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In Indie Game Design

6/6/2004 MajorKiz: Nuclear Beasts: game balance question
Can't remember if I've posted here before, but even if I have, it's been so long since I read this forum that I might as well be a newbie. Anyway,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MajorKiz, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Sydney Freedberg, Ben Morgan.

6/5/2004 Dauntless: Walking the line between historical and fantasy
One of my settings covers what I call a pseudo-historical pas asian world. Originally I had intended it to be a alternate history setting detailing most of asia including the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dauntless, Mike Holmes, John Kim, Michael S. Miller, Tobias.

6/5/2004 Thor: Life Path Gambling, or fortune in front
I have been looking for a dice wagering system to allow the players to bet generation points to get bigger returns for their character. As example, you could go into…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Thor, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes, Christopher Weeks.

6/5/2004 Dauntless: Shooting Accuracy
What elements should I factor in to determine the odds of hitting someone in ranged combat? Before I get too far, I want my game to model two elements, the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dauntless, Shreyas Sampat, komradebob, Bob McNamee, AdAstraGames, Zoetrope10.

6/4/2004 jdrakeh: The Return of Formless
Yes, I know, it's like a bad night of 50s science fiction films gone even more horribly awry. Still, if you're feeling brave, I'd appreciate it if you'd at least…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Supplanter.

6/4/2004 DevolutionaryCyberSpud: Solving the Inherent Problems of the d20 System
My indy RPG (CARPS at ) is a minimalist RPG which is designed to one-up the d20 system (which by the way I despise). I will cover one by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: DevolutionaryCyberSpud, hanschristianandersen, Andrew Morris, M. J. Young, Jeph, Valamir, Andrew Norris, TerroX.

6/3/2004 oversoul01: [Dice Chucker] First Offical Playtest
I am not sure I should post this here but anyway... I am running my first offical playtest of Dice Chucker this Friday, and I will have a full report…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: oversoul01, ethan_greer, DevolutionaryCyberSpud, Dev.

6/2/2004 gameskald: Story Telling mechanic concept
Just a concept I recently had for a Freeform style Storytelling type game. What I have so far could really be used in any genre... I wanted to get some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gameskald, ethan_greer.

6/2/2004 Ryan Wynne: Comedy Game Part 2
Ok, so I took some time to consider everyone's input from the last thread (no input was ignored) and I have decided that while the mechanics should be lite (I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ryan Wynne.

6/1/2004 xiombarg: Unsung Done (kinda -- revised, certainly)
Well, as y'all know, I'm working on the for-pay version of my RPG, Unsung, and I'm looking for comments. At this point, I've done everything I can before layout and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Sydney Freedberg, Garbanzo.

5/31/2004 timfire: [Mountain Witch] What should Influencing be based on?
For those of you unfamiliar with "The Mountain Witch," my game uses a "Trust" mechanic involves spending points for one of three purposes: 1) aiding another character's rolls 2) Narrating…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: timfire, ethan_greer, redivider.

5/30/2004 WyldKarde: Outatowners
While the project closest to my heart is my MMORPG Engine, I still find time to work on my intimate little pen-and-paper RPG’s. I started writing them in the army,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WyldKarde, Simon W, ethan_greer, Crackerjacker.

5/29/2004 pilot602: Big 'ole robots - simple gameplay system
I've been browsing through the forums for a few days now and I'm glad I ran across the site as I've been working on my own little RPG for a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pilot602.

5/29/2004 Dauntless: Determining Damage- Realism
Okay, maybe my other post on Engineering was a bit too deep. So here's one of my questions without so much of the background. How can I figure out how…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dauntless, Andrew Martin, Ravien, bcook1971, btrc, simon_hibbs, Noon, Mulciber, Shreyas Sampat, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, psychophipps, contracycle, MarktheAnimator.

5/29/2004 Jason Petrasko: [The Pool of Fire] I'm Stuck...
Ok, so I have set making my variant of the pool. Most of my games features some kind of dramatic devices, and this will be no exception. My title for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko.

5/28/2004 Dauntless: Engineering Manual - Ballistics
My game system is split into two parts, a Core system which all genres, settings and premises must have, and a Plug-in system which provides mechanics, attributes, the chargen process…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dauntless.

5/28/2004 Jasper: Absque Roma IIc: Romanitas and some other matters
Hi, Having taken about a month long hiatus from ABSQUE ROMA to get some perspective on it, I've come back to make some changes to the design. I'm going to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Tobias.

5/28/2004 bergh: Ranged combat: Range / TN problems
Hi Im Developing my GENERIC rpg (no name so far). My system is going to have a Target Number you need to reach to succeed, and i need to set…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bergh, Andrew Martin, Ravien, Jack Aidley, Overdrive, Mike Holmes.

5/27/2004 FruitSmack!: Potential mechanic for paranoia in a conspiracy game
Howdy! :D Currently, I'm in the process of writing up a game that explores conspiracies, cover-ups and all that fun stuff called Operation: Majestic. I am mainly doing this because…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FruitSmack!, frictorious.

5/27/2004 Christopher Weeks: [IGC] Fixing Ice
Hi all, I wrote my first game in response to the Iron Game Chef - Fantasy. In the Reviews and Results thread, Holmessama performed wonderful surgery on how the game…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, dalek_of_god.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

6/7/2004 Matt Wilson: PTA: revised budget and fan mail
Here's a fix to the current troubles I've had with awarding fan mail and maintaining a dice ecosystem. My primary concern is reward and dice systems that promote the right…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes.

