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In Indie Game Design

9/4/2001 FilthySuperman: Creating the gamer not the game
Just realized this doesn't belong in this folder at all. Moving it to the appropriate folder as soon as I find it. T This Message was edited by:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FilthySuperman.

9/4/2001 Paul Czege: I created The World, the Flesh, and the Devil...
...from a profane interbreeding of The Pool, Sigil, Sorcerer, Everway, Story Engine, and illuminated manuscripts. It features Fortune-based conflict resolution, player narration of successes and failures, and dice fabrication as…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paul Czege, GB Steve, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose, James V. West, lumpley, Ben Morgan, Bankuei.

9/3/2001 Matt Gwinn: Artists Needed
Well, I am moving forward on turning Kayfabe into a shareware PDF, but I need artwork. Anyone interested in drawing some kickass wrestlers should contact me and send me a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Dav.

9/3/2001 Galfraxas: My Little Game Idea - An Update
Hello Again, Some of you may remember a post I made earlier about a game I was designing, a sort of COPS with magic thing. Well, anyway, I thought I'd…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Jared A. Sorensen, hardcoremoose, Marco.

9/2/2001 Zak Arntson: the Jon Morris Sketchbuk Roleplaying Game - Freebie RPG
[H3][A HREF=""]the Jon Morris Sketchbuk Roleplaying Game[/A][/H3] Just finished my newest roleplaying game, based on the freaky art by Jon Morris at It's a beer & pretzels affair with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Ron Edwards, James V. West.

8/31/2001 Gordon C. Landis: They HATE me! They REALLY HATE me!
Whoops, editing because I hit the button before I put in my comments. Anyway, I posted this in response to something over on, and I realized . . .…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, Jeffrey Straszheim, Ron Edwards, FilthySuperman.

8/30/2001 Levekius: I dunno where to begin...
Hello all! well, I've visited the site once or twice a week, I'm starting to get a feel for the place. One area where I really, and I mean REALLLLLY…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Levekius, Ron Edwards, Epoch.

8/29/2001 FilthySuperman: After the horror
I'm going to start research on my next project, an expansive simulation on law enforcement which will involve very detailed scenarios where players will have to concentrate on procedure. For…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FilthySuperman.

8/29/2001 jdrakeh: Windows (not the OS)
Okay.. I wasn't exactly sure where to post this, so if I offend anybody by posting in the wrong forum I apologize in advance. I just uploaded my Window fan-site…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Ron Edwards.

8/29/2001 Tim C Koppang: Episodic
And so I humbly submit my own game for your perusal... (not another one you say) Episodic isn’t a setting, but a system really. Narrativist in nature, it makes use…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tim C Koppang, hardcoremoose, FilthySuperman, Uncle Dark, Jeffrey Straszheim, James V. West.

8/28/2001 FilthySuperman: And so it begins
Greetings, Well I've finally done it. I reached a point with my game; Any Town, U.S.A. where I was comfortable with exposing it. I cleared away alot of content to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FilthySuperman, Paul Czege, Gordon C. Landis.

8/27/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: OK, how would you handle this dice mechanic?
I've been working on a set of rules but the dice mechanic is giving me trouble since there appear to be to lines of thought at work in them which…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Dav.

8/27/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
I was watching this movie for, like, the nineth time and it suddenly occured to me that this would be a great idea for a RPG. Not a game itself,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, FilthySuperman, joshua neff, Emily Dresner.

8/24/2001 Matt: Bedlam! - a game concept
Okay, I'm new on this board, so go gentle :smile: This is a game idea a friend and I came up with last night, which I'd like peoples thoughts on.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt, james_west, FilthySuperman, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, Matt Gwinn, John Wick, trelliz.

8/23/2001 FilthySuperman: Cooperative GMing Mechanics
I was struck with the idea of comprising a gaming system around strictly two players. It would be more of a "world building" fantasy game than an epic fantasy /…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FilthySuperman, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2001 Zak Arntson: Adventures in Space!! - Freebie RPG Okay, I've put my newest game up. It's for playing in those cheezy space serials/comics. Main drive behind game: Players should have a large part in driving the story,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, FilthySuperman, Cadriel, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2001 Zak Arntson: Premise vs. Convention
For those of you emulating a particular genre, I would recommend following that genre versus established RPG conventions. Snippet from an interview about the upcoming Lord of the Rings RPG…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Jared A. Sorensen.

8/22/2001 FilthySuperman: Creating Awareness
Well I have a game nearing completion and I'm awful damned proud of it so far. (of course I say that about putting my shoes on the correct feet) So…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FilthySuperman, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2001 james_west: S.O.A.P. at a con ...
I'm planning on running (presenting? whatever) SOAP at a Con in about two weeks, and I'm wondering if anyone's ever come up with more examples/transcripts for me to give the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: james_west, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2001 Cameron: Any suggestions on genre support mechanics?
I did another playtest of my still unnamed crime genre game. One of the things that struck me was how action-oriented the players were. That is to say, they were…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cameron, Ron Edwards, Time, Paul Czege, jdrakeh, Cadriel, FilthySuperman, Zak Arntson, Jeffrey Straszheim.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

9/5/2001 Loryndalar: A die betting game...
Hey all! Uh, I'm not sure if this is any good, or if it makes sense... but it's on my hard-drive, it's interesting, so I'm presenting it :smile: Hope it's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Loryndalar, Zak Arntson.

