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In Indie Game Design

10/21/2002 Sykora: HEX: A game of techno-urban horror
My fascination with cyberpunk has existed since 87 or so when I discovered the Neuromancer computer game (kind of an ass-backwards way to get into the genre, but hey). Since…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sykora, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Blake Hutchins.

10/21/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg Changes Ahead?
Well, only for the better I hope. I've been looking for ways to make the magic and skill system come together. I've also had problems with the abilities for items…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, ADGBoss, Walt Freitag.

10/21/2002 Sylus Thane: Basic rules for my game Frontier, lemme know what you think.
Okay since I have hit my slump and wondering what to do next I figured I'd just post the basics of the rules for my game to see what people…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sylus Thane, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, szilard, Gwen, Jeremy Cole, Le Joueur, Walt Freitag.

10/21/2002 Palaskar: My Iron Game Chef entry: Horus
When I started working on my entry, I started searching for "African art" on the 'net. Relizing I was way, way into unfamiliar territory after a couple searches, I narrowed…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Palaskar.

10/21/2002 ADGBoss: Seraphim Changes
Seraphim: Candlebright (indeed my whole philosophy here at ADG) has undergone some changes. I have done away with many of the extraneous abilities and stats and wounds etc in the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ADGBoss, Ron Edwards.

10/21/2002 Gwen: My Game Idea (Very Long)
Hi, I'm new to these board, so I hope I'm going about this the right way. *nervous smile* I'm a religion/religious mythology major and when I told my roleplaying group…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gwen, contracycle, talysman, Andrew Martin, Christoffer Lernö, RobMuadib, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Kester Pelagius.

10/21/2002 quozl: New game: Frankenstein's Monsters (long)
In the year 1799, Dr. Victor Frankenstein discovered the secret to reanimating dead tissue. He used this knowledge and, to his dismay, created a monster. The monster killed Frankenstein's wife…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: quozl, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

10/20/2002 Jonathan Walton: Design Challenge from Hell
So, I am currently tackling the design challange from hell, like the title says, and I need the help of the Forge's most brilliant minds. Heck, even not-so-brilliant minds would…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Jack Spencer Jr, Kester Pelagius, M. J. Young, contracycle, Gwen, Andrew Martin, Sylus Thane.

10/20/2002 talysman: what I did for Iron Game Chef: the Court of 9 Chambers
I waited a few days before starting my post-mortem, so that I could think about the game a little more. obviously, when I created the concept of the game, I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: talysman, Paul Czege.

10/19/2002 RPunkG: Fantasy 2101 Setting
Well, I have moved all of my efforts from a post-apocolyptic game to a post-modern space game. The concept here starts as a stereo-typical fantasy world with Elves, Dwarves, Dragons…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RPunkG, greyorm, Christoffer Lernö, Marco, Jeremy Cole, Jonathan Walton, Enoch.

10/19/2002 kevin671: Character Creation
O.K., by request, I've moved my post here. Character Creation Character attributes are as follows: Mental Group Perception Intelligence Physical Group Strength Vitality Athletic Group Dexterity Reaction Spiritual Group Psyche…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: kevin671, Kester Pelagius, ethan_greer, M. J. Young, Christoffer Lernö, talysman, contracycle, Mike Holmes.

10/18/2002 Jonathan Walton: Breakdown: "The Pale Continent"
Okay, now that exams are mostly over, it's time to look at the results of this fine, fine Iron Chef competition. My submission took on the dauting task of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

10/18/2002 greyorm: The Chef Examines the Dish: Stars Over Africa
[i]Stars Over Africa[/i] was my submission to the recent Iron Game Chef competition here at the Forge, and the game in its entirety can be found [url=]here[/url]. The judge, Mike…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: greyorm.

10/18/2002 lumpley: Iron Chef Gamist Congrats
John: Kick ass. The rest of us: Kick slightly less ass. We're a game designin' force to be reckoned with. I don't have anything substantive to say yet cuz I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lumpley, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, talysman, Ron Edwards, Seth L. Blumberg, joshua neff, Maurice Forrester, greyorm.

