, Mike Holmes.

3/16/2003 Steve Dustin: octaNe: From Shangri-LA to Lost Vegas in 3.4 seconds
So we played octaNe last night. I have two words to say. Kick. Ass. Ok, I few more words than that. Prep My prep was burning this disk. All the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Dustin, Jared A. Sorensen, Ben Morgan.

3/19/2003 Dotan Dimet: Wise in the ways of the Force
[i]Sorry this is a new post, it should actualy be a response to [a href=""]Co-GMing[/a].[/i] My players call this The Jedi Mind Trick, for obvious reasons... From last night's session:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dotan Dimet.

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