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In Indie Game Design

8/14/2003 Eric Kimball: Multiplicative vs Additive damage
Well the combat system of our little color game is broken. The whole vitality bar thing is far to complicated for the relatively simple game. So we are redoing it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Eric Kimball, Mike Holmes, Lxndr, Thomas Tamblyn, Jeph, chikoppi, M. J. Young.

8/13/2003 sirogit: Duality: Action Resolution Plan
----- Action Resolution is done in Scenes, after the GM describes the situation, players decide what they want their characters to do and the GM decides what other characters do.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sirogit, Mike Holmes.

8/13/2003 simon_hibbs: Born of the Blood playtest PDF available
I've been working on Born of the Blood for a while now. I've discussed some elements of the game system on The Forge, but this is the first time the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: simon_hibbs, Spooky Fanboy, Lxndr, Andrew Martin.

8/13/2003 Simon W: It's a dog's life
Ok guys, I'm looking for more inspiration here. My free rpg It's a dog's life is basically playable as it stands, but I want to at least double it's size…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Simon W, Alan, English.

8/13/2003 Mad-Eye Moody: Horror RPG - protagonist focus and the fear of the unknown
I've begun the preliminary work on a project I've been meaning to do for quite some time. I'm putting together a rpg in pdf format. I'm quite aware that everyone…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mad-Eye Moody, Ron Edwards, Julian Kelsey, Clay, jdrakeh.

8/12/2003 RobMuadib: TMW:COTEC - More Trait/Ability Design Stuff
Hey All So I have blown the dust of my Trait Design System notes and am working on the system again. As of this moment, I have the following Ability…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib, cruciel, Mike Holmes.

8/12/2003 gobi: PUNK: Lycanthropunk - What should PCs do?
A while ago I posted a survey asking what were-animals folks would want to be in a lycanthropunk setting. Since then, I've I've chatted with people in several different circles…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gobi, Emote Control, Little_Rat.

8/12/2003 C. Edwards: Tiki God PDF
Hey folks, The free PDF of Tiki God, my entry in the last Iron Game Chef competition, is now available. Just follow the link. Enjoy, Chris
In Indie Game Design
Participants: C. Edwards, Jonathan Walton, Emily Care.

8/12/2003 AgentFresh: Monsters&Mustard Gas: Narrowing it down
(The Monsters and Mustard Gas {High Fantasy/World War I} "saga" began in this thread.) OK. I'm about ready to settle on a setting direction, which I hope is the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AgentFresh, iago, Ron Edwards, simon_hibbs, Dumirik, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Thierry Michel, ross_winn.

8/11/2003 Matt Snyder: Seeking Nine Worlds critiques
Currently, there are 348 downloads of the Nine Worlds playtest. (get yours here: ) Forty-five people downloaded the character sheet*. That rocks. On toast. So far, 6 people responded…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Snyder, Spooky Fanboy, Kester Pelagius, J. Backman.

8/11/2003 sirogit: Duality: Formulative stage
I've been working on this RPG concept, I'll call it Duality in this post for convience even if I haven't really decided on the name. The game is built to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.

8/10/2003 jdrakeh: Quick & Painless Roleplay (Final Draft)
After processing feedback, playtesting, and finally getting off my duff to type the thing up proper, I've cobbled together a set of generic roleplaying rules in minimalist fashion. You can…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Jack Spencer Jr, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes.

8/9/2003 Alan: Blackfire v0.2 - for further development?
Hi guys, I did some development on Ron's Blackfire, the example of gamist design from his essay on Gamism. What I've done has languished for a month or two, so…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Alan, Ron Edwards.

8/9/2003 Alan: Hardboiled - RPG Proposal
A short rules summary can be found at I'm hoping to create a detective RPG with a narrative Premise like "What is justice?" Every PC…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Alan, iago, Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, lumpley, Valamir, Ron Edwards, WDFlores, Julian Kelsey.

8/8/2003 Silent Entropy: Elegance and Wonder: Shadows of Eternity
Shadows of Eternity is a game about myths. It's about creating myths, playing through myths, and even destroying them. Narrative Layers During each game a narrative is constructed. Each narrative…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Silent Entropy, Dev.

8/8/2003 ghostwolf: [Ruined Lands] Take-2
Questions to consider while reading this: 1: Does the character generation method allow enough lee-way? Does it encourage specialization? 2: LUCK...good meta-stat? Well explained? 3: Is the combat resolution/dice tests…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ghostwolf, Mike Holmes.

8/8/2003 octobernight: Illusions of the Mind: Basic Character Sheet
Hi all, I've been thinking about creating a PnP for a while, but haven't had the time to start one until summer semester when I took very boring classes. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: octobernight, Mike Holmes.

8/8/2003 AgentFresh: Monsters and Mustard Gas: the embryonic stages
[b]Working Title[/b]: Monsters and Mustard Gas (though it may not have either as beats my brainstorming title: "The Trench Project") [b]The one-second pitch[/b]: High Fantasy meets World War I.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AgentFresh, octobernight, ethan_greer, JSDiamond, iago, Simon W, simon_hibbs, Ron Edwards, contracycle.

8/7/2003 ghostwolf: [Ruined Lands] First draft, RFC
Hi folks, thanks for the attention. I'm looking for comments on this system/setting that has been bugging me for weeks. Concept- Players are members of a community that lived underground…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ghostwolf, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin.