10/18/2002 ZaonDude: ZAON | Sci-Fi RPG
Hey all, My first post here at the Forge. I'd like to introduce a new Sci-Fi RPG called ZAON. The core rules book provides a peek into the thoroughly fleshed-out…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ZaonDude, Eric J., Andrew Martin, Christoffer Lernö, Matt, Demonspahn, Mike Holmes, mahoux, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood, ethan_greer, Paul Czege, Walt Freitag, Jonathan Walton, ADGBoss.

10/17/2002 RPunkG: Damage Mechanics
I'm working on game mechanics and I'm having a lot of trouble with weapon damage and wounds. I was hoping to get soem help. :) I'm not too fond of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RPunkG, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Ben Morgan, M. J. Young.

10/17/2002 Jake Norwood: THIRST: What do you do?
As an introduction I'm working on the mechanics to THIRST, a vampire RPG. I've always loved this stuff (I was a big Anne Rice fan in the day), and I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jake Norwood, Christoffer Lernö, Matt, Ben Morgan, Jack Spencer Jr, Jared A. Sorensen, lumpley, Le Joueur, Jeremy Cole, Paul Czege, Seth L. Blumberg, Bankuei, Valamir, Bailywolf, C. Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Unsane, Blake Hutchins, Brian Leybourne, kevin671.

10/16/2002 Epidiah: A game which at the moment should remain Nameless.
I hope I'm not stepping on any toes. I'm rather new here and I'm not exactly sure how all of this is done, but here is a game that I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epidiah, Ron Edwards, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Kuma.

10/16/2002 Christoffer Lernö: More Story Please... or?
[quote="wfreitag"]So, is the key here simulation or story? That is, do you want the flexibility of choose-any-descriptor mechanisms because it allows more freedom for player exploration, or you do you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, M. J. Young.

10/16/2002 Shreyas Sampat: Torchbearer: A Mythic Fantasy RPG (1st post, too)
Hi, all. I'm new to the forum, and I thought I'd make my entrance with a game I'm developing. It takes ideas from many places, notably Walt Freitag's Symmetry dicing…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Christoffer Lernö, Mike Holmes, Walt Freitag, Ron Edwards, Andrew Martin, Henry Fitch, Jonathan Walton, kevin671, Blake Hutchins.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

10/21/2002 szilard: An old twist on fantasy... (longish)
Hi. I'm new here. I've had this idea for a game in my head for awhile now, and it has been slowly nibbling its way free. Basically, in the typical…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: szilard, Walt Freitag, Paul Czege, Sidhain, Shreyas Sampat, Gwen, Le Joueur, Sparky, Peregrine.

10/22/2002 d3nial: A New Idea? Probably not...
Hi - this is my first post on indie-rpg's forums, I have a game I designed in mid-2001, at the time I was pretty sure it was an original idea.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: d3nial, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

10/22/2002 Jonathan Walton: Quixote & Coyote: A Game Concept
[b][Just so you know, I envision the title being pronounced "Kee-oh-tay & Kai-oat," just to keep it from being too silly][/b] This game concept is inspired both by Willows' [i]Torchbearer[/i]…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, szilard, Valamir, lumpley, Shreyas Sampat, Paul Czege, Torrent, talysman, Jeremy Cole, Blake Hutchins.

10/22/2002 wyrdlyng: non-PC Strategy Boardgame
Here's a little politically incorrect boardgame which I put together. This hasn't been playtested yet so feel free to try it out and throw me some feedback. O.G. by Alex…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: wyrdlyng.