9/6/2001 Matt Gwinn: RPGs based on films
I've been hoping to design a game based on the film Blood of Heroes (AKA Salute of the Jugger) and up until last night I wasn't sure if it would…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Tyrant, unodiablo, contracycle, hardcoremoose, Mithras.

9/8/2001 Ian Freeman: Quick Idea
The game is called "In the Blink of an Eye", because it deals primarily with the information world, in the sense that almost everything that matters in the universe is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ian Freeman, kwill.

9/8/2001 kwill: introducing directorial power (ugognoll!)
here's the plan: by introducing friends to various extensions of their current gameplay, I'll hopefully be able to get them interested in indie type games as well (currently, I've run…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: kwill, theos, James V. West, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2001 Matt: Agency 13, a game
Okay, here's one of the games I'm currently working on: Agency 13, a game of 60's TV spies fighting the undead menace. I posted this on RPG.NET's games design forum…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt, GB Steve, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2001 Epoch: The Framework, a thingie
I just wrote up The Framework, an alternate way of looking at player control of the game than the traditional player/GM breakdown. (It's for use with any game). It…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epoch, Jack Spencer Jr, Paul Czege, contracycle.

9/11/2001 Zak Arntson: I am a Sports Hero - Freebie RPG
[H3][A HREF=""]I am a Sports Hero[/A][/H3] "roleplaying one of the worst comic ideas ever" This game is all about playing a Sports-based superhero. Which is about the suckiest[SUP]1[/SUP] ideas ever.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Matt Gwinn, Jared A. Sorensen, Clinton R. Nixon, Jack Spencer Jr.

9/12/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: The formula?
I had been thinking about Sorcerer and Game Design in general and think I've notice a "formula" of sorts. First, you come up with a concept. I'm using the word…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

9/13/2001 Tim C Koppang: Theme Music
I’ve just posted another new game to my web site. This one is called Theme Music. As of now it’s only a draft; I haven’t even play tested it yet,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tim C Koppang, Mike Holmes, Galfraxas, contracycle, John Wick, Marco.

9/14/2001 Galfraxas: MCD Update
Well, due to the recent tragedy and the fact that my local gaming group has convinced me to run some form of Deadlands for them, production of Magical Crimes Division…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas.

9/16/2001 joshua neff: hidden world fantasy
My friends & I are starting to design a "Hidden World" fantasy game--you know, like Changeling, only more narrativist (& less restrictions on the imagination). Basically, I want it to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: joshua neff, Ron Edwards, James V. West, Epoch, Mike Holmes, Uncle Dark, Mytholder.

9/20/2001 JSDiamond: Chapter Layout to support G/N/S?
This was brought up in the Sorcerer forum but it lit a spark in my mind. Ron's point (I believe) was that the order of the chapters-by-subject could effect a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JSDiamond, Jason L Blair, Le Joueur, James V. West, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, Mike Holmes, contracycle, Bankuei, Valamir.

9/21/2001 Galfraxas: The 43rd Dimension on The Left, and A Fifth Trait thing...
Hello Everybody... I got my webpage up now, and I've posted the text file for "The Fifth Trait", my simple generic RPG, on said site, as well as a few…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas.

9/24/2001 hardcoremoose: The Hero Emergent...another rpg
Well, after much deliberation, I've decided to make this one available to the Forgerites. My apologies in advance to any one I might have stolen ideas from; I know for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, contracycle, Valamir, James V. West, Tor Erickson.

9/24/2001 jdrakeh: Clarity
Recently I have been trapped in a state of deep depression, but did I let that daunt me for long? No! Putting my complete apathy to work for me, I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Jason L Blair.

9/24/2001 Mike Holmes: Name of the Game
Since we're (well I am at least) itching to talk about the game that Ralph and I am finishing up I thought that I'd bring up a relatively innocuous subject…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Valamir, hardcoremoose, Paul Czege, Jack Spencer Jr, Mytholder, Jeffrey Straszheim, Jason L Blair, Epoch, James V. West.

9/25/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: since The Wheel...
After what seems like decades of talk I've finally typed down my game The Wheel. It's a little rought but if you email me at I'll happily send you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

9/26/2001 Galfraxas: Magical Crimes Division Is Now Available
Hey everybody, I've finally finished the first edit of Magical Crimes Division, the Magical Cops RPG. It's available on my webpage, or there's a direct download link below. I hope…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Ron Edwards.

9/27/2001 lumpley: Narrative Sharing for Gamists
Over at is a bit from a game of mine about narrative sharing for gamists. I'd love to hear what all y'all smart people think. However, and this is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, James V. West, Mike Holmes, contracycle, random, Mytholder.

9/28/2001 Galfraxas: Dead Eyes
I just finished a small RPG within the past hour. It's called Dead Eyes, and it's just plain simple, and it's about being a zombie. Less than a page in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Mike Holmes, unodiablo.

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