6/8/2004 Alf_the_Often_Incorrect: Massive- rules patch for handling huge battles (CARPS).
For those of you who do not know my RPG (that would be most of you) this post will be rather uninformative; therefore, I suggest visting my site: Anyway,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Alf_the_Often_Incorrect.

6/8/2004 pilot602: [Big Ole Robots] Robot design rules, sheet
If anyone has a moment and would like to work through designing their own robot (which could be used in the game I'm currently working on) grab a copy of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pilot602, Sydney Freedberg, greedo1379, Mike Holmes, Valamir, nikola, Ravien.

6/8/2004 pilot602: [Big Ole Robots] Quickset rules
If you took a look at my MAIS design sheets you may also be interested in looking at the current ruleset in which you get to use those MAIS. Well…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pilot602, Mike Holmes.

6/10/2004 nicklalone: So I was sitting around
So I was sitting around playing final Fantasy 11 (summer off of school's pastime 2004 entertainment) and I was messaged by an old Internet RPG person by the name of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: nicklalone, xiombarg.

6/10/2004 Tobias: Your Gods are Dead: Introduction
Hello All, A quick introduction first: Tobias op den Brouw, 28, from Deventer, the Netherlands, co-owner of a consultancy, engineer, single, interests include reading, ninjutsu, climbing, motorcycling, cooking, etc. And,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, xiombarg, Ben Lehman.

6/10/2004 Dregg: [Chapter 13 Press] Spookybeans! The Gothic Comic RPG
I'm posting the rules for this free RPG i'm working on to get some feed back. It's going to be a simple 10 page RPG based on the comics by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dregg, ethan_greer, Juicetyger, sirogit.

6/11/2004 Tobias: Your Gods are Dead: Your Character
As introduced here, I present chapter three of my design effort. Comments greatly appreciated. The text is a bit more rushed than last time, since I'm more interested in getting…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias.

6/11/2004 Ben Lehman: Polaris: Player Roles
So my rpg, Polaris is about to go into playtesting and needs a little help. One of the big "things" about Polaris is that it doesn't have a normal…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Tobias, Emily Care, Mike Holmes.

6/11/2004 Chris Lekas: Torm - Hit Location Problems
First off - Hi all, I just found this Forum and it looks great. I intend on posting an overview of my system, but at the moment I am stuggling…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Chris Lekas, Andrew Martin, MarktheAnimator, Wilper, Tobias.

6/12/2004 Ravien: Scarlet Wake
For those of you who have seen the Kill Bill Inspired Mechanics thread over in RPG Theory, this will be a significant revision and addition to what was presented there.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ravien, Ben Lehman, Simon W, Sledgeman, Trevis Martin, Sydney Freedberg, Tobias.

6/12/2004 Zathreyel: (The Operation) humanity-type rules
heya guys, okay, i've been working on this game for a group of friends, a LeCarre or "Bourne" style espionage game, high action thriller type stuff. It's meant to be…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zathreyel, Ben Lehman, ethan_greer, buddha, Sydney Freedberg, Chris Lekas, Tobias.

6/12/2004 MarktheAnimator: Professions vs Skills
Hello, I'm developing my Science Fiction RPG, "The Solar Imperium" and I'm having trouble with professions and skills.... In my fantasy RPG, "Fantasy Imperium" I created a list of professions…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MarktheAnimator, Mark Johnson, Eero Tuovinen, Slortar, Chris Lekas, TonyLB, Tobias, 16CBH, TooManyGoddamnOrcs.

6/13/2004 Sledgeman: [The Business] A Rough Mechanic (long)
This is the first time I've ever posted anything I've actually created, so bear with me. =-) Right now, I'm working on designing a game about professional criminals in the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sledgeman, LordSmerf, MarktheAnimator, Garbanzo, Tobias.

6/14/2004 sergeant_x: Yet Another Firefly (inspired) RPG?
Hi everyone. I've lurked here for a year or so. I'm an older gamer and haven't been heavily involved in the hobby for many years. My first experiences in gaming…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sergeant_x, greedo1379, Nicolas Crost, Matt Wilson, Henri, Thor.

6/14/2004 Tobias: Your Gods are Dead: Playtest version
Ladies and Gentlemen, I've completed chapter 4 of 'Your Gods Are Dead' (YGAD). With the completion of this chapter I feel there's enough of a skeleton for me to start…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, Nicolas Crost, Gary Kennedy, Jasper, MarktheAnimator.

6/14/2004 pilot602: [Seven Systems Legacy] - new version of "big ole robots
Ok here's the quick run down on the "new" spin on the big-robot game I'm working on (see the threads). There's still a lot of the old…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pilot602, Sydney Freedberg, greedo1379, dalek_of_god.

6/15/2004 Asrogoth: [God Lore] Cleaning Up and Shaking Out
Okay, I promised I'd post something by tonight, so here you go. This is the section I left out of the contest material by accident regarding the Gods and their…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Asrogoth, Mike Holmes.

6/15/2004 sirogit: Highschool Automatons.
I just came up with this today so it's kind've sketchy. It's more or less a weird, arty one-shot game that I thought would have a neat aesthetic. It's one…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sirogit, Doctor Xero, Jasper, Tobias, sergeant_x.

6/15/2004 Green: kathanaksaya: back to the drawing board
After playtesting Kathanaksaya with a real group of varied ages and experiences, I've decided that it was a success, albeit with one problem: how do I make sure that a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green.

more subsequent topics >>