10/22/2002 Gold Rush Games: Publishing & Distribution of Indie RPGs
We're developing a prgram whereby we will publish and distribute selected indie RPGs. The contract is still in draft but we hope to have it finished soon. Through the program,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gold Rush Games, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

10/22/2002 RobMuadib: The Million Worlds:COTEC - The Rumours Of My Death ......
[quote]-"The Rumors Of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated" , Samuel Clemens[/quote] Greetings, long suffering readers. It is true, I am not dead, nor is The Million Worlds: Chronicles Of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

10/22/2002 ethan_greer: What do I do now?
So, I'm working on this game called Pollies. It's almost done, and I really like how it's shaping up. Looking for a little break, I went over to the Forge…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

10/22/2002 Shreyas Sampat: Torchbearer: Thoughts on Mechanics
I thought I'd separate this from the original thread, which seems to be diverging onto discussions of setting and colour. So, a quick summary (rewrite?) of the rules and then…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, ADGBoss, Andrew Martin, RobMuadib, Jonathan Walton, Ron Edwards, Bob McNamee.

10/23/2002 Shreyas Sampat: Marionettes: A Game about Puppetry
So, I've been thinking a lot about puppets lately. Puppets are beautiful things. It got me thinking - how could I make a game about puppetry? Now, it's obvious to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Kester Pelagius, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Walton, Mike Holmes.

10/23/2002 Gwen: Abyssmal Earth System Mechanics
My roleplaying game of Heaven, Earth and Hell (which I am tentativly naming Abyssmal Earth) seems to be nearing completion in its basic state, but I still need a system.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gwen, Andrew Martin, ethan_greer, kevin671, Marco.

10/23/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg descriptor formalism
I'm thinking of a scheme for Ygg descriptors here. First off Powers, skills, spells all have a corresponding level of Otherworldiness. For illustrative purposes, let's use descriptions of the levels…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Andrew Martin, Peregrine, ADGBoss, Mike Holmes, szilard, Bankuei.

10/24/2002 ethan_greer: Pollies Online At Last
Hello all, I have published the latest version of Pollies on my website. I included a Fudge-esque license thingy for the benefit of Gwen and any others who may…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

10/24/2002 Andrew Martin: Shadow + Token
Shadow + Token *************** This is an attempt to combine Zac's Shadow with my Token system, with the aim of producing a GM-less game system that combines the best of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andrew Martin, Le Joueur, Jonathan Walton.

10/24/2002 Matt Snyder: New Game: Nine Worlds ... initial comments
Ok, Forge fellows, it's about time I shared some info about what I'm working on, as I've hinted here and there already. This is going to be a lot like…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Snyder, Jonathan Walton, Shreyas Sampat, Demonspahn.

10/24/2002 SarimRune: Cinematic Role-playing (Larp)
I need a little help here. I've created a LARP/table top game which I'm rather proud of. However there remained one major obstacle which I would like to conquer first.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: SarimRune, Jared A. Sorensen, Bankuei, Walt Freitag, Le Joueur, Andrew Martin, Valamir.

10/25/2002 szilard: FaeEarths (working title): draft die mechanics thoughts
Hey all. Here are some basic draft mechanics for the (rather Narrativist) game that I mentioned in this thread. Right now, I am using the working title FaeEarths, which…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: szilard, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, greyorm, Ron Edwards, Marco, Peregrine, thoth.

10/25/2002 Jonathan Walton: Quixote & Coyote: Passing the Torch
I'm starting this thread to discuss how one of my current projects, codenamed Quixote & Coyote (until I come up with something better) could work using the system Willows…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, M. Eisengrim, Shreyas Sampat, talysman, Torrent.

10/26/2002 TracerFox: Alien Adoption and Joint Development
Hey all! It's me again, and you thought you were rid of me? MWAAHAHA! Oh, sorry, got a little out of hand there. Anyways, my topic today is joint-author and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TracerFox.

10/26/2002 Doma: Neverwinter Nights
Hello everyone, I am a christian gamer. I have 2 NWN game modules to download. In the future I plan on making christian modules as well. And I hope to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Doma, Unsane, talysman, Jared A. Sorensen, Paul Czege, greyorm, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer.

10/26/2002 RobMuadib: TMW:COTEC - "... aware of yourself as a Gamemaster"
"Perhaps you aware of those who watch over your home, and experience it as a place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib.

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