8/7/2003 AgentFresh: Etiquette quesiton specific to Indie Game Design Forums
I'm not sure if I should post this HERE or in the section about Site Issues. I'm posting it here because it concerns this seciton and I don't know if…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AgentFresh, taalyn, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

8/15/2003 Shreyas Sampat: Torchbearer: Help simplify conflict resolution?
For those of you that are not aware, Torchbearer is my game of mythic fantasy, in a world where symbols and themes are obvious, tangible, and powerful. Three threads most…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, talysman, Mike Holmes, Jonathan Walton.

8/16/2003 ejh: Solitaire "RPGs" e.g. "Oraculum"
I'd like to start a new thread to talk about some things Mark Johnson and I brought up in this thread. (Hmm... BBCode seems to be totally failing for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ejh, Mark Johnson.

8/17/2003 linux: Focused Attack Rolls
I'm having trouble determining how a character could strike (or attempt to) an opponent's hand or the ring on his right index finger (maybe not that specific.) This same combat…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: linux, Jake Norwood.

8/18/2003 abzu: Resources in Burning Wheel and MSH
Personally, I get very bored with tracking money in a game. PC expenses can never be adequately represented, in my opinion. Sure you make 100 gold pieces as a reward…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: abzu, Matt, ethan_greer, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Jeph, iago, Ron Edwards.

8/19/2003 Philippe Tromeur: Thinking about a new Card-based RPG
I have a silly idea and I'm tinkering with it. The RPG will be played with a French Deck of Cards : that is, a Poker deck without the cards…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes.

8/19/2003 Ragnar Deerslayer: Stephanie Morgan, Girl of Adventure
I’ve been trying to think of a game that would be a good introduction to RPGs for my girlfriend (she’s 25). She wouldn’t like the combat of most RPGs, or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ragnar Deerslayer, Valamir, Mike Holmes, quozl, Simon W, John Harper, simon_hibbs, Ben Morgan, Tony Irwin, Jeph, Andrew Martin.

8/19/2003 Matt Gwinn: Cover Band
I wrote this game on my way home from work a couple weeks ago. It's still a little rough around the edges, in fact this is the first time I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Jack Spencer Jr.

8/20/2003 MachMoth: Working out combat, need some opinions
Greetings All, I've been working on a system over on RPG-Create at Yahoo for a while now, but I've started 4 out of the last 5 threads over there, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MachMoth, Andrew Martin, Tony Irwin, Mike Holmes, cruciel.

8/21/2003 Jeph: Sketch for a Pirate Game
So, I just watched Pirates of the Carribean again for like the zillionth time, and this time want to make a Pirates RPG. Not specifically aboutthe movie, but about pirates…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, Tony Irwin, MachMoth, iago, Mike Holmes.

8/22/2003 Peregrine: Help my frazzelled brain...
Hi, I'm currently working on the final installement of Wayfarer's Song, the Aelfan Kithbook. Wayfarer is a fantasy game with a modular design, in which each of the player races…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Peregrine, ethan_greer, simon_hibbs, Tim Alexander, Mike Holmes.

8/22/2003 simon_hibbs: Almost fortuneless resolution mechanic (for BoB)
I've discussed the resolution mechanic for Born of the Blood with a few people and it's not universaly popular (what mechanic is?). I'd like to air those objections here and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes, Jeph.

8/22/2003 Dev: Backstory mechanic
My game (that space-western thing) may want to emphasize: past inethical actions (subsequent angst and desire for redemption) rivals from your past past illegal action (and the law catching up…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev, Tony Irwin, Chris Goodwin.

8/22/2003 Ron Edwards: [Empire of the Dragon Lotus] Game text comments
Hello, This is the first of a few little readings-over I've finally made time for. All of them are games that I think are phenomenal starting-out phases in their development,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, Mark Johnson, simon_hibbs.

8/22/2003 Ron Edwards: [Hardboiled] Game text comments
Hello, This is the third of a few little readings-over I've finally made time for. All of them are games that I think are phenomenal starting-out phases in their development,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Alan, Mike Holmes.

8/23/2003 Hannu Hurme: Sigil, system in the works
My game is still work in progress, but at least it has gone forward in the last two weeks or so. I first posted about it in this thread Since…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Hannu Hurme, Mark Johnson, Eric J., gobi, Mike Holmes.

8/24/2003 JW Carroll: New Game The Duellists: Endgame
Hello all. I've been lurking about here for about a week now and designing amateur games for a long time and I've finally worked up the nerve to throw my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JW Carroll, Simon W, MachMoth, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, roleplyr4ever.

8/24/2003 Plenz: -The Xerox Missive- An rpg based on Philip K Dick.
Hello all. This is my first post on the Forge Forums so I thought I'd start off with an explanation of what indie-game design means to me. I have been…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Plenz, Lxndr, J B Bell, Dave Panchyk, Cemendur, Wormwood, English, Rob MacDougall.

8/25/2003 Andy Kitkowski: Kyuseisha: Dice Mechanics Feedback: Statistics Folk Welcome!
Hey all- gunning for a little more feedback this week. I may have another post in the next few days regarding another issue with my game. We've begun playtesting (last…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, David Chunn, MachMoth.

8/25/2003 Chris_Chambers: Inspiration
I had an boost of inspiration the other night, and this just popped into my head. I would like any feed back that I can. I just don't know how…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Chris_Chambers, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, ross_winn.

8/25/2003 jammmer81: Universal RPG
I'm trying to design a universal roleplaying system with the following design goals in mind. Simplicity in execution at least Intuitiveness – limited searching for info - slowdown limited as…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jammmer81, Mike Holmes, Dev, Eric J., MachMoth, M. J. Young, Valamir, abzu, Andrew Martin.

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